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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52736578 No.52736578 [Reply] [Original]

How are you dealing with the shaming tactics prevalent in business transactions?

- "PLEASE TIP, I need to feed mia familia"
- "You can't invest in tobacco companies, they are bad!"
- "No, the realtor deserves to skim 2% of the sale price, it is rude to negotiate on that"
- etc etc

>> No.52736600

nerves of steel and a concealed carry license. Now that I've made it I've resolved to never tip again

>> No.52736796

autism. sale pitches are also extremely ineffective because im too busy analyzing the strategy employed. ive worked in sales and enjoy watching people fumble it.

>> No.52736808

you would shoot someone who asked you if you would like to tip? with a concealed handgun?

>> No.52736825

I always tip and if I can't I apologize. Fuck you if you don't tip.

>> No.52736856

I just imagine the fatty, loser, etc taking money from my family and clicking no tip becomes easy. Give it a try

>> No.52736857

Why would you tip somebody for just handing you an item?

>> No.52736869

Fuck me I'm not tipping kek

>> No.52736879

no, it simply gives you the confidence to know that you can defend yourself in the worst case.
so pressing "no tip" is nothing.
and you're also covered in case someone takes offense to it and gets violent.

>> No.52736886

Tipping doesn't work in a cashless society

>> No.52736898

Dog bless America.

>> No.52736950

>some dude gives you your food at the outback
>he's a tranny zoomer (literally)
>asks if you wanna tip
UPS and USPS drivers don't get tips so why the fuck should wagies get tips smdh fr fr.

Fucking based if true.

>> No.52737008

Most people who rely on tips do not make even close to enough to support themselves or a family.

>> No.52737022

explain the part thats my problem

>> No.52737052
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But why would we encourage "relying" on tips? Before mobile payment terminals tipping for simply handing an item (not even making it) did not typically elicit a tip.

>> No.52737069

I don’t. I tip pretty much everyone else though. I just bake it into the price. It’s crazy how like $6 is breaking the bank to some of you or you feel so uneasy about it you wouldn’t do it without having a gun in you.

>> No.52737088

It's not about breaking the bank, it is forced speech aspect of it. Just raise your prices 20% and I'll make an informed decision. Don't try to guilt me that you paying a low wage to your employees is somehow my fault.

>> No.52737121
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Very based anon
I lol at the wagies especially the schizo from the last thread
Ik you’re here post my pic faggot

>> No.52737144

>ask a board full of sociopaths
>get sociopathic answers

>> No.52737151


>> No.52737159


>> No.52737167

You don't think a vast majority of people getting paid slave wages is an issue?

>> No.52737176

Why wouldn't you? It's the way things currently are. We should be pushing to remove that and force all jobs to pay people a living wage but until then tip. Besides if you don't you will get shit service in the future.

>> No.52737184

You will never be a millionaire.

>> No.52737187

Kek. Wasnt this the super doordash wagie who wanted to get you banned?

>> No.52737218

>force all jobs to pay people a living wage
Suppose that hamburger sells for $4 per pound and sirloin steak sells for $8 per pound. Hamburger is a much lower quality variety of beef compared to sirloin steak, but can attract a significant number of buyers who choose hamburger over the higher quality option for the 50% savings in price. Likewise, many employers may choose lower quality, unskilled workers over higher skilled employees for the significant savings in labor costs.
But now suppose the government imposes a “$8 per pound minimum beef price law.” In that case, most shoppers who buy beef will then purchase more sirloin steak and less hamburger because the lower quality meat has lost it main weapon to successfully compete against higher quality sirloin steak – a significantly lower price that compensates for the lower quality. Result? Hamburger sales will suffer due to the “minimum beef price law” and sirloin steak sales will increase. Just like in the labor market, a $15 an hour minimum wage will remove the most effective weapon that unskilled workers currently have to compete against skilled workers – the ability to work for a lower wage. Result? Employment opportunities for unskilled and limited-experience workers will contract, while employment opportunities for skilled workers will increase.

>> No.52737243
File: 658 KB, 828x1190, 8CF4E5A3-34FD-4C10-97FE-896AF38E02CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah lol
He was absolutely fuming and larping

>> No.52737245

I never tip and the moment they protest at all I make a big stink and tell their manager they were using aggressive language toward me.

>> No.52737279


Countries that don’t have tipping usually have shit tier service. Tipping actually incentivizes the wagie to make an effort. If you ever go to Europe the servers there don’t give a fuck. Doesn’t really matter, you’re gonna pay the same either way unless you want to be a piece of shit and scam them by not tipping

>> No.52737294

>Countries that don’t have tipping usually have shit tier service
Have you tried not being fat and annoying or just not visiting France?

>> No.52737299

I’d get a refund

>> No.52737309

This, the whole point is that you're paying in cash and the staff can pocket that money tax free. With everyone paying by card their tips get split up and taxed.

>> No.52737421

This is retarded because inflation is a thing that exists and if we raise wages to reflect inflation then skilled labor will go up until it reaches an equilibrium in the market. This wasn't true when we established a min wage in the early 20th century and it isn't true now. All the loopholes do that allow corperations to get away with paying their workers 3.50 an hour because they "get tipped" is fuck over the workers and allow the company to save an extra buck and maximize their profits. 56% of the economy is unskilled labor jobs so you are basically condemning most of the population to live like peasants in the feudal era.

>> No.52737480

im a kitchen hand, spare me the slavery line, i know exactly what front of house staff does and is like. i wish they were fucking slaves, whips and all, then maybe theyd think twice before not scraping their fucking plates.

anyway the vast majority of people dont rely on tips because they arent retarded and are above begging for charity from strangers, and most of the civilised world understands that encouraging this system is fucking backwards and the only real target is whichever business chooses to underpay their staff so drastically that they actually have to panhandle on the clock and then convince assholes like you that thats somehow my fault

and even if what you said was remotely based in reality, its still not my problem, because anyone who cant rise above the hospitality industry doesnt deserve to. trust me.

>> No.52737521

>bitch brings out the $200 of food
>that'll be $40
Just lol.

>> No.52737531

Idk why they feel entitled to this
They deserve nothing for bringing out food
You want a $5 tip?
Suck this smelly dick and I’ll think about it lol

>> No.52737600

Tip white male drivers. When you order something, keep an eye on your app for when they approach and see if they’re white. If they are go outside and tip them.

>> No.52737651
File: 693 KB, 1576x2100, 204E3060-FDEB-4AD2-99E1-DCDDA8F38148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t tip anyone
Wagie scum don’t deserve anything from you unless you’re an americuck

>> No.52737685

>shit tier service
Thats a very American definition, no I don't want the waiter asking me 5x an hour how my food is.
>All the loopholes do that allow corperations to get away with paying their workers 3.50 an hour because they "get tipped"
False, if tips + wage don't add up to at least minimum wage, the employer has to up the wage so that it equals minimum wage. Here's a tip for ya, pal: GET A BETTER JOB

>> No.52737694

Meant to reply to >>52737421

>> No.52737706

The wagies fail to aspire to be something greater and screeches at the truth

>> No.52737726

new prices would just become $8/16. if you dont understand that, then i have some crypto to sell you.

>> No.52737769

I go to cash only asian places, they never ask for tips and you get food in 5 minutes

>> No.52737810

I don't tip ugly people

>> No.52739691
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i stopped supporting all of their businesses and only shop at the grocery store self check out since the price of a fast food cheesburger went to $10 +tip also you don't know if they even washed their hands or spit in it or put buggers and snot in your pizza and the gas to drive there and back also have to be in public where if you do get involved in a defensive shooting over a real legitimate violent assault/robbery and you defend your life legitimately there is still the very high chance going to fucking prison

>> No.52739931

"eh? ah sorry, perhaps next time"

>> No.52741750

Go back to r3ddit/h4cker news you commiefornia queer.

>> No.52743065

free money bros

>> No.52743088

I tip my barber $20 (50%) every hair cut because he is a Salvadorean immigrant who doesn't speak English and cuts my hair perfectly every time. Takes 1 hour for a simple fade, impeccable detail

I dont tip white people because of white privilege, however

>> No.52743347

>i wish they were fucking slaves, whips and all, then maybe theyd think twice before not scraping their fucking plates.