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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 746x1080, EnrageGlowies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52701075 No.52701075 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Official Gui/Cli

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>> No.52701095
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>> No.52701106
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P2Pool combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully control your Monero node and what it mines, but you get frequent payouts like on a regular pool.

P2Pool has no central server that can be shutdown/blocked because it uses a separate blockchain to merge mine with Monero. There's no pool admin that can control what your hashrate is used for or decide who can mine on the pool and who can't. It's permissionless!

Decentralized pool mining (P2Pool) is pretty much the ultimate way to secure a PoW coin against 51% attacks. When P2Pool reaches 51% of the total network hashrate, Monero will be essentially invulnerable to such attacks.


If you have a PC or laptop:

1. Download Monero GUI

2. Pick 'Advanced' mode

3. Set up your wallet

4. Keep the default Daemon settings "Start a node automatically in the background"

5. Once sync'd, go to Advanced->Mining and pick 'P2Pool'. If you have a laptop or low-end PC (~50 kH/s) pick "Mini" pool, else pick "Main"



Many inexperienced miners think that big pools give better profits which is not the case. Your profits in the long run depend ONLY on your hashrate, NOT on the pool's hashrate.


>> No.52701115
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*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****

Learn more about Monero's key features and excellent future prospects, have some common misconceptions dispelled and discover the cold hard facts about Bitcoin, Zcash and PirateChain. Also featured is a noob-friendly buying, storage and wallet guide.

>Monero: it's what new Bitcoin users think they bought. Every feature, explained

>Why Monero is so untraceable: a rundown of the powerful stealth tech Monero utilizes

>The Writing on the Wall: Monero replacing Bitcoin as the new standard

>Breaking News: no, Monero still isn't traceable

>Vaporware: why nobody is worried about CipherTrace's magic crystal ball

>Very Clever Math: how we can verify that the XMR supply isn't being inflated

>Pssst, wanna buy some Monero? Follow these simple how-to guides

>Bitcoin: The Original Non-Fungible Token

>Why Monero is Better than Zcash: the "privacy coin" criminals won't touch

>The Lowdown on PirateChain: why this Zcash clone is considered a scam


- added Proof-of-Stake update to Zcash Blackpill
- added list of available desktop/mobile wallets
- expanded all sections with more relevant info, graphics & videos
- added easily linkable headers and sub-headers (link icon to the far right)
- added a new section about traceability FUD

>> No.52701129
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Never forget what this is ultimately all about.


>Help grow the circular Monero economy: buy/sell goods & services with/for XMR!


>Live off XMR with Cake Pay (currently US only)

>or with CoinCards (currently US & CA only, UK, EU & AUS coming soon)

>Monero stickers for guerilla marketing

Say buh-bye to Bitcoin and support the growing number of Monero-only darknet markets/vendors.

# = recently launched, exercise caution

>Asur Market
>Chimera Market #
>Cloud Market #
>Dark Matter #
>Darkmoon #
>Mellow Market #
>Retro Market #
Onion links: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/fs7ax

Anonymously exchange BTC for XMR using a reputable darknet service

>Majestic Bank
>Infinity Project

or a reputable clearnet service


>Poker Club: play no-limit Texas Hold'em in real time with 2-8 players over the safety of Tor with the privacy of Monero! No user account required.

>XMR Poker

>Want to support further development? Donate to the Monero General Fund or MAGIC Monero Fund

>Have a particular set of skills? Join a Monero Workgroup and (potentially) earn XMR!!!

>Want more Monero-chan? Donate to the Community Art Fund

>> No.52701140
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>The irrational exuberance of cryptocurrency investors

Irrational exuberance is characterized as a hype-fueled mania that causes investors to massively overestimate an asset's real-world value. In this delusional state, investors tend to become so smitten with expectations of greater profits that they disregard the assets’ potentially weak fundamentals and drink the proverbial Kool-Aid.

This then leads to them recklessly and repeatedly buying into whatever asset is currently rising in the charts, thereby triggering and/or sustaining an asset bubble. This bubble is kept inflated solely by the mass delusion that the market price is justified and will only keep going up in future, effectively becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note that bubbles can last for years, especially in an age of easy investor on-boarding. However, when history inevitably repeats and the bubble bursts that optimism invariably turns into panic as the asset crashes back down to its real-world value.

In finance, the "greater fool theory" suggests that one can sometimes make money through the purchase of overvalued assets—items with a purchase price drastically exceeding the intrinsic value—if those assets can later be resold at an even higher price.

In this context, one "fool" might pay for an overpriced asset, hoping that he can sell it to an even "greater fool" and make a profit. This only works as long as there are enough new "greater fools" willing to pay higher and higher prices for the asset. Eventually, investors can no longer deny that the price is out of touch with reality, at which point a sell-off can cause the price to drop significantly until it is closer to its fair value, which in some cases could be zero.

This effect is often further exacerbated by herd mentality, whereby people hear stories of others who bought in early and made big profits, causing those who did not buy to feel a fear of missing out.


>> No.52701150
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>No tail emission = Bitcoin is fucked

Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K. Post 2024 halving, that break even point, at the current hashrate, goes up to $44K. If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security.

If you know anything about the power of 2, you already know that things get very big, very fast. If we’re 3 halvings into 32 total halvings, then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be:

$22,000 * (2^27) = $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC

$2,952,790,016,000 per BTC * 21 Million total Bitcoin = $62,008,590,336,000,000,000 BTC Market Cap

The block rewards shrink so fast that after enough halvings Bitcoin would eventually require a $2.95 trillion price per Bitcoin and a $62 quintillion market cap to sustain the current cost of $7.15 billion/year.

Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL.

And that’s assuming energy costs do not increase at all over the next 120 years, which they will.

So basically BTC mining will eventually become so unprofitable the hashrate (network security) will shrivel up UNLESS it is subsidized by BTC transaction fees.


>> No.52701232

Wondering if anyone can explain why whenever I find a share using p2pool and xmrig, it shows the share being found at the EXACT same time as when the job was accepted? I thought work had to be done to find the share, meaning they should have different timestamps usually?

>> No.52701309

Win Monero by guessing the last character of the next Monero block hash.

>> No.52701706
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Reporting in
IRC- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/tzm4s
Aliases- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/bjbx3
Extras- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/daxte
Nodes- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/ke2k8
Mining- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/c7na4

>> No.52701774

Any former hello fresh people here? I have a $155 off gift card across 5 boxes (31 off each box) I’m selling for $30. So you’ll be getting each box for $25 off. Is ANYONE interested? This is literally the best offer you’ll be getting since no other offer gives this much (it’s all 100 across 7 boxes)

Is ANYONE interested?

>> No.52701952
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.0085 broken

>> No.52702021
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>> No.52702206
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bitcoin will be the best forever, we don' need darknet to be good. team orange. I can still mix and be just as private. Xmr is shitcoin. BTC will be 100k while XMR is 100 dollars haha

>> No.52702341
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>I can still mix and be just as private.
No. No you cannot. Enjoy your mass surveillance system.
Also, you talk like a retard. Quite typical of bitcoin moonfags.

>> No.52702478

Check the BTC/XMR pair

>> No.52702544

A concept for MimbleWimble-style transaction aggregation (non-interactive coinjoin) for Monero to further improve privacy: https://pastebin.com/6TKxqYXx


>> No.52702681

Not really sure on if this is good or not but regardless I very much doubt that you will convince anyone to do this before seraphis.

>> No.52702709
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>XMR finally gains monopoly on the darknet
>darknet is dying/DDoSed

>> No.52702814


This is not mutually-exclusive with Seraphis, at least as far as I understand.

It should also be said that Seraphis is still a long way off. Last I heard (a week or two ago), the developer consensus is that we can expect a hard fork to Seraphis in 2-3 years from now. There is also no hard guarantee that Seraphis will be implemented. It's very unlikely, but entirely possible that it falls through for some reason.

>> No.52703415


Better safe than sorry.

>> No.52703425

Infinite supply shitcoin. Cope all you like but its true.

>> No.52703430

>darknet is dying/DDoSed
How/why is there suddenly a big ddos?
I though these things were kind of resistant.

>> No.52703485
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seems like you're scared that your shitty surveillance coin is being replaced by anyone who isn't a degenerate speculator.

>> No.52703552


I don't follow?

>> No.52703602

It has been awhile since I checked the price of this thing, what the fuck is going on? Are people realizing how little value bitcoin truly has?

>> No.52703610

I don't follow as well.
What do you mean by this?

>> No.52703679

Does anyone know where I can sell some cock.li invites for XMR?
Does anyone here want any?

>> No.52704642
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Maybe that's the next job after a share is found?

>> No.52704867
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I've considered that, and it seems like the most likely case, but it just doesn't seem to match up with the logs, so I'm trying to find some hard confirmation as to whats going on.

In all my "tests" the block height accepted is always the same as the share found, and sometimes the job is accepted, for example, by the GPU, even though the GPUs last job accepted was quite a few blocks ago by that point (at least as far as I can tell from the logs)

>> No.52705486

Is there any explanation as to why XMR is gaining sats on BTC?

>> No.52705508
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Goods and services are ALWAYS in demand.

>> No.52705537

One coin is useless the other has a use case.

>> No.52705669

Is tails os on thumbdrive a good hardware wallet? What do monero bros use

>> No.52705687

The latter is pumped by magic line-go-up retards who are losing steam with the current crypto bust. The former is actually used as a currency and has taken over the darknet. XMR might still be artificially high due to the crypto bubble, but it actually has a use case that isn't a glowie honeypot.

>> No.52705714
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Reporting in,
fuck Bitcoin.

>> No.52706155
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>Wow Monero only a tiny fraction of its all time high.

>> No.52707281
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>> No.52707506

>Any former hello fresh people here? I have a $155 off gift card across 5 boxes (31 off each box) I’m selling for $30. So you’ll be getting each box for $25 off. Is ANYONE interested? This is literally the best offer you’ll be getting since no other offer gives this much (it’s all 100 across 7 boxes)
>Is ANYONE interested?
No really, anyone? It expires at the end of the month if no one redeems it.

>> No.52708025

Disclaimer, I haven't worked on anything technical with Tor other than the occasional Hidden Service. I'm somewhat talking out of my ass with things I've read online.

My understanding is that Tor has a somewhat poor implementation as far as DDoS resistance goes. The server running it only has 1 thread or something, so you can't make use of the rest of your resources before Tor gets overloaded on the server. This means you need to use Onion Balance to load balance your service across multiple servers, but they all have the same weakness.

Regardless of what you have in place, anything can be taken down if you hit it hard enough. Whoever's doing this has a fuck ton of resources, I wouldn't be surprised if it was government sanctioned

>> No.52708234

Well let's hope tor people learn their lesson and prepare for future attacks.
The monero team learned a ton from the flood attack.

>> No.52708372

how much are you charging? Try moneromarket.io or piconeroj.eu

>> No.52708388

0.02 XMR

>> No.52708603
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the queen finally arrived to her throne

>> No.52708758

What do you think is a good xmr entry price for a late investor? around $100?

>> No.52708792

according to r/darknet, everyone uses private mirrors nowadays

>> No.52708815

>Infinite supply shitcoin. Cope all you like but its true.
Show me a 20 million XMR transaction. I'll wait.

>> No.52708837

that's pretty cute ngl

>> No.52708882

Currently have an old Master Chief figure sitting on top of my mining rig shelf, he needs a friend to keep him company while I'm gone.

>> No.52708890
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>What do you think is a good xmr entry price for a late investor? around $100?

Buy XMR to use it or don't buy it at all.

>> No.52708904
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>using glowies instead of glowniggers

>> No.52708944

They're developing a proof of work based priority queue system when you connect to DDoS'ed services.

>> No.52708956
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Shut up and take my Monero!

>> No.52708965

Anything under 250 is a steal, but it's scarce currency, not an investment. Just build up a little savings account in XMR.

>> No.52708991
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will still take a while but since the sample looks good, i think ill approve for production on monday.

you'll only be able to give me your xmr once all the ladies safely made their way to me. not worth ruining my good community standing with preorders that get delayed and accusations of exit scamming :P

>> No.52709050
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I understand fully and support your decision, anon.

>> No.52709178
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Very cute!

>> No.52709509

We will see 70 dollar XMR and 7k BTC

>> No.52709548

when’re we getting rich lads?

>> No.52709623

Sats keep on climbing, we'll breach 0.01 very soon

>> No.52709969
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>> No.52711425

henlo fren

>> No.52711495
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>> No.52711504

Press Z to support the special monetary operation (fully compliant and transparent to authorities)

>> No.52711686

>Any former hello fresh people here? I have a $155 off gift card across 5 boxes (31 off each box) I’m selling for $30. So you’ll be getting each box for $25 off. Is ANYONE interested? This is literally the best offer you’ll be getting since no other offer gives this much (it’s all 100 across 7 boxes)
Ok guys, I’m not selling this for $30 anymore. I’m selling this code for $5, last offer.

>> No.52711811


>> No.52711832

ngl bro I think you would have better chances outside this community. There simply isn't that many people who use both.

>> No.52712102

sell it on craigslist or reddit or something. seriously fuck off.

>> No.52712679

great job lad

>> No.52712832
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Does everyone have recommendation for Dark Market analysis websites/articles?

>> No.52712912

yeah the issue is getting one, sometimes you gotta spend a certain amount of money to get one.
tor2door link site charging money for 1-5 time use mirrors now too

>> No.52713757
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Right now I'm planning to use Monero exclusively for paying for a VPN, which exchange is easiest for just going in, buying a small amount of Monero, and then forgetting about it for months at a time?

>> No.52713817

You may want to consider buying another coin and swapping for XMR, that's normally the easiest route. If you're actually just going to buy a small amount ($100 or so) then I'd use LocalMonero with a prepaid visa card or similar. The seller's fees may be a little much for you, but it's better for privacy.

As far as VPN options go, I like OVPN (not to be confused with OpenVPN) but I've heard good things about Mullvad as well

>> No.52713877

i just type darknet keywords into google and sort by date. its completely against the spirit of the community but info is so sparse that its a pain to navigate otherwise

>> No.52713976

Mullvad was actually the VPN I was going for. My use for it is time-sensitive and I'm not doing anything too unsavory with it so I didn't have a problem using my credit card for this month and generating a new account next month, but I keep getting a Stripe processing error. Crypto seemed to be the next fastest option, and something I should probably start getting into anyway with how things are going. And by small amount, I mean very small amount, like 10 bucks just to cover the VPN costs. I don't have time to do research into different exchanges right now and I wanna make sure I understand what I'm getting into before I start putting in any real money

>> No.52714083

If it's going to be that small, I've done the same thing by buying Bitcoin and swapping for XMR. I also had problems using my card with OVPN, which is why I bought it with XMR instead. XMR was actually way easier in the end, but I accidentally bought 2 years instead of a month because I was drunk and I'm also apparently retarded

>> No.52714155

Anon, mullvad accepts xmr and even gives a discount for paying with it

>> No.52714160

christmas is coming

>> No.52714176

Yeah, that's why I'm in the process of acquiring some now so I can buy the VPN with it

>> No.52714259
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>> No.52714373

What's a good digital wallet service to keep monero and other coinz side by side? I don't want to be a retarded moonboy but XMR's growth in sats during this bear market, the emerging global economic situation, the fact eth is a PoS POS that scams its stakers, the fact that monero is one of the few actually useful cryptocurrencies, etc makes me think that just holding it might actually be a good thing in the coming years along with some shit like litecoin looking at the way the ethereum network took a shit last bullrun. Am I a retard or onto something. What do?

>> No.52714530

I think Cake supports XMR, BTC, and LTC. I hear a lot of talk about Exodus, but mostly bad. Just look for something that's FOSS and has a good userbase and you can't go wrong. Personally I prefer to use a dedicated wallet for each crypto.

>> No.52714546


>> No.52714698
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Hello Monerochads. Reminder to mine on P2Pool Mini (if you have a regular computer/laptop/CPU it's recommanded).
You will receive daily bits of XMR and will help the network decentralization.
It's easy to set up. Don't be afraid to start mining on p2pool. By following any of the first 3 tutorials you'll be able to mine within 10 minutes max (even though real Monero chads mine with a local full or pruned node so it takes longer to set up)

Basically to mine on P2Pool Mini you need:
>a local full or puned monero node, or being connect to a remote node
>a monero adress used only for mining
>p2pool (just decompress a zip)
>xmrig or any other miner (just decompress a zip)

Here are important ressources to start:

1) Video tutorial with the GUi (Linux/Windows) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbxbRu-2GWI

2) Tutorial for Windows with/without the GUI and a simple script to launch everything once it's set up -> https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/8zews [RECOMMENDED FOR WINDOWS USERS]

3) P2Pool Get started FAQ (for P2Pool Mini also read the above tutorial and don't forget to add a mini_config.json file in p2pool folder) -> https://p2pool.io/#help

4) Monero Bash for linux users -> https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/monero-bash

Other ressources:

5) Remote P2Pool nodes -> https://xmrvsbeast.com/p2pool/monero_nodes.html

6) You can calculate your estimated shares/day here -> https://mini.p2pool.observer/calculate-share-time

7) P2Pool Mini observer: https://mini.p2pool.observer

>> No.52715444

your on to something.

>> No.52715545
File: 785 KB, 2074x1051, PokerNight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*****/XMR/ Monero General Poker Night*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Poker Night*****
*****/XMR/ Monero General Poker Night*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Poker Night*****

Hang out and play Texas Hold'em with fellow MoneroChads safely over an anonymized network and hopefully win some XMR along the way!

To accommodate players from different time zones, Poker Night commences at 6:00 PM Sydney, Australia time and then rolls westward throughout the day, so in effect the entirety of Saturday = Poker Night, feel free to drop in at any time!

06:00 PM Sydney
10:00 Berlin
04:00 AM New York City

Poker Night alternates between Poker Club and XMR Poker to give both services traffic. This week Poker Club is the designated host while XMR Poker is the backup should there be technical issues or all tables reach capacity.

Neither service requires JavaScript.

>Poker Club

Dread: http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/d/PokerClub

>XMR Poker

Be sure to read the guides on either site to familiarize yourself with how things work.

You will obviously need to download and install the Tor Browser to access the darknet.


You will also need an unknown amount of XMR to play. Don't stake more than you can afford to lose.

Optionally, you can voice chat and coordinate over Jitsi for a more authentic social experience. Jitsi is FOSS and end-to-end encrypted.


Note that unlike with clearnet gaming, playing over Tor with Monero is by far the comfiest way to play because your identity, IP address and money trail cannot be established so you don't have to worry about legalities or about the tax man coming to collect his share of your winnings.

Good luck!!

>> No.52715965
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>> No.52716190
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>> No.52716572

The applications of privacy projects are as real as the world itself, and their significance cannot be overstated. Privacy will be at the core of crypto adoption.

>> No.52717233

I think it's because monero hodlers are least likely to sell their stacks whenever there are dips and crashes. "In it for the tech" is kind of a meme around here but it's undeniable that there's an enormous cult-like following around monero because of its fundamentals. Also, since monero is delisted everywhere in the US except for Kraken, that also makes it less susceptible to the "contagion". Tons of people this year have lost "their" bitcoin because of Celsius/3ac/FTX/Blockfi/etc going up in flames, and the rest of them that are too stupid to set up a self-custody wallet would rather just sell than risk becoming the next example. Even if the price of BTC had managed to stabilize in the $25k-$30k range, it still would have been a rough year for bitcoin maxis.

>> No.52717374
File: 53 KB, 841x548, anti-order-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52717903
File: 300 KB, 1000x930, monerochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in fuck bitcoin

>> No.52718140
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1657637179845s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy XMR to use it
I use basically all my coins, thou Monero is such a good coin that i do payment with basically everyday, but a few transactions with Bitcoin, ethereum more often, defi on tezos and messaging app on Sylo.

>> No.52718457
File: 197 KB, 800x1075, ede2ae96-730f-11ed-b96c-52540072ee00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo no way!
New Art A.I. Algorithm Just Dropped!

>> No.52718485
File: 193 KB, 1000x753, c72dc442-7310-11ed-b995-5254001b1a31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52718506
File: 173 KB, 1000x753, 1b8b07e8-7311-11ed-9bcc-52540007bed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52718534
File: 166 KB, 800x1075, bf36fb90-7311-11ed-bf72-5254008f8834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52718575 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 800x1075, 89f9ac7e-7312-11ed-a173-525400d90345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52718586

The left one looks way better.
It's all of those small details.
Once you sent it though some generic AI thing, you get another 2d girl, not Monero-chan.

>> No.52718589
File: 195 KB, 1000x753, 07f730ec-7313-11ed-a2f1-52540015be41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52718666
File: 149 KB, 800x1075, 59351414-7314-11ed-ba0f-525400459b04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you sent it though some generic AI thing, you get another 2d girl, not Monero-chan.
Sadly... :(
Sometimes it does add some cool extra details like picrel

>> No.52718691
File: 540 KB, 2373x3996, dist-chan_5847051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discreet is inevitable.

>> No.52718766
File: 103 KB, 758x502, f5703a42-7315-11ed-a985-525400f9ae9d - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52719545
File: 799 KB, 1280x666, MM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52719903

they look like they are about to kiss Desu~

>> No.52720539

bro that is a tranny

>> No.52720616
File: 261 KB, 1000x930, 0060a850-72c7-11ed-9e3a-525400eadf9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52721094
File: 193 KB, 958x705, 2647b982-7317-11ed-8d17-5254009fa1be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52721171

Hey XMR noob here can you explain why mixing isn’t effectively as good as XMR?

>> No.52721603
File: 182 KB, 844x700, 46B456E5-FA40-42F9-8D26-89DE1212AC69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those with more knowledge and fatter stacks than me; I have an m1 mac mini, can I mine on this? If the knowledge in the sticky will allow me to do this just tell me. I am quite comfy with an undisclosed amount of xmr and xrp. I love you all. Bless the baker wagmi. I am moving to thailand for two months next year for muay thai, I will make monero branded mauy thai shorts when I fight.

>> No.52721679


possible but nowhere near worth it and probably will cook your mac

>> No.52721879
File: 1.31 MB, 1060x1205, MoneroMafia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey XMR noob here can you explain why mixing isn’t effectively as good as XMR?


>> No.52722052

>Hey XMR noob here can you explain why mixing isn’t effectively as good as XMR?
The first is that you cannot actually hide the fact that you're mixing in the first place, which breaks fungibility because exchanges, merchants, etc. can (and do) discriminate against mixed coins because they're afraid you're doing that to hide criminal origins.

A second problem is that the privacy model of mixers is entirely conditional on the intelligence of both you AND the other participants you're mixing with. So for example, if you mixed with 1000 other people and your input was 1.325 BTC, and then you didn't split the amount into separate addresses and there was an output from the mixer that was 1.325 BTC, just through basic inference they can figure out that it's obviously you on that side of the mixing attempt. So then you say
>okay, but I'm smart enough to cover my tracks through address splitting, never recombining, etc. I'm really careful!
but then you have to realize that it actually isn't just your intelligence, prudence, etc. that determines your privacy, it's actually every single other person in that mixing group that determines it as well. So in the above example of 1000 people mixing, if (say) 999 of them fucked up by reusing addresses, not splitting outputs, recombining, etc. then everything you did is completely irrelevant because you're the odd man out. It's a privacy model that both you have no control over the efficacy of, and is predicated on you not ever slipping up after the fact if (through luck) a sufficient number of other people are also competent enough to not ever fuck it up either.

>> No.52722054

I always wonder why mafia is not stacking heavily a securing discounts on future business operations.
Seems to me like there would be big first mover advantage.

>> No.52722160

Who said they aren't? I'm sure they hide at least some of their gains in XMR since they expect to use it regularly and it's harder to seize than physical goods.

>> No.52722556
File: 3.19 MB, 2080x2680, thighnero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52722709


That's a point.

>> No.52722794
File: 1.10 MB, 634x1458, 1670101617371004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that 15k/$130 was the bottom.

>> No.52722799
File: 209 KB, 800x1257, 2e0e6c1a-734e-11ed-b288-52540099e8ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52722889
File: 221 KB, 800x1257, JOHNMcAnime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52722959
File: 55 KB, 620x1033, IMG_20220528_205316_281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d printable Monero-chan when?

>> No.52723815
File: 531 KB, 500x370, tech.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52723841

Alright, anons. I've been tinkering with a potential replacement for XMRMemes for about a week now and I think I've got it close to what I want. This page uses WordPress because I couldn't get the original repo to work reliably in the VM. Can I get some input on potential improvements? The upload form should be working as well if you'd like to upload something for approval.


>> No.52723864

the fumo project was supposed to raise money for a run of vinyl figures like the one in your pic but i dont know what pricing people would be ok with.
is 100$ too much? 1 XMR?
no clue, feedback appreciated.

also, should the certificate of authenticity be a creditcard sized piece of plastic with a number XXX/100 or rather something bigger out of paper or cardboard?

>> No.52723891
File: 309 KB, 1536x2048, 1666205118370743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this really need to be a darknet site?

>> No.52723915

No, but I'm self hosting and didn't want to worry about any other details just yet

>> No.52723955

To expand upon this answer:

I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to do it or if I was willing to commit at first, so I just reused an older setup which was already designed for hosting a darknet site for this and changed the onion address. Self hosting was also the free option and I don't exactly want to have a hostname pointing at my home router, so I decided the easiest option was to just leave everything alone and build the site as a hidden service.

>> No.52723968
File: 54 KB, 600x900, 30df1cb8981338d42ed2722ab74cb51e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap! I just made the connection!
(Look at the glasses)

>> No.52723978

monero has been CRACKED by CIA for a while now. buying this is literally a fedcoin lmao enjoy getting tracked you fucking losers

>> No.52723985

Prove it, turbocunt. No (you) for (you)

>> No.52723988
File: 54 KB, 838x629, 1668008364751505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying this is literally a fedcoin
Kek, back to QAnon conspiracies you go.

>> No.52724058

Why was it decided that the tail emission would be 0.6 XMR and not say 0.5 or 0.3, etc. ?

>> No.52724086
File: 273 KB, 512x512, tmpe5_vh37e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52724512


Wake me up at 0.1

>> No.52724606
File: 510 KB, 1500x2000, 1669493735843212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIST x Monero chad, checked.

>> No.52724899

I want a credit or debit card to spend my monero. I know, I know it doesn't make sense but at least I would be generating a bit of volume.

>> No.52725031

I like the serialized card idea.

>> No.52725137

That sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.52725184

Isn't DIST a fucking scam?

regret buying this trash

>> No.52725367
File: 148 KB, 1130x1147, 40zi1zi22ks61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi simply never stuck around to finish bitcoin. Now we have Monero.

>> No.52725520
File: 80 KB, 1781x898, dbs272779ae642c6fadf80b820484e2015a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make connection to your site, so it's definitely working. Sorry that the repo I linked doesn't work, I don't really know what the original creator actually did for his site.
>Can I get some input on potential improvements?
The "contact", "about", and "Make your own post" pages could use some improvement. Having the dark part as the "back layer" for your site and then having the bright part "pop" out is a bit hard to look at. Normally it is done the other way around. For the page referenced I would probably just have the entire page as the bright color. If you're insistent on a multi color scheme (like with the comments here on 4chan) I would put the bright color as the backdrop, at least for the sections mentioned (It looks ok on the "viewing memes" portion of the website).

>> No.52725559
File: 29 KB, 928x632, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the meme viewing portion, I would suggest fitting multiple images into the page in a matrix style format (I don't know how else to refer to it). Then when you click an image it will bring you to a new page with just that meme in it

Picrel to try and explain it visually

>> No.52725618

How much?

>> No.52725629

I forget the answer. Anyone know?

>> No.52725675

Thanks for the feedback, anon. I'll get to work on it again tomorrow to tweak those settings. The issue wasn't the repo, it was just that the original site had somewhat poor documentation on the backend so I had to reverse engineer things that probably come standard with any Laravel project. At the end of the day, I was able to get the site somewhat working but it took more effort than it should have and I still wasn't even in a functional state. The WP version that I made myself only took about 2-3 days to get to its current state, so I'm most likely going to stick with that and then redeploy as a clearnet site once I get everything laid out properly.

>> No.52725845

>poor documentation
>I'm most likely going to stick with that and then redeploy as a clearnet site once I get everything laid out properly.
Good idea. I don't know how wordpress works so I can't really help you try to "break" the site but I'll tell you if something goes wrong.

>> No.52726017
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 636378685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How are you going to deal with those thieving pricks who upload other people's OC hoping to profit from it?

>> No.52726251

WordPress is simple enough, it doesn't take long to learn but basically every plugin or theme has a payment wall for "extra features", which can lead to you using weird workarounds like modifying the PHP code they're using.

Honestly, anon, there's not much I can do. I don't want to run a custodial wallet for each user because that's a lot more overhead and it adds a point of failure (server going down = everyone is fucked). My current plan is to keep my XMPP account running on my phone so I can be contacted constantly and replace tip addresses anytime someone submits a complaint about stolen art (assuming they can prove it). It isn't feasible for me to track every single posted image and check for authenticity, so I'll have to handle it on a case by case basis. Worst case scenario (ie a post is disputed and I can't tell who's lying) I will just remove the post entirely

>> No.52726414

To clarify the point about custodial wallets;

I originally planned on doing that with weekly payouts because I'd be able to respond to thefts by changing the post's donation address and give the proper person their Monero. I scrapped the idea because it would force me to hold everyone's XMR and a server failure could result in rightful owners potentially losing their payouts. I don't want to be in a position where I would be a point of failure like that, so I decided it was better to let users utilize their own wallet addresses for payouts. This means I won't be able to track the most popular memes/wallpapers that got uploaded, but it prevents any failure on my end robbing creators of their Monero. If I can find a proper ranking system plugin later, I'll look into implementing it so that posts can ideally be given a 0-5 star rating on the site (I'm hesitant to do this because I feel like it would be abused though)

>> No.52726614

This seems much simpler. You'd have to deal with sending the funds out every __ amount of time which would be a pain and could potentially give incentives to would be attackers trying to compromise your server.

>If I can find a proper ranking system plugin later, I'll look into implementing it so that posts can ideally be given a 0-5 star rating on the site (I'm hesitant to do this because I feel like it would be abused though)

You could try enabling a captcha similar to how dread does things, not sure if that would really do much though. Another way to deter botting could be having different ways to view images. By default you could have the landing page display a random assortment of images and provide a different place on the website for "top rated" and "new" as buttons similar to how you have "contact" as a button. This would dampen the value botting would have as by default the site shows you random images.

>> No.52726746

That's a good idea. Overall, it's clear that the site isn't quite ready for launch right now but that's part of the reason I'm keeping it in Tor for now. Harder to reach = harder to manipulate. I'll double tap the site again tomorrow and adjust some things for the eventual grand opening, although I don't have an exact release date in mind. I'll keep lurking and occasionally posting updates in the XMR Generals as time progresses

>> No.52726754
File: 125 KB, 623x616, Monero-chan and Wownero-chan Laughing OC Doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to ship these two...
it's embarrassing to watch...

>> No.52726776

they will never stop because associating themselves with Monero is the only way to give their little scam project credibility.

>> No.52726815
File: 1.99 MB, 3948x5000, Monero-chan Mining Blocks (Areolas).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because having a slight inflationary value to any currency is best to stimulate healthy economic growth + keeps miners mining


>> No.52726819


>> No.52726827

>Because having a slight inflationary value to any currency is best to stimulate healthy economic growth + keeps miners mining
Nono he means why specifically 0.6xmr instead of a different number. Was there a discussion about it we could view that perhaps someone has archived?

>> No.52726855

because 0.5 xmr would be a flat line (aka stagnant) and 0.3 would be deflationary

>> No.52726927

>because 0.5 xmr would be a flat line (aka stagnant) and 0.3 would be deflationary
Why would 0.5 xmr be a flat line? Why would 0.3 be deflationary? It seems like it would just be a slower rate of inflation no?

>> No.52726976

please just watch the video I specifically timestamped for (You) and him.
Kim explains it much more thoroughly than I can.

>> No.52727061

I've watched this video before, skimming through it now I'm not sure where he says this.

>> No.52727149

True if big!
R U fluffy? Swear on yo mum wirey plox

>> No.52727618

there is no way bro. no fucking way.

>> No.52728206
File: 17 KB, 409x367, 1433743734447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read this, increase your discreet stack

>> No.52728249

Go shill your rugpull to people who are more gullible.

>> No.52728472

Out of all the generals on biz, why do you shill here?
There are moonboys everywhere with no IQ so why here?
People here usually know thing or two about crypto.

>> No.52728623

Being anonymous is not possible using cards but oh well it's not everything about it. They dont know how much I have or how I got it.

Bitsa it's the only card that that allows it, as far as I know.

>> No.52728630

Bross, cheapest way to onramp to crypto? Currently In US, Ukrainian passport, US bank card.(Shitty North Lane). Cheers.
Don't want to pay fatty 5-10% on depo

>> No.52728961

CEX is obviously cheapest. Kraken if you want to just natively buy xmr, otherwise buy something and swap to xmr.

learn about what it is you are buying before buying. NumberGoUpism is not a virtue.

>> No.52729108

what about the node size problem?

>> No.52729516

I am not Fluffypony, word to mom.

Disk space used by nodes? It's manageable. People can find somewhere to fit 100+GB of modern AAA game bloat somewhere, they can find the same space for monero if it's important enough to them.

>> No.52729595

We can't know the exact coin loss to come up with a calculated tail emission number so it's an arbitrary choice. Over the long term we can know it will balance out, but we can't know exactly when.

>> No.52729655

What's the best hardware wallet to store your Monero private keys? Is there something like the Cold Wallet (BTC) but for XMR?

>> No.52729707

ledger, trezor.
ledger is not open source, but supports more coins and is hacked less

>> No.52729738

isn't the disk space growing quite quickly? meaning in just a few years, let's say 2025 it's 250+GB meaning a standard laptop today won't fit it at all. The argument of growing disk space on laptops is somewhat passable but it would still mean problem especially for more mobile devices. It's most certainly impossible to run a node on let's say a raspberry pi feasibly.

>> No.52730114

How does the monero community feel about Ledger and their closed source firmware?

>> No.52730412

What I feel is just use some old device disconnected from the internet with offline signing if you're schizo, or just a lean Linux install with the least amount of risky software, or Qubes OS.

>> No.52730415


>> No.52730494

It is a eurotrash scam coin.

>> No.52730535

I use a ledger. I don't really care about it being closed source desu. It performs the fundamental function of keeping my keys offline which is all I care about. Having the ability to store my BTC and wherever else keys on it is a nice bonus.

>> No.52730552
File: 102 KB, 464x664, 6c513b1f-3ce5-4691-9235-60da51bb4b93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the device, but I think it's best to use specialized devices made for their purposes than rely on old mobile phones, laptops, PCs, etc. offline. https://www.discovermagazine.com/technology/hack-forces-air-gapped-computers-to-transmit-their-own-secret-data

Is there a guide for making a paper wallet for Monero?

>> No.52730566

I'm thinking of Ledger for XMR and everything else except BTC, and keep my keys on ColdWallet for the latter. This way if some vulnerability is discovered and exploited on one, at least I have the other. But maybe I can make a paper wallet for Monero, if I find a guide.

>> No.52730647
File: 47 KB, 594x423, halfin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52730843

rip king

>> No.52730897

Thinking of making an account on Kraken so I can buy some moneros. But, how likely is it that they delist XMR in the near future?

>> No.52731198


>> No.52731713

Yes the chain is growing but I don't really know what you're getting at

Any laptop worth purchasing will allow you to upgrade/replace the hard drive(s), a 1T NVMe drive runs you maybe $80-100 and drives are getting larger/cheaper faster than the chain is growing.

>more mobile devices
It would be silly to try and run a full node hosting a full blockchain on a mobile device like a tablet or a cell phone. That's like hosting a website on a tablet/phone. You use a wallet client to connect to a remote node running on another machine (ideally one that you control)

>It's most certainly impossible to run a node on a pi
There are dozens of videos showing you how to do precisely that. Sure pis lack hardware AES but they still sync and serve just fine for their price point and power consumption.

>> No.52731804

i've heard the pros

what are the cons?

>> No.52731827

you can't instantly spend received funds

>> No.52731858

Nothing in the video confirms your statement that "0.5 xmr would be a flat line (aka stagnant)" basic logic would seem to refute that statement.

>> No.52731903

Yo I got my first customer from here, cool. If anyone needs more invites, due to scarcity, price is now 0.035

>> No.52731947

tail emission was decided to be half of annual gold inflation (as seen back in 2014, when mining launched).

>> No.52732510

Thank you.

>> No.52732705

Are they considered as safe as hardware wallets?

>> No.52732741

I've made some changes and uploaded a few random memes that I had in my downloads folder for testing. Main changes are:
>fixed font color on pages
>fixed the weird white background that was showing behind the PGP key
>changed the layout of the home page so it's a grid now
The posts still show as not a grid if you click on a tag or category, I'll look into that next.

>> No.52732915

Quality DIY homebrew storage is the safest way to store your funds, infinitely safer than purchasing a product from a company and giving them your name, address, payment information and the assurance you hold enough coin to warrant cold storage. Hardware wallet customer lists HAVE been leaked and the people on those lists HAVE been targeted by attackers.

You can't hack a sheet of paper and an attacker can't exfil a private key that was never even loaded into a machines memory. The paper creates a single point of failure though, so look for alternative ways of storing that plain text.
>stamp it into metal
>hide it in a book/paperwork
>keep a plaintext copy inside an encrypted volume
or some such thing.

>cannot immediately spend funds you received
>To a small degree you can compromise your privacy off-chain if you don't understand basic opsec (it's not a magic bullet for privacy)
>need intermediate computer skills/knowledge to get the most out of it.
>if you haven't opened your wallet in a while (weeks to months) and aren't using a lite wallet server, you will need to wait a few minutes for your wallet client to scan the blocks that occurred while you were away. Depending on how long you've gone without opening it, this can actually take a while.

>> No.52733005

Thing is I hold both BTC and XMR and for some reason BTC enthusiasts, including Antonopoulos who authored Mastering Bitcoin and Mastering Ethereum seriously suggests not to use paper wallets to store keys on Bitcoin, unless it's for a learning exercise. Why would it be different for Monero?

>> No.52733124
File: 741 KB, 1243x1243, SonsOfCrypto-Anarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't feasible for me to track every single posted image and check for authenticity, so I'll have to handle it on a case by case basis. Worst case scenario (ie a post is disputed and I can't tell who's lying) I will just remove the post entirely

So, I produce a good deal of the non-Monerochan OC that get posted here and was a prolific uploader on XMRmemes.com. Here's what I can tell you:

1. Nobody is making any money creating and uploading quality memes. In nearly 2 years of OC creation I received a grand total of circa $30 worth of XMR.

2. Offering financial incentives for meme production just results in a shitload of cringey low-effort memes slapped together in MS Paint, XMRmemes.com was full of them. Zeme.team is another poignant example.

3. The prospect of seemingly easy money will inevitably lead to unscrupulous pieces of shit stealing other people's work, the only reason I started uploading to XMRmemes.com was because my art was already being posted there by some sneaky prick.

Bottom line: the people making high-effort Monero memes aren't doing it for profit, they'll keep making them regardless of how little they're compensated so in my humble opinion it would be better to not offer any donation option at all, just have the site be a meme repository. That way you'll avoid having the site spammed with shit-tier content and avoid all the hassles that come with dispute resolution.

I can tell you I would much rather receive 0 XMR than have anything go to the shameless jeets profiting from my hard work.

>> No.52733147

0.6 XMR puts growth at about 0.8% year initially, significantly less than gold (1.2% iirc) and about as much as btc after next halving. An even lower tail emission would have deminishing benefits while it increases risk for the network (lower security, risk of deflation through lost coins)

>> No.52733219

Thanks for your input, Anon. I'm sorry that happened and I definitely understand your stance on it. If it becomes a problem again (which will most likely happen but I want to at least try) then I'll disable the feature entirely, like you suggest.

>> No.52734317
File: 668 KB, 1024x1024, 1636874829523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.52735278
File: 268 KB, 892x978, 1668626218779271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC (and ETH) are corporate controlled opposition coins. When the Chinese miners took over the network (block wars). They did not want to upgrade the network, and still refuse to do so, because they wanted-want to create a business around second layer solutions, in fact may argue that CEX are this solution.
Since monero is what BTC was supposed to be and not a ponzi controlled opposition scam, we understand the importance of self custody. While BTC people don't really want it at all. In fact they cant wait for regulators to ban self custody, because of muh institutional investors regulatory concerns

>> No.52735301

4 tb harddrive is less than $200.

>> No.52735317

keeping coins on a closed source device is a terrible idea.

>> No.52735329

Does it matter? You will surely self custody, right anon?

>> No.52735338

Thank you, this is what I was looking for.

>> No.52735624
File: 51 KB, 598x412, jstarknMonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even JStark the creator of the FGC-9 took monerooo

>> No.52735766

RIP. Respect to this nigga for enriching the gun space so much. Hope there are 3d printers in heaven

>> No.52736779
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>> No.52737188

I think I'm going to make an FGC-9 as a tribute to him once I get the chance

>> No.52737396

Groovy, I just ordered all the parts for a M1 Garand. Been on my list for a long time.

>> No.52737432

I've always wanted an FGC-9 just because of the history behind it, but jStark getting taken out might be the final nail in the coffin

>> No.52737464
File: 25 KB, 666x304, AIonXMR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask an artificial inteligence if monero is better than bitcoin, this was the answer.

>> No.52737914
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>> No.52738635

i remember litecoin was the best on-ramp for crypto last i bought. how do i cheapest buy on loclamonero.co ?

>> No.52738644

https://bitejo.com/listing/NnBK/ for added legitimacy

>> No.52738819

privacy is just gonna hit the cryptoverse as one of the top niches now and in the coming bulls, be it in transactional, blockchain (Azero) or data privacy(sylo), just keep fingers crossed.

>> No.52739122

I believe prifi assets will become really important in the bull cycle so I have long taken advantage of the dip to accumulate them to get well positioned for some multiple x

>> No.52739283

Sure, for a start.

If you want to go full schizo, download the CLI wallet on a computer, verify its integrity, get a laptop that has never connected to the internet and transfer it to there physically. Then, create the wallet on the USB.

The USB should never be connected to another computer that has been connected to the internet. To send transactions, sign and export outputs.

This is what I am doing and it is overkill. I’m still looking into the USB firmware/HDD controllers and seeing what I can do with them as they are compromised on the hardware level.

>> No.52739401

>If you want to go full schizo, download the CLI wallet on a computer, verify its integrity, get a laptop that has never connected to the internet and transfer it to there physically

How does your computer have an operating system if it has never connected to the internet? Do you consider flashing an operating system onto it "not connecting it to the internet" despite the possibility of malware latching on?

>> No.52739442

How do I buy large amounts (say 10k usd worth) of Monero without KYC ?
It feels like buying on a KYC exchange defeats the purpose. Even if they don’t know what you do with it, the fact that they know you have it at all means you could be targeted if they decide to change regulations/legal status in the future.

>> No.52740109

or get another crypto without KYC and swap it over tor.

>> No.52740696

I've installed Linux on air gapped, offline computers in the past. Download, verify, burn to disc, install on the offline system.

>> No.52741819
File: 977 KB, 1920x1080, 1667608251473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished downloading the full chain and my wallet is synced/daemon is running. I want to mine on the p2pool, but the drop down menu for Mining Mode only has the "Solo" option. Is there something wrong with my GUI wallet, or do I need to install some additional piece of software to have the p2p option available to me?

I've been following this guide up until this point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbxbRu-2GWI and have done everything up to the 10:15 timestamp.

>> No.52741820
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>> No.52742117

The p2pool mining feature was added by default on a newer version of the GUI wallet so make sure to update your software to the latest version

>> No.52742227
File: 10 KB, 441x73, 1649130670282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the version that I'm using; which seems to be more recent than what https://p2pool.io/#help says that I'll need.

>> No.52742506
File: 135 KB, 862x745, 1638805401608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is what I'm looking at. There is an indication that there is a dropdown menu (as shown in the video I linked prior), but clicking on it does not reveal any additional options.

>> No.52743018

It is quite slow to sync even with the new view tags, especially if you dont open your wallet for weeks

>> No.52743370


Is 20 xmr enough to get contacts to be doing cool guy stuff like this when xmr is like 40k a coin?

>> No.52743447

>discloses amount
>price speculation
Lurk more

>> No.52744004
File: 1.27 MB, 1141x2048, naganero2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys are still looking for a Christmas presents for yourself or your boyfriends <3


>> No.52744667
File: 20 KB, 651x382, Swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news: 3 more days and we will finally have a real, trustless & KYCless L1 mainnet road into Monero

>> No.52744933

Odd, mine shows it properly and I'm on the same version. Maybe try closing everything down and then opening it again

>> No.52745054
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>> No.52746607

Yeah, I've done a hard reset since those screenshots were taken and I still don't have a functioning dropdown menu with p2pool. :(

>> No.52746709


do you have an account/wallet on that monero client?

>> No.52747040

Yeah, I have a wallet attached to the client - with a balance so I know it's working.
I know that you shouldn't p2p mine from your main wallet; but even on an extra/spare wallet I made the option to p2pool mine is not there for me.

>> No.52747932
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>> No.52748351
File: 1.97 MB, 3000x2250, 1668241671522311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say that I don't usually get vinyl figures but if you made a Monero-chan one like that I'd get two. Up to 1 XMR sounds reasonable as long as the quality is there (would be kinda poetic to have 1 coin = 1 figure), idk how much such things usually go for but I'd assume that some statistical relationship between price and quality exists. Certificate-wise something more durable like plastic would be nice, perhaps with some corresponding number/text/decal underneath the base of the figure (as long as its not much extra effort).
Also I appreciate your effort in setting all this stuff up anon <3

>> No.52748529
File: 260 KB, 1897x910, Holocoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback :)

Agreed on the quality part, the sample I received was solid but I'll have to get a few peoples opinions since I'm obviously quite biased regarding this topic.

The fumo likely won't have numbers on it itself unless i find a good way to do it (maybe little metal numbers as earrings? could also look very stupid though. open to suggestions).

Vinyl figure is still way out there. Have done some research but nothing more. It's definitely the end-goal of Monerochan merch.

I appreciate all the support I've been getting, as well as the fact that I haven't been kicked off the board. I saw firsthand what happened to the minting anons over in /pmg/. On that note, if these guys don't get their shit together and make a monerochan silver ounce soon I might just have to do that next.

>> No.52748953
File: 1.14 MB, 1399x2048, SatoshiIsTheEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two posts inspired me to make this edit, hope you all find it as kino as I did - there's a lot of 40k + Monero meme potential, e.g. the mars space marine drawingwhdgxv

>> No.52749017
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 1667518936704667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, always happy to help. I thought you were referring to the vinyl figures so I was talking about those, I agree it would probably look stupid on the fumos so maybe just a card/certificate for collectability.
Monero silver is another item I'd go for, I get that /pmg/ aren't the biggest crypto fans but it seems like they'd have the least problem with Monero-chan.

>> No.52749063

>On that note, if these guys don't get their shit together and make a monerochan silver ounce soon I might just have to do that next.
This would be extremely cool to see after the fumo dolls get finished.

One of the problems with crypto merch/collectibles in general is that it's always
which isn't necessarily bad but the range of products regardless of coin is just low barrier-to-entry printable stuff.

Beyond being a Monerochan enthusiast, I think it's really good for Monero to have both a cute anthropomorphic mascot as well as tangible and unique collectibles that people can ogle over. It's going to drive tons of engagement both on biz and elsewhere as people are going to post themselves taking their Monerochan fumo dolls everywhere.

Monerochan silver rounds might not be as photogenic, but it seems like a 10/10 segue with talking to PM guys as we have a lot of overlap in ideology. Plus I personally would want one. No idea whatsoever what the costs for making a Monerochan Aputunnia would be though, and I don't think funding through pre-orders is a good idea as it invites drama.

>> No.52749275
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>> No.52750352
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>> No.52750370
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Same brother, I'm planning to print one, I might add a monero symbol on it

>> No.52750830

Will convert torrent to DDL and upload it to website of your wish for 0.003 XMR. Max is 30GB. Email me.

>> No.52751496

if they're limited run i really don't think 1xmr is unreasonable, ours are whales who don't mind spending money on these things.

>> No.52751538

especially if you do something like put surplus profit towards something like the art / cosplay fund i think it would be received well

>> No.52752932

More and more frequently I am seeing number go uper's entering monero simply because of how it performed vs bitcoin One can only hope that the brainrot from bitcoin doesn't infect our community as it has so many others. I fucking hate price speculators I fucking hate them

>> No.52753324

Can a i5-2310 earn something from p2pool?

>> No.52753352
File: 192 KB, 720x748, 20221206_104235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek fiatties. I hope you slurped up enough XMR.

There are already the distant stampede rumblings online about another episode of:



U.S. wilderness edition

>Sponsored by the BIS
>Time's up, Federal Reserve.

>> No.52753604

It feels weird knowing that nothing ever is going to happen to bankers, people will continue giving them money without questioning.
Everyone that might question this behavior based on past events will be called shizo/conspiracy nut and put on some list.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.52753621

>he thinks his internet meme coins will be worth anything once fiat collapses

>> No.52753769
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>> No.52754502
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mining on p2pool mini! Feels good that no centralized pool can dictate me which transactions to put into block templates that I throw my hashpower at.

A cool explanation of the p2pool:

>> No.52754538

based ! and fuck compliance

>> No.52754774

One can get stablecoin (usdc or busd, they have NYS bit license) from an exchange, then go to a swapper like https://stealthex.io/ or an aggregator https://trocador.app/en/ . I have been using trocador lately, which has me using mainly exch.cx for swaps.

>> No.52755130

hash power has been going down hard for the past week. from nearly 4 to 2.5

>> No.52755234

what's up with the sudden increase in transactions? any news?

>> No.52755295

Use Kucoin fren, one of the better exchanges in my opinion, i got most of my gems there, including sylo, a low cap gem with end-to-end encrypted messaging app

>> No.52755483

I really want to see people to post their fumos with their guns and silver :)

lack of decent physical merch/collectibles is exactly why I'm doing this.

silver is really cool but unless i set up a registered company (and fully, utterly doxx myself) I don't see how I would handle anything more than maybe 100 ounces since i can't pay for the minting in XMR, has to all come out of my fiat account.

could maybe do copper coins as they require much less initial capital on my part and people could get much bigger stacks for the same amount of xmr. not sure how much copper is liked in PM circles.

yeah they will be limited to 100.

good idea. I'll have to decide the final price once they actually get here.

>> No.52756375
File: 20 KB, 317x230, monero apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy, your competitor here <https://bitejo.com/listing/ezHe/>.. Instead of a race to the bottom hurting our precious profits, would you perhaps be interested to partake in a price fixing conspiracy? Let's say $5.

>> No.52756520

Stop posting faggotry, faggot.
>selling cockli invites
Do newfags really buy these?

>> No.52756629

i would buy a riseup.net invite

>> No.52756769

haven't been paying attention to hash rates but my payouts have plummeted on p2pool main over the past few months. used to get a share every 12-16hr, now closer to 24-36hr

>> No.52756783

i have 25 xmr will i be ok

>> No.52756799

You're above the suicide line.

>> No.52756838

hashrate is plumetting, volume on exchanges is plumetting. the pump might be over

>> No.52756873

Sure, why not.
Invites are actually valuable unlike you. jk it's all love around here

>> No.52756920

There's a guy selling them on the cock.li mailing list. agentto something

>> No.52757071

Nobody knows anything.
It might be worth a lambo or a trabant.
Stop disclosing.

>> No.52758935

Still an infinite supply shitcoin, still long-term trending to zero against Bitcoin.

>> No.52758968

Ask the poster of the reply above why he sucks black dick

>> No.52759668

Why do you suck black dick?

>> No.52759970
File: 1.49 MB, 6006x4803, 981fd9e8-7a1a-4093-8591-f9ad325dcf04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only imagine how kino the Monero-chan fumo pics would be. I'm not a PM guy so idk what they'd think, copper might be cool for the novelty/orangeish color (Monero connection) but it has pretty small melt value so any lasting worth would be entirely numismatic. Silver would probably garner the most PM interest, even if it's only a limited run of 100 that would just make them more collectible.

>> No.52760543


Not a refutation. Infinite supply = infinite supply.

>> No.52760814

0.6 XMR per block ≠ infinite supply.
Monero will never have an infinite supply because it would take an infinite amount of time to accumulate such an amount.

>> No.52760897
File: 396 KB, 646x1080, MuhInfiniteSupply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maxipads truly are the most prolific retards in crypto.

>> No.52761034


ugh semantics. There is more and more XMR with every passing day, its inflationary.

>> No.52761049


Cope harder, faggot.

>> No.52761070
File: 615 KB, 900x854, 1650567473986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinite supply shitcoin
Please show me a 20 million XMR transaction. I'll wait.

>> No.52761113

Bitcoin has been hijacked by BlockStream to profit off making its L1 dysfunctional and traceable for the purposes of the globohomo. Bitcoin core has been long infiltrated by special agents, no code is added to the main node software unless they approve of it. Most if not all coins bear some sort of connection to KYC and the large pools are already using blacklists in secret. Bitcoin is an inherently authoritarian tool used to disenfranchise, track, and anally rape the general populace. Lightning is a tool developed by the WEF used to disregard whatever the main layer might want to say, recreating fiat but only with the worst aspects. By 2030 you will own Bitcoin in a fractional bank, and use your credit card with it. But once CoinPool passes the even last remaining element of Satoshi's design will crumble on L1 and the supply will be widely manipulated and user funds will be stored fractionally, even on-chain.
If you think otherwise you are a black homosexual.

Ameridumb cannot see percentages change over a changing base. Or use 1 post to say what she has to say.

>> No.52761435

>Bitcoin core has been long infiltrated by special agents, no code is added to the main node software unless they approve of it.
Could anyone tell me what butcoin devs do?
As far as I understand the code is holy, no changes are allowed so what's next?
Surely it's not only L2s?

>> No.52761656


Exactly, moron, there's no way to verify supply.

>> No.52761693


Fudding BTC wont magically make your shitcoin valuable. No exceptions

>> No.52761714

>He thinks that transparency prevents inflation bugs
>Um guys, Monero doesn't have value
>Literally displacing Bitcoin on the dark net because it's a better version of digital cash

>> No.52761726

Its better at getting money off the grid than btc

>> No.52761731

>Exactly, moron, there's no way to verify supply.
Go seethe somewhere else ya fuckin' cultist.

>> No.52761805
File: 32 KB, 666x538, btc mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the free salt!

>> No.52762709


lol an undetected inflation bug is the most likely cause of Monero's historically awful price action. Prove otherwise. Oh right, you can't!

>> No.52762727


Y'all could corner the market for copium, try again.

>> No.52763046
File: 29 KB, 680x655, 1669967227773402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frenly reminder, not a single monero was harmed in the dumpster fire known as ftx.

>> No.52763162

>Could anyone tell me what butcoin devs do?
Stall progress and prevent any meaningful changes like increasing blocksize, anonyminity, etc.

>> No.52763232

If awful price action equals inflation bug bitcoin must have been hit by one considering it's down 63% YTD.

>> No.52764589


Zoom out and cope even harder.

>> No.52764773
File: 45 KB, 209x220, 1649025225670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undetected inflation bug is the most likely cause of Monero's historically awful price action
Yes. It's called CEX paper XMR. The inflation isn't on-chain.

>> No.52764799

My bad. You're actually down 75%. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.52765361


Checked and kek'd. BTC will hit $100K next year, see you when the FOMO hits.

>> No.52765765
File: 107 KB, 1086x1074, 1668643820771023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC will hit $100K next year

Fucking delusional.

>> No.52765990


This general is cope central lmao

>> No.52766314

Crypto assets can be carted away with the use of mixers because it is based on trust which could be breached at anytime. I am skeptical about privacy preserving systems that make use of mixers

>> No.52766322
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Fd1LTp2aAAAcYhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This general is cope central lmao

Constantly invoking "cope" is cope, fucktard.

>> No.52766343
File: 197 KB, 1010x854, FO8txRYXMAgC0LV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, CoinJoin is non-custodial. But its still shit compared to XMR.

>> No.52766524


The shitcoiner doth protest too much. Something worrying you?

>> No.52766578

Even bitcoin maxis don't believe this bullshit. Only the midwits of this board.

>> No.52766596

I swear bitcoiners are the midwits of crypto. Somehow worse than the retards who buy dogecoin, because at least those people know dogecoin is fucking useless.

>> No.52766666

NEW THREAD: >>52766664
>NEW THREAD: >>52766664
NEW THREAD: >>52766664
>NEW THREAD: >>52766664
NEW THREAD: >>52766664
>NEW THREAD: >>52766664

>> No.52768277

uhhm... checked?!?