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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5269977 No.5269977 [Reply] [Original]

TITLE? 5 mins to choose before i drop 10k on one of them. only had a req picture

>> No.5270021


>> No.5270042

SALT, 10 days max for launch. No brainer

>> No.5270117

It's been a nice predictable 1.75 hour snake all day

>> No.5270152

Salt is launching in the next eleven days and req is launching in a few months

>> No.5270170

REQ all the way

>> No.5270194

REQ is p cheap rn. But just drop 5k on each?

>> No.5270222

Might actually go for WAVES, saw a bunch of posts about the Binance competitions lining up exactly with massive pumps. ADA was the last one and we all saw how that vaporware went. the WAVES comp was just released today.

>> No.5270232

Is it still going to be $25 fixed rate per salt once the platform is released?

>> No.5270277

I think they bumped it to $27.5, can’t confirm at the moment though

>> No.5270354

yeah they bumped it to 27.5 and will keep bumping it periodically based on secondary market prices (exchange prices)

>> No.5270446

Sooo, fud me. Won't that guarantee me gains if I buy? Sounds 2 good.

>> No.5270465

Req 100%

>> No.5270526

this, just went all in on WAVES

>> No.5270532

>Sounds 2 good.
They are a new company and need capital. By being an early investor you will be rewarded. The only thing that will fuck it up are problems with the launch.
Does anyone have a link to that article claiming Salt is worth 60 dollars per token?

>> No.5270538

More growth potential in REQ but also higher risk. Just based on all the connections and startups backing it i don't think you can go wrong. I'm also a large REQ holder who bought at .08c and plan on long term holding.

>> No.5270560

Neither do NEO

>> No.5270561

Shill me on req why should I buy

>> No.5270630

This shit has bled on me so hard. I can't believe I put another $400 in this over Monero last night.

>> No.5271154

Sauce on this? On the go atm and can't look it up myself
> tfw yropoor with shitty mobile service
>inb4 phoneposter

>> No.5271700


>> No.5272426

Tfw put 750 in last night thinking it was hitting resistance

>> No.5272464

SALT obviously

>> No.5272546


>> No.5272612

I could have bought an extra 6 XMR. Instead I got like 4 and put the rest into this shit.

>> No.5272637

req in recovery mode

>> No.5272655


>> No.5272677
File: 2.25 MB, 1560x1876, 1513635080773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to give me the cash, my decision would be SALT. But that's only because I already have 10k REQ.

Summary: REQ (while it's cheap)

>> No.5272702

I heard the news from REQ team is going to be big on Friday. Partnerships inc?

>> No.5272733


>> No.5272762

Stop spreading this shit. Hopefully itll just lay out more plans and progress. Maybe a time frame for mainnet release

>> No.5272839
File: 2.88 MB, 2478x1354, F02C79E8-A26D-430F-97A7-958D172B48FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- YCombinator startup (Dropbox, Airbnb, COINBASE, etc)
- Will be bigger than PayPal if everything goes according to plan, and they’re already ahead of the roadmap
- Fully automated payment/accounting/auditing system that can use any type of currency/crypto
- Token burn

“Jimbob has sent you a Request for $15”
Think about it.

>> No.5272848

req boi

>> No.5272924


>Hey, bro can you req me for that bud light?

its over

>> No.5273062


>> No.5273130


>> No.5273132

The goal for Req is take any currency

>> No.5273158

Retarded newfag question, how are you guys buying your REQ? Waiting a week for other crypto to clear from bank transfers before exchanging for REQ/other alts is killing me

>> No.5273159

I think SALT is gonna go up more in the short term with the release coming. Do this then switch fully to REQ after x% profit made

>> No.5273183


Binance EASY

>> No.5273192
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>> No.5273293

Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.

>> No.5273682

Is 2600 enough or should I gamble and try flipping for more?

>> No.5273785

That's what I'm using, but I am using ETH that I am buying via bank transfers, each of which is taking 6-7 days to clear

>> No.5273836

I'm already on board, but was thinking last niggt about how REQ could also theoretically exchange different currencies during the request. Each device has it's own preset of paying and being paid, and as the request is processed it changes to whatever the receiver desires.

That way I could go to a coffee shop, pay for a coffee in Bitcoin, and the shop gets their money in dollars (or whatever they desire)

That way stores don't even have to upgrade systems or make sure they have the protocols to accept btc/ltc/etc/ada etc as payment. It'd be seamless

>> No.5273874
File: 322 KB, 1119x684, F7gifuriginoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice lambo, here's mine

>> No.5273943

In your scenario what exactly is the point of the REQ token.

>> No.5273951

Don't dude, at least wait for it to double

>> No.5273962

As you're busy gambling the price of req might keep inching higher and higher. Are you 2600 all in? Smart and safe but at the behest of excitement

>> No.5273985

The vanity plate on my lambo is going to say REQT

>> No.5274001

What do you mean by all in? I currently have 2600 REQ but its not my largest holding, or even close.

>> No.5274028

The paying/burning of req tokens as fees to process transactions. You could pay in req of course too

>> No.5274065

unironically req

>> No.5274072


>> No.5274075

Right but why does that give REQ tokens value? If they're just being used as a middle man does their value even matter.

>> No.5274175

Okay I thought you meant you only had 2600 req and that was your entire portfolio. If you believe in the concept just trade some of the other shit and stack more... no need to sell any

I started with 1k req and have accumulated 11k so far trading other shitcoins. My goal is to not add more fiat

>> No.5274238


Any currency to req, req to other guy, req to any currency. Ez exchanges.

>> No.5274263

My other holdings are XMR ARK and ETH though. The first I believe is guaranteed to hold value, the second is a promising technology I'm emotionally attached to, and the last is a sort of safety net for REQ but I own very little of it.

>> No.5274310

His scenario is one of the planned uses for REQ. The tokens get burnt in the background regardless of the seller and buyer.

>> No.5274361

If they're burnt on use wouldn't they run out? How is it a sustainable product.

Also yes I should get around to reading the whitepaper but I've been busy.

>> No.5274403

I like to think of buying coins as buying shares of a company but without voting rights. Of course it can be used as a method of payment still, and as the value increases against other coins it'd make sense to pay in req coins as the fees would be on parity with the buying coin

>> No.5274560

Does REQ allow for decimal division of its coins or is Binance just making it appear as though it's whole only. Because if not I fear for its ability to gain value and be used as a form of payment.

>> No.5274573

REQ is currently damn undervalued.

>> No.5274614

Req tokens can be divided into dust just like any other coin. At a certain value we'd be burning fractions

Wouldn't it be weird/scary/kinda neat to get a weekly paycheck in half fiat half BTC or whatever you prefer? Fuck exchanges and wait times

>> No.5274674

I got rekt.

>> No.5274689

For sure, out to eight decimals if I remember correctly. Because it's so cheap now the exchanges won't do fractions... yet

>> No.5274784
File: 54 KB, 465x576, 1513741905343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 500 REQ.

Will I afford 1 nice vacation in 2018?

>> No.5274811

Makes sense. Thanks anon.

>> No.5274881

Looks like we finally got a little moon going.

Speaking of, is anybody watching XVG absolutely rape the sell walls right now?

>> No.5275457

forget and just hodl for a nice car in 2020

>> No.5276110

Hell no. I'm so fucking salty, I sold that shit at .06 for $86 profit

>> No.5276534

>When you get in at .02 but sold it for VEN