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52721003 No.52721003 [Reply] [Original]

are there people who unironically fell for the learn to code meme?
>dreadfully boring and autistic day to day
>compensation is a fluke, soon to be corrected
>rampant ageism, sexism (against men), and racism (against whites)
>requires constant learning outside of work
>prime target for outsourcing and automation (by its own hand)

>> No.52721020
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I fell for the code meme and then fell for the pivot to tech sales meme. now Im double fucked because leads are nonexistent in this market

>> No.52721036

Coding is mostly for lower class third worlders, who even if they do make it from coding will never have any social standing, making their money effectively worthless. You’ll notice that sites like blind are filled with H1B workers who obsess about $ made from coding but also cannot get laid or enter a social class befitting of their ‘high compensation’

If you’re white and you want to get into coding you’re a moron. Coding is just a white collar assembly line, you’re no better than a trade worker.

>> No.52721046
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>brainlet takes

name another wfh job that can earn me 80k eur and tolerate my autism

>> No.52721065

those are my thoughts as well. software workers aren't paid for their knowledge, they're paid to manufacture software widgets, in effect not much different than semi-skilled assembly line workers. they has no regulatory or credentialing body and the barrier to entry does not necessitate any sort of degree or certification -- it truly is open to the lowest bidder. you would have to be insane to make a career out of this dreadful "profession," all other concerns notwithstanding.

>> No.52721072

>>dreadfully boring and autistic day to day
speak for yourself
>>compensation is a fluke, soon to be corrected
i got into software development back when it was a solid middle class income and $100k was a big deal, dont care
>>rampant ageism, sexism (against men), and racism (against whites)
ageism only applies if you get stuck in your ways and can't change. i work at a fast-paced startup and half my coworkers are over 50.
>>requires constant learning outside of work
if you're retarded, just say so
>>prime target for outsourcing and automation (by its own hand)
automation possibly in the next 10 years, but outsourcing has been shown to fail over and over again for the last 3 decades.

>> No.52721108

Kek, anyone stupid enough to fall for the code meme can no longer consider themselves white.

>> No.52721125


>> No.52721211

Well being second world, but getting a first world salary can be great.
That said it is a complete slog.
Now I see how the dumbest people of my generation, those that were complete brainlets and could barely pass in math are running like chased from a tiger to get a job in programming.
For me the field is being badly oversaturated with complete morons out of completely unrelated fields. I can only imagine how bad the code they produce is.

>> No.52721230

Yeah it's terrible. What no one tells you is how fucking tedius and boring it is.

>> No.52721244
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what do then?

>> No.52721291

this is the real problem
110-120iqers who don't mind repetition love coding and playing with linux all day to solve worker bee type issues
the higher iq you are, the hardest it is to find joy in coding
obviously 110s are never going to admit they're worker bees. they derive their sense of importance from being above the 90iq webdev monkeys

>> No.52721393

Imagine drop kicking her off the building
My dick can only get so hard

>> No.52721415

What languages should I learn bros? Start classes next semester. Think C+ JavaScript and python

>> No.52722619

Start with python or JavaScript. JavaScript is easiest to get an entry level job. If you are trying to break into big tech do leetcode in python

>> No.52722667


>dreadfully boring and autistic day to day

As opposed to what?

>compensation is a fluke, soon to be corrected

As opposed to what? Being a mech e, salesman, "in finance", accountant and making half?

>rampant ageism, sexism (against men), and racism (against whites)

True dat.

>requires constant learning outside of work

Tru dat.

>prime target for outsourcing and automation (by its own hand)

Tru dat, so is everything else.

Can you name a single better job though? Outside of surgeon, fighter pilot, and researcher in cool field?

Waging is, by definition, shit, at least code pays (at the moment).

>> No.52722679

You say that but if you're a senior dev in my country you mean more than the president. And no being some shitskin indian will not land you a job. Senior dev and white.

>> No.52723443

thats unironically a man