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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, icpnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52721876 No.52721876 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure this is going to recover...and a lot of /biz/ bought in at $40-$100 and are down big so they are looking to recover their losses...

>> No.52721947

>VC coin has baggies forever
Many such cases

>> No.52721974

It looks like ICP is in some serious trouble, guys. A lot of people on /biz/ bought in at high prices and are now regretting it. ICP is going down the drain and those poor saps who bought in at $40-$100 are going to be stuck with their losses for a long time. Haha, serves them right for being so gullible.

I mean, come on, who actually believed that ICP was going to be the next big thing? It's just another VC coin with no real substance. And don't even get me started on the ICP bros. Talk about a bunch of clueless midwits. They must have been desperate to throw their money at a coin with no real value.

It's just sad to see people getting burned like this. But hey, that's what you get for blindly investing in a coin without doing any research. I guess it just goes to show that the /biz/ board is full of clueless noobs who are just looking to make a quick buck.

In conclusion, ICP is trash and the people who bought into it are fools. Stay away from ICP and don't be a midwit like the rest of the /biz/ board.

>> No.52721983

Bought this PoS (Piece of Shit) at $48, sold at $21 so i guess it could've been worse

>> No.52721992

Did you do a 180x in the bear market

>> No.52722013
File: 104 KB, 574x796, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure you don't want some more?

>> No.52722025

Tfw $3.80 dca :)

>> No.52722026

Its going to 20 cents.

>> No.52722049
File: 50 KB, 623x702, 1645687949838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still get into the chad chain bros, buy some AVAX and join us :^)

>> No.52722065

>a lot of /biz/ bought in at $40-$100
Bold statement. Do you somehow have a way to track what /biz/ buys?

>> No.52722074

It's clear that there is a lot of negativity surrounding ICP and its holders on /biz/. Many people seem to have bought in at high prices and are now regretting it, as the price of ICP has declined significantly. Some people are calling ICP a "piece of shit" and mocking its holders as "midwits" who blindly invested without doing their research.

While it's always important to do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency, it's important to remember that the value of a coin can change rapidly and unpredictably. It's never a good idea to invest more money than you can afford to lose, and it's important to be prepared for the possibility of a downturn in the market.

As for ICP, it's difficult to predict where the price will go from here. The bear market has been tough on many cryptocurrencies, and ICP is no exception. However, it's important to remember that the market can change quickly, and it's never a good idea to make investment decisions based on short-term fluctuations. It's always a good idea to do your own research and make decisions based on your own due diligence.

>> No.52722085

Don't care, not selling, still buying.

>> No.52722089

Ask me how I know you're a newfag

>> No.52722090

I own 1000 ICP at a cost average below four dollars.

>> No.52722096

Not an argument. I've been here longer than you, too.
Question still stands, by the way.

>> No.52722099

Yeah bros ICP is down from 400 to 4, its a really bad investment.

The following are much better


>> No.52722101

I guess not. The majority of you faggots here are going to fomo so hard in the next bullrun.

>> No.52722106

best team in the ecosystem just left. it's going to zero. there will be no more than 200 btc tvl by this time next year. it's over.

>> No.52722114

These 3 IDs are samefagging.

>> No.52722123
File: 7 KB, 250x198, 1669975661552833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask me how I know you're a streetshitter

>> No.52722145

You obviously don't know when ICP caught the attention of /biz/, and just how many people got roped into buying it near that price range. Most of /biz/ bought in between 40-100 is accurate. If you don't know just shut up you're embarrassing your own intelligence

>> No.52722149

I mean, just look at the state of the market right now. Cryptocurrencies are struggling across the board, and ICP is no exception. The price has fallen from $400 to just $4, and it's unlikely to recover anytime soon. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just deluding themselves.

But hey, if you want to throw your money away on a worthless coin like ICP, be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when you're stuck holding the bag. You've been warned. Stay away from ICP and invest in something with real value instead. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

>> No.52722172

it was more like $30-$60 and they went all in even though their own baggies were telling them to dca kek

>> No.52722185

Were you in Choi Sun's group? Funny times

>> No.52722192

>You obviously don't know when and just how many people got roped into buying it near that price range
Neither do you. You don't have a way to track what /biz/ buys.
Your posts are non-arguments.

>> No.52722204

Icp is literally the only crypto project worthwhile to invest in at the moment. There’s literally nothing else that comes even close to it but hey if you want to miss out on this golden opportunity especially when the ecosystem is booming where the first SNS token did 180x in 3 days then so be it.
Don’t be crying to me when your shitty investments didn’t work out

>> No.52722207

I participated in the shilling campaign, partly on 4chan, of ICP before listing. I want to thank you all for buying my bags at hilariously high prices.


A happy insider, lounging in Los Cabos

>> No.52722210
File: 9 KB, 408x311, s6uOTHX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, this is now an "AVAX is a scam thread".

>> No.52722211

>Neither do you.
I do, actually. I was in a telegram group with 100-200 other /biz/ members and know what price range they bought at. Not my problem that you're living under a rock and posting redditor-esque posts on here. I'll break your jaw IRL smug cunt ill shit down your throat too

>> No.52722220

Holy based

>> No.52722232

>I was in a telegram group
So what? Where's the proof that they actually bought anything?
You are dumb as fuck and you are not breaking any jaws IRL except your own from chomping on my dick.

>> No.52722239

Prove it. Also only jeets use telegram. They don’t count as bizraelis

>> No.52722246

Just admit you don't know shit. Smug dumb people like you acting smart are the worst and if I ever spot you IRL i'll curbstomp you, simple as.

>> No.52722257

You’re literally a fucking jeet probably taking a shit in the street right now

>> No.52722261

No I'm not.

ICP is just going down and down

AVAX is much better than ICP in every way

>> No.52722263

First i'll tie you up, then rape your mom infront of you while u sit there, god I'm shivering from the fantasy, skin you alive motherfucker and feed it to the dogs

>> No.52722265

>Just admit you don't know shit.
Here we go with the projections. Don't even have to reply, it's all coming together without my input.

1ptbid general btw, the underpaid AVAXbot couldn't be more obvious even if they tried.

>> No.52722280

You're a fucking moron, take ur meds schizo. Even if you lived a 100 years you wouldn't be on my level. My wisdom is too great for your puny south american brain to handle, shitskin.

>> No.52722282
File: 209 KB, 880x874, iUuvvmF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52722290

Post your fucking hand, you won't cause ur a fucking monkey i just know it. i'll gather up ur whole family and skewer ur eyeballs together and put them on the barbecue while u shriek in agony piece of shit. Sopa de macaco looking mofo. fucking schizos ruining this board with their bot-esque post

>> No.52722291

Post your hand with a time stamp to prove you arent a shitskin

>> No.52722309

very quiet now not posting anymore are we? thouguht so cunt, know ur place.

>> No.52722317

The samefagging couldn't be more obvious. I called the turk and indormed him and he told me that you guys are not getting paid this time around for making the shilling too obvious.

>> No.52722366
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 4655F930-D945-4CFD-BEAD-174F8F1D10C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The copes unbelievable looks at my white hand and cool cup

>> No.52722380

Buddy now post your hand to prove we’re not samefagging. Just would be funny since the thread will die after this

>> No.52722450

The thread will die no matter what because I completely halted you petty attempts at fudding.
But yeah, let's wait for your boyfriend to post his hand. After he's done both of you can go back to jacking eachother off in telegram.

>> No.52722486

Wait I’m confused. I’m arguing for ICP. Fuck avax. Fuck every coin other than icp/btc.
I can’t even own a telegram since I can’t pass the brown skin authentication

>> No.52722497

You niggas need to calm down holy sheit

>> No.52722499

a collection of servers isn't a crypto project

>> No.52722506

No fuck you. You fudding faggots come in here and start talking shit when icps first SNS token did a 180x in 2 days

>> No.52722509

Neither is the 10th shitcoin flipping ghostchain.

>> No.52722515

>doesn’t understand canisters are smart contract version of containers
Get left behind in the dust faggot

>> No.52722524

Nigger I’m for ICP and bought SNS at 1 ICP have some tea and calm down

>> No.52722525

>icp isn't a ghostchain

>> No.52722559

>my ghostchain is better than your ghostchain
10/10 selling speech.

>> No.52722564

Alright I’ll go get some tea thanks

>> No.52722566

bro I've been in since 50, this project is not what they claim it is, half the people in the ecosystem are literal nocoiners. it's a midwit hobby project masquerading as revolutionary tech.
how much you wanna bet there's no more than 200 btc tvl by this time next year

>> No.52722584

>this same faggot in every thread
>m-my ceo can beat up your ceo
pathetic. buy more faggot. stay poor.

>> No.52722617

Let me guess you missed out on the 180x and all the other projects built on icp. I’ve probably made about $10k now from just investing in the ecosystem.

>> No.52722625

>this same faggot in every thread
AVAX roaches gone full schizo now

>> No.52722640

I bought 3 sns1
there is no ecosystem

>> No.52722639

It revolutionary tech. They are the first to do it and no other chain can do it. Icp is exactly what vitalik wanted eth to be. I’ve been in crypto since 2016. This is the only promising project since then.
I even invested in link when it was still under a dollar in 2018.
The only coins that matter now are btc and icp. Icp will slowly absorb everything else

>> No.52722665

Cubetopia, spinner, dscvr, dsocial, seer, iclighthouse, and many many more projects that have/will have investment opportunities and you claim there’s no ecosystem.
You’re either just fucking with me to fud your bags or you’re a retard

>> No.52722733

dsocial is abandoned, seers is a rug waiting to happen, cube is a nothing, dscvr LMAO
a big part of the reason icp is so shit is because the community are just hoping for airdropped scraps and unwilling to see the bigger picture or challenge the dream that's being sold.
no one has a problem with mobile verification, no one has a problem with no badlands, no one has a problem with psychedelic leaving

>> No.52722747

Don't forget VCs bought ICP for 3 cents then dumped on retail.
You're literally buying a VC pump and dump scam coin.

>> No.52722781

>Don't forget VCs bought ICP for 3 cents
>Then dumped
So what is the problem if they already dumped? Get your fud straight ranjeesh.

>> No.52722796
File: 66 KB, 329x444, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dsocial is abandoned, seers is a rug waiting to happen, cube is a nothing, dscvr LMAO
>a big part of the reason icp is so shit is because the community are just hoping for airdropped scraps and unwilling to see the bigger picture or challenge the dream that's being sold.
>no one has a problem with mobile verification, no one has a problem with no badlands, no one has a problem with psychedelic leaving


piss holders on suicide watch (pic related)

>> No.52722844

>Claims there’s no ecosystem then states the problems with said ecosystem
Badlands was never ever happening soon. It was never even listed on the roadmap. It was an idea dom proposed similar to endorphin. You would be able to release a project like that any way until you’re basically at the state of too big to fail.
Dsocial creators wife died and he sold it for about 100k to other devs the project is still being worked on
Made a good chunk of change just from investing in cubetopia. I like Joey and have talked to him one on one several times and that project is being lead in the right direction. Just wait til they get out of the alpha stage
Dscvr has a great UI but the problem is yes the jeets and the airdrops but it’s fine whatever gets users
Seachan got basically destroyed by jeets as well.
Psychedelicdao leaving is good honestly. The head of that project tried to fuck over dfinity with causing turmoil within the ecosystem since they wanted to take control of development. Since they bit the hand that was feeding them dom stopped funding them. Then polychain capital decided to turn the dev group into multi chain group which is honestly fine in my opinion. They basically had cornered icps third party development.
Yeah the ecosystem isn’t perfect but it’s just like the good old eth 2016-2018 days. You can’t say an ecosystem doesn’t exist if it doesn’t exist how am I making money off of it.
You must understand one thing about dfinity. They cornered the entire crypto space where basically every single project will have to go through them eventually in order to survive. The reason why that will happen is the patents they made. No other project will be able to make the leap to icp. The heads of IPFS, NEAR, and Filecoin all state they need to get off of web2 and head toward icps direction.
Sell your bags if you hate the project but stop lieing and saying there isn’t an ecosystem

>> No.52722870

What happened with seachan?

>> No.52722875

openchat, finterest, catalyze one, sns projects we haven't heard of
there's going to be a never ending list of projects for you to dismiss as nothing while web2 gets rebuilt on the ic
400% activity increase the last few months, 600 million transactions a day
it'll all being built up while you continue to ignore it and miss out on the start of all these projects through sns like a total retard

>> No.52722884

Spammed by jeets so you can only post if you have an active wallet logged in. KEK!

>> No.52722888

It’s still up but basically turned to shit cuz of street shitter spamming it. If they can figure out how to do gated boards and authentication consistently and offer mobile form of authentication I’ll start using them a lot more

>> No.52723219

why not just implement captcha since https requests are a thing on ic anyway

>> No.52723251

>The heads of IPFS, NEAR, and Filecoin all state they need to get off of web2
let me know when they endorse and build on icp. they won't because it's a joke. dfinity employees saying it would be great to clawback sns from the bot. they know nothing about crypto. they think entrepot and dscvr is web3. no one wants a minecraft clone.
>psychedelic leaving is good because the guy is rude
why build a "new internet" just to enforce the same soft ass norms that made the current internet so shit?
there's zero creativity and zero respect for the "crypto ethos" on the ic. it's just braindead niggers being grifted by guys who couldn't hack it on eth.

>> No.52723333

Not rude it’s because he tried to take over icp. If you don’t know anything that happened then stfu.
You have a huge lack of understanding in this entire environment. Just sell your bag and go invest in matic or something.
It’s a version of the internet where users can have a form of ownership. I have no idea if it will truly be censorship resistant. All I know is icp has the infrastructure to survive on its own and use everything on chain instead of having to rely on AWS just to exist.
That’s the difference and your lack of understanding this whole situation shows me you’re a retarded third worlder.
Please sell your bags you don’t deserve them

>> No.52723470

Bob bodily and Rick porter are more dangerous to the vision than Harrison ever was. Call me a third worlder again and keep carrying water for grifters

>> No.52723488

Third worlder confirmed

>> No.52723500
File: 115 KB, 402x398, 1664841507946770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100-200 other /biz/ members
theres like 50 tops

>> No.52723639
File: 17 KB, 145x193, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ill shit down your throat too
Do it cunt. At this point i'm so used to being shat on by dfinity, i'll enjoy it.

>> No.52724654

How do i transfer ICoracle tokens to the nervous network system wallet? I send some, but i do not see the token appear in the nervous network system.

>> No.52724683

you’ve lost your tokens kek

>> No.52724704

Calm down, this was a small test transaction. How do i store those ICOracle?

>> No.52724737

it went to 2800 usd per coin, chud

>> No.52724738

lmao rember the shilling of these retarded icp nfts a few month ago? down 75 percent since then. are you okay piss bros

>> No.52725112

Let me guess you got the shit nfts and nothing with utility nor founders pass. I’m literally up ridiculously on every founders pass and nft project I’ve invested in.
What did you buy Dinos or some retarded nft

>> No.52725138

Nobody asked you to post your dildo, they asked you to post your hand

>> No.52725275

2 birds with one stone

>> No.52725490

rick seems cool what's the problem with him. bob needs to shut the fuck up tho

>> No.52725861

why do you always bring up your highschool lover chad. it's like you can't go a minute without saying his name.

>> No.52725944

he wants you to link your II to an email to make a new account. a bunch of the portals are gated by phone number, including the last two nft contests. they collect your data just like web2 does, read the tos. he's a phony and a homosexual.

>> No.52725973

what im sure of is that matic will be recovering and reaching a new all-time high soon, since the biggest companies and top brands are choosing polygon to power their web3 experience, leading the way for mainstream adoption