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52701709 No.52701709 [Reply] [Original]

ICOracle is the first decentralized oracle network on the Internet Computer (basically Chainlink only on web 3.0)

Whitepaper: https://cfhuv-raaaa-aaaak-aczha-cai.raw.ic0.app/onepaper-draft.pdf

This above is an ICP link ^

This token allows dapps to use secure and accurate trustless on-chain, off-chain, and real-world data. With BTC integration coming to ICP (on-chain btw), this oracle is set to be one of the biggest projects for DEXs and dapps to use.

>but how do i buy it?
You need an ICP wallet, there are various options that also allow you to have an ICP identity, but the simplest anonymous and closest to an ETH wallet UI is plug wallet:

>ok but what now?
You buy ICP from an exchange or peer to peer if you're a schizo, and load your wallet with it, watch out though!
Your wallet has two addresses, one principal and one account ID, to receive ICP or ICP tokens from an exchange or anything not compatible with plug, use your ACCOUNT ID, make sure to do test transactions, fees are very low on ICP

>ok but how do i buy it!?

Use it like you use your traditional CEX

>but muh fees
I already said it, ICP fees are incredibly low

Check the charts btw

>> No.52701736
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-Useful links

ICOracle Resources
website: http://icoracle.io
github: https://github.com/eleven-cat/ICOracle
twitter: https://twitter.com/icoracle_io
dscvr: https://dscvr.one/p/icoracle-community
onepaper: https://cfhuv-raaaa-aaaak-aczha-cai.raw.ic0.app/onepaper-draft.pdf

ICOracle Canister
canister-id: pncff-zqaaa-aaaai-qnp3a-cai
did: https://ic.house/canister/pncff-zqaaa-aaaai-qnp3a-cai
reference: https://github.com/eleven-cat/ICOracle/blob/main/docs/ICOracleReference.md
example: https://github.com/eleven-cat/ICOracle/blob/main/examples/Example.mo
data feeds: https://github.com/eleven-cat/ICOracle/blob/main/docs/DataFeedsList.md

OT Token
ecosystem: https://github.com/eleven-cat/ICOracle/blob/main/Token/README.md
canister-id: imeri-bqaaa-aaaai-qnpla-cai
did: https://ic.house/canister/imeri-bqaaa-aaaai-qnpla-cai
standard: ICRC1, DIP20, DRC20
name: ICOracle Token
symbol: OT
Decimals: 8


>> No.52701760


>muh token not needed

ICOracle will work as a 2nd layer to strenghten the safety of each datas. So it'll be faster thx to the ICP outcall tech, and more reliable thx to ICOracle.

Icp cannot just use the https outcall for data feeds. This could be extremely dangerous.. Just imagine if the outcalled source provide the smallest error in it's data (let's imagine that Coingecko/coinbase gets scammwicks, or a lgg int its price
actualization); this could lead to thousands of unwanted liquidations on the ICP-Defi ecosystem.

So yeah, token is needed as a synergy to the https outcall. You just need to get the big picture. And every ICP user will realize this at the first liquidation from a Defi because of
an erroneous data coming from an outcall.

>> No.52701861

chink scan dont buy anons

>> No.52701919

Sorry, already bought.

>> No.52701941

If ICP can interact with https on chain, why does there need to be an oracle? Does it help somehow?

>> No.52701956

enjoy being dumped by china lol

>> No.52701962

So the token is a kind of firewall somehow?

>> No.52702016

its a kind of pump and dump

>> No.52702523

sold bags at .0004 didn’t you

>> No.52702539

See >>52701760

On top of that, ICP does not support IPv4 addresses natively, only IPv6

>> No.52704411

what is the supply

>> No.52704499

why website not secure? fuck you

>> No.52705750
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Every dev i've spoken to working on the IC says ICOracle isn't needed and they can do it cheaper and more efficiently on their own

Why are you shilling this garbage? It's clearly only one person doing it. How many bags you holding?

>> No.52707066

>falling for china hustles in the year of our lord 2022

>> No.52708810

lighthouse engineer here
we are going to moon so hard you retarded niggers
cope seethe dilate

>> No.52709506

whats the make it stack?

>> No.52709525


>> No.52711385


>> No.52712485


>> No.52712516

token very good, this coin set to moon in 2023

>> No.52713243

light + house

>> No.52713645

I have 16000 OT is this enough for any decent return?

>> No.52713853
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Do you believe in magic???

>> No.52713866
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450 million current supply


^ ICP dapp for top 100 OT holders

>> No.52713870

I have 1000000 OT what price can I suspect

>> No.52713888

You do understand dev teams could literally call the APIs of multiple exchanges and find the relative mode of whatever data they are trying to access? Any competent dev team does not need to use this oracle. The only reason Link is needed on other blockchains is because the smart contracts themselves can’t interact with apis.

>> No.52713896

Stoping coping your missing link at .03 c

>> No.52713957


sui stack 50k
make it stack 250k
lambo stack 500k-1M

>> No.52713997
File: 82 KB, 645x1045, A053ABE1-04CF-43A1-A07A-66A102C517C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When this hits .25 OT/ICP assuming ICP is at its current price, you have already made one million usd, we are already close to 1¢ and just hit our ATH today

You have already made it.

>> No.52714092


>calling multiple apis at once, possibly deal with inaccurate, unverified, and modified data with no decentralized mediator

or you can just call one api for all your assets, saving yourself a major headache

>> No.52714115
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I’m sure they can