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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52728992 No.52728992 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah you're all fucked.

Insider here, I work at Netflix. We're going to be having mass layoffs in a few weeks. In probably one or two weeks you will see Netflix firing their entire staff. Upper management has decided on using AI for all programming going forward. It's looking really grim out there, my contacts in Facebook and Twitter are saying the same thing is happening there. AI is getting to the point that programmers are unironically redundant. What is scariest about this is that it doesn't seem like there are going to be jobs that can be done by humans to oversee all of this. I have an easy out because I have family I can live with (in bel-air thank G-d). If I didn't, I'd be completely fucked. I called my mom about this and she was able to smooth it over for me but again if I didn't come from a wealthy family I'd probably be living in public housing and getting into fights with gangbangers at the basketball court. Retards will say I'm LARPing but everything I'm saying is 10000% true, screencap this


>> No.52729002

Shut up gay nerd

>> No.52729007

there is no way reimu's feet are that big

>> No.52729016

Probably not but who cares. Cute girls with big feet are hot.

Anyway I'm shorting Netflix stocks if this is real.

>> No.52729069

Total bullshit. How many digits in your badge number?

>> No.52729120

Check em

>> No.52729140

Look at the face of the animu girl. Even she is disgusted by footfags, women really aren't into that shit

>> No.52729150
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>> No.52729166

Kek. Who will program the AI?

>> No.52729180
File: 12 KB, 464x464, fishin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least put in some effort next time.

>> No.52729202

so what... netflix aka the site that hosted child pr0n movie cuties needs to die. I want it to go 2 zero and the site goes away and it ceases to exist and operate anymore.
>inb4 pedos openly go hue hue hue (insert pedo shit about cuties movie here)
we get it pedos you want to be put against the wall when its time. dont worry you WILL

>> No.52731562

The ai will look at bots today

>> No.52731585


>using AI for all programming going forward

The funny thing is that this is entirely believable if you aren't a programmer after all the art and text-processing coming out. That's why non-experts can't understand any news at all.

Kind of fucked up. Maybe our education system is failing us.

>> No.52731632

AI generated plots and scripts are prolly better than the dogshit they produce today

>> No.52731656
File: 2.49 MB, 1119x1080, 1668703766730603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't get it

>> No.52731674


Yea, I saw the >>52731510 post here and see that you or a group decided to troll with AI today. With that said, AI really is good at finding patterns in data. That part of it isn't new or disruptive though: 3-5 year old news.

The thing to understand here though is that most single/double-digit billion dollar companies don't even have clean data for regular analysis, let alone effective labelling for AI to work with.

>> No.52731682

Yeah using AI for plots and concept art seems like it could clear out a lot of dead weight. It's not like Netflix viewers want something novel or interesting anyhow.

>> No.52731687

Reminder that people on this board were actually stupid enough to purchase Netflix stock. Fucking kek.