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File: 68 KB, 720x480, st_maries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52723070 No.52723070 [Reply] [Original]

imagine being a citycuck

>> No.52723113

Allow me to participate in racism, good sir.

>> No.52723164
File: 2.14 MB, 1507x864, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that's what rural life is really like
no it's more like pic related (or worse.)
t. grew up in a rural shithole town of 500 people

>> No.52723165

Looks like any place in or around vancouver, wow , congrats OP. Waste of a thread

>> No.52723166


>> No.52723179
File: 123 KB, 635x505, QnfsQuJqdCc4XuVLo2_00mI2joFDlu3siCx0XBzgWNU~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are chuds such a vapid consumers? They only shop and Walmart and chains sad and cultureless

>> No.52723203

clearly the place opee posted is entirely fictional and doesn't exist
>hurr durr if you don't live in a city you MUST pick a shithole instead of a nice looking spot
literally the whole point is that you get to pick your environment, you dunce. nobody cares about your childhood trauma being a hick

>> No.52723239

small towns meme on 4chan is a cope that allows devastatingly poor white niggers (i.e. polchuds) to afford a home. no one on this retarded board can afford to own a home in a beautiful resort town like the image in the OP. if you think otherwise, go look up prices. places like whitefish montana are just as expensive as NYC. your HECKIN BASTE N' RETPILLT SMALLTOWN™ is instead much more like my image.

>> No.52723391

Exactly, nice places are in the $millions., not for the average joe.

>> No.52723779

your parents were bad at picking their rural shithole then
no where in montana does it look like that

>> No.52723830

nice cope retard
you can buy a 5 acre lot in the middle of a beautiful forest for 60-90k easily
throw a yurt down, buy a tabletop water filter, a generator, and a wood stove and you're set
that's affordable for anyone that doesn't have shit credit and you'll only need a $500-$700/mo mortgage payment if you need to go that route

>> No.52723847
File: 1.70 MB, 1247x984, st_maries_lot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.52723877

Land prices are too high per acre still. In 2015 it that would have been $30,000 or so.

>> No.52723906
File: 40 KB, 641x527, 1669641214764276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop? City guys are already buying up a lot of rural property and they have much larger paychecks than us and can outbid us easily.

>> No.52723917

well yeah the market is fake and gay because the money is fake and gay

>> No.52723956

You serious? East Montana looks like that without Waffle House.

>> No.52723987

what if youre a single male tho? there's basically 0% chance of meeting a woman of you live outside of civilization. i dont wanna die alone.

>> No.52724047

also once you are in any sort of isolated small town you only options for shopping are walmart or home depot or eating at mcdicks or a "chinese" restaurant that also serves tacos and fried chicken.

>> No.52724055

Or you could, yknow, cook your own food.

>> No.52724057

You sound like a cuck

>> No.52724075

yea with all the produce you buy at walmart that took 4+ days to ship in

>> No.52724092

The price is meant to reflect that Idaho is full
Go try Montana or Wyoming

>> No.52724113

that is montana fren

what's your point?
also those towns are not large enough to have a walmart, your best bet is a small grocery store with prices 10-20% higher than they are in the city

>> No.52724118

Couldn’t be me

>> No.52724124

oh shit no it's not lol, i looked up the wrong place

>> No.52724174

you pay more to live in an isolated shithole and live a life dependent on walmart just because of muh hecking small town meme. but yea go ahead and move a 12+ hour drive away from civilization to have a $500 mortgage.

>> No.52724224

ask me how i know that you're 1) poor 2) autistic and 3) never spent a considerable amount of time in the real outdoors.

>> No.52724245

also a great point. produce in my flyover hometown is absolute garbage, other than the small selection of crops that you can buy at a farmer market. if you want any sort of "ethnic" food ingredient, forget about it. chuds refuse to acknowledge this because they're autistic retards who can't cook and/or live off a diet of unseasoned boiled meat and potatoes like flyover dipshits.

>> No.52724253

Luckliy we have invented the automobile.

>> No.52724266

Can't wait to buy up all the rural land with my citybucks

>> No.52724283

I already did it fren
I live in the yurt in the woods, I shit in the bucket, have been for over three years
I will retire before you, and I will laugh as I take my children out to chop wood while you're waging the prime of your life away

>> No.52724334

A single square foot of polluted soil in a capital city is worth more than an acre of nothing

>> No.52724496

And.. what's the issue here? You need your cucklatté every morning nigger.

>> No.52724503

>too poor to afford a septic system
you are literally dumber than toothless meth addicts in west virginia.

>> No.52724533
File: 134 KB, 1095x694, American land costs per acre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a plot of land I could buy but when I saw I'd need to empty a septic tank every now and then, filled with piss and shit, I backed out of the deal.

>> No.52724543
File: 147 KB, 657x498, rural.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people have no idea what a rural community is.
Some think a trailer park on the outskirts of a city or a small town in commuting distance of a city is rural.

>> No.52724598

I got my septic tank installed recently, haven't built a toilet yet

>> No.52724613

everywhere in central and western montana looks exactly like that

>> No.52724623

my uncle lives in that town lmao
fuck off

>> No.52724646

Actually ever since Walmart stopped being 24/7 I haven't been there in months.
The only time that place was tolerable was when 90% of the customer base wasn't there. I will NEVER go to a Walmart at 4pm again, I'd rather shop anywhere else in the fucking area, I'd rather go to dollar general.

>> No.52724711
File: 237 KB, 1280x850, Sandpoint_Idaho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about glownigger central?

>> No.52724718

my parents have a septic system. they supposed to be pumped every 10 years but my parents went like 20 years before having issues (which was resolved with a pumping.) under ideal situations they maintain themselves: the bacteria inside the shit tank eats all of the solid shit.

>> No.52724821

Same as living in the suburbs

>> No.52724829

Show me a place that looks like this in the United States and ill move there.

>> No.52724836

st maries montana

>> No.52724843
File: 1.66 MB, 1200x672, 1667118461744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that definitely looks like a place I want to live in.

>> No.52724867

you're not supposed to actually live in town, you're supposed to live 10-30 min away on some dirt road

>> No.52725230

Either a jew, or a some kid who still lives at home with mom and dad.

Either way, you would have to be mentally insane to want to live in some shithole flyover like this

>> No.52725261

Colorado outside major cities

>> No.52725266

>outside of major cities
You can not live in colorado outside major cities.
Not like an actual human, anyway.

>> No.52725272

Just live on the Columbia river
I'm gonna graduate to Swiss mountain villages someday

>> No.52727136
File: 871 KB, 4000x2660, cozyanaconda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just live at a ski resort
kys op

>> No.52727154
File: 234 KB, 1775x1180, mont2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere in Western Montana/Northern Idaho looks like that.

>> No.52727177

I'm pretty sure that's somewhere near east entrance of Glacier National Park but not 100%.

>> No.52727186

Get back to work and flip my burger wagie. Don't burn it this time. I'll send it back for you to remake if you do.

>> No.52727190

>st maries montana
It's St. Mary, Montana by the national park. St. Marie is a shithole desert town on the other side of the state.

>> No.52727534

at this point just accept it.

>> No.52727995
File: 1.71 MB, 1440x810, 1670142936864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea but no one ever posts the the full picture

>> No.52728012

Grew up in a place like your pic related. You have no idea how insanely boring it is. There's literally nothing to do. Ever. Same shit every day. And yeah, trees and mountains. You kinda get tired of it. Nothing is really good long term. City isn't either. The human dilemma. We need change and stimulation periodically.

>> No.52728014

The house I grew up in the liquid tank ran into the crick kek

>> No.52728018

>pic of highway

>> No.52728128

Lotta small town haters being asshurt itt. Indicative of never living on over a hundred acres in their life.

>> No.52728342

highways dont go through bumfuck nowhere amirite

>> No.52728353

>Bro just pay $100,000 to live in a glorified tent in the forest epic based

>> No.52728428

Born and raised in Cali (southbay). As soon as I was old enough, i left home to travel and live in different places. There's always gonna be a trade off, a cost, no matter what. Howbeit, if you're willing to put yourself out there, all sorts of opportunities just give way for you. The small towns, these rural folk are very accepting, sure, they're overly curious at times but everyone wants to tell their story is all. Imagine if we got even 1000 individuals or families with some trades/businesses to move into these areas, everyone would flourish. I understand why they dump foreigners into these places because even the basic jobs don't have enough people. It'd be an overnight success, if people just took their cultures with em and settled down for the future. Instead, they remain in the cities, money dwindling because of landlords, high taxes on small businesses etc.

>> No.52728433

How much bitcoin to move into the shinning hotel?

>> No.52728437

Faggots and Jews did more harm to me in my lifetime than Christians did

>> No.52728481

I am talking, auto mechanics (hell even computer software and toy tinkering) doctors (could build your own practices). Farms are always needing repairs so we can have a top notch construction team (we can even alternate the team off/on season gig). Teachers! Oh man, imagine the incredible experience we can bring the youth if we had a wide range of personalities but also a truthful curriculum to get em ready for the future. We have experienced farmers to teach others how to tend land. There's just so much, it is truly lands of opportunity. You just gotta want it for yourself.

>> No.52728897

t. tranny trying to avoid chuds

>> No.52728930

show your place inside or outside.
internet? do you have a female?

>> No.52728948

canadians are fucked, the most mkultra'd fags, I did a ski season there for fun when I was young, ausfag here, everything was expensive as aus but for half of the aus minimum wage! totally fucked

>> No.52728955

>do you have a female?
Hair cut person energy

>> No.52728976

99% of you ADHD-addled tik-tok fucks would be bored out of your skulls in the suburbs, never mind in a rural area. Stick to cities with your flashing lights and loud noise distractions.

>> No.52729148

that's what the internet is meant for. you just go out to grocery shop.

>> No.52729820

thats a fucking highway.
There probably aren't any actual houses within 300 miles.

>> No.52729872

Imaging bragging about being a NEET
That's not a flex retard everyone is laughing at you while the wagie doordash driver cums in your big mac hahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.52730097
File: 142 KB, 453x505, 1651938396887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to cityfriends, my zestimate in my flyover town has doubled in a few years. Sure I won't be able to ever move again because I earn poverty wages that barely pay for the real estate taxes, and all of the local jobs a drying up, but at least I don't live in the city.

>> No.52730790

comfy as fuck

>> No.52731204

Nigga I grew up in a shithole with less than 1500 ppl living in it.
Shut the fuck up. Only people that romanticize this shit are mentally ill losers who just stay inside all day any way or literal kikes.

>> No.52731224

> Only people that romanticize this shit are mentally ill losers who just stay inside all day any way or literal kikes.

All kikes live in big cities though

>> No.52731296

Is this supposed to look better or worse?

>> No.52731359

Bought primo mountain real estate in co six years ago. 30 minutes to boulder and less than an hour to Denver. Totally secluded in the mountains though. My house has 3x'd since then. Imagine being a citycuck indeed

>> No.52732430

> just drive an hour and a half to do anything bro
> just commit to the same 3 people in your entire social circle, for the rest of your life bro
> just hike/fish/hunt in the boring terrain you arbitrarily picked for the five millionth time

>> No.52732448

>not a single black in sight

>> No.52732458
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1671, jackson-hole-wyoming-e1478902266259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this glownigger central?

>> No.52732472
File: 222 KB, 1050x1280, cityfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52732484

Yeah please keep living in The Big City™ please wagie. I'll be living in a small town, much smaller than the suburb I grew up in because I wfh.

>> No.52732514
File: 306 KB, 1126x1126, 1630195964890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only it weren't in CO. Why does that shitty government have to take up so much of the great western scenery?
Either way it makes me happy seeing my frens make it.

>> No.52732658
File: 2.02 MB, 1536x1150, a78aa470eac31e5365c0c02c3d7de27b-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get an estate in the middle of nowhere like pic related it seems extremely based. This is South Dakota.

>> No.52732749

Based and grandfathered zoning laws

>> No.52732771

>imagine having to drive 45 minutes to buy literally anything

>> No.52732788

i live in a medium sized city with like 300k people but keep coping you delusional chud

>> No.52732797

An adventure everytime; a nice fuck on the side of the road with your boo, picnics, reading a novel under the great blue skies.

>> No.52732807

>shithole flyover
Yeah he should live amongst ghetto trash in an urban area and die of lung cancer from the car exhaust fumes and open air sewers like NYC.

>> No.52732841

>every city is an urban dump like Detroit or NYC, no exceptions
ok retard. Have fun driving 30 mins to the fucking grocery store and then doing another 20 to the hospital.

And hope you live with your mom and dad, because good luck finding a job thats not fast food or walmart.

>> No.52732877

Drove my pregnant wife to the hospital (1hr road time) she had the baby like 5 mins after arriving, it was truly a beautiful drive, we laughed so much. Always cherish that time.

>> No.52732896

This is based but if you are going to raise a family out in the middle of nowhere you need to make sure there is enough community and stuff to do with other people so your children don’t grow up to become socially incompetent autistic spergs

>> No.52732924

Aye, definitely need socializing, i actually live in the city with the kids/wife, so they can go to school. My family runs the farm, where we also store our goods and such. It's a super comfy set up.

>> No.52732977

Yeah obviously you'd have a wife who would run the errands in town and homeschool the kids or have a community schooling type thing with your neighbors where parents switch off.

>> No.52733060

You are a literal subhuman.

>> No.52733086


>> No.52733183

Sandpoint is so nice, but the amount of glowniggers is truly astounding


>> No.52733204

God bless anon, you'll be in my prayers, hope you fulfill yourself in goodness!

>> No.52733260

>be a jew
>find a beautiful scenic piece of nature
>build a shitty hotel on it
>profit from the millions of visitors
>fill the pure natural water sources and land with piss, shit, and garbage

>> No.52733283
File: 727 KB, 1286x1362, 1670116980824056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide between moving to a modern city in Japan and fucking cute Jap girls or moving to a quiet rural place amd hoping to marry a qt virgin girl when I make it.
I am white and 181cm tall

>> No.52733472

I have legit ADHD but I never feel bored when I'm in the countryside. we go to a farm belonging to a relative every summer, there's always so much shit to do.
compared to that, you see the same shit everyday in a city. I don't know how normies even live like that. after a point it feels like meaningless background noise to me.

>> No.52733958

passive aggressive kike, have fun in nowhere'sville with hick wife