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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52715811 No.52715811 [Reply] [Original]

I worked for a guy who was a house painter and then bought a few coffee shops. He's a complete narcissist and an actual rapist. And advice as to how to fuck him over? A scumbag like this shouldn't be able to fly under the radar in small town America.

>> No.52715819

>an actual rapist


>> No.52715823

Sounds based.
And you sound like a fag OP.

>> No.52715841

Sorry you dont give a fuck about the moral turpitude of your community.

>> No.52715855

Sounds like he contributes more to your community than you do

>> No.52715869
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>an actual rapist

>> No.52715879

A boomer that doesn't work at all and just talks about how wonderful his useless spawn is when they're all autistic? Sure thing bootlicker. Guy killed my friend and raped his underaged staff. Based.

>> No.52715884
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This isn't appropriate for /biz/, don't you have some houses to go paint?

>> No.52715891

muh boomers
muh bootlickers
muh she wasn’t 18
muh he murdered my friend

Who gives a shit?

>> No.52715895

Wat sub

>> No.52715902

Kek, this guy lives rent free in your head. Get a life, kid. You sound like the real parasite.

>> No.52715911

Muh smegma
Muh apathay
Muh lack of gag reflex

Kill yourself

>> No.52715924

You’re a real asshole. No wonder he fired you

>> No.52715926

I work for a living shit heel

>> No.52715939

I got a better job, still have opinions about it. I'm at a comfortable distance so I want to out him as a bad dude.

>> No.52715973

Maybe Reddit will sympathize with your cause. Nothing you’ve posted indicates that this guy is a “bad dude”

If anything I’d like to meet him and get some pointers on how to pick up chicks and start a business - sounds like he has got his shit figured out

>> No.52715988

Put up posters all around his coffee shop(s) telling everyone about all dem peeps he ryped and sheeit.

>> No.52716006

Biggest cuck in thread

>> No.52716020

Possibly better than internet shit. Just involves me being there

>> No.52716027

Says the guy trying to get back at somebody for fucking some 17 year old slut. Sounds like pure jealousy on your part.

>> No.52716037

Maybe the women he raped secretly enjoyed it.

>> No.52716040


>> No.52716050

No, just involves you paying bums to put up posters. They don't charge much. I really don't recommend you doing this personally, due to probable physical and legal repercussions.

>> No.52716072

Employed her parents from.when whe was like 9 and got her drunk? Sure dude.

>> No.52716082

Rape him

>> No.52716083
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cmon op, there's plenty of things you can do, use your imagination. and of course, follow all laws in your region and jurisdiction!

>> No.52716090

>he had sex with a girl who didnt scream "I CONSENT" during intercourse????

>> No.52716121

I used to hang out with 17 year old girls, nobody “gets them drunk” they choose to drink themselves because it’s fun and then they do the seckz because they’re biologically adults who get periods and have babies

>> No.52716122

This. I only rape women that have a bumper sticker that says:

>> No.52716133

Circle jerk about how getting a girl blackout drunk isnt rape ensures

>> No.52716144

do you have any local forums that are active /popular with the communities where this asshole has bought coffee shops ?
You can make anonymous / throw away accounts and out him as a rapist and piece of shit there & go over the history in detail there - don't worry people WILL be interested and it will spread - people love to hear about this stuff and also i would say people will hate him for it as well - kill his business hopefully once words gets around - good work OP - don't forget to come back and update us on how it goes too, godspeed Fren
And as for the edgelords in the thread - yeah wait until its your daughter or girlfriend or sister or friend who ends up raped by this creep - see how edgy you are then

>> No.52716159

Keep adding more to the story. Keep moving that goalpost. Whatever makes you feel moral bro

>> No.52716161

if he did any of these things then you would be able to get the law involved. If you say he did something without evidence the law will pursue you instead

>> No.52716168

My daughter wouldn’t “get raped” because she wouldn’t be getting drunk with strangers. That only happens to shitty parents

>> No.52716173

When someone says rape, I imagine some homeless poorfag dragging a woman into an alleyway. If alcohol is involved then it wasn't rape unless he forced her to drink it, it was just a bad decision your whore friend doesn't want to take responsibility for.

>> No.52716180

Sex is for reproduction. I'm not sure what age the victim was. It could have been consensual and she regretted it.

>> No.52716214

>I'm not sure what age the victim was.
OP said 9

>> No.52716240

It's so easy to fuck with people in the year 2022. Get creative anon

>> No.52716294

stupid thread

>> No.52716564

OP, give more details or you won't get shit
how old was the bitch?

>> No.52716638

Assuming this isnt bait, op is a massive fag. Go back and do your virtue signalling there. You keep adding more "details" about this dude which makes you sound like some bitter loser

>> No.52716648

You rape the rapist and then reach around his bank account you idiot

>> No.52716661

>op said dude rapes his underage staff
>op said rape victim is 9 y/o
>9 y/o working in america
Op is trying to grab attention, sage this idiot

>> No.52716677

Hope you find your peace anon. Where you are now doesn't sound like a fun place to be, but I am confident you can move past it.

>> No.52716691

People like you unironically deserve the rope. Mob mentality niggers like you who jerk each other off at the first chance they get to witch hunt someone just based on an accusation with no proof. Go back and never come back

>> No.52716707

OP actually said, RapeyCoffeeDude employed her parents SINCE she was 9. Hes avoiding stating what age, but as he 'got her drunk first' I guess it wasn't pre-teen. Gastro boss always fuck the staff, staff all fuck each other, then fuck the Boss again via theft. It's the nature of the job.

>> No.52716735

>Employed her parents from.when whe was like 9
What you typed and what he typed doesnt match at all. Until he learns to stop typing like a nigger, im not giving him the benefit of the doubt and making inferences on what he actually meant

>> No.52716747

nm i misread your post. My other points still stand.

>> No.52716752

OP is more evil than the painting coffeeman. Seriously OP, if he murdered your friend you know what to do, but you're a coward, so you'll make baseless accusations anonymously.
He probably fucked your mom and sister.

ProTip- all desirable men are accused of rape. Women lie and exaggerate just like middle school boys. If it really happened, it would be reported. If it's not reported then it didn't happen. If you were too scared to report it then, you would be too scared to bring it up now with no hope of legal aid.

Quit being a white knight, the only damsels you find are banned Delilah.

>> No.52716757

Also why are you jumping on the bandwagon when op provided literally 0 proof and keeps moving the goalposts

>> No.52716779

You all ganging up and throwing rocks at him tho. OP is a crusader for Truth & Justice & Sheeit. Go gettem OP.

>> No.52716784

it's the opposite actually. All the false rape accusations Ive seen involve undesirable men. If the guy is attractive, women will rationalize it and let them get away with it.

>> No.52716789

Op is making the accusations, burden of proof is on him. Thats how it always has been. But this is a waste of time as op is likely a failed troll who is attention grabbing

>> No.52716820

you are a naïve idiot. get over it, he played you or hurt your feelings and you left, story's over. everyone already knows what he's like anyway, you're just angry because he makes you feel like a pussy.

>> No.52716953

False accusations mean there's nothing to get away with. You are right about them rationalizing it if they want to though.

Nearly every sub 40 man I know has been accused of something. From harassment to rape, and that distinction is meaningless to many cunts. I've watched kids try and figure the angle and fail and realize homeboy just dodged a bullet, a year at school or three more months of TikTok it would've been over.

That's why OP claim dude is 'literal rapist' has bullshit written all over it. Rape is one of the few things cops love to prosecute. Nurses will walk through fire to get that kit to a lab. Hospitals have entire networks to help victims, so I almost never believe outlandish bullshit like OPs claim.

Not only that, semen and hair are not the only evidence. There are a lot of signs of trauma that can be diagnosed and documented.

Also, you need the magic cocktail if you've been raped. You've got about 24 to take that vitamin serum that flushes your system of whatever was deposited. Then there's the hospital version of plan b they shoot them up with.

Rape is far too easy to prove and the accusation to damaging, to give credence to an unsubstantiated claim.

>> No.52716970

kill him to assert dominance

>> No.52716990

I dont know why people have such a hardon for witchhunting rape crimes. There's so much worse shit happening in this world that people just gloss over, but the moment something happens to "muh innocent wahmen" people lose their fucking minds.

>> No.52717011

I dont know about "far too easy to prove". If that were the case then false rape allegations would be dealt with swiftly. I don't have the exact stats, but a small percentage of rapes actually get reported and fewer get reported on the day of. This basically turns it into a "take my word for it" case. Unfortunately many cunts are either blatantly lying or trying to equate regret to rape

>> No.52717098

>how to fuck him over?
Make a simple homemade gun with random shit found on the street/garbage cans. shoot him in the head

>> No.52717515

>Guy killed my friend
Weird how you never mentioned that in OP despite mentioning his character flaws, almost as if it's a lie

>> No.52717530

>Guy killed my friend
Maybe you should shoot him then, like what, do you really want to call food hygiene and shut his restaurant down? Get revenge fucker

>> No.52717585

sounds like he's in the right country. maybe you should eat pray love in india

>> No.52717619

Op you're a fag. Go lick your wounds somewhere else bitch...

>> No.52718274

you live in america and have access to any firearm you want and plenty of joggers to blame

>burger mutt cope

>> No.52718301

You're a fucking idiot.
You're the scum bag.
We should have you ranged and someone go find your ass and beat the living shit out of you. And afterward go shake the guy you hate's hand

>> No.52718320

Yup OP is an attention seeking faggot who spams this board nonstop literally nonstop.
I had to stop posting here cause of it and clearly gonna have to keep staying away till mods fix this fucking board.

>> No.52718490
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>> No.52718492

Coffee shops are shit for making money. The profit margin is even slimmer than regular restaurants. I managed one for several years and even the good years were hardly profitable. With todays economic climate he will probably lose those coffee shops in a recession. Just my two cents

>> No.52718549

How about you start living your own life instead of trying to bring others down.

>> No.52718848

become a licensed funeral director and "kill him"

>> No.52718874

Sounds like a based boomer got him some tight young zoomette poosah and some faggot broccoli haired nigger worshipper is mad KEK.

>> No.52718903
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I don't know but someone on reddit might be able to help you

>> No.52718964

look dude, just kill the guy.
You get a motorcycle, you get a fake license plate you get a vinyl wrap you can peele off and you get a weapon.
Just role up and get 'em
You're not gonna out play the guy, he's probably richer and more connected than you.
Either do that, or get over it. Why is your ego tied up in the well being of other people? I understand that you care about them and don't like that they were hurt, but accept you're going to get revenge or accept that bad things happen to people you love sometimes.

>> No.52719046
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Naughty naughty.