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52697662 No.52697662 [Reply] [Original]

How do women in their 30s become so fucking confident?

>> No.52697683

This question doesn’t pertain to one of either business or finance

>> No.52697685

>brown skin
I'm gonna need that coalfax report, stat

>> No.52697687

Just a cope they get bitter because Prince Charming didn’t pick them

>> No.52697732

other way around desu

>> No.52697772


>> No.52697775
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Shitty tats destroy brain cells

>> No.52697779

/biz/ related answer: they got jobs in HR and are "validated" by their (mostly female) colleagues, and have a salary to waste instead of just a wage

normal answer: it's biological cope


>> No.52697784
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>> No.52697789

It does because the psyche of thots impacts the market and economy. The breeder thots will be out on maternity leave and you will do her work for her.

They're confident because someone else does their work for them.

>> No.52697806

>How do women in their 30s become so fucking confident?
Pride before the fall.

>> No.52697808

They've been on cock carousel for 15 years and know how manipulate men inside and out.

>> No.52697815

Because MICROPEEN KEKS like YOU empowered them, now get back in your diaper and SUCK YOUR DILDUMMY you simp because NO WOMAN WILL EVER GIVE YOU A SECOND OF HER TIME - you are literally the ETERNAL EUNUCH

>> No.52697818

nah I actually like HR, to the extent that they remind me of things like, "401k limits are rising, don't forget to increase your tax-deferred net worth"

>> No.52697832

>How do women in their 30s become so fucking confident?
They aren't. It's a farce. A sharade. Normies always do this. They're essentially psychopaths. They try to sell the image of themselves they wish most dearly they could actually have reflect their true being. Its why single women in their 30s are so intolerable. I only swipe right on young retarded women on Tinder especially the Ukrainian refugees theyre so desperate they'll suck your appendix out of your pee hole just for the implication they could get a green card.

>> No.52697836
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>> No.52697849
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>> No.52697855

> How do women in their 30s become so fucking confident?
She’s not. This is a cope.
She’s old and put on weight and an she’s an obnoxious feminist on top of everything else.
No one is wasting time on this woman except for a quick fuck

>> No.52697858

>A toast! To television and film!

>> No.52697860

Women become so fucking unlikeable so quickly. Not even 30, by 25 most are over the hill.

All 'experience' they get is being jaded and less likeable. All modern female personality just being flavours of bitterness. They also just give up so early. None continue dyeing their hair past 25 and all turn back to some boring brown to the extent that although I never used to care I now love bleached blonde hair due to associating it with younger girls who still try. They never exercise once they leave college, if they ever did. All fashion does all it can to be sure to never accidentally appeal to men so all women walk around in blazers looking like faggot train conductors with little tattoos like a they have ink riddled hives.

Thinking of going to Kazakhstan

>> No.52697873

>He only has a 2 stroke white gas powered pathetic engine
NEVER going to make it

>> No.52697882

the cope level is off the charts

>> No.52697891

Post it

>> No.52697895

don't worry, she'll wreck her liver and be dead by 45

>> No.52697897

She had to down a full glass and pour a second one before she could get into the review because the finale was so bad.

>> No.52697898

someone needs to shoop the mutt face onto that mixed baby. i'm at work rn

>> No.52697902


>> No.52697904

They don't. They become arrogant and jaded, with inflated egos from bitch beta boys giving them too much attention. It leads to a situation where their feeling on entitlement doesn't mach reality and fading beauty

t. 9/10 chad that makes women spaghetti

>> No.52697909
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> establish my career and make it into the 1%
> regularly meet women who are doctors, lawyers, executives as potential dating partners
> they all have dogshit taste in everything
Perhaps I expect too much. How can you make $700k every year and still go to Ikea? How can you still eat fast food for half of your meals? I'm in awe and in agony.

>> No.52697915
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Somebody post it, I know one of you've got it saved

>> No.52697931

i thought that word still insta-banned you? when did that change?

>> No.52697942
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Based as Fuck!

>> No.52697954


>> No.52697965
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they don't

>> No.52697975

I feel like Laney is an incredible troll with a 30000000iq. She effortlessly causes genuine seethe among chuds and incels (You), while empowering blue hairs and ham planets.

>> No.52698014

Money does that. After a divorce or two, they can afford to be more picky about their future husband.

>> No.52698033

Lol the grand irony is half the posters here are the same coin opposite side of her. Both master class copers at the bottom rung of society

And despite being lumped together you all hate each other because the other is just a reflection of your own inadequacy. In reality you hate yourself

>> No.52698039

> taste
> not buying cheap things instead of luxury bullshit

>> No.52698051

She should be way fatter and uglier for 30

>> No.52698055
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Based but that fucking hairline ruins it.

>> No.52698077

>regularly meet women who are doctors, lawyers, executives as potential dating partners

>> No.52698088

It doesn't matter. I can see it anyway.

>> No.52698099

Second hand designer furniture is much much better than shitkea trash. Cheaper too

>> No.52698108
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Need some cope with your seethe, sweetie ? Everyone has the right to be happy. Just don't blame others for your life choices. Saying it from the good half you're mentioning.

>> No.52698109

its the other way around nigger

>> No.52698120

More money > less money

>> No.52698122
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Incel thread

>> No.52698125
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>> No.52698133

They are not confident, their mind works in such a way that their cope becomes reality.

>> No.52698157

High iq take desu

>> No.52698179

idk what it is but when women hit their early 30s their skin starts looking like shit and they get wrinkles around their eyes and shit. i'm 31 and i wont date anyone my age

>> No.52698195
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I think OP is a middle-aged woman just looking for advice on how to be more confident.
These replies are great and all, but none really help OP address her confidence problem.

>> No.52698198

It's spelled charade

>> No.52698200

They’re not. Single women in their thirties are on the verge of a mental breakdown every single day.
t. I’m in my mid thirties and I’ve had women my age tell me this + it’s just obvious to see.
They also all want to marry a rich guy who will take care of them.
It’s funny because when they’re of an age where a guy would actually do it they’re all like
>ugh I don’t want a man to take care of me then I’d be trapped, what if he’s cheating on me?
As soon as they hit like 28/29 their whole attitude begins to change.
The only thing that remains is that they’re completely delusional the entire time.

>> No.52698203

pizza and wine definitely fills the void of being a leftover

>> No.52698211

this honestly both poor and rich girls have unrealistic expectations of guys at the moment.

rich girls usually, do not have the shamelessness to argue and act high and mighty, then expect their boyfriend/husband to still provide for them, since they can finance themsleves. its hilarious how poor girls don't understand this basic concept

>> No.52698250

Inversion of masculine and feminine

>> No.52698274
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>These replies are great and all, but none really help OP address her confidence problem.
There. It's all about skill.

>> No.52698280

>meet women who wasted their life by trading it to be something the world doesn’t need any more of
I guess they’re at least more fun to talk to than college staceys but either path has a disappointing outcome

>> No.52698304

Just cut off a 36 year old single mother of 4, never fucked we were just talking, but she was so sure that she was attractive despite being unkempt and masculine. I kept talking to her because she was entertaining at least.

But the way she thought of herself was as if she'd never been on Instagram or any social media really. She was a 4 at best but considered herself a 9.

>> No.52698322

This is a fucking business board!

>> No.52698325

>As soon as they hit like 28/29 their whole attitude begins to change.
Nah that's the funny part it doesn't. I'm fit successful and in my mid thirties, and they still chase Chad hard. Only the really fat ones look for average guys (when they should go below average)

>> No.52698329

Give me some examples of how that’s even remotely true chief

>> No.52698370

what the fuck is wrong with her

>> No.52698378

based trade waifu

>> No.52698402
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When I was in high school all the girls were obsessed with finding a strong provider. When I had made it all the young girls were sluts thinking they could wait another decade or so before finding a provider.

>> No.52698426

that's a man

>> No.52698440


Simple. Men don’t want to date artists like the girl in the op. And women don’t want to date guys like the ones here. And both those low value men and low value women absolutely hate each other.

Hilarious when you think about it

>> No.52698458

One of the most insightful posts you’ll ever read on this board.

>> No.52698481

Jannies this is an off topic post

>> No.52698484

she's turning into a cat lady

>> No.52698491
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Imagine going off wifi in order to write this about your own post lmao

>> No.52698502

kek, i do this all the time

>> No.52698503

take your meds anon

>> No.52698518

>How do women in their 30s become so fucking confident?
Sampling bias. You're more likely to hear about overconfident women than under-confident women.

>> No.52698522

Im going to remember that for next time you post

>> No.52698530

I can save her

>> No.52698533 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52698538

>hilarious when you think about it
I wish you thought about it before posting because it makes no sense at all.
>men don’t want to date an artist
>men here are low value
There’s a wide disparity between men here. I feel like you’re trying to isolate the lowest form of /biz/ poster and then apply those traits to everyone which would also include yourself.

>> No.52698546
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Got u senpai

>> No.52698572

They're not confident at all
Proof: walk fast near them at sundown

>> No.52698587

>date guys like the ones here.
Speak for yourself champ

>> No.52698629
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The average 30 year old man looks like this, roasties can afford to be picky.

>> No.52698694


Guarantee you the ones parading this are incel faggots themselves. Lol low value men I swear

>> No.52698792

That’s Danny DeVito. Roasties don’t deserve The Vito

>> No.52699036

>caring about women in their 30s

>> No.52699069

skill can be learned
being ugly only gets worse

>> No.52699075

I hope you're a roastie for your sake

>> No.52699152

Yeah, it doesn't end. I'm in my 40s and the women are still all puffed up at my age. I have a sense of humor about it though and enjoy watching it all, mainly because I don't want them at all, lol.

It would take a massive societal change for Western women to go back to wanting average guys, at any age.

>> No.52699339

One thing that really strikes me is that average looking college aged girls actually believe their life is a Hollywood movie and everything resolves around them

Just wait 2-3 years until your out of college and settled for the boring Safe guy relationship, moving back suburban because it’s "the right thing to stop wasting so much on rent“

Literally fuck the whole football team, be as self depreciating as you want to get companionship pity points on the hivemind china AI app. Go to therapy and find a more "grounded“ place in life, jump in front of a train do anything

One thing certain is you will age more and more, you will justify the increasing bodycount to yourself. After 23yo the stage of life already gets dismantled except to tune into complete bitterness after watching the fading attention of the game of life slip away through their fingers ..:

>> No.52699414
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They become desperate really. Fat crazy girl face.

>> No.52699483
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>scribbled ink on the face
fucking kek

>> No.52699501
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Indeed, a toast!

>> No.52699523

It’s like a cartoon. Women think they can just stick their hand off screen and yank Chad to them.
>People watched too much Popeye and think Olive Oyl has men fighting over her and her child in tow of mysterious origin

>> No.52699524

>Women who work all day
>Expecting them to have the time or energy to have taste
Yeah and my tradie friend is 30 and eats frozen pizza every night lmao your expectations are roastie-tier

>> No.52699572

Mega kek. You're too good for nu4chan.

>> No.52699612


It’s fake confidence. A mask they wear to hide biological failure. For unmarried women it’s Because of being consistently played by Chads for a decade or more makes them think they’ve figured men out and whatever career success they get is compared to other men her age and gives her a false sense of confidence in herself

Most truly comfortable truly confident women I’ve ever seen have been stay at home women with Husbands they’ve dated and known for years and Kids...

>> No.52699639

Why does she develop t-rex arms?

>> No.52699662



Women hit 28, they want kids and realise that all the "good ones" are already married, and they now have to compete with women younger than them.

If you make even a slight amount of effort, you can continue smashing girls in their early 20s. Women don't have that choice.

Most women in their late 20s will have been in one long-term relationship with a guy who wouldn't commit, they gained weight, etc.

Online dating has made these women think they have choices...but they don't. They are quite easy but I would recommend stick with younger women as you get older because they usually have a lot of baggage by 28/29/30.

>> No.52699675

Would you even fuck her? Of course you would.

>> No.52699676

She's gotta have a discord with a dedicated team to post her shit on 4chan. She's on every fucking board and no one who browses here would seriously follow her content.

Fuck off.

>> No.52699696


I’m in a 4 year relationship with an attractive woman and have a son that looks exactly like me. I literally fucked her up the ass after getting a bj last night If you’re a cuck who gets played by women don’t include us

>> No.52699746

Eating little snacks 47 times per day at her open office job for 10 straight years.

>> No.52699748

It's pure cope. A mask of confidence to hide deep insecurities.

Like many others in this thread have said, there's no reason for a successful man to date women that old. Find a woman age 22-24 and figure out if she's marriage material. If not, swap her out for another 22-24 year old. You don't have a clock ticking as a man. The reason for 22-24 is they are mature enough to be interesting, but haven't had enough time to get major baggage unless they are sluts.

>> No.52699775

30 year old virgin here, got a great tech career going and my investments have done great (bought in near the bottom of the pandemic crash). i've also started working out and taking my health seriously for a couple of months now. all i can say is im making it and i guess my 40's are gonna be like my 20's should have been lol. (i'm assuming 40+ is what she means by older men but if i can get in earlier i'll take it).

im never getting married im just gonna fuck all these whores for my whole adult life to make up for lost time. while wearing protection, of course.

>> No.52699806

I'm going to not be an asshole even this opportunity clearly calls for it. Biz is not pol or r9k. In order to thrive on biz, you need a certain level of conscientious and autonomy. I don't know the exact demographics here, but I do no many of us are professionals and have careers and assets.

You created a strawman and are punching down on it to make yourself feel superior while everyone watching you can't relate.

Laney's "art" is aging feminist cope. Always has been. It doesn't take a sexist mind to see it, you just need functional eyes. And while some of us put her through the ringer for shits and giggles, white knights like you come in to defend m'lady because... I have no idea.

Try not to take things too seriously. And bring money.

>> No.52699832

I am not a virgin but I am going through the same, women began to hate me and they make me feel like I am some undesirable.

I win a shit-ton of money right now, but Its useless, I would like a relationship but its almost imposible right now.

I am even afraid that some gold-digger or a black widow might detect sexual frustration and try to siphon my energy and wealth.

>> No.52699900

Holy fuck I wish more women realized this. I have no idea how women were collectively scammed into giving up living at home doing things that matter to work at Wells Fargo as junior insurance analyst 3 making $50k a year wasting their lives. Like how is that empowering at all?

>> No.52699948

I love how much seethe your comments generated, obvious indicator you’ve touched a nerve

>> No.52699949
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the plain fact of the matter is, in modern western society, i just don't trust women. at all. im sure there are ones out there that are not corrupted but i'll never know whether they actually are or are just really good liars until it's too late. all of the "woman falsely accuses man of rape/beating her, is successful and the man's life is ruined forever and is probably in jail getting raped by tyrone ironically" horror stories i've heard over the past decade make me terrified of actually trying to form a long term monogamous relationship with any of them. and that's not even getting into the whole roastie cock carousel shit that we all know and abhor.

im just gonna copy Leo after becoming as healthy wealthy and wise as i can reasonably manage. i will never take women seriously or respect them in this day and age. people who lived before the invention of the Pill don't know how good they had it, i swear.

>> No.52699979
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Into the trash she goes

>> No.52699980

>still single post 30


>> No.52699983

Pretty cringe you feel the need to post this for validation on 4chan if it’s true lmao. I’ll never get this
>ya but I got laid last night and I need to tell everyone about it even though we’re all anonymous here

>> No.52699999

He’s not white knighting her you fucking moron he’s just making fun of all of you

>> No.52700004

total HR roastie death

>> No.52700062

Yeah, but hot women are rarely willing to put in effort and then get blindsided by the wall

>> No.52700151

Shit that's true. I guess it happens to men too but nobody cares about our skin

>> No.52700178
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It's ironic, really. They have less to offer, yet demand way more.

>> No.52700263

>Second hand designer furniture
How do I into luxury furniture? It's not that I want to flex a pricetag or designer, I just want quality material and good design.

>> No.52700275

>“I hope i like them”
Literally because all the good men are already married or dating women younger than them.