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52704232 No.52704232 [Reply] [Original]

5th of December

Our Life will finally begins.

>> No.52704330

Damn, you have 10x as much LPL as I have

>> No.52704394

all those people saying they were going to stake with other nodes... they're silent now

>> No.52704584

Yes LPL will be the only node you can stake with for the whole lifespan of the chainlink network lmao
It's a good hold but listen to yourself

>> No.52704627
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it's all so tiresome
obviously you can stake on other nodes... but everyone will be staking through linkpool's staking infrastructure
the major nodes have all started announcing that they're going to use it
and lpl holders will get a cut of all of this

>> No.52704636

>everyone will be staking through some third party's centralized marketplace

>> No.52704643

this unironically is a possibility. Linkpool made the pooling contract to pool peoples deposit together and stake them, linkpool are the only ones to announce a service like that until now

>> No.52704647

have a read of the announcement on the 5th
all node allotment staking is through linkpool

>> No.52704649

didnt read not staking lol

>> No.52704668

cool man
we are even getting a stLINK/LINK curve pool

>> No.52704680

cringe ngl

>> No.52704807

Platform* not node

>> No.52704863

I was one of them, kind of surprised.

>> No.52704910

Like, I'm a fucking brainlet compared to these other anons but LPL describes it spot on. It had no in built staking infrastructure. I can't code and won't be able to beat bots so made sense to stack LPL

>> No.52704951

It's a possibility with a probability of <1%
It's 0.1 staking with KYC nodes
You really think they will just hand over monopoly to Linkpool when there is free competition?
If you own LPL, good for you but don't be delusional lmao

>> No.52705096

kek stakefish and p2p have both announced they will host public nodes without needing linkpool.
>LPL unironically not needed

>> No.52705138

Stakefish earn less than 100 link a day
P2p will end up using stakedotlink

>> No.52705197

>public nodes
nice one brainlet

>> No.52705214

why buy lpl when i could instead just buy more link?
like genuinely are the returns going to be better?
why not just buy only lpl then?

>> No.52705231

yeah potentially higher returns
also no lockups

>> No.52705366

have a look through some of this:
and this is prior to staking going live obviously

>> No.52705580
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He probably swims in public pools.

>> No.52705757

yeah you do that

>> No.52706455

how can I cope with the fact that I've known about Linkpool since the beginning and I couldn't buy some because I'm American?

>> No.52706522

Well that is shit. Couldn't you buy by using a vpn?

>> No.52706584

It was never illegal to buy for Americans by the way, but linkpool was not allowed to sell to americans

>> No.52706909

Returns may be higher on lpl in the near future, but it also has a much higher chance of rugging than LINK

>> No.52706996

One of only 213 big dick Chad 25k+LPLa holders here.

Lambo incoming.

>> No.52707089

I could've, but I didn't want to risk it.

please tell me this isn't true. Did I actually miss on buying lpl based on a false premise? Damn it to hell.

>> No.52707227

I have 25k lpla am I gonna make it what does it all mean I just bought it because everyone here told me not to lol

>> No.52707528

You're retarded if you thought some company was going to get all of the node infrastructure set up (so you don't have to) and then give it away for free.
One hand washes the other, and people who bought LP shares washed the first hand for Link staking pools.

>> No.52709156

>everyone will be staking through linkpool's staking infrastructure
Can someone please explain to me how this conclusion is arrived at? Why in the name of fuck, and considering there will be so much money presumably coming into this space, would all potential node operators decide to hand over their money to Linkpool? Why not make their own nodes/architecture whatever you want to call it?
What's preventing, off the top of my head, say, Google taking one look at this and saying "Right, we want our own staking services and we're prepared to throw a gazillion bucks at getting it going, ASAP. Linkpool? Who the fuck are they? Get them out of the way"?
There's this assumption which I cannot fathom that Linkpool shills make, that everyone is going to bend the knee to this tiny little outfit of relative enthusiasts. The big guns will squash them like an ant in no time. The best outcome Linkpool holders could hope for would be a takeover, but that ridiculous token bullshit will disappear imo. It's so obvious. Add to this Chainlink themselves mentioning they were nothing to do with them in the staking blog, and you have a very, very risky investment there indeed. Please tell me why I'm wrong. This isn't fud, it's my genuine thoughts, btw.

>> No.52709161

I'll keep buying LPL and earn more LINK than i would've bought over the next few years while also having the value of LPL. Few

>> No.52709190

25k lpler here, you're gunna make it boss congrats

>> No.52709238

Nobody serious has ever said LPL will be the ONLY staking pool, simply that they'll be the first the probably the most lucrative for a while. Even the LPL team says anyone is welcome to create their own, and if they do it means the LINK network has grown enough to support multiple pool providers. The best case scenario is LPL captures 5% of all network revenue and LPL stakers will be making fucking bank

>> No.52709258

If you still holding link you shouldn't kill yourself because it's greater punishment than death. You only deserve eternal torment an luckily that is the only use case.

>> No.52709309

1 out of 4000 here too, felt like it was a good spot to take.

>> No.52709312

Because the big hoss of linkpool works for Sergey. Sergey can't own the infrastructure of third party staking directly, but he can give behind the scenes approval and special treatment to one of the top and original node operators in the industry, in exchange for full control over company decisions.

>> No.52709374

None of this in any way disproves the notion that the money would have been better (and definitely safer) invested in Link tokens.
I suppose an analogy would be railroads. I imagine Link to be the railroad network itself, and Link holders get paid regardless of who uses it, basically forever. What does that make Linkpool? I suppose it would make it an early railway company who make carriages and locomotives which other rail companies can rent if they wish. I'm not sure the analogy is perfect, but even if it's somewhat correct, I would always, always wish to be invested in the infrastructure and not in the early railway company.
What happens if Linkpool goes bust? Sure it's unlikely, but what happens if they do? This is a separate question and not my fundamental argument. Could they go into receivership? Stranger things have happened esp in this space.
>inb4 what if Chainlink went bust ?
probably nothing, but if it screwed everything then Linkpool would go down too

>> No.52709405

>lpl holders will get a cut of all of this
Oh yeah bros. We made it

>> No.52709479


"Third party and unofficial delegation systems should be viewed as an experiment that are independent from the Staking v0.1 beta"

"The Chainlink Foundation makes no assurances around the performance or security of third-party delegation systems created or employed by Node operators or other ecosystem participants."


>but he can give behind the scenes approval and special treatment to one of the top and original node operators in the industry, in exchange for full control over company decisions.

Can you point to any evidence to back up your claim? I've not really seen any. All i'm seeing is distancing and disclaimers.

>> No.52709523

It will be the only place for retail investors to be able to stake on the best nodes. Getting a spot on the best nodes is a seriously big deal

>> No.52709555

Lpl is to guarantee you a spot on the best nodes to stake your link so you can have peace of mind and retire with the passive income that comes in. The best part is it requires no effort, neet nodes are not a meme

>> No.52709558
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mumbai offers such farseeing perspective

>> No.52709568

I can't believe I finally get to say this on biz, but you just have to trust me. I'm not going to say anything before the announcement on the 5th. But the big hoss definitely follows marching orders.

>> No.52709660


>> No.52709880

Speaking for just myself, but I suspect this applies to many other poolies - I was early and my initial $4k investment got me 28k LPL, so I'm happy. I bought because I wanted to guarantee I would be able to stake across many nodes, that'd I'd have a seat at the table. All of your criticisms are valid and I agree with much of it. LinkPool is not a sure thing in the same way that Chainlink is.

>> No.52709913

Nobody is gonna make anything at all. We are all fucked.

>> No.52709962

>my initial $4k investment got me 28k LPL
How many Link tokens would you have received for $4k at the time you bought your LPL tokens?

>> No.52710122

I think it would have been about 9k LINK. I already have 75k LINK though.

>> No.52710406

I'm never bought LPL but it makes sense I mean chainlink has been working with Johnny for a while

>> No.52710483

>Can someone please explain to me how this conclusion is arrived at?
They bought the top
Logic is optional

>> No.52710766

I'd take the 9k Link, and I already have 60k. I hope it works out for you though.

>> No.52711512

This is a good analogy. But the tracks are still being laid and diluting the value of previously laid tracks. Unless staking literally doubles your LINK by the time it's all released you lose relative buying power.
Checked, neets can't even do their laundry and they think they'd have an easy time setting up all the redundant node hardware and connecting their node to meaningful APIs? LPL is the node for neets.

>> No.52711639

first mover advantage, look at how lido has dominated the ethereum staking space
and in the chainlink ecosystem there's no centralisation concerns for this layer of the stack
remember that linkpool has a team 20+, their founder is on the chainlink team, has been laser focused on staking for five years. in short they have expertise, heavily audited contracts etc
there will be competitors yes, but first mover is big
the other thing is that the linkpool team had a very generous ico which saw them give revenue direct to holders, it was a very, very good deal
ico was $0.013

>> No.52711702
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also in terms of a token: there will always be a need to gate access to staking to avoid value dilution

>> No.52711732
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>> No.52712195

> the tracks are still being laid and diluting the value of previously laid tracks
i don't understand this
>Unless staking literally doubles your LINK by the time it's all released you lose relative buying power
or this