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52720384 No.52720384 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me this coin will rocket next bull. Did they lie to me?

>> No.52720582
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New Silvio just dropped

>> No.52720793


>> No.52721819

still hodling and not even getting staking rewards anymore since they killed it

>> No.52721851

I hold for APY, I can see it going to 1 or more again.

>> No.52721873

Scam, the last time I checked all bagholders were hoping for a FIFA world cup pump LMAO

>> No.52721908
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algorand didnt solve the trilemma. They used a clever trick so that dumbfags would think they solved the trilemma.

>separate nodes into 2 different types
>participation nodes which can run on a raspberry pi
>relay nodes with Solana tier hardware requirements
>have reddit cucks run their "participation nodes" permissionlessly
>meanwhile keep a white list for approved relay nodes

face it bro. Algorand is a lie. State proofs are awesome and everything but its also got the most cucked and gay community of all time. Its foundation is absolute virtue signaling cancer. They are ngmi

>> No.52721936

is this true about relay nodes?

>> No.52721957

Yep, it's true

>> No.52721962
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yes it is true. They will say "you can still run a relay node and participation node runners can connect with you if they do so manually, so its technically permissionless". Pretty fucking weak ass refutation imo

t. former algorand fag turned avax chad

>> No.52722126

Every crypto has a tradeoff somewhere, though. Keeping the actual consensus that validates all chain activity permissionless while having the networking backbone more permissioned to keep the network fast seems like a reasonable compromise.

>> No.52722315

I calculated the monthly cost of running a relay node. Google Cloud quotes $3,055.82 per month.

>> No.52723029

relay nodes don't do consensus and network runs without them

>> No.52723073

>network runs without them
It doesn't

>> No.52723087

I kept my ALGO in my Ledger while not receiving rewards. After the FTX collapse and Coinbase seeming a little less risky than before, I keep my ALGO there for 5.75% quarterly.

>> No.52723109

>networking backbone more permissioned to keep the network fast
If it's permissioned it defeats the only purpose of cryptocurrencies in the first place. Literally every single coin is slow and clunky as shit compared to a datacenter, by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.52723158

Every coin has a tradeoff, and networking seems like the best one.>>52723109
The consensus is still decentralized, which is mostly what we're here for. Every consequential action on the chain runs through the permissionlelss consensus system. Networking is on a centralized layer regardless with ISP.

>> No.52723230
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Algorand is best coin!
Algorand will make me rich!

>> No.52723370

Source pls. I just need one piece of documentation which substantiates the idea that Algorand can’t run without relay nodes. I know that’s wrong, but I want to know why you think this. You have the burden of proof.

>> No.52723460

>you can still run a relay node and participation node runners can connect with you if they do so manually, so its technically permissionless
the solution they proposed was pretty straightforward: allow perticipants to select the list of relay nodes to use: either the "official" one, or any other list hosted by the community. i guess there just wasn't any real demand for this yet or nobody stepped up, but it's a fairly elegant solution

>> No.52723461


page 9. Anyone can run a relay node and in a crisis nodes could configure to connect to non white listed nodes.

>but it's hard
no, it's click-to-deploy


>> No.52723881

I dont really feel like googling for a source, but basically participation nodes don't communicate with eachother. They can't. The relay nodes route all the traffic between them. Without relays, there'd be no communication

>> No.52723980

But those participation nodes can freely elect to communicate with any relay node and/or any set of relay nodes, foundation-approved or otherwise. Redditors run their own relay nodes out of the kindness of their own hearts because decentralization in and of itself is the incentive. It just works, anon.

>> No.52724090

I thought you asked about the necessity of relays, not about their decentralization

>Redditors run their own relay nodes out of the kindness of their own hearts because
They do for participation nodes. Don't think they do for relays, because it's thousands of dollars a month on most estimates. Unless you run your own server, but even then the bandwidth and electricity costs make it very difficult to run out of goodness

>> No.52724150
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>next bull

>> No.52724770
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Two weeks.

>> No.52724882

You retards know that governance rewards are available at almost 7%? And you can participate through ledger?

>> No.52724903

Algoranus and Niggio Micali are going to make me so fucking poor. I can't wait for this shit to drop to 0 while BTC rockets to 30k

>> No.52724926

I watched some YouTube analyses which had Algo being $10 in 2024 as a conservative estimate

>> No.52725018

Good old youtube analysis. Be realistic and say it hits 13B mcap again, that would put it just above $1.80 (7.6x from here)

>> No.52725059

>>52721957 >>52721962 >>52723460
I have 16k of these things, I invested in Italian Autism.
>community support
hypothetically community users with big stacks + fast pcs could make nodes -- but they wouldn't be real because the "official" ones wouldn't connect!?

>> No.52725098

>120 nodes
I've been bamboozled I thought there were thousands.. what POS

>> No.52725104

There are thousands of consensus nodes

120 that are just networking

>> No.52725158

oh, can anynoe be a consensus node by staking algo? I don't understand the "bonded pos" line on pg 8.
Can relay nodes censor new stakers?

>> No.52725163

Anyone can run a consensus node yes

When you make a tx, you send it to a relay. It can refuse to propagate it, I guess, but you can always choose to send to another relay if anything.

>> No.52725181

Since anyone can set up a relay node, and any participation node can choose which relay nodes they communicate with, Relay nodes can not censor anything no matter how hard they try. Any participation node can participate in consensus so long as they have at least 1 ALGO staked. You can pull out at any time, no bonding period. The bonding PoS line is probably about how Delegated/Bonded PoS, like on Cardano/Cosmos respectively, have their downfalls compared to Algorand Pure Proof of Stake.

>> No.52726056

what i know is that the next bull market will be taking polygon a step closer to joining bitcoin and ethereum in the top 3, its not too late to start accumulating matic anon.

>> No.52727275

ORE supports it. Whatever happens in the next bull, it's very likely that the adoption rate will skyrocket in the coming year

>> No.52727296
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Not going to happen unless the entry barrier to use the blockchain is lowered

>> No.52727588

Privacy projects have a higher chance of making it that far newfag

>> No.52727899


Governmance is a pain in the ass. I dumped all my Algo and bought DOT.

>> No.52728305

>Scam, the last time I checked all bagholders were hoping for a FIFA world cup pump LMAO
Anyone with half a brain knows to disregard the sub 100 iq moonbois who honestly think that it's possible for that to happen in this market.

>> No.52728678
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>4 transactions per year
>pain in the ass

>> No.52728743

Privacy and security projects are based. Most likely they aren't telling a lie

>> No.52728988

I will accumulate DEX tokens like TWT, LOOP, and SUSHI instead. The returns will be greater than that of polygon IMO.

>> No.52729008

Considering the amount of development on Cosmos, I will pick ATOM over Polkadot. There are also lots of solid gems on its ecosystem. DOT always have a history of slow price action and I don't want to waist my time on it.

>> No.52729115

Is this something different than staking from Ledger? I already have my algo staked. What do I have to do to get 7%?

>> No.52730735

algo governence site

>> No.52730915

You picked a terrible underperforming shitcoin and replaced it with another terribly underperforming shitcoin congrats. Some people hate making money I guess
Privacy coins will likely go to zero, they are the biggest vector for regulation and government bans. See Tornado Cash.
Dex coins are usually terrible investments compared to L1s, that said avoid Algo, it’s never outperformed Eth and no reason to expect it to ever make a new ATH

>> No.52730954

>You picked a terrible underperforming shitcoin and replaced it with another terribly underperforming shitcoin congrats. Some people hate making money I guess
That was intended for the guy who sold all his Algo for Dot KEK, my mistake. Atom ecosystem is actually really interesting, Atom token itself is kind of dubious unless it gets some deflation or value accrual.

>> No.52732696

It is a fucking mixer. The censorship risks are vivid. There are sanction-resistant privacy protocols. A good example is Railgun which is built directly on the L1 protocol with no external node or validator. In its case, there is no way it can be shut down unless Ethereum itself is shut down. Any resistance against privacy coins and solutions in the emerging world of decentralized finance is a wasted effort.

>> No.52732722
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Publicly available financial history being a gap in the security in their funds is now making sense to crypto users.

>> No.52732847
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>> No.52732976

Spotting out AIKON in the digital ID sector. Probably one of the most significant partnership on the list

>> No.52733010

I'll place a bigger bet on web3 based projects

>> No.52733115
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>Privacy coins will likely go to zero
Of course, you retard

>> No.52733529

Isn't that the creator of ORE ID?

>> No.52733540

Referring to AIKON

>> No.52733722


web3 still in its infancy though, I'd place a bigger bet on projects facilitating the transition from web2 to web3 actually

>> No.52733912

As more people adopt cryptocurrencies, privacy will become a key consideration. Before now, I didn't give a damn about it, but as events in the space has turned out, they have compelled me to learn more about privacy projects.

>> No.52734407

>privacy coins will go to zero

>> No.52734643

Defi, web3, data and security assets are based

>> No.52736392

All bot shills

>> No.52736679

>not holding some XMR
>being in an Italian crypto thread and not holding the preferred coin of the Mafia

>> No.52738205

No doubts for Algo potential for profits in the long run anon, I am also adding other low caps on Elrond like Crt and Ride which earn me passive income on the Maiar Dex

>> No.52739167

Being security minded is key to securing your crypto assets. You are obviously a low IQ retard

>> No.52739455

why the fuck would anyone use Algorand when Ethereum is a thing?
>muh gas fees
BitDAO’s Mantle L2 is already taking care of that.
The cope is too fucking real