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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52736740 No.52736740 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who has made it somewhat. Is life good now? Do you finally have a qt gf? How do you spend your time and enjoy life?

>> No.52736746

money isn't going to give you those things anon

>> No.52736777

>maybe if i become a billionaire everything else will drop right into my lap
touch grass
talk to your neighbours
get a clue

>> No.52736807

Then why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.52736863

i enjoy watching the pink pepes and some of you have interesting takes on economics

>> No.52736882

imagine the smell. i bet she absolutely reeks after all that hiking.

>> No.52736891
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>> No.52736939

how do I know you cum into condoms and eat your cum at the behest of anon domme on kik>?

>> No.52736940

It's still constant work; especially having kids/wife. I just turned 32, 3 kids, oldest is in school but finding time for yourself is soldom. I think the one thing is knowing you have the capital you wanna do something for yourself (i want to draw a comic). Super fortunate to have childern and that I can support their endeavors but man, i just want the time for myself hahah

>> No.52736949
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>For those of you who has made it somewhat. Is life good now?
no there is no good or bad there just is

>> No.52736988
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>how do I know you cum into condoms and eat your cum at the behest of anon domme on kik>?

>> No.52737004
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who's filming her

>> No.52737024
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>Is life good now?
its okay
>Do you finally have a qt gf?
no, money cant buy that
>How do you spend your time and enjoy life?
spend the entire day on the internet and enjoy the reclusive coomer lifestyle. nobody out there for me anyway why bother

>> No.52737028

haha man your innner landscape must be so horrid and stultifying. I am not against inter-racial couplings I just think you specifically are a cuck and suck down gobs of your stinky cum at the behest of an anon domme on kik and saves it all in a blackmail folder.

>> No.52737044

i wouldnt say i made it
i am a dentist. i also lease commercial properties to businesses
my life seems great on the surface but i struggle with suicidal ideation
i dont think a person can ever recover from childhood abuse

>> No.52737056
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>haha man your innner landscape must be so horrid and stultifying. I am not against inter-racial couplings I just think you specifically are a cuck and suck down gobs of your stinky cum at the behest of an anon domme on kik and saves it all in a blackmail folder.

>> No.52737093

Imagine if she was also ovulating

>> No.52737108

find a way to make peace with yourself

>> No.52737129

ok i laughed

>> No.52737239

based imaginer

>> No.52737240

>Is life good now?
It's getting there. I am very happy but still have a long way to go. I'm only 25 and own a house (condo) so that's already pretty far ahead of my peers.
>Do you finally have a qt gf?
Yes but we've been dating for 4 years.
>How do you spend your time and enjoy life?
I work about 4 hours a day at my actual job and 8 hours per day building my startup.

>> No.52737589

how does a white women outdoor trigger this political response in you? Nothing political was said here

>> No.52737789

Semi made it but life is worse somehow. The money is great but life isn't. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to leverage money to enable more happiness but I think it doesn't help at all.

>> No.52737945

happiness comes from inside.
physical things like products & services come from outside, they could trigger happiness from within you, yet those are temporary.

>> No.52738539

Fuck the cute girl friend you fucking losers. I used to ignore this shit but now I got angry and I will spam your shitty threads you dip retards. Why the fuck do you assume everybody here is a literal five year old brainless ass? Newfag piece of shit go back to /r9k/ spammer faggot fucking crap.

>> No.52738549

I think you have made it when you have discovered your reason for being here. When your life has meaning there is never a dull or wasted moment.

>> No.52738557
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>oooooh yesssss what a perfect ivory goddess... her sweaty stench mmm... if only she was ovulating... oh my... im about to cum...

>> No.52738575

Ive noticed this is being asked alot more on social media and it makes me laugh

>> No.52739009

I already have a loving qt gf that cooks and cleans for me
Not working ever again is the next goal
I am thankful for this bear market, its a good chance
Hopefully we don't crab for 10 years

>> No.52739018

lmao. stench is bad you feminist weirdo.

>> No.52739019

No, it's not. I don't have a gf. I spend all day on the internet.

>> No.52739036

my life got worse

>> No.52739072

made over 2 million dollars and thought it would be awesome but in reality i've never felt emptier.

no one gives a fuck that you're rich now. girls still won't fuck you, and it really becomes more about people only trying to use you for things. snakes come out of the grass.

don't get me wrong, not having to worry about money is a really great relief, but you will still just want to kill yourself.

>> No.52739111
File: 203 KB, 960x1280, 3ac three arrows capital 2022 shirt risk management biz crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Still thinking about kms daily.

>> No.52739110

Why do you hate nature and beauty?

>> No.52739127

>3ac three arrows capital 2022 shirt risk management biz crypto.jpg

>> No.52739165

rent free

that one's literally a happy merchant. wtf

>> No.52739201

How else to catalogue image macros collected over 10 years from internet?

>> No.52739235

power smoking cones, playing league of legends and fucking up my sleep schedule... can't put a price on it though