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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52710991 No.52710991 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I buy this? Please offer your EOY price prediction as well (same as EOM (29 days from now))

>> No.52711072
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>> No.52711191

Won’t even be about price eventually… everyone who owns link will own slaves and everyone else will be in a UBI camps getting raped in the mouth by Ethiopians. It ain’t like we are looking for a return per se like it’s 1982 right now. They are gonna crash everything, the dollar is worthless, sugar babies are probably a legitimate profession at this point. The world as we once knew it is over

>> No.52711234

>EOY price prediction

>> No.52711270
File: 65 KB, 1242x484, 1559814118334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys remember?

>> No.52711813

I predict we will be around $12-$13 by EOY

>> No.52712456


>> No.52712591

$8 in a best case scenario

>> No.52714124

i would instead buy Polygon (ticker: MATIC) that was thriving during this year's bear market while other coins were literally going to zero

>> No.52714234
File: 90 KB, 1280x431, 1B6E792F-84E1-42C5-B0A1-E7A8611248CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please offer your EOY price prediction
AT LEAST $200. And that’s being conservative.
>Why should I buy this?
You mean aside from it being the groundwork for the future of finance? Aside from staking coming out in a loterally less than a week? Okay. Well we’re only months away from the release of the CyberCode 2.0 testnet. I know retards have no idea what that is or its importance for LINK when the alpha releases around the end of October next year (give or take a few months) cause this board is dead so I will spoonfeed you out of kindness of heart:

CyberCode 2.0 secures the ledger cryptographically to encode transactions at 20x magnitude of legacy infrastructure. It achieves this by taking blockchain transactions to the BbC-2022 layer and parsing them through the node network incentivized by super linear sequencing which Sergey said is very close to finish line. This activity is incentivized through semi-permeable staking allowing LINK token holders to benefit for verifying data both on main chain and Blockchain Byzantine Consensus 2022 layer.

The obvious benefits of super fast transaction speeds also brings exponential economies of scale! What this means sir is if farmer has 500 Kg cow for sale, he can put the beast to market on the blockchain to verify the weight in a trust less system faster than global SWIFT system. Soon any business who wants to stay relevant will have to buy LINK to have access to CyberCode 2.0 feature. A unique proposition. Those who don’t use this system (powered by LINK) will get left behind.

Scammer motherfuckers want you to think that banks and other organizations are not currently fulling their bags with cheap LINK as we speak. DON’T LET THEM WIN. If you hold more than 50 LINK right now, you already made it. Immediately when we breach the $6.50 resistance it’ll be too late for you. You have been warned, sir. So go buy many LINK for you dream to come true.

>> No.52714256

8$ best case scenario
6$ most likely scenario
3$ worst case scenario

>> No.52715022

Probably around 5.75-6.66
Run away now there is only pain and suffering in chainlink.
Im basically like the adult smoker warning young kids never to smoke. They wont believe me then they will find themselves in my place years down the line.

>> No.52716557

The best thing about bradchain is that you already hold it just by reading this

>> No.52716594

Your bitterness is palpable.
I'm never selling.

>> No.52717232

>never selling
None of us are. feels good man. did you hear that loser in the other thread fudding Link? Priceless. Listen to this idiot. That's the level we're talking.