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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 364 KB, 1180x860, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52717053 No.52717053 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52717060

Big, if true.

>> No.52717066
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>had a history of mental health problems and his family do not believe there was any foul play.
Did you ignore that because it hits close to home?

>> No.52717127

I just hate the satanist jews and their 3 letter agency minions.
Hy mom!

>> No.52717207

Not sure if bait or kike

>> No.52717244

>my girlfriend is a spy
why date a spy then retard? simple rules of money; dont let anyone know you've got money. keep yourself to yourself.

>> No.52717328
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I'm certain you're a GME/link bagholder

>> No.52717346

I'm certain you're a kike. I also hate cefi normies and newfag linkies

>> No.52717351

>literal glownigger colored ID

>> No.52717355

Says the circumcised schizo. Post foreskin.

>> No.52717361

You will not have my foreskin Goldstein

>> No.52717362

I think the CIA would most likely have better things to do the amount of money they would get from a crypto guy would be small compared to what they have gotten from dark operations in the past like running drugs in south America.

Also killing people in the modern world is very messy and even criminal organizations will avoid doing it if possible because it drastically increases the likely hood of them being caught.

>> No.52717369

They took your foreskin, didn't they? I'm sorry, anon.


>> No.52717377

Is it totally crazy to consider the possibility that someone who starts thinking the CIA and Mossad is in his walls and that the boogey man is after him then goes on to end his life, without much help from spooks? Now, I know what you're thinking, but I actually don't work for any intelligence agency at all!
I'm just checking, because as a bit of a normie, that's where my association goes. Is that track completely unthinkable?

>> No.52717403

this thread glows hard

>> No.52717404

He made the mistake of not dumping all the information he had like Bob Lazar.
They killed him to hide their secrets.
Had he dumped everything they would have been more worried about hiding their tracks then murdering someone who already spilled all the information to improve the visibility of the treats and make the story more believable.

Remember this kids!
If the CIA and the Jewish cabal comes after you spill everything and dox them all so that they may never be able to sleep without being afraid of getting suicided in their sleep.

>> No.52717416

your id glows

>> No.52717420

another highly glowing ID

>> No.52717431

All good I'm not in any immediate danger of becoming rich

>> No.52717451
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Post foreskin. You can't, huh? lmao. I would be angry and paranoid too.

It's not crazy. He could've been killed by some agency, but there's never a shred of proof in these threads. It's just masturbating to conspiracies. There's a massive difference between Epstein (actually powerful, cameras shut down, guards asleep) and some random schizo having a breakdown. But using your brain makes you a kike.

>> No.52717455

can't you guys go kill pedophiles instead of radicalizing normal healthy people into exposing you as warlord criminals

>> No.52717492

you glow super hard, if you glowed any harder you could power a nuclear plant

>> No.52717503

Why would we kill crypto devs, this is a crypto board sir

>> No.52717874
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>> No.52718005

>cheat the RNG and make it
>jews kill you anyway

>> No.52718016
File: 247 KB, 980x1301, 1669861621968766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tell anyone I own crypto, don't even tlak about it when normies talk

Only to my dad, he is based

>> No.52718452

It's sad. My cousin was killed by similar people here in America. He was working for cleco, a Louisiana energy corporation. It was a lot like Margin Call. He revealed an issue in their accounting that left a $$ million crater in their assets. They promoted him and told him it was dummy data, a test. He died a few days later after calling his parents and telling them someone was following him in his car. The official story is that he was hallucinating and ran himself off the road. He was a child still, just out of college.

>> No.52718467

No shit. But seek God, for if you truly walk with God, they can't touch you.

>> No.52718475

Jeez. All they had to do was nothing, they're just being dicks at that point. Unless he kept probing.

>> No.52718486

You Kill one 20 more pop up. It's whack a mole with these freaks. Only when God's wrathful vengeance touches earth that these pieces of shit will pay for their crimes. They shall taste death, but not die; they will beg for death.

>> No.52718499

I got poisoned the other day, but I knew it was poison when I took it. If you're meant to live then you will. If they kill you, you go straight to heaven.

>> No.52718514

it's not about the money. it's about creating cultural control.

>> No.52718524

Wasn't even my first time being poisoned by them. They are quite frustrated with me at this point. Kind of sucks because I'd join them if they just lightened up, but no, they're too arrogant. It's funny too because a lot of glows are quite devoted to religion and think they are doing the world a service by killing us off.
> "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20

>> No.52718539

>The official story is that he was hallucinating and ran himself off the road. He was a child still, just out of college.
most likely a bullshit story. your cousin had no history of mental illness? there must have been several eyewitnesses and evidence that he was indeed a hallucinating schizo

>> No.52718554
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Takes one to know one you mentally retarded kike.

>> No.52718557


>> No.52718567

I bet this mindless creature is fully vaccinated.

>> No.52718568
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> meds

>> No.52718582

>He made the mistake of not dumping all the information he had like Bob Lazar.
he typically schizo posted vague threats indicating he had absolutely no info on anything. if he had he would indeed post all the details explaining everything. he didn't because he's a schizo

>> No.52718585
File: 159 KB, 1048x890, Screenshot_20221203-090123_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's a big club and you're not in it!

>> No.52718600

if it's true the fbi should/would be involved. it means a private company paid the police to cover a murder, which is possible but unlikely.

>> No.52718607

In a world of USDC owned by BlackRock there can be no DAI.

>> No.52718612

They don't need to pay their own assets you fucking tard. It's a big club, and you're not in it.

>> No.52718618

Everybody point and laugh.

>> No.52718634

just let the other tard post evidence that what he posted is true: protip: he can't. that story would have made the news if it was true

>> No.52718635


Literally take meds. What the article won’t tell you is that he’s been struggling with bouts of depression and suicidal attempts already. His amassed wealth and retirement early causes him to go into a nihilistic spiral. That why I always tell my students (I’m a hs English teacher) be careful if you retire early literally dangerous if you don’t plan it out well.

>> No.52718647

Yes multi-billion dollar entities are going to clean up loose ends and leave evidence or let any of their non asset police work that case. Any other dumb fucking statements?

>> No.52718657

> I'm a hs English teacher
No, you're a overly arrogant glorified baby sitter, maybe YOU should kill yourself.

>> No.52718673

Everybody point and laugh.

>> No.52718719

>Only to my dad, he is based
and he only told 2 of his close friends who he trusted
and one of those only told his boomer golfing club cause fuck it he doesnt know you anyways and wanted to score some social points and on the wheel goes

>> No.52718729

You give people too much credit. 99.9% of people are so fucking dumb that they will forget 100% of your conversation in 30 minutes.

>> No.52718731

Based on leaks, when their budget was a fraction of what it is now they employed hundreds of thousands and operated in every single country on the planet doing the dumbest shit you can imagine. It's always glowniggers, every fucking time. Nobody even dies of natural causes anymore. In a million years your fossil will contain markers that identify you as a product of the era of glowniggers.
This is how braindead the average retard really is. If it isn't actively promoted as fact in the corporate news it isn't true.

>> No.52718749

That is fucking unbelievable they still believe the corporate news after being lied to for 5 years. Can you imagine if they ever even came close to interacting with a woman how easy it would for her to lie to them and cheat on them every night.
This board has become an embarassment to finance.

>> No.52718847

Sad if true. Unfortunately, it's the internet. My dad works for nintendo. Our stories are equally verified.

>you must believe every conspiracy theory or be an npc
Unvaxxed and the world is round. Does that hurt your brain?

>> No.52719107
File: 553 KB, 750x1116, D26F30F3-164F-470D-BC4A-4939297F836E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s to all you glowing bootlickers out there and their buggy bots

>> No.52719118
File: 555 KB, 750x1145, B31BC55E-BB70-4098-A65F-5A75CC7336D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better luck next time grifting on Uncle Sam’s teats

>> No.52719182

Yes the story is not verified. You added no information or alternative stories, just the standard thought-stopping media response.
Anyone that talks about anything like the CIA or Mossad is immediately labeled as having mental issues. This is what it would look like if he was killed by the CIA, he would have "mental issues":
One alternative story is he got scammed and killed by some local that's sometimes hired as glownigger muscle. The Act of Killing is a good documentary that shows examples of how glowniggers uplift local mobsters into positions of power.

>> No.52720578

>they will forget 100% of your conversation in 30 minutes.
And they'll remember it again when they see the news about booming crypto market

>> No.52721382

>someone on 4chan says the police is covering the murder of his cousin
>retards dont even question it and assume it's true
ok retards

>> No.52721450

isnt it basically happening to people with billion dollar bitcoin wallets? sounds like consolidation of power

>> No.52721942

It takes one agent to get all the crypto money and kill the dude while it takes dozens working in peak form to handle dark operations.

>> No.52722014

>be CIA
>kill man in broad daylight
>news says horrible murder happened, we can't find the culprit
>never mentioned again
It's that easy. They can even post his face, and if you see that man you'll just think twice, or they can murder you too. It doesn't matter.
I hope the FBI get whats coming to them.

>> No.52722069


OP it's been like this for several decades now. I have some stories as well, many of them involve small towns, city officials.

They recognize intelligence and wealth as a threat and if you move into their territory they see to stop your operation by any means. They don't want "partnerships" they already have their club. If anything they see newcomers as to be blackmailed and milked at the lowest of their options.

They rather "competition" just goes away.

>> No.52722828

NPC sterotype mindlessly blathering about "proof". Too dumb to think about any subject.

>> No.52722861

Woah, everything the msm says is true?! Must be Russian bot then!

>> No.52722873

>Nooo, the joos are after me!! im not mentally ill mom, it's the joos!!

>> No.52723151

Very insightful, you just saved my ass as I'd have definitely tried some bullshit like that.

>> No.52723171

> sold during the bottom, oops, homeless now. No money.

>> No.52723191
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should Crack your own skull open to see if there's a brain in there, pictures and x-rays are not proof enough. You MUST SEE IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES

>> No.52723249

Did you have any bigger city ones?

>> No.52723305

This is just SBF clawing back some of his crypto.

>> No.52723852

sbf is nothing this is about stablecoins and usd

>> No.52724160

Blair is thinking, "Man, I'm used to Americans not unbuttoning their jacket when they sit down, but that new specimen over there really takes the cake."

>> No.52724230

This user is fully vaccinated with boosters.

>> No.52724294

Sam is so autistic he's probably hung like a horse from not wearing underwear under his basketball shorts for so long.

>> No.52724358

>Untraceable lost digital currency they could use to fund black op off the book operations

Nigga you stupid if you think they'd don't waste chances like this. And killing to an American is as Second Nature as ordering fast food. Their country was founded on blood and war.

>> No.52724557

>as it turns out, it really was the jews

>> No.52724597

Sloppy job.
Tell rajesh to update the python script.

>> No.52724621
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>> No.52725130

Surprised this thread is still humming. Makes me think... I'm already known to them though, so hi again I guess. Kiss your mother's, sisters, and family for me, you will wish you had more when the apocalypse is in full swing. There's nothing that will stop the wrath of God.

>> No.52725403

>why date a spy then retard
you dont know until its too late. one night you hooked up at some wild mansion ketamine orgy, the next week youre falling in love looking in her eyes. the next month your laptop is missing and she wants to take "a break"

>> No.52725431

> ketamine orgy
you deserve all the bad shit that happens next.

>> No.52725460

I don't even tell my wife how much of what I have

>> No.52725461

probably completely a coincidence but still funny.
the article is by Jennifer Smith.
a movie where the main actors are killers: Mr. & Mrs. Smith
the agent in matrix: mr smith.
Hey Arnold! series, a character implied to be a government agent: Mr. Smith

>> No.52725510

Checking these digits.
The real killing hasn't even begun yet but literally every white man on earth will be judge dread mode.

>> No.52725545

you fucking idiot. you will literally never be able to find them all. more will come back, rape your kids like their life depends on it. honestly i'm bout ready to destroy the whole place. it's been a nice experiment.

>> No.52725738

I know a Smith. Basically your post checks out.

>> No.52727472
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>> No.52727606

>oops, too late, anon. I already told others 300+ people about you and your crypto gainz
>I'm sure they will remember nothing about you and the conversation we had
>I'm sure they know that you sold them at the bottom. You publicly share your life story 24/7 right?
>Nobody in their right mind would ice you just for your gainz in the past right?.
>Even they don't know about your current bad financial situation right?

>> No.52727628

Does anyone know who was this glowing ex of his?

>> No.52727631

With the serial murder on the run, how safe is Vitalik ?

>> No.52727644

Vitalik is a nonce, so he’s safe

>> No.52727953

>That is fucking unbelievable they still believe the corporate news after being lied to for 5 years.
Anon, you might be able to identify every lie they spit out, but most people still don't realize that there was even a single lie.

>> No.52728007
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>K-word clearance
oh shit, their here

>> No.52728047

>babby’s first look on how dirty you’d have to be in politics/business
In my 3rd world shithole country, you’d be shot for exposing shit like this or they’d destroy your reputation thru concerted social media lies and false narratives. This is just how human beings act. You pretend the west is immune to this but people in power didn’t rise to the top being goody-two shoes