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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 229 KB, 1804x744, 1670023577814012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52719281 No.52719281 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is just straight out lying and censoring dissent now?

What is happening?

>> No.52719299

Poor josh having to deal with you idiots.

>> No.52719338

>Sergey: CCIP coming this year
>Josh: Sergey never said that, this is fud I will ban you

yeah, poor Josh

>> No.52719354

Josh = cunt
Josh = kike

>> No.52719356

Obviously you are nigrushka. Faggot.

>> No.52719364

That's basically the only post I could get out on this faggoted jew site with their spam filter.

>> No.52719399

already moving the goalposts? Did Sergey lie or not? Did Josh lie or not? I know you won't answer and just attack me personally, seems to be the new way of chainlink dealing with the community asking legitimate questions

>> No.52719401

we are all nigrushka you dumb simp nigger

>> No.52719411

I wonder what will the fudders do for the next 12 months knowing that most of us literally can't sell lmao

tranny yelling at clouds.jpg I guess

>> No.52719420
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*creeps across the land*

>> No.52719434

why not just say they could not meet the deadline? Why call it fud when someone ask about it and ban him? Isn't chainlink all about truth?

>> No.52719451

because it's a scam bro sirgay betray

>> No.52719478

>still avoiding giving any actual answer on the subject matter

>> No.52719497

sirgay lied, link is a scam and we should all sell together right now

>> No.52719506

Listen to yourself you absolute faggot.

>> No.52719520

I meant predict not depict

>> No.52719551

Never selling you poor poo nigger kikes.

t. 80k Link Chad Staking for Eternity

>> No.52719594

I hope this Josh faget dies. What a fucking loser kike.

>> No.52719616

imagine simping for a discord mod HAHHAHAHAHA KILL YOURSELF RETARD

>> No.52719624

so that's how low chainlink has fallen? msm level of pilpull?

>announce a development beginning of year so that no one sells

>if can't meet the deadline, lie about it on our official channels and ban anyone mentioning it

>on the channels we can't control just say "eh can't do anything about it it's just our community advocates haha oops"

>lying is fine if we're the ones doing it, just chill bro

Kind of undermines all his big speeches about truth

>> No.52719630

Imagine being an actual discord tranny.

>> No.52719654

Sergey should be beaten up in minecraft

>> No.52719662

it's over

>> No.52719675
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I think its about time chainlink is cancelled in the crypto community. They are no different from celsius, they have done nothing but shill scams and lie to its community. They took everyones money as well.

>> No.52719689

You sound quite upset. Its crazy to observe stockholme syndrome

>> No.52719697

Retarded faggot you need to kys
What part of developing new, secure technology do you not understand? Has chainlink price feeds ever been hacked or exploited? Neither will ccip. So stfu and be patient. You sound more gay than a videogame fanboy.

>> No.52719700

ccip already used by synthetix on testnet
wormhole hacked in february for 300 millions, that was a huge fucking deal, they cant afford to fuck up
crypto as a whole taking a shit, meaning less jobs for oracles as many teams got wiped out
chainlink success is reliant on the industry taking off as a whole
all that shit they're doing is novel experiments, not copy pasting what others are doing like most L1s and most dapps
they also have billions already at stake on current network implementation, upgrading any tiny bit requires utmost testing and security and slow iteration
many of you tards are either stupid or dishonest, impatient like children and hysterical like women

>> No.52719713


>> No.52719722

good now use this new information to your advantage. the team has played their hand at this point...they'll use deception to achieve their goals just like everyone else in this space. up until this point there was a sliver of hope that maybe Chainlink was different, but now we know they are not. don't trust them. don't trust anybody. make your money and then gtfo.

>> No.52719724

the good thing about these kinds of threads is that it pushes me to stop coming back to this shithole. op is pathetic for spending his time arguing with community managers on discord to find new fud material but so am i for observing and engaging.

>> No.52719726

who said anything about hacks? Why are you changing the subject?

If what you are saying is they just could not meet their deadline, then fine. But why lie about it and shut down anyone pointing this out?

>> No.52719751

Like i said. You are arguing with a discord jannie. Not sergey. You might as well be arguing with a bathroom attendant. Now stfu or sell your link. No one gives a fuck but you.

>> No.52719799


>stop valuing truth anon, who cares if they lie

really convenient having these community advocates, you can just make them lie and ban people and wash your hands of it all.

>> No.52719825
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Uhhh anon why are you bragging about becoming a bagholder

>> No.52719881

The amount of sheer retardation about how tech companies work hurts my soul. You are a child or neet. You talk so confident about how things "should" be with no idea on how it actually is.

>> No.52719921

Butthurt saltyfag. Sell your link.

>> No.52719974

There's a whole lot of coping in this thread to justify Chainlink Labs missing 2/3 of its product deliverables this year.

>> No.52719990

>haha you're just salty they're lying

not sure where you're going with this

>> No.52719995

You underestimate how pathetic and dumb the average crypto bagholder is

>> No.52720002

Youre the one vehemently defending your scammers. Retard your money is gone its in sergeys pockets

>> No.52720073

>yeah dude 6 years?! Youre impatient!
Lmao stfu its been almost 3 generations in crypto now.
Even dogshit coins have faster implementations. Like wtf is CL doing this whole time, im guessing its exactly like old twitter, they are doing fuck all but sitting around drinking coffee pretending to be busy.
Sergey has 0 incentive to work anymore since he already got rich. Fat faggot is definetly over 300 lbs now, usually when people are working hard they lose weight not gain weight

>> No.52720093

>it's literally explained in the ops pic
>op posts it on here as an argument because he's too retarded to understand
I miss 2018 fud these fucking morons are so cringe.

>> No.52720099

Oh do go on. Quite humorous. Are you going to make another ten post this morning too?

>> No.52720163

what's up!

>> No.52720272

Nigrushka, aren't you a monero bag holder too?

>> No.52720365

Read the second sentence retard. Sell your link if you have a problem with the team. But you orobably bought link at $40 like a retard.

>> No.52720469

>oh I guess you caught us lying, nothing we can do really, you should just sell that would save us a lot of trouble, we'd rather have braindead moonbois holding our bags they don't care if we lie or not

>> No.52720510

Kek. You def bought link at $40. Again, why would you hold a token from "liars"? Sell your link and move on. Im not arguing with the equivalent of a faggot fannboy anymore.

>> No.52720515

You're a gay bitch

>> No.52720540

Josh is a low iq faggot that only gets paid from the fat fuck slav nigger dumping tokens on his liquidity marines. Chainshit price feeds aren't paying his janny salary, that's for sure.

>> No.52720545

>stop trying to make the team accountable for their lies, just sell
>oh also I'll just pretend you bought the top because somehow it makes lying to you more ok

>> No.52720555

Sell your link.

>> No.52720591
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Sell your link.

>> No.52720615
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>Kek. You def bought link at $40. Again, why would you hold a token from "liars"? Sell your link and move on. Im not arguing with the equivalent of a faggot fannboy anymore.
t.ESL linknigger

>> No.52720712

Yellow hands typed this

>> No.52720721
File: 129 KB, 815x948, turkroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yellow hands typed this
t. ESL inbred linkroach

>> No.52720824

Im actually white. Now fuck off you chink faggot

>> No.52720838

Just take this to all the socials. Spam the official discord. These guys will fold under the pressure. No one in their 20 person PR department is able smoothly navigate this if it turns into a crisis of integrity and reputation.

Everyone whose an OG and enabled this project to get where it is is tired of the "just trust us" development philosophy from the team which brands itself as truth incarnate. It's too blatant and contradictory when it gets brought to light.

If community ambassadors don't know what they're talking about why are they talking at all and espcially banning people for stating objective truth.

>> No.52720909
File: 22 KB, 600x400, ROACH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im actually white. Now fuck off you chink faggot
t. linknigger turkroach

Kinda funny that chainlink is dropping so hard in value. They can only afford low iq roach labor to spam this board now.

>> No.52720960

Cant even get your racism right. I was a pajeet and now im turkish? Nigger kys

>> No.52720968

>low iq linknigger thinks that the whiteman cares about the miniscule difference between a roach and poo.


>> No.52720976
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>> No.52721366

They would just ban you. If you haven't been on their discord for a while you might not know but they've changed a lot

>> No.52721501

fudders btfo.

>> No.52721561

this guy gets it but let the retards argue

>> No.52721599

someone link me to the video I'm not watching all of them

>> No.52721611

I found it:
"with the emergence of CCIP this coming year"

>> No.52721661

MATIC is taking over and you fags with your other coins are starting to fall apart

>> No.52721693

>They would just ban you
If they act like a scam project then just go to Twitter with their actions and scare away any potential buyers of the token.

Right now the token and token holders receive 0 of the fees generated by the network. Even in v0.1 this is still the case. If the token price falls the runway for CLL shortens by the same amount. Mostly everyone in Ethereum already hates them.

How are they going to continue to fund the project with no new buyers? You don't even need to this happen, just the potential possibility of this happening would instantly bring them to the table and you would start to see changes that would benefit you. Look at quickly the folded to pressure from Chris Blec on the multisig and even more recently to the 12-24 month lockup. They know they are giving everyone a shit deal but if you accept it why change?

They aren't have invincible as they seem. FTX had the same smugness about 3 weeks ago

>> No.52721774

Glad I sold. I periodically still browse PMG, but love coming in to see this scam get extended over and over. Sad so many anons will look back and wish they would’ve just switched over to SPY instead. Have a good rest of the year gentlemen.

>> No.52721880

You’ll also be waiting for eternity for staking v1

>> No.52721896

This. And the rage regarding the lock up already worked, as they shortened the lock up period to 12 months.

>> No.52721945

It truly sucks such an important area such as oracles is run by a team this fucking retarded. There is a reason nobody really cares about them. The top management should leave ASAP, and someone more competent should take over. There are smart people working at chainlink obv, (the DECO guy, the chink working on CCIP). But people like Sergey truly are a liability to chainlink

>> No.52721981
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>It truly sucks such an important area such as oracles is run by a team this fucking retarded
>But people like Sergey truly are a liability to chainlink

>> No.52721989

My brother it really doesn't have to be like this. All you need to do is type those words on a platform that they will see and can influence more. 90% of us have had enough. There won't be a better opportunity than this to get something changed before.

Sergey just went on CNBC last week to herald the end of "Just Trust Us" and these guys think its perfectly acceptable to apply this very same thing to their own community. Kek how low they must think of all of us

>> No.52722022

I already do this on twitter but get blocked by all kinds of people (chainlinkgod etc)

>> No.52722064

Josh I’m going to bash your skull in with a hammer

>> No.52722084

>anime avatar
These are the people fudding link...

>> No.52722113

My names not Josh and you wont do shit with your hammer boy. Im american, i have guns.

>> No.52722143

>Did Sergey lie or not?
No, he did not. You can kys now retard

>> No.52722187

Emergence of ccip could be interpreted as smartcon demo and private testnet if you want to be charitable but aren't there a blog post that literally said staking and ccip will be released in 2022 with fine text at the end saying "this is not binding"?

>> No.52722945

we're getting a glimpse at what Chainlink is actually about. it was never about the truth, only Chainlink's version of the truth. the goal is to completely break down trust in society - currently happening via the phamaceutical industry, the financial sector, big tech, politicians, etc. - and replace that loss of trust with synthetic, tokenized trust through LINK. really think about why they are making it so glaringly obvious that none of our institutions can or should be trusted. manufacture the crisis, introduce the solution. when the time comes anon, use your newfound LINK wealth to resist this technocratic hellscape they are trying to force upon us.

>> No.52722956
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>> No.52722964
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>> No.52722974


>> No.52723353

Fuck Josh the Egg Head

>> No.52723399

>dog coins
I don’t even hold LINK but that’s absolutely retarded

>> No.52723450

Fuck I'm actually here defending stink link despite shifting and funding it all year.

Sergey said 'release of staking this year' that's it. CCIP functionality is another thing, it's own thing but yes it is a part of staking but not staking in and of itself. Sergey told the truth

>> No.52723531

Then why is CCIP here in this graphic as generating revenue in 2022? I think it's clear they intentioned CCIP to be released in 2022. This is Q level non sense. It's clear they missed the deadline and if they just came clean and were honest about it this wouldn't be a problem. Why are there delays? What progress has been made? What still needs to be delivered? Same questions for staking.

I would not have held onto this worthless oken at any price above $30 if I knew staking, the thing that gives it value, was still 5 years away. Staking and all these other big releases were also right around the corner from their own lips. In this aspect I was scammed

>> No.52723545
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Forgot pic

>> No.52723571

It is generating revenue as your slide shows but probably not enough since there's no other worthy chains other than btc eth and icp. Everything else is some layer 2 roll up shit.

Again, a release of staking. It was always going to be phased and test piloted. However, I do believe Sergey wanted to release more but some other parts are moving too slow and the fiasco of FTX and such would've applied the brakes more

>> No.52723587

>Why are there delays?
they can't answer this honestly. there are maybe 5 people in this company that know what their company actually does. this is one source of so called bullshit jobs: when companies receive too much funding for their own good, growing faster than they have capacity to onboard and manage the new hires

>> No.52724796

Good point. I wasn't advocating for being charitable with interpretation, just putting it out there as a possibility. Sergey got us chained to our bags.
2023 is going to be dark with deep economic recession and the CBDC wars

>> No.52724912

This. It already had an impact with the lockup period. Oh and for all the ambassadors lurking in this thread don't misinterpret this as a suggestion for harassment or spamming, that's not what I'm saying. I think people should be engaging with Chainlink on their social media channels by having conversations about the genuine concerns people are having with Chainlink. In my mind, there are a few things that standout:
>The amount of time that has passed since white paper 2.0 and the scope that's being delivered in v0.1 - what happened? Why does it appear that barely any progress has been made?
>The amount of time that was initially proposed between v0.1 and "A FUTURE VERSION OF STAKING" (i.e. NOT explicitly v1) being 12-24 months. What is happening here? Why on Earth does it take 2 years to implement some of these features? When did Chainlink start actually working on staking as it was known since white paper 2.0?
>The lockup period. Why is this implemented as a paper promise and not something that's guaranteed by the staking contract? There's still no technical reason being provided for a lockup being required beyond "it's required because... it just is!" (note: I'm not saying under no circumstances should they have a lockup, I just think Chainlink needs to be clear about why they need one here. If there's a reason, fine. Not saying anything is just ridiculous, though)
The last one might seem dumb and maybe Chainlink scoffs at us for daring to question their word, but reality is with Chainlink's own track record Sergey will need to update his slides to include his very own January 2022 video as a good reason why TRUTH > TRUST. Can they honestly say that their actions are fundamentally different to Robinhood?

>> No.52724959

>having a shitcord server
Just sold. No legitimate project uses shitcord.

>> No.52726135
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>> No.52726322

After this shitshow I lost all my trust in chainlink. They can't even give us an update as to what happened let alone admit they fucked up. I won't participate in staking because I don't believe a single word coming from sergey at this point. He was right about one thing though: Truth>Trust

>> No.52726346
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>What is happening?
What is happening is you're about to be priced out real soon you stupid bitch

>> No.52727188

Lol you actually are nigrushka

>> No.52727213
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>> No.52727228




>> No.52727374

True story about me and chain-link. I worked for a bank that was mostly owned by an EU government that were eager to trial a system that would pass euronext data into their own bond trading backends along with data from other sources(savings bonds held via postal service accounts and stuff like that) and wanted to use chainlink. I contacted chainlink in relation working with our team and received no reply. It remained part of a draft paper that made it as far as the European Central Bank but because Chainlink did not run on any Enterprise grade OSs and just freeware and there was no reply form them or participation it was deleted. Everything I am saying is actually true. I even personally held 10,000 LINK which I bought for something like 28 cents and sold for 38 cents. It is an interesting project but it is now and always has been amateur hour. I don;t want to give away commercially sensitive information but none of the crypto projects actually integrate with serious enterprise systems well at all because they are too busy being edgy opensourse crap which several public bodies in Europe have had very bad experience with so is always a non starter.

>> No.52727418

O and a col;leage at Euronext actually contacted them via their (telegram I think it's some piece of shit like that you have to contact for developer support because yeah) and they did not reply to him either. So I don't know who they actually reply to. If you want to know why the data feeds on chainlink are utter shit that is why. Have not even looked at it since 2019 and amazed link still exists.

>> No.52727456

Profile photo for Sergey Nazarov
Sergey Nazarov
SmartContract.com's CEO10y
What are the greatest ethical dilemmas faced by entrepreneurs?
In my humble opinion the most common ethical dilemma that founders seem to face on a daily basis is omission. Since omission does not constitute positive responsibility (in most cases) it is commonly seen by our society as acceptable in cases where the other party hasn't made an explicit request for information.

Founders face this problem on a daily basis; where they need to "sell" employees, investors and customers on aspects of their business that they want to highlight, while relying on the other party for an explicit request for other possibly relevant information.

A real life situation being that: many founders have brought on technical employees with stock options, while failing to mention that those options might possibly never be owned by that employee if the company is sold before a certain date. Similar types of omission have been known to take place in contracts between a more experienced and less experienced party.

Another common situation raises the specific question of: what is the right amount of unsolicited disclosure for recent events related to the company, when it comes to employees, investors and customers? eg: If something goes wrong and we lose a big customer, who should we tell and when should we tell them?

Deontology, Consequentialism, Nihilism, Virtue Ethics and other less comprehensive moral theories will all have different answers to this ethical question and even whether it is a grey area of normative ethics.

>> No.52727493

So enjoy your fucking discord and these retards chainlink team....they are on your level try actually running on an operating system a bank uses for a start.

>> No.52727546

Anon, I refuse to believe they are this retarded.

>> No.52727642

nigga the whole point of moving banking data onto a blockchain system is to get things off of cobol

>> No.52728046

Lol, interesting thank you. I must admit and was very naive, thought he was a truth above all autists. But this is interesting, he knows there are grey areas and he's ok playing with them, explains a lot

>> No.52728056
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I will never sell. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.

>> No.52728243
File: 19 KB, 256x256, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Basically I'm just not going to sell
Ugh.. I know! I'm sorry.
I'm just not selling, my link, is all.

>> No.52728265


>> No.52728291
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You overestimate how much discord/telegram grunts know. I worked for 2 projects and they were evasive about a ton of shit when we had our weekly call. At the same time you can’t say shit like "it’s delayed" when you have no clue yourself.
Josh is still a retard and should just say nothing (99% of the time baggies just want to vent) and try to get an update from the team instead of crying FUD.

>> No.52728329
File: 29 KB, 795x206, THEABSOLUTESTATEOFFUDDERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of the worst attempts at fud i have ever seen
and there's some really fucking retarded fudders on this board

>> No.52728357

Ok, good for you, but we are discussing Chainlink lying here, no one cares if you sell or not

>> No.52728411

Wow you crypto baggies are really angry bunch aren't you? I guess it's very emotional to lose your life savings in a year

>> No.52728633

Dude I think we all know Josh doesn’t know shit. The whole point of it is to keep raising questions so that eventually the relevant people at Chainlink hear about it and may be forced to respond. It just worked with the lockup period, and there’s no reason we shouldn’t stop calling out the questionable behavior. I think Chainlink looks absolutely ridiculous with their TRUTH > TRUST bullshit and they can’t keep doing this crap when Chainlink themselves is looking like a good candidate for Sergey’s Robinhood slide and why you can’t just trust what a company says. Chainlink has always had a real problem where they go completely silent whenever there’s something a little uncomfortable to talk about. Celsius shitshow? Radio silent. Bancor shitshow? Radio silent. Chainlink missing CCIP release? Radio silent. Asking why the withdrawal date isn’t guaranteed by the smart contract and instead we have a paper promise with Chainlink? Radio silent. The solution is simple. Either they can own up to these mistakes or they can avoid making the mistakes in the first place.

>> No.52728668

this is fud i get all my alpha from based josh

>> No.52728689

how much money does he make? 100k? 200k?

>> No.52728710

josh's alpha made me more money than CLG's alpha