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File: 26 KB, 733x256, ytdwf82366fm2319fcm32746fjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52702845 No.52702845 [Reply] [Original]

"Register your identity" was really what satoshi nakamoto had in mind when he created bitcoin despite never mentioning anything about identity back in the day, huh? If you want your 'stolen' BSV back then you have to register your identity with craig/his partners first i guess.

The guy is walking you all into the hands of the CBDC banker lizards while he skims off the top and you dont even see it.

>> No.52702859
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If you dont believe me about the CBDCs, here are the kind of mainstream ad buys craigs company nChain has been making lately.

Now lets see if we can actually get any real people in this thread instead of nChain 50 cent army shills.

>> No.52702887
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no shit

>> No.52702952
File: 20 KB, 424x140, FHNdrtQWUAMhHr_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don'tget it, bitcoin removes power from the lizards. Everything will be transparent, no more corruption.

>> No.52702964
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>> No.52702965
File: 167 KB, 1080x1281, FT16P5rWQAEwI7G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You craig and bsv fudders are the lizards, crawl back where you came from.

>> No.52702968

"Craig is satoshi" refers to how much are his words worth.

>> No.52702976

if bitcoin were meant to be anonymous it would have been coded in a way to make tracking transactions through the network impossible, but it never was.

>> No.52702989
File: 96 KB, 629x607, FMn_VOwWUAY0Pjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True vision of bitcoin, everyone can use it no matter how poor you are and the wealthiest other side will be made accountable.

>> No.52702992
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Yeah this would be the "walking you into" part. Trying looking at what hes doing instead of what he is saying, moron.

>> No.52703025

>listening to what CSW is saying
anon no one gives a fuck what this schizo grifter be doin

>> No.52703040
File: 552 KB, 876x554, 1_igbb6558aP7NO6vJCH85Mg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hegelian dialectic
order out of chaos
a mark (of a beast) that controls what you can buy and sell

it's not even schizo at this point

>> No.52703045

Pedos are mad. About it tho.

>> No.52703058

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't even get what you craig haters really want. Wouldn't it be great if it was all true and craig was satoshi and bsv was bitcoin? The whole world will benefit so why is that so bad?

>> No.52703072

Corporations don't like it
Mastercard don't like it
Central Banks don't like it.
All those people who seek world domination and debt slavery do not like it.
So what exactly is not to like here?

Lots of coping and seething.

>> No.52703147
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Exactly, this writing summs it pretty well, they want anonymous money so they can continue their criminal careers and buy some cp.

>> No.52703175
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Wouldnt it be great if i had a fucking pony too? Whats your point?

He isnt satoshi, he is a scammer and he is helping to advance the banker CBDC agenda as a second order effect of his scam. Thats why im mad.

CBDC will be literally and not metaphorically opening the gates of hell on earth anon. Even since centralised governance was invented at the dawn of civilisation, the game theyve played has been trying to find a way to ossify that governance structure permanently, with them on top, without any hope of ever upending the order of things ever again. CBDCs is the solution to that millennia long game. Whatever bunch of assholes is in charge of everything currently could be the same bunch of assholes thatll be in charge of everything, forever.

I cannot overstate the threat this poses to human dignity. And craig is there helping it along in hopes of getting rich along the way, and for some reason that i cannot fathom, a bunch of cretins are cheering him along as if he will bring them to riches and privilege with him too or something? Heres what he actually thinks of his community btw, he thinks youre the shit on his shoe, picrel.

>> No.52703207
File: 114 KB, 960x581, never-bsv'ers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is, dyor and stop fudding the inevitable.


Watch those and you will love that man, I'm serious. Give him a few hours of your time and your mind will be blown out.

>> No.52703217

Nothing he touches benefits.
If I for some reason assume he made bitcoin then somehow he became a retard since then that doesn't understand any of the things I personally like about bitcoin.

>> No.52703222


Just gibberish. "PKI" ?! It would be hilarious if someone managed to press Craig on specifically what he was referring to. Like "What PKI can be used to register BSV, specifically?" But sadly Craig will just blow up and ban anyone that tries.

Taxes?? -- in the US you don't tell the IRS about assets you acquire or own. And when you report income from selling an asset you don't identify it specifically enough to identify it for theft plus anything stolen you didn't sell, obviously.

How does anyone fall for this bullshit? Do people in the UK or AU need to register their assets or purchases with the tax authorities?

>> No.52703242
File: 270 KB, 1450x1670, media_FiqRNa7WIAArwQf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now lets see if we can actually get any real people in this thread instead of nChain 50 cent army shills.

Wishful thinking.

>> No.52703248
File: 106 KB, 938x716, FPz_DlCXIAMpSth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banking isn't inherently bad, corrupt banking is. you're ideologically possessed with crypto anarchist ideology, ironically astroturfed by the people you think you're fighting by buying a 144mb/day ponzi scheme network sustained by fake usdt.

The people you think you're against are who you're supporting

>> No.52703257
File: 130 KB, 640x787, Fa1j-J1aMAAKj82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you taught you've been lied to about bitcoin for all this time?

Watch those, study. You have to study to learn. He isn't some satan, he really wants just good and make nchain the biggest fucking money making company ever. More greg because it's hilarious. We want all the gregs to be inprisoned dont we?

>> No.52703282

Craig is Satoshi BSV is the original bitcoin period.

>> No.52703290

The dumbest shit ever.
You're an incompetent retard that doesn't understand anything about anything. Stop lying to yourself that you're capable of evaluating anything. Stop "contributing", you're not helping anyone and never will.

>> No.52703302

>34 words
>259 characters
0 arguments

>> No.52703331
File: 123 KB, 1134x810, 52JNGOCLSZB47FPE3G3M7P736Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dumbest shit ever.
>you're not helping anyone and never will.
Hi greg, you mad I posted pics where satoshi absolutely destroys you? I would be and I understand you.

>> No.52703332

You would have to show you're capable of basic thought. You have no clue about anything so all you can do is paste the same stale memes. Your entire life is a series of miserable failures because you're an idiot.

>> No.52703338

why are you posting here then?

>> No.52703350

>I'd ir
aka it's over

>> No.52703363

^ proof

>> No.52703373
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>panic intensifies

>> No.52703380

To remind you what a disgusting creature you are. Why are you posting your braindead shill horseshit memes anywhere? You could be doing something productive, learning from people that actually understand things and get things done instead of shilling the dumbest scammer you could find. You're becoming dumber every second you spend on this retarded shit.

>> No.52703402

The courier will show up with the evidence any day now.

>> No.52703410

>posting useless ad hominem and name calling ad infinitum is productive
anon I can't express how irrelevant you are to me. appreciate your efforts for me though

>> No.52703431
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You are so fucking balls deep in an unironic cult that i cant even begin to properly express it.

>> No.52703448
File: 165 KB, 1080x1071, 624562456256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who has iq more than 100 already knows craig is satoshi. There has not been a doubt about in it already for in many years.

>> No.52703472

I'm just a anon who seeks the truth. Your derailing says all about your intentions.

>> No.52703494

You know you're a failure on every level so why not just shut up and learn instead of shilling ideas and methods you know are retarded? When you can't predict anything that happens in the real world that means you don't understand anything about the real world.
You can't put together anything resembling a thought.

>> No.52703495

>The guy is walking you all into the hands of the CBDC banker lizards while he skims off the top and you dont even see it.
No he's not because no one listens to the loser

>> No.52703516
File: 60 KB, 800x450, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so butt hurt? just turn the computer off anon you don't have to be here

>> No.52703538

Stop promoting scams you braindead subhuman. When you act like a retard people will call you retarded.

>> No.52703799
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>just turn the computer off anon
He needs to get paid.

>> No.52704467

they have their mind in space
why don't they settle for anything? literally my goal is to open los pollos mermanos with kucoin and then work as a manager like gus

>> No.52705835

Let's sum this up.
>can't move 1 coin
>can't sign 1 tx