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52712520 No.52712520 [Reply] [Original]

I'm confused about the economics of these tokens. I get the idea of paying people to watch ads, but why not just pay people in Bitcoin? Why do you need your own token?

>> No.52712646
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>bitcoin tx too slow/expensive for the value of bat tipping
>using bat allows for its own ecosystem/economy having advertisers fiat transferred into bat although still correlated to crypto as a whole stopping those who have btc previously from being whales over the brave browser advert economy
>btc was trialled before bat btw
>the bat ico allowed brave to raise capital to run their business

the same question could be asked about why not just pay people in fiat. there was a paper - or even a product that offered to pay people a share of the ad revenue for accepting adverts in browser during the late 90's or early 2000's which didn't really get off the ground.

allowing users to be compensated rather than brave providing services for 'free' stops the end user being the product. if you want to up your heart rate, please see this thread on r*ddit where a bunch of imbeciles struggle to understand brave browser and its attempt at fixing the internet in part by disrupting the advertiser/publisher both double stream pissing on content creators and end consumers by both serving adverts which puts pressure on creators to adjust their content to the whims of advertisers whilst propagandizing and selling the data of the end consumer.


these people clearly have no clue and expect boomers to spin up their own search engines and browse the net without js enabled on a firefox fork with 50 extensions as if that's a realistic solution to problems that plaguing the web today. content creators and publishers need their pay, but not at the extent of tracking and selling end consumer data. in the wise words of brendan eich - "TANSTAAFL".

>> No.52712687
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>bonus fact for those that care:
there will never be more bat in existence than was minted in the ICO. it is not mined and cannot be printed/minted. as brave grows and more and more people opt into adverts and buy pressure for advertising on the platform increases, they have to fight to buy the remaining bat left on exchanges.

make of that what you will.

>> No.52712908

there is an explot do not redeem

>> No.52713551
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1. It let Brave print free money from the ICO (most obvious and truthful reason, as with most projects).
2. BTC network payments were, and remain still, too slow/costly compared to alternatives.
3. Being compensated with whole BATs each month is, consumer-psychologically speaking, a better feeling than receiving BTC of the same the value except it says 0.00000002 BTC.
4. Having its own currency means they can make deals in the future which reward payments in BAT with favorable pricing.
5. The supply of BAT is permanent and finite.

As a funny aside, when you Google search "browser that rewards you with BTC" (which is what several Johnny-come-lately projects have attempted), the first four results are just about Brave still lol
Brave basically owns the narrative of the browser that rewards you, now. Second place is too far gone in the category.

>> No.52713898

the BAT team actually tried to build BAT on Bitcoin originally, but realized that it was too hard, and that ETH would be a much more appropriate platform.

They were bitcoin maxis, but got ethpilled when core bricked the corn.

Theres a coindesk article somewhere where they say this to the reporter, circa 2019? idk

>> No.52714856

when will normiefags and tiktok zoomers find about this shit
only then BAT will mooon hard

>> No.52714884


holy fug the amount of FUD in that thread

>> No.52715051

they can't be helped. they have an opinion and they fit everything to it.

>> No.52715347

true, it looks like an echo chamber

When will BAT move to its own network, literally no reason to be on ETHshit

>> No.52715929

That's just r/privacy. They are hard-core firefox shills. Anything brave does they shit on and it's been that way forever. Also the jannkes on here banned me for a week for making a BAT thread. Then they denied the appeal. There's a bunch of rogue jannies and moderators coming after us. Would not be surprised to find everyone got the hammer.

>> No.52717132

What happened to the anon that had evidence on Parker? All of the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together. He's not a jannie. He's a moderator. The rabbit hole goes deeper than I thought. Ever wonder why TP got banned? Have you ever considered that John faggot, monero poster, Parker, brave-tan anon, and cosmos poster are all the same guy? The brave community has gone to absolute shit since he showed up. It's not only a coincidence, but there's evidence and we are finding more.