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52714773 No.52714773 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from being unlikeable?

>> No.52714787

Become a pro wrestler (or a wrestling personality, like a manager) and come up with a good heel gimmick

>> No.52714807

You've been freed from the baggage of social expectations. Most people are retarded anyways, so if they liked you it would probably just mean you're retarded.

>> No.52714811

why are you unlikeable?

>> No.52714816

learn a skill, enjoy your freedom.

>> No.52714820

go to law school

>> No.52714915

I know that feel

>> No.52715165
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I have the ugly

>> No.52716766

Start being an asshole like that stereotypical character type you see on tv and learn to be funny

>> No.52716778

Just be yourself.

>> No.52716782

Provoke people against you. Make them break the law to hurt you. Then sue them.

>> No.52716785


>> No.52716810

Become a black propaganda shill. Basically you find someone who is willing to pay to espouse the opposite of their views and make their ideological opponents look bad by association.

>> No.52716939

Embrace it. Be a leader. I have my Lilith in the 11th house which means i'll never fit in and people will always turn on me. Just realise you're better than the normalfaggot sheeple.

>> No.52717001

the whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will talk to you spontaneously

So to be happy you must live in agreement with your nature, and this nature is to be forever alone.

However, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them.
Men hate to be alone and that no woman will ever notice them spontaneously.

So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Women are actually happy because the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.

So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser.

>> No.52717069

anybody who posts apus is likable in my book. i like you, fren

>> No.52717111
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You will not have to chase validation from other people forever, since you will learn to live without it. If you manage to life without external validation without becoming bitter, then you won the game. Most people won’t get that opportunity, because they can always pull validation from others. Think of yourself as a monk or a former drug addict, who was one of the few lucky ones who got away from constant temptation, hopefully long enough to break the addiction.

>> No.52717612

As others have said, you are now detached from the rat-race of constant validation and keeping up with the Joneses. Use this to find peace with yourself and accept your own limits. Turn your limits into advantages by using the free time to rest and better yourself in your own interests rather than burning yourself out forever trying to appease others or from fear of missing out/Kaisu.

>> No.52718672
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>> No.52720560

Convert to Judaism

>> No.52720639

it's been a year since i got a compliment from a girl on my looks or personality.
was driving home the other day when a bitch sit next to a guy and randomly complimenting his eyes and telling her life story.
good looking normies must have it very easy

>> No.52720680

i unironically like all apu posters
have faith in yourself. you are worth it, and the circumstances that keep you from feeling liked will change

>> No.52720698

This is the best piece of life advice you’ll ever get here.

If you’re that ugly, unlikeable or whatever, go to the nearest large mega city and become a garbage man. NY, SF, LA, Houston, etc.

Go work for the city (ones that are city jobs not contracted to waste management) and go be a garbage man who makes over 105k a year minimum (Or/holidays).

Smelling like shit and fried chicken grease means nothing to you, if you’re that fucking ugly. So go make some cash. Then in ten years you can fly down to Miami and die by plastic surgery

>> No.52721011

I'm fundamentally unlikable too so I know how you feel. Problem is it kills my motivation to do anything. Why seek profit at all? What are you gonna do with it? Who are you trying to impress? Why have hobbies when you will always be the outcast of the group? Why focus on a career when there's nobody who will depend on me? Why try and help others when nobody will be grateful or appreciative? All I really care about is getting by and don't need much to do that, but a life of leisurely solitude isn't really very satisfying. I can lie to myself and say I don't need validation from others and self-indulgence is all I need to be content but deep down I know it's a lie.

>> No.52721078
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I don't even know what to do on weekend nights, what the fuck do people do on weekend nights?

>> No.52721107

That doesn’t make you unlikeable.
Less perhaps, but you can be a great friend and find other great friends.
I recommend focusing on making or becoming something great, something that gives confidence and makes you less desperate.

>> No.52721630
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Sorry some people don't like you, anon. It's not your fault.

>> No.52722029

Have fun with their friends. I guess for us that means calling each other a faggot on /biz/

>> No.52722075
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You know what? I like you
You seem like a good hearted human.
Don't let the atrocities of social expectations get you down. Like the other anon said, most people suck anyways. Let your personality shine, my fren.

>> No.52722251

'Pay me to go away.'

>> No.52722996

>I don't need validation from others and self-indulgence is all I need to be content but deep down I know it's a lie.
I feel similar. I should be over by now but I know I am deluding myself. Will probably never transcend it if it has not happened by now
very bleak lol

>> No.52723118

Convert to Buddhism