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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52717770 No.52717770 [Reply] [Original]

Its worthless

>> No.52717776

Who will buy our bags?

>> No.52717799

Nobody wants them

>> No.52717856

But first, give us flags.

>> No.52717910

a year ago I would have said removing IDs might save this shithole, but the frog and wojack cancer is too strong and mods refuse to range ban the cancer

>> No.52719669

I'd just band anyone posting about cryptos unless it's in their own general. Quality of the board would increase

>> No.52719705

Hes adorable. I will call him "Furgay".

>> No.52719707

This is a Chainlink board nigger
>removing IDs
What a retarded idea
You are retarded. Go back to /vg/ nigger

>> No.52719770

I remember back when I was a youngster we used to talk about company valuations and macro economics. Then the Indians came and started to saturate the board with worthless make believe internet money and everyone smart just leaved /biz/

>> No.52719784

>I'd just band anyone posting about cryptos unless it's in their own general. Quality of the board would increase

these autistic mongs dont know about anything except crypto

>> No.52719906

This board needs flags desu.

>> No.52719922

>Faggy white kid crying again.
How about stop shitting up the site with your inane bullshit.

>> No.52720078


That cat could easily go for 50 large on the market.

>> No.52721021

We genuinely had threads about business ideas, side hustles, learning, real estate general, startup general, and a lot of other stuff. The moment crypto was allowed was when this board died a horrible death. Every week I come here hoping there’s a chance those threads come back and I keep getting disappointed. It’s a travesty honestly

>> No.52721091

What the fuck is up with the fake oldfags? /biz/ only exists to keep crypto off of /g/. It's explicitly a containment board the same way /d/ exists to keep futa off /h/, or /mlp/ and /co/.

>> No.52721131

Newfag detected /biz/ used to be way more comfy before you crypto shits came in

>> No.52721134

psycho control freaks like you should never be allowed in any positions of power EVER in life. deranged freaks. hurr I dislike this so i'll censor and ban anyone thaat does like it. MY WAY IS THE ONLY ALLOWED WAY! god damn psycho fascist disctator on the wrong side of history

>> No.52721208

I really don't who to believe since I'm a newfag. I'm considering going to an archive. Anyone know a good archival website to search?

>> No.52721273

That's a dope looking cat

>> No.52721390

Best I use and it's not even that good.

>> No.52721406

I miss the old /biz/ stock advice, salary negotiations, resume advice, vanguard portfolios and career advice.

This crypto garbage seriously has to stop. People are getting hurt. Not only that but literally 99.99% of this shit is a scam and a huge bubble waiting to burst. Just look at the recent bitcoin crash down to 15500 case in point.

I'm currently in uni finishing up my studies to become an accountant. I want to know ways to make it in the corporate world. I want to have meaningful conversations like how to negotiate salary raises with your bosses.

I know this might come to a shock to alot of you guys but someone has to say it. Cryptocurrency is just a massive speculation with absolutely 0 fucking value to this world. You can not right now name one single crypto that brings real value to this world and helps improve it.

This is a speculators game. And who ever is the first to sell off will win. You guys are in a fucking ticking time bomb waiting to explode and you don't even realize it.

Besides women want men with stable careers and goals. Not a bunch of Internet funny money degenerate gamblers. Good luck starting a family with any woman and telling her you traded Internet meme coins. Seriously guys wake the fuck up.

If any of you had any sense at all you would sell 100% of your cryptos and invest in Apple / real estate. Something that will never go away and always rise in value.

I hope we can go back to the old ways of biz. I want to know some good stocks I can expect to put my yearly bonuses into. Not this crypto trash vaporware scam garbage.

>> No.52721423

You're a faggot and I'm not reading all of that, OP is also a massive faggot.

You know how I know you aren't american?

>> No.52721478

Needs a strong automated junk filter sending threads to /bant/ or /trash/
Several boards do

>> No.52721565

/biz/ was created as a containment board for crypto spam, you can look it up.

>> No.52721681

/biz/ was way better when it was just about the anime industry, it was originally created as a containment board when /a/ got tired of all those industry threads and sales number discussions

>> No.52721704

The fuck are you talking about. I get range banned pretty much weekly. My phones don't even allow me to post when off wifi because I'm like range banned by 50 mile perimeter or something

>> No.52722164

Because i still have my foreskin?

>> No.52722181

hows that chainlink going for you lately?

>> No.52722295

Holy moly enough is enough someone throw the towel

>> No.52722369

anyone with half a brain or already made it left this shithole years ago.
only people here are brokies like me, indians, and newfags. i dont even see portfolio threads showing up like it was last year and last year shit was already declining.
just another /b/iz board

>> No.52723035

good idea

>> No.52723085


>> No.52723520

I know about this one through 4chanX but there's no /biz on there though.

>> No.52723539

it was fine just a week ago

>> No.52723550

nigga it was a college major begging board

>> No.52723597


>> No.52724027

>a week ago
Nice. I hope this place recovers soon.

>> No.52724316

I agree with all of this except for your tranny redditor spacing and the suggestion to buy AAPL.

>> No.52724441


>> No.52724495

I miss old /biz/, newfags ruined this board.

>> No.52726307
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x6450, Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 22-45-25 _biz_ - Business & Finance » Searching for posts posts after 0001-01-01 and posts before 2014-02-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. It seems that with archive.moe one can go back as early as 2014-02-14 as seen here:


Definitely crypto conversation all around.

>> No.52726945

Nigger. Biz was literally created because /g/ nerds were complaining about doge and BTC threads. They just didn't have the balls to call it /crypto/.
And soon it will be called /link/

>> No.52726952

You are a faggot.
Buy link and shut up