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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 512x512, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52715103 No.52715103 [Reply] [Original]

im crying and i dont know what to do
i come from a poor country (roumania) and i put all my savings into crypto after someone made a thread here... i had nice investments with other stocks like GOOG and AAPL... i am so stupid... but why so much evil in this world? i am poor, i need this money. my mom is unemployed, i once told her how much money i was making with crypto... i dont know anymore. i hope there is a god and he does something with those people... not fair.

>> No.52715114

how about…you get a job

fuckin gypsys

>> No.52715296

Stfu anon i’m also from there,zoomer fags deserve to lose it all

>> No.52715670
File: 1.02 MB, 1012x900, 1667707256203027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic pasta from the /biz/ golden age. Point at these newfags and laugh.

>> No.52717594

how many aapl shares did you have?

>> No.52717611

Mosule, eu plang pe blat in baie cand nevasta e cu copilul cu handicap. Si eu am pierdut niste bani, cumva nu asa multi, dar criptopula bnb casino era singurul lucru care imi da speranta. In secret sper sa ne nuclearizeze Putin ca sa scap si sa nu fie suicid.

>> No.52717623

Move to Buchurest, Cluj-Napoca or Timisoara and get a job. Romania is a country full of opportunity, it is the next Poland - I'm sure of it. It is developing nicely and is stable, there is no shortage of decent paying jobs in the cities. I am actually jealous of you for being Romanian. You have a bright future ahead, you will probably live in a nice two story house in the suburbs in 10 years.

>> No.52717715

Hej hej, tack så mycket ;) kys

>> No.52717728

Stop being a poor faggot with such a huge ego.

>> No.52717872

>i put all my savings into crypto after someone made a thread here
as long as it wasn't link, you'll at least have a chance still

>> No.52718149
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Hahaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look gais I recognize the pasta! aren't I hip and cool?
Go back >>>/reddit/

>> No.52718170

hey man I remember you from years ago we are all poor now its ok

>> No.52718176
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1658500169456332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lost all his money leverage trading

>> No.52718233

>twitch zoomer faggot

>> No.52718307

if you're new and don't get the culture, then stick around and learn like everyone else had to over years - don't belligerently lash out like an ignorant nigger. When I set off on my journey to waste my life on this site, people generally lurked for a long time before posting.

>> No.52718510

>muh sekrit club
Lol you’re a faggit and I hope you die today. What virgin recognizes all obscure pasta

drop dead

>> No.52718856
File: 360 KB, 512x512, FhfQ4ObXgAAffjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add me on discord(Frenxbt#2313)
and I send you 100 dollar

>> No.52718894

How come every "normal" person who comes here is such a giant cunt like this guy here? Is 4chan now less toxic than the rest of the internet?

>> No.52719529

i think 'oldfags' are literally old now and have mellowed out from the teenage and early 20's angry phase.

>> No.52719585

there is a god and he doesn’t feel bad that you lost all your money by trying to get wealthy by investing. you deserve this as punishment for your greed and desire for that which you have not earned.

>> No.52719614

Don't beanigger buy bitbean.

>> No.52719811

sorry, nigger I've been here since 2017, and calling out copy-pastas is cringe and ruins the point of the pasta and the replies it would've gotten. Go and be a social retard somewhere else

>> No.52720264

I agree the post came too early

>> No.52720531

Sucks to hear.
If you want to make it, put your remaining funds into gold/silver junior mining stocks before the upcoming bullrun.
visit commodities thread