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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5266630 No.5266630 [Reply] [Original]

Ummm, you didn't buy XLM when it was still under $5? Ummmmm, sorry sweetie!

>> No.5266664

>haha look, that's anon
>i heard he bought stellar AFTER it hit $10

>> No.5266742

Sitting at 6k of these moon rockets.Slowly trying to get to at least 10k.Poorfag here, learning and trading.Slow climb but I think il get there.

>> No.5266808


We'll all get there, Anon, money snake will take us all to the lambobranch

>> No.5266856

Amen brother

>> No.5266994

you do realize what marketcap that would put XLM at?

>> No.5267211

Yeah it deserves a higher Mcap than vaporware shit like ADA you retarded faggot

>> No.5267293

>le marketcap meme x)

Fuck off, newfag.

>> No.5267446

it's lift off again

>> No.5267592

perfect cup and handle formed

>> No.5267904
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You're the same faggot who told me XRP wouldn't 3x a month ago because of marketcap. I'm seriously done listening to you stupid pussies

>> No.5268072 [DELETED] 

I sit on 40k lumens, but I only own 5k of them. The rest is from family.

So im looking for a moon mission to double my lumens so I can keep the extra lumens for myself.

>> No.5268273
File: 168 KB, 570x599, E473893D-113F-456E-AEB4-0DBCEBBF00EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s lift off again
>back down to 1480 sats
you fuckin kno nothing. Do the world a favor and die, seriously

>> No.5268358

Just blasted through support. The rally was due to a fake PBC shill by Twentya. He dumped his bags on ya. Now this will bleed.

>> No.5268436

mcap is, far and away, THE STUPIDEST metric to measure any coin's potential value. You do realize that XVG just went to 2 BILLION mcap overnight??

>> No.5268537


i am in, long therm holder
funny that i invested only for fun, because i have seen its doing well, now i will only hold

>> No.5268545

Yes, which is way too fucking high for what it is. There are a bunch of coins under it that are way more useful. This leads me to believe that it will crash sooner than later. Therefore, MC is not all that stupid.

>> No.5268690

It just got shilled by PBC again. Really unusual

The sky is the limit

>> No.5268691

Name one coin that reached 2 billion in cap which crashed?? I'll wait...

>> No.5268748
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>> No.5268762

Verge shitcoin l0000000l that shit bout to crash back to 100sats when whales are done pumping

>> No.5268796

nice, we are all going to make it

>> No.5269795

What other coin has a real-world use case that's already in production? XRP being used for cross-border payments between banks already, being backed by major tech and financial institutions.

>> No.5269845

What is next target?

>> No.5269926

Have you ever looked at coinmarketcap on January 1 of 2017? One year ago? You are the idiot.

>> No.5270030

You mean like XLM?

>Under the new blockchain arrangement, banks will conduct the transactions using Lumens, and then rely on local market makers to convert the Lumens into local fiat currency. The Lumens are created by a non-profit company called Stellar, founded a Jed McCaleb, a well known figure in the payments and crypto-currency world.

>Both Stellar and IBM are part of a project called Hyperledger Fabric, which is building open source blockchain tools to support payment infrastructures.

>> No.5270047

The "muh marketcap" meme is being btfo'd everyday now, the total crypto mcap is going to be in the trillions soon.

>> No.5270075
File: 5 KB, 211x239, IMG_2942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marketcap is important

>> No.5270091

still doesn't support a $5 XLM, even being generous in future predictions

>> No.5270093

Marketfags should all die

>> No.5270143

XLM was created by a guy who helped create XRP, but then had a falling out. He lost a big lawsuit over it.

So now he's trying to make XLM a competitor, but it won't happen. Ripple is too far ahead with more than a hundred banks already, including the ones owned by the richest banking families. Google & Andreesen have their money on Ripple - not on the XLM knockoff.

Hyperledger is splintering apart.

It's crypto, so you might be able to make money when a bunch of idiots buy in, but the coin itself won't last. Doesn't have the team behind it.

>> No.5270215

>haha look, that's anon
>i heard he bought stellar
I've heard enough

>> No.5270256

You do realize that XLM and XRP have different usecases, right?
quit your FUD faggot we already had the PBC report show the quality to the crypto sphere

>> No.5270326

Yes. XLM's cross-border usecase is a more convoluted and difficult version of XRP's. I'm sure the banks will love it!

>> No.5270373

What’s the different usecases?

>> No.5270377

>more convoluted and difficult version

you mean designed for ATM transfers without the use of centralized banks, aka the fucking point of a cryptocurrency? or do you mean peer to peer multi-fiat support for direct low fee transactions?

Off yourself faggot

>> No.5270419

Ah yes, the "muh bank-killer" meme.
The intel agencies really did a number convincing people with that one as part of the BTC promotion.

>> No.5270423

XLM isn't for banks though?

>> No.5270474
File: 2.13 MB, 2412x2837, buyXLMpussies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still here. Still holding.

>> No.5270519

>Ah yes, the "muh bank-killer" meme.
Do you understand what WU and similar P2P systems are for? Christ dude you're trying to FUD a project without even a basic understanding of the use-case it provides. Read up on RCN and XLM to at least gain an understanding of what you're trying to counter-shill

>> No.5270567

This isn't a coin for banks. XLM is attempting to replace banks.

>> No.5270576


what are you even trying to say you fucking retard?

>> No.5270718

Surely the entrenched financial system will have no problem with being replaced :D

>> No.5270826

t. brainlet who doesn't understand hte purpose of crypto

>> No.5270891

t. sheep who doesn't realize who created crypto in the first place

>> No.5271031

>who created crypto in the first place
please enlighten me on you think "created crypto"

>> No.5271129

It was a lone wolf genius programmer who only wanted to fight the big banks and return control of money to the people! The madman did it! We're going to be free forever, anon!

>> No.5271200
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I can see the light!

>> No.5271275

anyone have thoughts about taking xlm's for today and putting them in bch once coinbase reopens and then rebuying xlm after? good chance for profit or will bch drop on reopen?

>> No.5271297

it already reopened

>> No.5271394

and dropped

>> No.5271411
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>> No.5272126
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>> No.5273268

This guy is so retarded it hurts.

XLM is gonna be used by at least 30 banks already. Ripple took years to secure "over 100 banks". IBM delivers a major deal of the tech used by all banks. Google is invested in XLM too. Stripe and Satoshipay and tons of payment providers are partnered with XLM.

>Doesn't have the team behind it.
My god this retardation. It's literally the guy who fathered XRP.

>> No.5273366

also, kik, angellist, and wordpress founders are all behind it as advisers.

>> No.5273731


>> No.5273891

I have 600 am I going to make it?

>> No.5273944


Probably not, should buy more

>> No.5274742

Why are you talking to yourself

>> No.5275040

How high of price is possible for this coin to hit since there are over a billion XLM? Is 10 dollars realistic. I only have 4K I need moe

>> No.5275071
File: 408 KB, 1669x1271, EE8F5836-07F4-4840-8F60-DE511997CC53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did you talk to yourself?

>> No.5275103


quality shilling here folks

>> No.5275166

I’m not shilling anything? What? Are you high?

>> No.5275224

hey... >>5268545 he is still waiting.

>> No.5275227


>> No.5275230

thinking about buying this because my friend said it was mentioned in some mailing list as a great buy today, is that true?

>> No.5275245

dont miss the rockets

>> No.5275274

welcome to /biz/ google palm beach confidential

>> No.5275299

1.5+ $ in a few months is more than expected IMO. That would put it near XRP. In the real-long-term I can see a 50x and more as a completely plausible scenario, that would put XLM near BTC's current market cap. Considering XLM is probably gonna have the most actual real-world use of any crypto so far, I don't see why that wouldn't happen, assuming everything goes smoothly.

This is all just speculation ofc

>> No.5276057

Yert id + dubs means I need to accumulate thanks

>> No.5276119

All alt coins are taking off because the smart money invested yesterday after alts tanked in value. Stop being a retarded pajeet

>> No.5276134

>he doesn't know anything about hte project or why it's been booming
>he thinks "smart money" is NOW getting into crypto

ok normie

>> No.5276200

hey buddy

what does FUD mean

>> No.5276238

Its 25c right now dude

>> No.5276246

and kin is moving from ethereum to stellar

>> No.5276258

Just bought 20k XLM, i hope you're right anons

>> No.5276261

spreading FUD* faglord

>> No.5276262



>> No.5276281

i own almost 5k. im cumming!

>> No.5276290

fear, uncertainty, dispair

>> No.5276295

hey buddy

what is google?

>> No.5276296

The problem is that current market favours FOMO buys. XLM is a great coin but I don't see it getting near $1 unless it gets some media attention.

>> No.5276326

oh i misinterpreted your question not tryna be a cunt

Fear Uncertainty Doubt

>> No.5276389

hey guy

it's niche

>> No.5276594



>> No.5276692

its supposed to have some kinda big news or something i heard maybe soon i dunno. dont take my word for it i dont know

>> No.5276742
File: 26 KB, 710x355, xlmchart1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go up you dumb rocket! I'm going to post these dumb chart images every day until it starts to behave, naughty rocket!

>> No.5276862

So how can I buy xlm with usd? I don't see it on changelly. Any other safe place to do this?

>> No.5276908


>> No.5276934
File: 207 KB, 1125x1110, B6B508C8-C782-4F48-ACA8-8DFCC5DBCA42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, I would have bought more but I bought my girl a tat instead

>> No.5277441

gay, I was going to get into SIA and Verge but went into this instead.

>> No.5277564

What wallet should I use for Xlm?

>> No.5277614

I didn’t say shit about the project you dick dumpster.

>> No.5277717

yeah that's the point nig
>alts are booming because of smart money
is just plain wrong

It's due to normie money and fundamentals

>> No.5277906

Can anyone post a "realistic", prediction for summer 2018


I'm thinking $0.85

>> No.5278015


There is no realistic in this market. That went out the window a few weeks ago.

It could be 0.01c, it could be $10. Nobody fucking knows. Just hold on tight

>> No.5278088

I use this. Any opinions about it?


>> No.5278090

That's so conservative its unrealistic. More like $2.

>> No.5278250

They have their own

And your realistic estimate is based off what? Can my realistic estimate be $1.50 by summer?

>> No.5278352


I thorougly studied the market and looked up many different analysts' predictions. As far as I can tell, realistically just before summer 2018 we will be at about 487$. Good time to buy now.

>> No.5278392

I just wanna get shilled. Bagging 2000 of those fuckers at 0.20c.

>> No.5278401


>> No.5278425

unironically wanting this to happen.

>> No.5278459


This shit has a fucking legendary snake meme what more do you want?

>> No.5278591


For the snake to climb the tree, get picked up by an eagle and SOAR

>> No.5279051

>checked this guy's math

I think he's onto something

>> No.5279090

uniroincally looking forward to these posts even more than the moon mission i'm strapped in for.