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52700677 No.52700677 [Reply] [Original]

Today a coworker told me that I "worry too much" and he's right. I have massive amounts of neuroticism which manifests itself in various ways. Everything from spending 1-2 hours picking a printer to buy or spending over 10 minutes trying to write a fucking 10 line message to my coworker to make sure its right and optimal. This has had its benefits when I am being creative, writing music, or programming but fucks me over when it comes to people.

How can I profit off of this? Also anyone know this feel?

>> No.52700691

You want us to worry about the fact that you worry too much? How rich...

>> No.52700704

Do a high dose of a dissociative drug.

>> No.52700705

Who the fuck said I want you guys to worry, holy shit, kys

>> No.52700715

Tell me more anon, was thinking of doing some Ketamine injections at my local facility.

>> No.52700716

We're not gonna worry about telling you how to profit from worrying too much.

>> No.52700736

don't try to control it too much or you'll forget how to be yourself

>> No.52700743

If it's a low enough dose you'd consider doing it in public, that's not what I'm taking about. Buy a pack of strong THC gummies and eat all of them at once.

>> No.52700765

You should do it and tell us how it was
I’ve tried ketamine but it was just a little bit snorted up my nose
It was relaxing and mildly pleasant
You could try NLP meditations if you want to quiet your mind
They helped me a lot

>> No.52700772

Do you have alcoholics in your family? My wife drank herself to death, so I started going to Al-Anon. It's pretty common to try to control everything when you've lived through someone else's created chaos. The secret is to suppress all feelings and only care about yourself.

>> No.52700783

funny you should mention that. i've been micromanaging all of my behavior lately and this very thing has been happening to me. i've become a robot.

>> No.52700795

yeah i might do it, more for the recreational experience. drugs always help. would love to just go in and throw on my fave tunes while i sink.

yeah, i really need to pick up meditation again, its def helps.

>> No.52700812

Yes my father and grand father and many of my uncles. I had a bit of problem with it but was able to kick it. I think my dad was very controlling of my life and I lacked a lot of freedom and as a result I am trying to control everything now that I have the power. It's fucking weird. Interesting insight actually, hadn't thought about it this way before.

>> No.52700821

also sorry to hear about your wife man. that sounds shitty.

>> No.52700884

I wish I wasn't self-aware.
And I don't mean that good side of being self-aware, but literally crippling, and I mean crippling levels of self-awareness of every little miniscule detail. When I interact with someone I over analyze that interaction to the smallest possible detail afterwards, small talk is almost impossible to me because of it. I am aware of the speed I am talking, the posture I am holding, the tone I am expressing, the eye contact I am holding, the body language I am expressing, my brain is literally working on overdrive 110% every single time and as soon as I do something "wrong" in any of these things I feel like I did something terribly wrong. Every single second feels like an hour and I am constantly in fight or flight mode. And later I deconstruct that same interaction for weeks and months to no end.

I want to erase that, to just be able not to think about any of that and not act manually. To be able to just talk about the weather or something dumb like that without thinking much about it.

>> No.52700899

I didn't make that recommendation accounting relaxing drug use. Induce a borderline terrifying trip if you want to shift a core personality trait, which neuroticism is.

>> No.52700922

same thing with me anon. i have to learn to forget those interactions though.

>> No.52700933

you need to either give yourself brain damage or quit your job and abandon everything about your current way of life

>> No.52700944

Sounds like analysis paralysis / Kotov Syndrome...

>> No.52700954
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Your name wouldn't happen to start with a T would it?

>> No.52700959

Yeah, you should have spent more time trying to write the OP message to make sure it's right and optimal, so anons wouldn't misunderstand and think that you want them to worry about you.

>> No.52700974

You can't, the entire field of psychology and most Web 2.0 companies have already saturated the space.

>> No.52701190

Unironically yes, do you know me?

>> No.52701240

yeah I can relate to a lot of this. Wat do?

>> No.52701260
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>> No.52701293
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Mmmmm maybe.

>> No.52701378

Dude you should definitely try meditation, you have the disposition to go deep into it really easily. You can use meditation to reprogram the link between your interactions and your definition/severity of 'wrong'. What you do is whenever a thought comes up of a situation similar to what you're describing, you analyze it objectively and conclude that it's not a big deal. Do this while maintaining attention on the breath your entire practice, 30m-1h a day

>> No.52701407

Forgot to add, once you start being able to expand your awareness beyond your body regularly (for your example in a conversation with someone, you are able to be aware of every single part of you at once in addition to everything of the person you are talking to), you'll have conquered your issue and then some.

>> No.52701432

You just found one of the ((pills)) dude
>How can I profit off of this?
((They)) do that already
>anyone knows this feel?
Climate change, wars, refusing to wage a war on crime cause they are minorities,
"white shooters", "women injustice", "overpopulation in Europe or N. America" and all that fake outrage is part of it

Will you ingest it?

>> No.52701606
File: 476 KB, 828x1272, 95F86786-3499-40D2-BE26-00E9B72FD191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the "give a fucks" as we call it. The easiest way to get rid of that is to go through an actual rough time or hard experience. Anything else after that feels like nothing and you stop caring. For me, that was the infantry and going to war. But I wouldn't recommend that. Just know that the fear of your fuck up is worse than actually just fucking up and dealing with the fallout.

>> No.52701634

what state are you in?