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52713517 No.52713517 [Reply] [Original]

Based or cringe?


>> No.52713553

congrats anon good luck

>> No.52713564

Based, but the fact that you come here and ask is cringe.

>> No.52713570

Let's fucking go anon, I just hope you'r not getting yourself in debt, and if you are, I hope you're smart enough to make money whilst not paying any of it.

>> No.52713615

In my opinion that's based. when I was younger and went to uni I used to think like most of /biz/, so when I saw a literal 60+ old man being a student, in my mind I was like "what is this old fart doing? He's so old this is just a huge waste of time and money". I saw him going to uni every single day without skipping once and I always had the same question in my mind: "Why is he doing this?".
We both graduated at the same time and I just knew that if I didn't ask him why, the doubt would haunt me for the rest of my life so I went straight to him and asked directly: Congratulations, but I don't get it. Why do this at such age?
His answer changed the way I saw old people forever.
Interesting, I really didn't think OP would get such positive replies. Kudos.

>> No.52713639

Pretty cringe if you didn't get associates at community college. Basically lighting money on fire otherwise

>> No.52713646
File: 143 KB, 640x767, 1639112122600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you frens. This means a lot from you /biz/ bros.
So the entire reason I'm doing it is because I qualify for some neetbux program for mature students that takes a huge dent out of the tuition and books. Wouldn't have considered it otherwise. Thanks again mein brother.

>> No.52713656

It can be based or cringe depending on whether or not you follow thru to the end

>> No.52713664

What is this, some kind of clickbait shitpost?

>> No.52713671

That's impressive as fuck. Hats off to the old man grinding at a degree at his age.

My cope is that I looked up grad school demographics, and there's a significant amount of late 20's/early 30's students walking around everywhere getting masters or a second degree after having some regrets. Not that I should care about the opinions of normies, but, still a comforting fact.

>> No.52713672

What did he say?

>> No.52713673

did you get scholarships? where can you get free money at that age?

>> No.52713676

congrats man, bu dont waste any more time with studying. Go SLAY that prime pussy anon
>His answer changed the way I saw old people forever
stop being cute, what words of wisdom did Methusula impart, you baiting cunt?

>> No.52713689

I'm pretty pumped to just focus on fitness and studies, I think the environment change will allow heavy attention to my duties. I'll do my best!

>> No.52713742
File: 1.18 MB, 750x933, 1669867089394261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck see >>52713676

And shred some zoomer pussy. Zoomer males all way about 130lbs, you should have zero difficulty mogging everyone

>> No.52713856

extremely based, you're fighting like a gladiator to improve your life. I'm trying to do the same in other ways. WAGMI, and dont give a fuck what anyone says

>> No.52713863

It’s over

>> No.52713883
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radical my dude.
can i live in ur basement in your mansion

>> No.52713985

How large is your student loan?

>> No.52714001

self improvement is always based anon.

>> No.52714016

who gives a fuck anon just graduate and make some money.

>> No.52714033

My grandma said something obvious but that made a lot of fucking sense. 4 years will pass if you enroll and 4 years will pass if you don't so who cares... do what you gotta do.

>> No.52714075

Grandma's are based. Mine have been dead for over 20 years now. :(

>> No.52714141

My friend who was tutoring while doing his PhD has said mature age students have a focus that a fresh out of school student doesn't.
It's because we're mortal, we don't have forever like we used to think in our teens and early 20s. They're not there to fuck spiders. If you give it all like it's your last bit of free time before kids or a mortgage or whatever, you're gmi.

>> No.52714232

May God bless her soul

>> No.52714277

good luck bro. at 31 I've also been considering this.

get ripped. shred some zoomer pussy when you're in there.

>> No.52714384

Beyond cringe, especially at your age. Look, I know you guys are a bit slow hgre but I'll throw yall a bone. If you aren't currently learning how to utilize AI in the most effective way possible rn you are literally wasting your time and are retarded. Good day.

>> No.52714406
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>Based, but the fact that you come here and ask is cringe.

>> No.52714449

very based, learning new things is always based.

>> No.52714492

Lmao, how old are you? You don't go to Uni to learn, you go for accreditation.

>> No.52714506

stick to women your own age loser. I have this dude in my class that's clearly in his 30's but is hitting on all the girls in my class. He even tries to act young and shit and says he's on his second degree. Suure bud. Worst part is like there's already a shortage of girls.

>> No.52714532

>where can you get free money at that age?
bump, seconding this

>> No.52714539

>questions my age
the irony are you going to write lol next?

>> No.52714565

no where in this thread did he say he was only going there to fuck you stupid coon.

>> No.52714571

It sounds like the conversation you had with the older student had a profound impact on you and changed your perspective on older people. It can be easy to make assumptions about people based on their age, but everyone's motivations and experiences are different. It is important to remember that people of all ages are capable of learning and achieving their goals, no matter how old they may be. It is never too late to pursue education or other interests and passions.

>> No.52714588

Yes, the most efficient way to learn a subject/skill is by attending a run-of-the-mill state school while racking up student debt at age 30.

>> No.52714617

I didn't graduate until I was 34. Good luck to you.

>> No.52714693

Seeking higher education and reaching for the stars is not cringe and never will be.
I wish you all the luck in the world anon. You gonna make it.

>> No.52714697

kill yourself (you)

>> No.52714911
File: 6 KB, 249x212, 1630207948777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about bear markets are the quality of bros that remain on here. My confidence is red hot thanks to your words of encouragement anons. Best of luck to winning in whatever your guys' endeavors are in life.

We are indeed all gonna to make it
RIP to her, and God bless. you'll see her on the other side.

>> No.52715064

It's based, but you're still cringe.

>> No.52715558
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OP I am very jealous. I have a dual degree bachelors and have been working a few years now but I think I want to go back.
It would be for a specialty engineering masters. but, my workplace won't pay for it and idk about taking on that debt. it might only be worth it if I can get into a top 20 school here in USA. but i'm a white male so idk if that's really feasible anyway

>> No.52715575

>Based or cringe?
Binge, you will be doing that a lot. As in binge drinking.

>> No.52715977


>> No.52716057

You can tested and get a uni with 100% free, you don't even need a highscore

>> No.52716254


>> No.52716289

Daycare for adults

>> No.52716436

Based if you already have the money to pay for it and can go fuck fresh 18yo pussy
I'm planning to go back for my masters and so I can fuck around
I'm 25 and look younger than my age so I won't even have problems with standing out so I can have fun while also making the most of my time there.

>> No.52716558

That's the spirit Anon, it's never to late and god bless you

>> No.52716575


nigger you just show up and get accepted seriously most of these jewniversities take all they can get

>> No.52716671
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>qualify for some neetbux program for mature students that takes a huge dent out of the tuition and books.
Now you have my interest. What neetbux program and where?

>> No.52716763
File: 1.67 MB, 1242x1544, C3D08B0F-8503-4512-9B31-8968283CB3BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher education is a good thing at any age op, also you prolly get to fuck some Uni thots? Good luck with everything, work hard.

>> No.52716792

Came to post this

>> No.52716831

It's cringe the same as when you're younger. If you go into a shit ton of debt for no reason just because everyone told you it's the right thing to do you're a retard

>> No.52716927

t. dropped out of community college

>> No.52717746

Congrats my nigger.
Do your best and make us proud.

>> No.52719309


>> No.52719318

I did it so I could stare at these young girls' asses

>> No.52719321

Based. Unless you're studying gender science. Aka doing nothing.

>> No.52719368

>kill it
>is dead

>> No.52719489

also this

>> No.52719500

you forgot to say what his answer was

>> No.52719540
File: 37 KB, 405x343, 1669080882481545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're rich and your parents are paying for it, based- unless you're going for something like English then incredibly cringe.

If you're broke and if you're going for something like engineering or medical also based; however if you're broke and you're going for something like Music then maximum cringe

>> No.52719554

Protip: take night classes so you will be with other 30yo boomers

>> No.52719682

It depends on your motivation.

>> No.52720673

Unfathomably based. Just dont talk to the zoomers.