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52713041 No.52713041 [Reply] [Original]

ATOM vs AVAX: Who wins?

>> No.52713169

Atom. Classified.

>> No.52713180

Cardano is mathematically proven to be more secure than either of them.

>> No.52713230

Cosmos is more guaranteed to survive imo. I expect mediocre gains on both. Maybe slight more gains on avax.

>> No.52713251

jack ma just chose avax for an alibaba subnet. asset tokenization will happen on avax

>> No.52713265

Ummm are we talking about the same Cosmos that just had Luna collapse and is now going through Ankr collapse? Does it even need to be said that Atom is now a shitcoin?

>> No.52713285

Literally everything is built on Cosmos - Binance Smart Chain, Injective, Juno, Osmosis, Cro, Thorchain, Secret, Kava, Luna, Evmos, etc. Of course they're going to have projects that collapse, when they have everything.

>> No.52713319

Cosmos is a cuck. All of that built on it yet it barely has any value accrual from them

>> No.52713327

projects collapse on bsc and eth every day, and yet bnb/eth are not considered shitcoins

>> No.52713405
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ICP keep thinking your projects relevant faggots. I 150X my money in 2 days from a $4 investment

>> No.52713521

rose is built on tendermint as well as an iot security protocol partnered with the european union. avax is just an overhyped layer 1 that offers nothing unique or significant as far as i'm aware. terra collapsed because it's only purpose was for a stable coin. the only project regarding stable coins that might survive is rsr because it's propping up the financial strength of 3rd world shitholes. government cbdc's will probably collapse all stables.

>> No.52713535


>> No.52713764

Ask jack MA stupid nigger - or the chinese government.
Or do you think Alibaba could pick Avalanche without the ok from chinese government?
And there is only 1 reason only why the picked Avalanche and not any other L1 - THE TECH !
All other L1 can kiss my ass.

>> No.52713847


>> No.52713858

More like Arbitrary, am I right? kek

>> No.52713871

no Arbitrum

>> No.52713924

if some stupid scapegoat rice nigger makes you feel cozy with your investment all the best to you. looks to me like it's just their cloud supporting avax validators at the moment and this could change at any time and cause an actual fucking avalanche but whatever.

>> No.52713973

>avax is just an overhyped layer 1 that offers nothing unique or significant as far as i'm aware
tendermint is a modification of a pre-BTC consensus protocol called DLS. pretty old stuff, IBM researchers came up with DLS back in 1988.
Avalanche consensus, on the other hand, is completely novel. There is not even an existing class of consensus protocols that it fits into. This is also why it can keep finality down to subsecond speeds while scaling to millions of validators (log(n) scaling vs n*log(n)). Also it's the only leaderless consensus protocol, so MEV is limited to non-existent. These performance boosts just don't happen by taking a heavily studied 30+ year old algorithm like DLS and tinkering with it. You need to try something completely different to get completely different results, and that's exactly what happened with Avalanche. Honestly, Ted Yin got pretty lucky finding it, because most scientists go their whole career without making a single novel discovery.

That said, other than the consensus protocol, ATOM and AVAX are actually pretty similar in design and that's why I hold both. Avalanche is still a relatively untested consensus protocol and it's within the realm of possibility that a fatal flaw could be discovered. However this is becoming less and less likely everyday. Very unlikely at this point in time.

>> No.52713979

neither, i would choose polygon over both especially after matic flipping avax, shib, tron, dai, dot, and sol in market cap, and will be climbing all the way to join eth and btc in the top 3

>> No.52714010

First you read this - high IQ

>> No.52714030

Than you read this - classic BIZ low tier nigga comment.
Only question: Are such dumbasses still not washed out in this bear? crazy

>> No.52714100

thanks for the input. actually enlightening.

>> No.52714726
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>> No.52714775

Two of my favorites. Avax is better though I think. Subnets drive value to the token. Shit built with cosmos SDK does not neccissarily drive any value to cosmos token. Avax also has better tech and better team behind it. Cosmos does have better token distribution though so if you are one of those fags that is afraid of VC money then maybe go that way.

>> No.52715335

To extrapolate on this a bit, the decoupling of throughput from validator count has some important implications. First, the primary subnet with C, X, and P chains will become extremely decentralized over time and far more than Cosmos can. Second, see picrel for a graphical representation of the two network structures. Because every validator validates the main subnet there's a common channel for every single subnet communicate through (at least public ones that aren't just private walled gardens, I don't think this will be a significant use for avalanche though). Validators can also validate multiple subnets if their hardware is powerful enough which means that subnets with overlapping validator sets can also communicate with some degree of throughput isolation from other subnet to subnet communications.

AFAIK, avalanche also is a little more flexible than Cosmos SDK in terms of what you can build but I'm not a dev.

That being said I think Cosmos will coexist with avalanche, but avalanche will be much larger than cosmos. I believe there's a group called Landslide network on avalanche that is working on developing a cosmos SDK/IBC subnet which will enable some cool synergies.

>> No.52715350
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>> No.52715382
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Avalanche isnt just the Consensus, the Subnets are important too and actually everyone profits from Subnets.
It gives their token an additional usecase, creates buy pressure and taps into a network of thousands and soon millions of validators who they can outsource the demand to, in other words it can scale.
Avalanche solves all consensus issues that everyone else is struggling with and the ROSE chain for example could easily become a Subnet.
This is possible and I didnt make it up, if you remember the Oasis Labs Whitepaper on page 1
>"The modular design of the platform allows the consensus layer to be easily changed to use a completely different consensus mechanism to benefit from the latest progress in the space".
Avalanche is the latest in the Space and John Wu already dominates the business in Asia (see recent Alibaba news, GREE news and the Korea meetups), Emin and his best friends Ari Juels and Ittay Eyal dominate the academic field at Cornell where she works at, she will bend the knee and become a Subnet soon and she will profit from it and ROSE cucks might even make it.
also Oasis Labs isnt the only one who will profit from this. L2s will also eventually become Subnets and Subnets arent even restricted to only crypto. Avalanche will tokenize all the Assets in the World.

>> No.52715445
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You know Cosmos can and is being ported to Avalanche, right?

>> No.52715476

Sure absolutely, there's a lot that can be said about the possibilities of subnets. They are more cohesive than zones.

>> No.52715511

Avax and Ava Labs is under investigation by the SEC for violating the law. They hold 290mm in “development funds” in their alleged multiverse for teams and start ups. They’ve spent all their money on subsidiaries owned by Avalanche. This is separate from Ava Labs hiring a law firm to trash other coins.

So based upon this, atom, this unknown shit coin will win

>> No.52715618

nope https://crypto.bi/avax-ripple/

>> No.52715629


No thanks. Just figured I’d drop by to let everyone know SEC has multiple investigations into Ava Labs.

>> No.52715638


>> No.52715671
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>Avax and Ava Labs is under investigation by the SEC for violating the law

>> No.52715681

I'll summarize: they did everything by the book and didn't do any of the retarded shit ripple did.


>> No.52715733
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updated version

>> No.52715754

kek, i wonder if eth will ever return to that much load again

>> No.52715763
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Checked. God i hate eth so much its unreal

>> No.52715771

This will be a bit outdated, given interchain security will be a thing on Cosmos.

>> No.52715792

It stems from their abuse of the 290 million dollar slush fund for the multiverse

Expect it to hit news in several months

>> No.52715804

I think many underestimate this.

>> No.52716435

>Avax and Ava Labs is under investigation by the SEC for violating the law
Nice source bro

>> No.52717294

Based ICS chad. Ygmi.

>> No.52717356

Is that talk available online?

>> No.52717366
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>You should buy this piece of shit because it is overvalued, and you should ignore that gem because it is undervalued!

>> No.52717372

>Buy the already almost topped coin instead of something with way more way to go
Makes sense jeet

>> No.52718721
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>. Also it's the only leaderless consensus protocol

Ah nice try roach but we all know the Snowball update last year ended this because the leaderless nature of Avalanche was causing fuck ups in the performance of the network

Now it's just another leadered sack of shit so you might as well sell all you bags now you know emin gun sirer lied to you (once again)

el double minto chain can't cut it against Cosmos

>> No.52718740

>Super useful consensus model for proof of stake
>Atom token not needed
>Best scaling evm currently running

Hmm... it's really going to come down to what is built on each and whether atom v2 can actually pivot to the token being useful. Feels like atom has more work to do so avax is probably an easier path to pumping.

>> No.52718846


>> No.52719407

Not really true though, else it wouldn't have still almost a billie TVL

>> No.52719440

>Ah nice try roach but we all know the Snowball update last year ended this because the leaderless nature of Avalanche was causing fuck ups in the performance of the network
They did it to kill the MEV leeches though, not because it didn't work. Here's a write up by a fucking faggot who got rekt by Snowball++


>> No.52719442

Meh, I've just been buying Juno instead. Part of cosmos, but allows for permissionless smart contracts, so a bunch of people have been building shit on it.

>> No.52719702

Hmm .. truth is:
Alibaba pissed on cosmos and every other L1.
They picked Avalanche - because of tech.
Welcome to reality!

>> No.52719918

Yeah. The Cosmos V2 proposal failed, hopefully it passes, ATOM is barely needed, at present it's a cuck token that accrues no value from the ecosystem it created.

AVAX is also fastest enough to finalize transactions for gamefi, which would put load on the subnets when DeFi is dead. Avalanche will also pick up organisations wanting to build private or permissioned blockchains because they are more business focused, cosmos has no version of John Wu to go out and shill Cosmos SDK.

>> No.52720333

Definitely AVAX you oldfag. Many solid project like Allianceblock has launched its Fundrs on its chain and it's waxing stronger.

>> No.52720356

biz hates Atom therefore Atom it is

>> No.52720696
File: 805 KB, 1200x700, COSMOS-JAE-KWON-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmos because founded by based Jae Kwon who hates globohomo

>> No.52720831

Avax already roped itself trying to copy cosmos. Cosmos is unironically the future.

>> No.52720839

found the retard

>> No.52720860

They don't understand the SDK and IBC. Let them stay poor with their sandbox EVM 20019 chains.

>> No.52720877

>not shitcoins
is anyone gonna tell him?

>> No.52721009
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>> No.52721027

How the fuck is it a copy asshole, it's barely similar tops.

>> No.52721042

This is why avax is better. It can actually capture the value of shit built with its sdks. Cosmos can literally take over crypto and still be a shitcoin. Token not sneeded

>> No.52721051

Why is the AVAX dev forum so empty? I'm the anon from the other thread who wanted to go 50/50 AVAX/ICP and asked for a link to the AVAX dev forum. I'm genuinely curious as to why it's so empty, because I've been following the dfinity forum and it's way more active.
What's the deal here?

>> No.52721076

It was relaunched a couple days ago bruv. Idk why but the old forum got deleted.

>> No.52721088
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Avax has gigabrain devs who are tired of being copied by pajeets so they arent as open about what they are working on. If you look at the shit they are rolling out you know they arent sitting around doing nothing. Patrick O'grady on twitter is your best source for avax development. Basically they just release shit without talking about it much or hyping it up much.

>> No.52721103
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havent found a video with dawn song in it but its from an event in october earlier this year.

only found this talk of john wu tho

>> No.52721116

This, Emin actually said this himself, I guess they're pissed off after Polyjeet just cloned subnets (understandable).

>> No.52721118
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there is a very active avalanche discord

>> No.52721127

as for dapp developers? They will probably be on ETH/solidity focused forums is my guess.

>> No.52721143


>> No.52721176
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snowman++ is coming by the way, removing this issue. Based Patrick is on the case and he always delivers

>> No.52721187
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Lets compare ETH staking to Avalanche staking:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.

you will ignore this post like so many ETH cucks before you because it BTFOs you and murders your Bags.

>> No.52721289

im not a tranny weeb so no discord for me

>> No.52721473

>I'm the anon from the other thread who wanted to go 50/50 AVAX/ICP
I do this with avax/atom/dot and a small bag of icp but nobody believes so they call me a shill

>> No.52721980
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yeah its annoying you cant have actual discussions because people are married to their bags (and paid shills do exist too) and are generally emotionally retarded