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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.52700023

lets see paul allen's digits >>52700000

>> No.52700026

Euro to 1.2 again. fuck the dollar

>> No.52700030

Every pivoot fag is retarded

>> No.52700031

Whats the edition?

>> No.52700034
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(From the last thread if you missed)
The interviewer came into the interview late, and from the get go didn't seem to care what he was doing. And that kinda spilled onto him not caring about anything I said. Anything and everything I said, he looked super unimpressed and he even said "that's it?" at times and it made me feel less about myself. More than having a bad interview, him being and asshole to me about my accomplishments so far was very harsh and I didn't know how to react other than just take his shit. It was rough

>> No.52700044
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>> No.52700053
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What would happen to Tesla stock and the indexes if Elon came out and agreed with Kanye

>> No.52700054
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>Market goes up despite extreme yield inversions

>> No.52700060
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Sup sluts

>> No.52700064
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My brother... my captain... my king.

>> No.52700071

yield curve is healing, not as worse as a month ago

>> No.52700074
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House and senate voted against railroad strikes. Well, there goes my bobo hopium. Will the rail wagies just accept the new shitty deal or just quit nationwide?

>> No.52700081

oops forgot the link


>> No.52700080

Starting pay is $15.50 an hour which is not bad money at all for what we do.
Kek fucking based interviewer. To be fair, he is probably like me and has fuck up loser fatigue. I'm at the point now where by the time I finish all the interviews I'm going to need a drink. Americans are fuck ups through and through especially in 2022. Sorry you had to be on the receiving end of that guy.

>> No.52700090

He was shit testing you. You probably gave off a bitch aura. Remind him no matter how hard he scrubs his shit covered hands he will never wash off the poo and that he is lucky he got an h1b visa

>> No.52700093
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Would be fun to see the truckers and the railworkers both strike at the same time. Im loving how the democrats are saying fuck the unions on a national stage.

>> No.52700099

It's clown world so tesla would probably hit an ath to fuck over retail shorts

>> No.52700107
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What kind of dumbass questions did he ask? Are they still using the same old tired ass HR type questions from the 80's, like what's your greatest strength and weaknesses, your greatest personal accomplishment, where do you see yourself in 5 years, etc?

>> No.52700120
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I am 26 years old and leaving for Thailand to have sex with men.

I've never even kissed a girl.
Next year I get $360 thousand USD and then I am going to the third world for sex with stupid men.

>> No.52700126

Yields are also based on inflation, yields can invert based in inflation moving downwards

>> No.52700130

Like when they showed concentration camp footage of the Mexicans on the border in cages for 4 years under Trump and then dropped the story when biden was elected but the caged Mexicans are still there and nothing changes?

Their voter base is literally retarded and has the memory span of a goldfish

>> No.52700131

It wouldn't be fun and it wouldn't paint either group in a positive light. If they ruined Christmas the court of public opinion would rule against them, and then people would completely turn on the workers not the companies

>> No.52700133

I have $131 thousand USD at late 25 currently.
I got hit in the Metaverse, but I walked away.

>> No.52700142

you can sex girls too. you dont have to sex men just because you never kissed a girl. the girls will kiss you if you pay them.

>> No.52700143

>tired ass HR type questions
Modern ones are like
What can you contribute to a team
Describe a difficult situation and how you solved it
Why do you want to work specifically for our company
Why did you want out of your previous job

>> No.52700145
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Credit Suisse is defaulting and nobody cares. The contagion would be massive.

>> No.52700155
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Don't worry, tranny jannies would never ban this type of off topic degenerate retarded posts. But actually newsworthy and breaking information gets banned and deleted in seconds

>> No.52700158

I sometimes try to do too much and need to delegate more
Airborne goddamn giga Chad in the army I can do fucking anything and have no fear
>5 years
Goddamn management potential. Career lifer at shekelbergstein and Co sirs

>get hired
>6 months later quit with no warning when I get bored and tell the manager to tongue my anus
>update my resume with more fake bullshit

>> No.52700167
File: 59 KB, 976x549, yeShades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a fake /biz/
You don't love Ye go trade crypto /biz/
Trade after hours go trade futures /biz/
Sometimes you don't think about the future /biz/

>> No.52700169

Why should we care some cucks will bail them out 100%. Insolvency is a pre 2008 concern

>> No.52700176
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What would possible happen

>> No.52700180

I don't care about the Swiss.
Bunch of greedy mountain dwarves.

>> No.52700181
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>> No.52700186

Girls never liked me, and I never liked girls.
It's already over. This is the way out.

They have a racial IQ of 63 in Thailand.

>> No.52700189

I've never understood why HR asks dumb questions like that. They don't tell you much about a person because they are always going to give you scripted answers. When I interview people I can tell rather they're going to be shot or not just based off their body language and casual conversation. It's always the very arrogant ones that can't stop talking about themselves that suck the most. Talk is cheap. The good ones don't have to say much, and have a "give me a chance and I'll show you" attitude about them

>> No.52700193

>What can you contribute to a team
>Describe a difficult situation and how you solved it
No Brownies, made Brownies
>Why do you want to work specifically for our company
To provide Brownies
>Why did you want out of your previous job
They tried to forcefully inject me with an experimental jabberino and put shit up my nose so I broke my boss nose and treatened to beat him to dead with his keyboard

>> No.52700212
File: 79 KB, 680x673, 40oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the bonds jerome
>reverse repo jerome
>buy the bonds jerome
>reverse repo jerome
>buy the bonds

>> No.52700219


My honest conclusion is that they are filtering people who are independent thinkers and won’t give some equally cliche bullshit Corp-speak answer back to them.

It’s effectively filtering for liars though. Only good liars can work here kek

>> No.52700227

Asian girls are a whole different animal anon. You'll be straight and dating within two weeks of arrival.

>> No.52700230
File: 122 KB, 1280x619, Screenshot 2022-11-29 5.26.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon we have a vax policy here at PepsiCo and I notice you said you "preferred not to say" your pronouns? What's that all about?

>> No.52700231

The idea is to filter out the people so fucking autistic they can't plan out their answers to such generic questions in advance, or worse, get angry when asked the question.

>> No.52700234
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>> No.52700257
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Another day. Another day of "doing nothing". Another day of eating a $5.93 Hardee's Lunch meal (medium sized) and watching the VZ ticker move on google via my work computer. Needless to say my vigilance paid off; bagged during the dippy at just a hair over $38.

>> No.52700261

Businesses want people who can talk the talk AND walk the walk. The ones who have a “give me a chance” vibe have already clearly failed the talk the talk part

>> No.52700262

would use
>I use another term
and write in Nigger

>> No.52700270


>> No.52700276
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I got laid off and now I have to fucking job search, god damn is this shit stressful

>> No.52700278
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I ask as many questions to the interviewer as they ask of me. I interview them back

>> No.52700291
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do the needful for jerome, need higher unemployment

>> No.52700296

Just checking my watchlist, how's the $ZIM baggies here holding up?

>> No.52700299
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>> No.52700300

I gave up job searching you can't find shit unless you want to work in an office somewhere you don't live or be a wal mart greeter. Time to start swing trading. no more mumu bobo nonsense just pure trading.

>> No.52700301

Kek, best I can remember during my uh interview if you wanna call it that all they did was show me where I would be working, going round to meet my soon to be co-workers, and filling out paperwork. Then they told me "report in 2 weeks on such date/time". My ass spent the next two weeks before I reported to work in S.C.

>> No.52700305

rightly so, before signing the contract you are a customer and the HR monkey in front of you tries to sell you a job, if he fails, fuck him and fuck his company forever in any capacity, if as employee, customer or future coperations

>> No.52700309

the sad thing is that everything Ye says is true but they still going to destroy him in the media (which they own).

seriously name 3 things he's said about the Jews that have been wrong so far. you can't. don't even try, you'll just be wasting your time because it's all true.

>> No.52700320

I always like to ask them how long they have been with the company and watch em squirm around a little when they say however many months and how great the culture is. Casually grill them about the turnover rate and why the position is available since it's such a goddamn amazing place to wagie dance at

>> No.52700325
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I actually feel a little bit better today about my applicants not showing up knowing some of you are simultaneously getting fired I'm the process.

>> No.52700329

it's kinda funny that this is actually what JPow wants. i wonder if he walks by homeless people on the street and is just like "aaahhhh, our nation is healing~"

>> No.52700330

Shipping bros are in tankers now. Buy TNP.

>> No.52700352
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>> No.52700358

There is a plot point in the game suzerain where you as the president have the option to meet with a media mogul, basically CNN, and they offer to essentially be a propaganda mill for you if you help them absorb another company. They said they can guarantee I get reelected. Although I didn't get reelected, I started a war with another country that was more powerful than mine and me and my entire family ended up getting murdered. Politics is tough.

>> No.52700365

>throws change at homeless zoomer
>"yah know we are going to make change illegal... it's dirty"
>*they tried to pump fucking dog coins.. those faggots tried to pump fucking dog coins and thought they wouldn't have to work anymore* he mumbles as he gets in his limo

>> No.52700381

Buy weed and psilocybin stocks

>> No.52700391


>tfw landed a jerb with loads of downtime
>tfw can trade all day while getting paid in work

now I just need to learn to trnvtsd2ade :^)

>> No.52700400
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>> No.52700407

>landed a job with loads of downtime
Kek not for long.

>> No.52700426
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Oilbros, we literally can't lose

>> No.52700427
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excuse me but wtf is this chart?

>> No.52700448

Shill me your favourite dividend stocks bros

>> No.52700455
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>> No.52700466

A friend told be to make a portfolio of BB Cisco abd DUO how stupid is this. Mostly interested in the last one

>> No.52700467

Joe must be so confused right now. He's got France over for a steak dinner but they're serving maine lobsters.

>> No.52700471


We need to make this into a meme.

>> No.52700488

He literally talked about homeless people in one of his press conferences where he justified keeping rates at 0 for so long.

>> No.52700495

>tfw when bought BTU around $7 last year and sold for a tiny profit.
Buy and hold chads...I kneel.

>> No.52700516
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Its over. This is a new paradigm. One dollar will be worth 21 million bitcoin. Most will be priced out of the 10 dollar e honda. You will see metal stackers literally throw their metals on the streets and scream for whatever legal tender notes they could get with it. Housing will plummet so hard and yet so few will afford the standard 100 dollar family of four home.

>> No.52700528

It's hilarious that even some Democrat politicians thought that was a classless move to have lobster when the people of this nation are all broke

>> No.52700536

>Donald Trump said he was going to bring coal back
>Biden brought coal back


>> No.52700554
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Nuns like inflation. Stocks inflation that is. Bull market is ahead, God wills it.

>> No.52700565

Get lubed up, it's early days yet, but so far its looking like the overnight buck breaking team is doing their thing.

>> No.52700586
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Im uncut,i dont need lube.

>> No.52700592

is that a fucking miko nun

>> No.52700600

No one is going to want to hold this bullshit rally over the weekend. Tomorrow will be bloody as fuck

>> No.52700606
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See the last ER

>> No.52700609

No Miko isn't for lewding

>> No.52700614

Can anyone explain to me why the Kpop anon is always right? And why he is trying to help smg? What is he trying to gain? Is he a glownigger? An a insider? A troll? A helpful shitposter?

>> No.52700616
File: 384 KB, 635x399, Screenshot from 2022-11-19 22-52-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently posted a reply to you but didn't realize how old the thread was at the time, I've had a busy day and it was still in my thread watcher. I just want to be sure you see it and at least re-consider deleting. There will always be new people that discover /smg/ and might get pointed towards (You) for history if nothing else.


>> No.52700619
File: 16 KB, 657x70, 2 days GME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse. i bought BTU at $18 and sold at $12 during that dip at the end of 2021 thinking it was over because China was fixing the coal prices at the time. i made a lot of bad decisions that year after i made $50k off of GME in all honesty, and lost all of it.

i have a great recession proof tech career and learned a ton about trading which ended with me actually being a profitable trader now, but that's still an experience im never going to forget. $50k was my life savings and then i doubled it in 2 days. then i lost it over the course of the rest of the year doing dumb cocky things. idk if you'd consider that an expensive education or a cheap one considering i basically just ended up at break even, but still. pain is the best teacher.

>> No.52700659
File: 721 KB, 1300x1108, 1669936601355303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye pissed of the tribe and now their going to take their anger out on retail. Hope you Anons aren't holding any options over night.

>> No.52700675

I still have the same plan as always sir. Holding my long dated puts to sub 3900

>> No.52700678
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>> No.52700685

Oh yeah I completely missed that. I'm going to end up in a similar position to you. I'm going to have a serious health event in the near future that will likely knock me out of the work force, I think I've reached a point that I just don't care anymore. As far as the videos go it's just tough to find time anymore. Everytime I think I have some free time to work on it, some shit comes up and derails it. I thought I'd have some time tonight to fuck around but then my parents let me know that they are coming over to my apartment tomorrow to watch the Christmas parade. So now instead of having some much needed down time after work, I have to spend the entire night cleaning my apartment and hiding a of my serial killer tier shit so they won't see it as I won't be there. I'm more than happy to do it for them but damn I wasn't prepay for that. I will also give a rundown on some of the oldfags eventually.

>> No.52700699

Is this Ted Bundy or some shit?

>> No.52700702
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>selling coal
lmao I don't think I'll see $100 eoy anymore but I still believe 90 is doable.

>> No.52700703

I've made probably close to $30/share of BTU this past year just selling covered calls and collecting $2 premium every month while it goes nowhere.

>> No.52700709
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Here's the QRD:
>coof happened
>fearing the end of the world, the FED injected way too much liquidity into the economy
>inflation is now the new problem
>hike rates at record pace not seen since the 80s
>despite all the memes, SOME parts of the inflation numbers were transitory
>inflation is being softened faster than anticipated
>now we face a DEFLATIONARY risk if the FED doesn't stop QT in time due to lagging indicators
>market is pricing in an earlier pause/cuts and calling FED bluff (you are here)
>will rally off this until the economy fully digests the hikes and the eventual recession happens next year
>this will force the FED into much lower rates as the bond market predicted, which they need an excuse to do since they overtightened way too fast

>> No.52700712

>will the rail wagies just accept the new shitty deal
You already know the answer. The idea that anyone has the moral value required to fight the government is just laughably absurd.

Which model is this?

>> No.52700714
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>> No.52700719
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>> No.52700726

Well, I understand the not having time for making new ones, or even just losing the desire, etc., but please re-consider to not delete the channel if you do, so at least what you've done will always be there for future Anons that do some time in /smg/ and are interested in history. I finished that video (latest) and it's got a lot of nailin' it, excellent.

>> No.52700731


>> No.52700733

>market is pricing in an earlier pause/cuts and calling FED bluff (you are here)
This is unironically "betting against the Fed".

>> No.52700734

bro just tell me SPY will go to 390 soon. thats all i care about. ill buy all the soxl i need to just need to offload these bear bags.

>> No.52700746

Greenriver killer?

>> No.52700749
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>Number of employees:1,666

>> No.52700774

Yeah I won't delete the channel, I'm sure this will all blow over and I'll have more time in the future. Frankly trying to find help at work is way more exhausting than I thought it would be. That's whats dragging me down right now. I have to stop comparing Americans to myself because I am quickly realizing, they sure as fuck ain't me

>> No.52700776
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Huberty james

>> No.52700777
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Getting a job online is pretty easy these days, you can make up whatever and they'll hire you without doing a background check.

>> No.52700779
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Tony bros........ Not like this


>> No.52700803

Core cpi hasn't decreased at all. Inflation isn't going anywhere. Jerome said it again yesterday. Prices continue to increase of almost everything. Only a couple bullshit categories like used cars have decreased. Food/shelter/energy increasing. Bulls don't listen to anything other than CNN propaganda

It's all so tiresome.. Jerome Powell can literally hold a press conference and say inflation isn't decreasing and how rates will need to be higher for longer and all of /smg/ will post the next day about a pivot because inflation is decreasing

>> No.52700818
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>James Huberty would become a survivalist after developing beliefs that foreign bankers were messing with the Federal Reserve System.
>He believed that the world was on edge of nuclear war, and wanted to be prepared for the coming apocalypse.
>Hubery also believed that the President and the United States Government were personally working against him.
ah, your average /smg/ poster

>> No.52700823
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>> No.52700826


Looks bullish to me

>> No.52700844
File: 99 KB, 565x600, thatbasedpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now youre just being silly.

>> No.52700868


uhhhh how fucked are the SPY calls I bought today?

>> No.52700869

Good evening
Will sussy credit fail?

>> No.52700886
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>> No.52700887

>will one of the most criminal banks in the world with insane amounts of blackmail be allowed to fail

>> No.52700890

Two more weeks. Like Zerocringe predicted for the last 15 years. For real this time.

>> No.52700900

>they sure as fuck ain't me
Nope. When I lost my own business during Great Recession, I applied to many jobs, including a temp service for all the companies they repped for, and couldn't get shit. I applied for a school janny job, interviewed, didn't get it. During Great Recession there was *lots* of competition for *everything*. Essentially *everyone* who had anything to do with construction was out of work indefinitely. Finally I found a gig...at Hardee's. I worked there for a couple of years, and usually had to do the job of at least 3 people. The general manager gave me a going away party my last day, and cried. She had me an expensive Mexican tres leches cake made in the shape of a Hardee's star. Over the course of that 2 years I saw a *lot* of people come and go, never a party. It's shocking how rare it is for people to actually do anything anywhere.


>> No.52700901

They are running out of ways to capitalize
We need more margin mans

>> No.52700902

bullish on bear ETFs thanks to this man

>> No.52700904

>two kids

Nah not quite

>> No.52700915

none, line only goes up

>> No.52700923

Can confirm I don't bother checking references or doing background checks. Waste of time and money

>> No.52700925

>mentally ill drug addicts living outside of society is an economic indicator

>> No.52700942

Fae cant keep getting away with it.

>> No.52700964

>lowest manufacturer confidence this year
>the only month in the last 10 years with lower manufacturing confidence was March 2020 peak covid freakout

Yeahhh santaaaa rallllyyyyy

>> No.52700967

Zoomers don't understand how bad the 08' recession was. I remember losing .y job at red lobster when that hit and you couldn't buy a job. Even fast food wasn't hiring. You wouldn't see a single hiring sign anywhere and if you did 30 other people were applying for that same job. This recession is going to be way way worse than 08'. Buckle up zoomers. Sorry about your business man, that's fucked up. One of my close friends owned a brewery/bar and a coffee shop the next town over and he had to close both of them just last month. He's literally financially ruined. Feel terrible for the guy. He did everything right and this was the end result.

>> No.52700981
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Everytime smg gets overwhelmingly bearish we have an insane rally.
The S&P is only 15% off ATHs
The DIA is only 5% off ATHs

Even 2008 only took like 3 years to recover. The US is sucking up wealth from all over the world, they have no intention of crashing their economy. Get real.

>> No.52700989

Huberty’s wife, Etna Huberty, also attempted to sue McDonalds, claiming that their chicken nuggets led him to experience delusions and rage.
>The family claimed that James Huberty often ate the chicken nuggets, including on the day of the shooting.
If we were in the 70s even the rejects would be fit enough to have a wife.

>> No.52700996
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>they would ruin christmas
Nigger, they are not the ones to blame for the failures of globohomo. Im fine having a small christmas as long as it means people gets pissed enough to remember in 2024

>> No.52700999

Its a meme. Somebody send them to fox or cnn

>> No.52701003
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Mumu. Let's do a quick thought experiment. Check the PCE if you please. Now. Is the year-on-year PCE lower than the fed funds rate? Or higher?
What do you think this means about the future direction of the fed funds rate? Now, if the fed funds rate were to go in the direction you are thinking of, what direction do you think the stock market would go?

>> No.52701006

Bulls are physically taking Christmas presents away from my family with every point SPY goes up. You people are monsters.

>> No.52701013
File: 23 KB, 1154x610, 20221202_003735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation is structural and will remain persistent for 10-20 yrs because of:

-demographics: workforce is effectively shrinking.
-energy transition: energy will be more expensive as traditional sources are under-capitalised and new sources are un-optimised
-deglobalisation: supply chains are shrinking in order to prevent vulnerability to geopolitical competition.

IMO the situation is actually considerably worse than the 1970s and the global economy would be lucky to see a repeat of that, IMO there is instead real risk of serious conflict and major global shifts.
Getting out of this hole will require a fundamentally new global system built on new supply chains and that creates opportunity for radical strategic shifts.
Whoever can deliver that gets to be the champion of the global system.

>> No.52701016

Nigger I'll buy a pound of weed a shitton of divvy stocks at the bottom and go hike the Appalachian trail and bum around for a while. I've got enough powder for a couple years and no debt anchor. I will not cook fast food.. I will not be grateful for bitch work. I'll shoplift from target and live in my car before I work at Hardee's making goyslop for $10/hr

>> No.52701019

Priced in

>> No.52701034
File: 393 KB, 1170x603, 6707EC16-2A1B-432F-8FE4-CF64479F5557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The job market will never weaken because the vax fucked over too many normies and hundreds of thousands of boomers died of covid. That’s my schizo theory. Do what you must with that information. The strong labor market will continue.

>> No.52701035

How does a shrinking workforce drives inflation? Reduces demand and productivity alike. The only inflationary factor in society remaining that might drive inflationary demand are boomers out of work

>> No.52701037

>did everything right
yeah let's just enter one of the most crowded spaces next to restaurants and expect to make money
it astounds me banks STILL lend money for these dogshit businesses. it cant make them money

>> No.52701048

Yeah that's basically American labor in a nutshell at this point.

>> No.52701047



>> No.52701052

>348 to 410 in two months
>bro we are about to have an insane rally

We already had the retard rally.. where have you been?

>> No.52701061

>financially ruined
Yep, like I said before, I can't even have a bank account to trade and having to find someone that will let me do it under them. Great Recession's effects ultimately took my marriage and home, and still have the black cloud of judgements to this day. I'm hoping at some point I'll be able to pull off enough of a miracle to just pay all that off, but now I have new debts thanks to ER visits as a homeless person with this surprise health shit. Life in Babylon.

I've told my son many times now about what's coming, and explained a lot that he was too young to notice and understand from 08, to try to sink the point in for him. He's in college now and I'm trying to brace and prepare him for the world he'll be facing, but also setting the example to him that no matter what, you fucking survive and don't puss out from rough shit.

>> No.52701064

you could do that here tho
thailand is totally irrelevant to this irrelevant post

>> No.52701071
File: 30 KB, 1165x478, dfsdfsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the shrinking work force?
just do 10 seconds of research instead of just shitting out your opinion as fact
i hate you faggots

>> No.52701081

should have just taken out $1mil in PPP loans and never paid them back

>> No.52701082
File: 2.98 MB, 338x200, iu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that's just the recovery, now we have the rally.

>> No.52701084
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>Priced in
OK, time for another thought experiment mumu
Check the P/E of SPY if you please. Now. Is the earnings yield implied by this P/E higher than the US 2-yr bond yield? Or lower?
What do you think this means about the expected return of buying stocks as compared to bonds? And how might that translate to performance of the stock market?

>> No.52701090

Nah it's wayyyy worse. Most people are debt maxed. Shit is going to get hilarious.

>> No.52701098

This was me *after* my divorce, until the health shit hit. I was actively planning the Appalachian Trail. But if you had a wife and son and making goyslop for $7.15 an hour (what I got paid) was all you could find and you were giving everything you had to keeping your family together, you'd do it.

>> No.52701099

its below trend, demographic distribution is not looking bright and migration is often enough migration into social security systems adding to inflationary pressure

>> No.52701116

>900,000 more since 2020 peak
Should be a few million more nearly 3 years later

>> No.52701120
File: 277 KB, 1080x1350, 1657411122686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the intellectual's take on telco's like T and VZ right now?

>> No.52701121

>its below trend
says who? you? it's recovered from the largest dip in employment in 100 years in less than 2 years. provide *ANY* number for the feelings you just expressed as facts, retard

>> No.52701127

>The S&P is only 15% off ATHs
>The DIA is only 5% off ATHs
Off giga retard printed ATHs with absolutely no basis on reality, they're close to a top that shouldn't even exist.

>Even 2008 only took like 3 years to recover.
With infinity QE that is currently still swirling around in the markets and rotting the entire system from inside out

>> No.52701131
File: 42 KB, 616x168, Fi5Vdg7XEAM3fdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see how markets react

>> No.52701132

Why is there a pool table in the kitchen?

>> No.52701133

Midwit take. He was a recent startup anon. He ran a very successful bar for almost a decade. You're skipping over the part where the government locked down the entire country for 2 years and liquidated every small business.

>> No.52701149

Open house concept

>> No.52701157
File: 41 KB, 1449x1516, Population of United States of America 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently employed people are not the available workforce down the road.

>> No.52701160
File: 389 KB, 1170x1597, 6963EF05-E77F-41C6-987A-DC69668908A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go faggot

>> No.52701171

>Huberty became a welder in the mid 1970s and made between $25,000-$30,000/yr ($121,000-145,000 adjusted for inflation)
>stay at home wife

Welding is like $20/hr now. Damn...

>> No.52701173
File: 127 KB, 720x1440, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNN propaganda
I sent this to my son this morning explaining to him that the rallying is fake and gay.

>> No.52701185
File: 297 KB, 854x515, Screenshot from 2022-12-01 20-12-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel was the headline

>> No.52701187

what momentum indicator do you use?

>> No.52701191

Priced in

>> No.52701198

not a full kitchen, looks like some bizarre "den" with a bar and an oven for heating stuff

>> No.52701212

I watched the whole conference and he didn't say any of that shit..

He said
>no pause
>no reversal
>higher rates for longer
>we will not reduce rates (pivot) before 2% year over year inflation
>core inflation remains elevated

I hate clown world so much

>> No.52701214

price in my balls in your mouth

>> No.52701233
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>> No.52701234

ok but he did it on like 3% prime rates , the cash flows are minimal to cover that

>> No.52701249

I watched it too, he *did* say the *pace* would be eased. The point they are making in the article is that people chose to hear "pivot" in that, which they are saying he absolutely did not say.

>> No.52701277

What's happening: Investors have been closely watching for any clues that the Fed might slow or pause its painful path of rate hikes, intended to fight persistent inflation. But their search for signs has led to a hopeful distortion of facts: Powell says "moderate" and investors hear "pivot."

"The time for moderating the pace of rate increases may come as soon as the December meeting," said Powell in remarks at the Brookings Institution, his last public appearance before the central bank enters a blackout period ahead of its December 13-14 policymaking meeting.

Investors celebrated. The S&P 500 ended its three-day losing streak and closed up 2.7% on Wednesday. The Dow officially entered a bull market. The 10-year Treasury yield also eased on the news.

Market rallies can lead to counterproductive easing in financial conditions and boost the economy, which is the opposite of what the Fed is trying to do with its tightening policy. Powell tried to do some hawkish "jawboning" by signaling that the FOMC will keep hiking well into 2023, but investors didn't seem to mind.

"By any standard, inflation remains much too high," said Powell. "It will take substantially more evidence to give comfort that inflation is actually declining."

>> No.52701286

Searching for Atlantis: Investors are seemingly addicted to the highs and lows of any perceived shifts in the Fed's thinking, leaving markets excessively volatile. That's exactly what the Fed doesn't want to happen.

St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard warned this week that the stock market is underpricing the risk of a continually aggressive Fed.

This isn't the first time investors rushed into markets on the belief that there would be a Fed pivot. The last time the market ran with a similar narrative over the summer, it didn't go so well. Powell responded with a very hawkish speech at Jackson Hole that sent markets plummeting. The Fed ended up delivering more hikes in the months that followed.

>> No.52701296

The bottom line: The Fed has increased its benchmark lending rate six times this year in an attempt to discourage borrowing, cool the economy and bring down historically high inflation that peaked at 9.1% over the summer and has since slowed to a still uncomfortably high 7.7%, according to the latest Consumer Price Index.

Even if interest rate hikes ease a bit, they will remain high, and economists are largely expecting that the US economy will endure a recession next year. Powell said on Wednesday that there is still a chance the economy avoids recession but the odds are slim. "To the extent we need to keep rates higher longer, that's going to narrow the path to a soft landing," he said.

>> No.52701304
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>> No.52701307

Moderating in December means 50bps instead of 75bps which was already priced in as the likely outcome in a couple of weeks.. the rally was 100% bullshit and not founded on anything he said. I think it was an exit pump and to clear out puts.. I think big money decided they were going to pump and run pivot/rally stories no matter what he said.

>> No.52701308

It was all robots

>> No.52701318
File: 56 KB, 943x1024, 3a847822771240a6bdcf36ea920987fdfed9b846v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vix is at it's spot again. Don't like it. Means we may crash soon. We need a catlyst in order for it to crash. Maybe a higher CPI read. Russia goes SANTA APE SHIT? Tether insolvency.

But trends and patterns always break.

>> No.52701321
File: 47 KB, 686x640, 20221124_190202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flat for two years
>Historically low unemployment

>> No.52701324
File: 76 KB, 1002x549, Screen Shot 2022-12-01 at 5.25.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I care anon?

>> No.52701327

muh poots got heeemt on wednesday but they are march 2023 and I didn't liquidate, so IAGMI. probably. *opens alcohol more*

>> No.52701346

>means 50bps instead of 75bps
Exactly, that's what's being said, that the increase is going to be less than previous increases. Their whole point is that people chose to hear "pivot" from that when that's not at all what was being said.
That very well could be, and a fascinating consideration. I heard Gregory Mannarino mention that kind of thing.

>> No.52701349
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>don't fight the Fed
The thing is, I don't believe a thing the Fed says. I don't believe a thing the financial news says. I only trust my gut.
My gut is telling me not to try and time this market.

I'll continue holding JEPI and I'll continue holding SKYT as my side hustle and in 3 years I'll be 100% better off then most of you swing traders.

>> No.52701394

People aren't choosing to hear "pivot" they are being force-fed a pivot narrative by the media. 75bps to 50bps isn't even a pivot. The pivot was actively debunked yesterday and the media still shills it.

Something relatively insignificant will happen and they will use it as an excuse to gap down the market and dump on retards

>> No.52701423

>the media still shills it
That well could be, but not "the media" I happened to see, including right there CNN saying that people taking hope of a pivot from what he said is a bad thing. I only ever see "media" while I'm on the shitter though, so there's no telling what all (((they))) are saying.

>> No.52701468
File: 279 KB, 512x512, bobo-crying-looking-out-window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could still make it

>> No.52701479
File: 323 KB, 1293x654, Screenshot from 2022-12-01 20-41-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matter of fact, here's some of the the articles I saw and saved to read in muh Google News while on the throne.

>> No.52701493
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>> No.52701544
File: 88 KB, 772x960, 1639108519516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao holy shit bears are in FULL COPE mode. Get rekt you fucking cynical faggots.

>> No.52701557

I’m at the company Christmas party. How long do I have to stay here before I can leave

>> No.52701560

All those articles are from before the meeting.. telling retail to be bearish.. before it mooned for no reason...

Now all the articles are bullish as fuck

>> No.52701564

Any thoughts on miners like Glencore?

>> No.52701575
File: 111 KB, 1015x338, Screenshot from 2022-12-01 20-51-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4.25 hrs

>> No.52701586
File: 1.97 MB, 1912x1076, 1663614772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not crashing the party with no survivors
Come on,buddy

>> No.52701594

sanpai the central [chosen people] always always ALWAYS use every way possible to put off the crash as long as possible so it carsh moar moar desu. You won't expect it when it happens.

>> No.52701613

I am gigabullish on the market because I am gigabearish on literally everything else.
America's middle class will be handled with the final solution to give more bps to FAGMA.
>that feel when hate middle class so much I start shitting on their lawns

>> No.52701625
File: 173 KB, 1036x648, Screenshot from 2022-12-01 20-54-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yes, those are. I only read 2 articles after the speech and they were both pretty solid. I sent picrel to my son and told him to read it very carefully if he had the time (he's double course load). I was just pointing out that in general they've been letting out some pretty hard core bear in many, many articles I see, rather than artificially trying to pump hopium.

>> No.52701636
File: 321 KB, 720x700, dr bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is LITERALLY dumping right now and will probably dump for another 5 days.

>> No.52701641


>> No.52701642

>rail strikegeddon
Nice "pro-labor" party btw. But you should know shit like evergrande, credit suisse and rail strikes don't matter.

>> No.52701646

>at the moment nasdaq down 0.25%

>> No.52701647

>bad recession
Ahh jeez I wonder why my generation can't comprehend such a "bad" recession. Not like we lost 2 years of our lives,all our money lost value, we got/continue to get priced out of everything. I mean seriously if you lived in a big city 08 wouldn't have affected you in any way shape or form. Damn man I genuinely can't believe how hard 08 was on the nation, I mean home prices were at a low but jeez the 08 financial crisis suree was hard on people

>> No.52701656
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Trends and Patterns are meant to be broken. So you have a valid point....

>> No.52701661

i think you need to read those posts again. they are not opposing what you are saying.

>> No.52701666

>trying to watch rockers video
>he is really drunk and telling me to work 7 days a week for that sweet 1.5x ot pay
>says I'm too afraid to gamble

Nigga I've got 5 figs of options open right now and you are telling me I'm afraid to gamble or make money..

>> No.52701667
File: 324 KB, 720x700, zoomer bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did a thing today
>she told me job was already filled
>looked at her google calendar
>she is interviewing even more people for the filled position
>mfw position didn't even exist she was just trying to get my resume and info for her database
And I got a fucking parking ticket.

>> No.52701680
File: 243 KB, 597x558, wojak did not make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market go down for 5 days
Then rally to end of year
Then dump in january
That is my prognosis.

>> No.52701683

>Even considering listening to a fat persons advice
You may as well just burn cash

>> No.52701684

>employment release tomorrow morning
>made a note on my calendar not to open new positions
>lost track of time

How come you fuckers weren't shitposting about this all day? You really let me down, and now I stand to lose lots of money in the event of a really big swing.

>> No.52701695

There isn't going to be a crash in december, there's no volume. If there's a crash it'll be when the recession 'officially' starts next year like how 2007 sucked and the market crashed in 2008.

>> No.52701697

Just mark yourself as black

>> No.52701713


>> No.52701723

This was my original thesis as well and exactly what happened last December.

>rally to end year so jews can get their bonuses
>literally fall off a fucking cliff jan2

>> No.52701748

Lewis reniere was the fattest fuck

>> No.52701750
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>> No.52701756 [DELETED] 

There's no job, it was fake. It's all fake. We live in a fake black nigger country where HR whores and recruiters just spam emails for fake jobs and post fake jobs online and then act interested when you tell them about looking for better owkr.

>> No.52701762
File: 37 KB, 735x586, 843c61a068bbae7d8994c3fce0030cfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no volume.
I don't like shorting during this time of the year. But don't doubt the cts and quants. They have the ability to push this market up or make it drop. I have seen it multiple times this year. Especially when there is little volume. They can fuck shit up. Those mischievous bastards..

>> No.52701765

I spent the free game tokens they gave me and left. I feel like a giga autist but also I know no one

>> No.52701767

Indeed, I have told my son if we had control over his account we'd sell all his stocks and move them into treasuries while awaiting the bottom. There are a few of his stocks I'd buy back at that point, but right now we're just forced to watch it all sit there vulnerable until the program he's in is done. The Jan 2 to April stretch of 2022 took him down a good bit from peak and it's been a slow build back ever since.

>> No.52701782
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>> No.52701791

>he didn't make money during the pandemic bullrun
retard or just graduated high school

>> No.52701797

Correction, it was April to June. I'm just used to seeing the S&P curve take a roller coaster dive starting Jan 2.

>> No.52701800
File: 138 KB, 454x567, 1667698628699585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you lose?

>> No.52701807

why the fuck are you investing in vaporware?

>> No.52701813

In the program can your son write covered calls? Right now would be a good time to write 90 day covered calls and get a fat premium

>> No.52701820

Sixty eight buckaroos
I like the software

>> No.52701828

looks like Anything3.0 to me but NAI would do it fine too I'm sure. blends are for schizos except if you're blending dreambooths or trying to get something very specific like booru tags from NAI/WD in combination with a certain pixiv artist style or whatever

>> No.52701848

How do you guys thing non-farm payrolls will do tomorrow? We've seen lots of layoffs just this last month. Will that help push the numbers down to expectations or less?

>> No.52701852
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1651199150232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>68 bucks
So you're crying for pennies?

>> No.52701858

I think it's largely irrelevant and an absolute joke that bulls are hoping that "we have enough layoffs to get back to ath for christmas" when all of the macro is ass

>> No.52701862
File: 728 KB, 668x1152, 1653278515419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not all about me, think about the billionaires that invested in it...

>> No.52701872

>retard or just graduated high school
I'm a little of both

>> No.52701921
File: 1.66 MB, 2131x1597, oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any vixchads ITT?

>> No.52701929

Dude this Rocker video is fucking wild. I'm only 15 mins in and he is remembering fucking an unresponsive girl overdosed on pills

>> No.52701931
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why are futures so red I thought this was the meltup

>> No.52701933

No, just pick 5 longs from a curated list of ~120 S&P stocks, hold them, semi annually choose 1 to sell and 1 to replace it (from an updated list).

>> No.52702001
File: 724 KB, 3024x4032, 1664416923161616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What really happens when the fed pivots on December 14th?


>> No.52702039
File: 30 KB, 600x609, 1659538202986822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we meltup temporally. then dump when the hype fades. then crab for months

>> No.52702055

>crab for months
*people eating people

>> No.52702068

>fed says that they're going to continue doing exactly what they've already been doing
>muh pivot
>turns out it's not muh pivot
>violently dump
>fed says they're going to keep doing exactly what they've already been doing
>muh pivot
>you are here
how many times have we played this game in the past few months? five?

>> No.52702076

Can someone explain how the hell JEPI was able to increase their monthly dividend to $0.61 a share? Options were cheaper this month and stock prices rose, so I don't see how they were able to generate so much cash from their covered calls.

>> No.52702079
File: 165 KB, 300x390, 1668483495778327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.52702096

probably because of it actually crabbing, they didnt lose as much money. plus if they bought their premiums 1 month ago, and they just expired then it could make sense even without the crab.

>> No.52702136
File: 32 KB, 1291x522, dot_plot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this chart is accurate then is really does appear that the rates are close to target levels. it would need to be increased again to reach next years target though.

i cant really see a resumption of the bear market unless we get some bad econ data and poor earnings reports coming up. am i wrong?

>> No.52702142
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>> No.52702166

>i cant really see a resumption of the bear market unless we get some bad econ data and poor earnings reports coming up. am i wrong?

That's what you're going to get though. That's the point of holding the rates at an elevated level is

>> No.52702177

*That's what the point of

>> No.52702209

Unironically priced in, bobo scum

>> No.52702226


>> No.52702258

put/calls dropped from 1.21 to .81, rally tommorow

>> No.52702314

Where does one look to nootice such data?

>> No.52702327
File: 263 KB, 2474x780, Fi2erycXkAA4EMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DXY down + bond yields down = gold and silver rocket fuel. Gold spot has broken out, now watch the XAU/GOLD ratio. When that breaks out, it's go time for miners.

If you're buying SPY instead of PM miner ETFs to hold over the next few years, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.52702344

wouldn't max pain be to not rally tomorrow?

>> No.52702373

max pain doesn't always happen

>> No.52702393
File: 7 KB, 224x223, ESuhhY_UcAAYfuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein

>> No.52702488
File: 1.23 MB, 1168x1628, d7fa832c1baf4fd11c4f31e916f861a7b2a1223fd4cef5c4f949cb50bcd004e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you fags stll look'n for 10 baggers? I got one for ya if you need it. Let me know

>> No.52702527
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>> No.52702556

Thoughts on Blackrock having to reduce the flow of redemptions from their real estate portfolio?

>> No.52702593

something something do not redeem sir

>> No.52702606

Gonna buy 5k worth of DUO

>> No.52702607

futures are healing

>> No.52702614

yeah, open a short on DWAC every time it drops 50%, 20 times, you'll get a 10 bagger

>> No.52702625
File: 122 KB, 960x924, tumblr_nx3zu2qkFM1udwanoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're waiting nigga

>> No.52702628
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based OP

>> No.52702661
File: 341 KB, 1155x1733, 1669713769189760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want for Christmas

>> No.52702670

isnt a doki a gigathot

>> No.52702696
File: 22 KB, 334x476, spy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY JAN 2024 $500 C

>> No.52702698
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man /smg/ is dead tonight

>> No.52702707

Markets are the fakest and gayest they have ever been. No one wants to participate in this clown casino.

>> No.52702708
File: 490 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-12-02-10-50-58-509_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ZIM a good buy yet?

>> No.52702728
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1669091412033298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone get liquidiated

awwww... i just spent half of my last remaining cash. im ready to ride the wave. i was 80/20 in out, now im 90 in the market.


>> No.52702730
File: 524 KB, 3024x4032, 1575522555368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the low low cost of 5 SOXL shares this anime escort could be yours
*For only one evening

>> No.52702731
File: 561 KB, 710x818, 1656289332188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's liven it up a bit then!

>> No.52702740

My shorts got stopped out. I am mostly long still but want the cheapies I jnow are coming

>> No.52702743

Most equity call volume is pussy bulls selling covered calls on their holdings. Max pain would be to pump and pry their precious shares away.

>> No.52702748
File: 335 KB, 415x355, 1603761726385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


APSI trading at .425 cents. 17M O/S, 17M Float, has been a shell, merging with $100M+/- revs coming anyday and Super 8K being prepared, finalization news imminent and uplist says CEO. Could hit $40 might be a 100 bagger. Get your asses in it at the open tomorrow. 6.4 mill market cap. 87mm revenue, audited. Trad Trucking is the acquisition .300+ fleet of trucks and another acquisition in the que that the public does not know about yet. go big on APSI = buy your dream farm with cash in fall of 2023 when its trading on the nasdaq for $37 dollars. you're welcome


>> No.52702761

Hello stocks anons I have a question. Canadian government is selling warbonds with 0% interest. So they'll lose money over time due to inflation its backed by the canadian government but our dollar already on a steady decline and Canada burying itself it debt. Can people short bonds or are they protected.
>idk how money works.

>> No.52702765
File: 58 KB, 623x626, 1666325440301226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i fucking knew it would be a micro micro stock
not giving you exit liquidity sir, sorry.

>> No.52702768
File: 68 KB, 678x902, 1669154789484451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have stock you want to buy but want to hold cash for now
>buy OTM call option in case stock goes up
>call expires ITM and gets exercised
>no taxes paid until the stock is sold

>> No.52702783
File: 49 KB, 793x531, 1660287712877006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52702793

>Literally 5 points off the low on /ES

>> No.52702805

>150% yield
what is this synagogue sorcery

>> No.52702812
File: 92 KB, 1100x1007, 1669540528521560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys believe the audacity of that guy trying to shill a solar power company worth $7m acquiring a much larger trucking company?

>> No.52702836
File: 8 KB, 221x137, daysgainn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lost $68 dollars today. I made 40k. Why are you even posting here you pathetic little peasant. Go check you EBT balance you stupid broke ass nigger. You don't belong here. Get out

>> No.52702857

yeah dude you really owned me i went all in on asana that's my only position.

good luck with your scam company mr indian

>> No.52702862
File: 195 KB, 820x886, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52702867

Past divvys aren't always indicative of future divys.

>> No.52702879

thots on the weeb supremacy in the game of dive grass?

>> No.52702885

Weebs will inherit the Earth.

>> No.52702894
File: 46 KB, 645x773, 1323577989004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil Bobo has been heemed

Santa Clause is coming to town.....

>> No.52702907

Scrub here what kind of site would I buy it on anyway

>> No.52702918



>> No.52702931
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1588612112426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives af about you losing $68 dollars today faggot. You offer noting offer absolutely nothing of value here. Now go clip some coupons or something. Anons come here to make money, not listen to your worthless diary entries.

>> No.52704789

Thoughs on VNTR? I bought a bunch of shares. There is quite huge amount of debt involved, but still tangible per share is $4..why is the price so low anons? what are the risks involved? why would not anyone buy $4 for $.7 ? help brainlet understand