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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52693693 No.52693693 [Reply] [Original]

It’s December 1st. Don’t wait until January 1st to transform your life anon.

one cannot become financially free without defeating the demoralization which plagues clown world.

What are you doing to combat self defeat and victimhood which accompany poverty anon?

I will start.

1. LIFT WEIGHTS 4-5x a week

A strong body is a strong mind, thus a profitable mind.


>vitamin d (5000 is)
>ice your BALLS (it increases testosterone)

3. Escape wage slavery

>Affiliate marketing
>Content creation
>Learn a trade
>Multiple remote jobs

There are multiple ways to skin the cat, just choose NOW to escape at all costs.


This mindset will change your reality. Quit being a bitch. Poverty is a state of mind. Accept blame for all bad things that happened to you and you can then accept blame for all future good things happen to you.

>Video games
>Crying on 4chan like a bitch

All are holding you back.



>”This is the worst timeline”
>”There’s no point/It’s over”
>”Rope now”

We do live in a clown world. But the clown world doesn’t have to live in you anon.

TASK FOR DECEMBER: QUIT PORN. 30 days and your dopamine receptors will be firing on a new level.

Check in below.

>> No.52693742

"Just pull bootstraps bro, every single problem you might have is because you are an inherently worthless lazy subhuman parasite"

The irony of someone who has created a new thread in 4chan giving "advice"to anyone is palpable. You are a putrid cancerous disgusting miserable braindead parasite and everyone hates your guts

>> No.52693755

Doing the lords work anon, carry on
Anyone who replies negatively to this is a zogbot

>> No.52693846

Dubs confirm we will make it biz bro

>> No.52693880

I choose to ignore your demoralization fag

>> No.52693914

How do i become sociable when I've been the quiet depressed guy for the past decades, even to my own family? How do I remove this mask when I'm so terribly afraid of being vulnerable and of opening up? I can't just wake up one day and start being talkative with everyone, I'm going to feel like a liar and others will see me as acting strange and out of form.
Why am I even posting this in /biz/ fml

>> No.52693966

You’re telling yourself a story about yourself. You believe you are the quiet and depressed guy and you likely act in accordance with that story.

Tell a new story and act in accordance. The latter part is more important. You don’t have to stray to far from nature…perhaps you can start to say

“I am a courageous introvert.”

It’s important to believe your story.

>> No.52693986

Pretty cringe if u ask me. I do none of those things and have 7 figs doing nothing except telling other ppl what to do and when

>> No.52694006

Cringe welcome. Clown world is cringe, go start your own thread fag.

>> No.52694029


>> No.52694234

You have to have something successful in your life to build a shield from. Something that is ironclad respectful. I know that’s asking for a lot, but that’s literally the only way out. If you build something that takes time and effort that is also seen as socially valuable, people can’t say shit to you. They can try, they can demand, and they can treat you like shit. It won’t matter. The next step is to remove all the toxic people from your life who won’t respect you for it. If you do that, suddenly it’s really easy to be more vulnerable. A foundation you can stand on with the right support. The problem is starting the thing and doing it. It might be the scariest thing you’ve ever done. Most people here are trying to make that respectable thing having a lot of money. It’s possible but it’s way better if you make it. I’m not expecting you to have motivation now, just to accept there is a way out, that’s it’s going to suck for awhile, but it’ll be much better than where you are. Don’t do too much at once, just think. Plan. Move.

>> No.52694289

I will be debt free by Dec 16, hopefully I dont get IT axed.

>> No.52694332

Good thread. Fear the depressed/schizos who want to take you to their level. T. Medfag from the other thread

>> No.52694416

Good thread, I cut down on drinking, stopped eating fast food, went zero porn and only fapped once in November. Learning to cook is also an important skill for saving money and improving health; restaurants are too expensive for what you get these days. Cooking your own meals is the only way to avoid seed oils.

>> No.52694468

>Escape wage slavery
>Learn a trade

>> No.52694498


>> No.52694512

whats that about ice in the balls

>> No.52694520

Learn what meaningful work is.

>> No.52694581

15 minutes a day. It increases T

>> No.52694607

I'm always mentally dragged down by self doubt. For example, I assume if any of my ideas were good that someone else would have already done it. Or if I find someone is already doing it, how am I going to compete?

How do you get to the stage of truly believing you're going to be successful in building something of your own instead of being stuck working for someone else?

>> No.52694617

Pro-tip: meals plans save time and money.
they are already made so all you have to do is microwave them, no cooking required.
You make up meal plans with whole foods in bulk, so you're not buying expensive snacks or restaurant food or other shit.

Buy a slow cooker, and whatever it is you need to cook food enmasse.
Buy glass containers of the same type (I use 600ml rectangular ones) that you can stack in the freezer compartment of your fridge. I put in 28 which gives me two weeks of lunches and dinners and then I just make instant oats for breakfast.

>> No.52694669

Understand life and time are scarce. View doubt as an external negative force rather than an internal dialogue. As soon as you feel doubt, replace with “I don’t have time for that thought.”

Approach all as if success is inevitable. Self fulfilling prophecy is a real phenomenon.

>> No.52694711

make the most mistakes you can and stop looking at what others are doing
>being jealous and resentful is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die

>> No.52694715

Great tip. Sometimes less diversity = more consistency.

>> No.52694836

What about when mistakes are expensive and you don't have the backing to afford many mistakes?

Say I'm wanting to make a product. If I start marketing the product with no legal protection someone will want to take the idea and make it the backing of a big company that can outcompete me, so I want to start by patenting it to protect my claim to it. Getting a good patent can cost $10k+ to have a professional make it legally defensible. Jumping in and saying "I can do this" could be a catastrophe if it turns out to be a flop and I can't get any revenue back from it.

Just do it anyway because there's no chance of success if you dont try? That's what I'm hearing from successful people, but it's hard to not be discouraged knowing 90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. I'm sure the people who threw their lives into those businesses believed in themselves as well.

>> No.52694904

>>>52693693 (OP) #
>"Just pull bootstraps bro, every single problem you might have is because you are an inherently words words words words
Fuck off back to plebbit you useless cunt

Thx OP fren, wishing you and your family a blessed December

>> No.52694985

No one said that you have to have any problems anon. If you have something you call a problem, you choose to see it as a problem therefore it is your responsiblity to fix it.

>> No.52695061

God bless biz bro

>> No.52695156

95% of people don’t take any action. Fuck a patent, forget about someone stealing your idea. You’re competing w/ a small %.

Proof of concept. Put up a storefront, get cheap prototype, advertise to gauge demand. Don’t blow large capital without certain demand.

>> No.52695854

Lol that's the kind of cringe that unironically makes me want to kill myself

>> No.52695957 [DELETED] 

Legit respect for utilizing knowledge and integrating new habits.
I've been thinking about the nature of Abrahamic religions and I think that much of what they preach is metaphorical for demoralization and mental illness. What OP refers to as demoralization could be otherwise known as demonic entities, but it amounts to the same things: resist the awful messages received by gaining strength and mental fortitude and, as you've found, the good habits that function as pillars of health and improvement. Now do another month of that good stuff.

>> No.52696032

Legit respect for utilizing knowledge and integrating new habits.
I've been thinking about the nature of Abrahamic religions. Much of what they preach is metaphorical, referring to demoralization and mental illness (demonic possession, temptation, weakness). What OP refers to as demoralization could be otherwise understood as the results of demonic entities' labor, but it amounts to the same things: we need to resist the awful messages received. We can achieve it by gaining strength and mental fortitude and, as you've found, by gaining good habits that function as pillars of health and improvement. Please do another month of that good stuff, and then another, and I will too.

>> No.52696113

>because you are an inherently worthless lazy subhuman parasite

He didn’t say that he said it’s because you’re a MASSIVE WANKER

>> No.52696985
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The game is over, as I am fond of saying.

The bankers won. They are in control of the Pikes Peak batholith and the multi-trillion-dollar granite tunnel system — a highly symbolic 40 miles west of Denver, Colorado in the Front Range. But they are in control of much more than the end-time survival apparatus. They control not only the military and government of the United States of America but through the power of major corporations and the corruptibility of businessmen and government officials, fiat currency manipulation by the WiΩards of Fiat Currency at the Federal Reserve System, a small army of propagandists and “hackers” (this is a technically incorrect use of the term) who are fighting to maintain control of the Frankenstein monster they created called the Internet (in a war I fear they are going to lose), and even the Republican form of government they created which inevitably—and I would argue by design—fosters centralized control and assures only a handful of “elected” officials must be compromised to control an entire country, they control the entire Western world.

>> No.52697078

>I do none of those things and have 7 figs doing nothing
Press X for Doubt.

>> No.52698991

Every attempt at trying to silence criticism just highlights the deficits of the ideology. And no, I will not submit to your arbitrary standards of "constructive criticism" as you have already forfeited that right the moment you even insinuated censorship.

To anyone who genuinely feels lost and wants to improve themselves out of a desire to be a better human bean: Don't fall for these cheap tricks.

They all start the same.
They offer sensible advice at first like e.g. exercise, basic budgeting and basically pick the low-hanging "common sense" fruits.
Next they push you with an enormous amount of positive energy, so you actually follow through with the things mentioned above and start having success.
At the same time they tell you to isolate yourself from the so-called naysayers and you do that, because, hey, it's actually working and you're feeling greater than before.
And that's where they get you.
You keep on pushing forward and forward.
Ignoring all criticism and spreading the new gospel to everyone you know.
But the good times don't last and you'll slowly notice how the motivation you had in the beginning is fading.
Instead of finding a balance, they tell you to just keep going.
To tell yourself positive mantras.
To brainwash yourself.
And slowly but surely you'll lose sight of why you started this journey in the first place.
You'll lose yourself and, more importantly, your grasp on reality.
Life is full of good and bad things beyond our control.
The idea that you can power through every obstacle with sheer willpower is a thing out of movies.
Sometimes you have to accept defeat in life and move on.
Not everyone is going to be a rockstar.
Not everyone is going to be rich.
And that's ok.
But instead of facing reality, your bubble will keep on edging you on and on.
In the best case, you'll become an insufferable grifter, always on the lookout for the next "big thing".
In the worst case, it'll drive you insane.


>> No.52699067
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This is basically how all cults, MLMs and extremist organisations operate.
They prey on the weak and lonely by baiting with some initial good advice and an unnatural amount of positivity.

Luckily this is 4chan, so you'll probably won't get swindled out of any money, besides the one wasted on delusional pet projects. The only thing you'll lose is time and the ability to accept reality and find your true purpose.

Some paraphrased quote to end this rant of mine:
>I know I will reach my goals, but I don't know what admissions I will have to make in the process.

Ganbare, Anon!

>> No.52699106

>Ice you balls
>Lists jobs a million times worse than wage slavery
Thanks bro whose your favorite roogan guest?

>> No.52699153

>Pick a trade/career
>Go to your closest community college and see which classes are available
>Pay cash or take out a SMALL loan for classes
>Instantly double your income from wage slavery into a productive career
More people in that situation need to do this kind of a thing.

>> No.52700662

Oh look! A demoralizing post as first post of an anti-demoralization thread.
You have to go back.

>> No.52700766

How do i make money online?

>> No.52701940

Quit watching porn Faggots.

>> No.52702057

I second everything this anon says. For me, it was becoming distinguished in my career and lifting a lot/getting strong. I was always underconfident growing up, for no reason, really, and also demoralized by clown world. I could foresee the fucked up shit happening now over a decade ago from all my early redpills. All in all it took about 5 years to fix myself and was a gradual process. Unfortunately I had to cut off all of my former "friends" because when you spend so much time tolerating being disrespected, it turns out they don't respect you. Life has been good ever since, except for my portfolio kek.

>> No.52702097

Unironically lift, or otherwise set goals and accomplish them. If you can get yourself into the mindset that you can achieve things you set your mind to, by doing them, you free yourself from the needless self-doubt. Good luck, bro

>> No.52702112

Add GABA and/or taurine to the supp list. Good for stress and anxiety.

>> No.52702118

Only good thread on this board.

>> No.52702905


>> No.52703359

This, it's important to look inside yourself and figure out who you are and what you want from life.

It's also important to recognise that the way to get that thing is to find out what the price for that thing is and pay it. And understand that it is usually a very high price.

>> No.52703444
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On a fast so cutting till I hit seventy kilograms. Already do calisthenics and cardio 5 days a week (going to make it six in future after done fasting).


Vitamin D
fish oil tablets


I work part time as a security guard. Only recently started saving money but put 10% of austudy into savings and save all of my paycheck. Aim to save up the equivalent of my student loans each year and put into investment portfolio (Australian Uni loans don't accrue interest they're just indexed to inflation). Also looking to get a and equity scholarship.


no porn
no vidya
first time i've been on 4chan in nearly a year, will go off again when session starts and I put cold turkey blocker back on.

See pic related. Currently reading rich dad/poor dad. after that everything else recommended and then commonsense on mutual funds by John Bogle.


>> No.52703459

Blessed trips. Things are looking up.

>> No.52703471

drink onions until you get gyno then sell pics of your nipples to old men for $$$

>> No.52703476

It's december 2nd and I'm depressed again.

>> No.52703505
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Fuck yeah
I needed this bro
I’m sending all you guys my positive vibes and I hope your portfolios and wallets are filled with green and your minds filled with joy

>> No.52704999

>1. LIFT WEIGHTS 4-5x a week
Okay, i've been lifting 3 times a week for few months and feel great, i know /fit/ is probably the right board but i want to lift 5 times a week but i lift at home and only have dumbbells. Looking for a program.

>> No.52705050
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>We do live in a clown world. But the clown world doesn’t have to live in you anon.


>> No.52705481
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So yeah, did my research and i got my program for the next couple months. Basically find out which muscles are weak and work on that.
Now i will get some natural vitamin D from the sun. I'm gonna make it so hard. We all gonna make it. Trips confirm.

>> No.52705495

Based. Take the bloomer pill not the doomer pill anons. We’re all gonna make it

>> No.52705678
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>> No.52706002

I-It's already dec 2nd...

>> No.52706042
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Based thread . Good luck anons. Make money from affiliate marketing and dump profits into crypto. Anyone here can do that, trust me.

>> No.52706053
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, STAY POOR REDDIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just pull bootstraps bro, every single problem you might have is because you are an inherently worthless lazy subhuman parasite"
>The irony of someone who has created a new thread in 4chan giving "advice"to anyone is palpable. You are a putrid cancerous disgusting miserable braindead parasite and everyone hates your guts

Leftist loser mindset.

>> No.52707360

Fucking Based.

>> No.52707578

awesome post. i did #4 6 years ago. i'm retired multimillionaire

you have 2 choices. be a victim or be a creator. no one owes you anything but you can build anything from nothing. simple as

>> No.52707746

>>be multimillionaire
>>still post on 4chan

wow, amazing life you got there...

>> No.52708226

I want to sell clothes I find from Marshalls and TJ maxx. I should sell at regular price right?

>> No.52708242

Sell on Amazon/ebay I should add. I feel like places like Depop and Etsy can get to pricey?

>> No.52708255

Multiple remote jobs isn't exactly "escaping wage slavery".

>> No.52708998

They are if you don’t have to do much work

>> No.52709090
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>> No.52709246

I've known this for years and it's why I wanted money but I couldn't make it.
Actually I just wanted a job and a car and my own place and I would feel like I was up to standards but I couldn't get a job which meant the other two weren't happening. It's been 4 and a half years since I gradated

I even knew it would take like 4-5 years too but it just didn't happen. 4 years I could have become the perfect if I had just gotten a job after graduating.

well now it's too late even if I do get a decent job, I was hoping if it takes 4 years then I would be done by 26, which gives you a good 4 years of finally being able to enjoy life before you turn 30 and are an old man but now I'm 26
and if it takes 4 years to get /fit/ and have a solid standing in a career, and basically catch up to a level of self esteem and social success that the average person has at 20, then it means I'll be 30 by that time. Not to say you can't have a meaningful life then, but at that age to make up for the level you need is extraordinarily high. You can't just be up to standards at that time you need to be extraordinarily exceptional. This is the case for any time youre left behind in life.

My go to analogy is actually very relevant on this board, actually. Lets say you have two traders each have $100 and they both invest and one loses 70% and the other gains 70%. And lets say they each only able to make a trade when the other does. The guy who lost 70% now needs a 233.333 % just to get back to the starting point. And he needs 566.67% return to get back on equal footing with the other. And if that scenario happens on the next trade as well, then he needs a 3,211.11% to catch up. Now in order for the one who lost originally to be on equal footing with the other person he has to either hope the other guy fucks up and has a huge loss, or he has to get an extremely exceptional win to make up for that loss.
That's how life is. Is it possible? Sure I guess. not likely though

>> No.52709403
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nah you're wrong it's not too late.

>but compound investing
Then make a gambit and put in a concerted effort over time to make up the loss.

>> No.52709418

This is a bad perspective using poor logic born of a demoralized mind. I'm 39 and healthier than I've ever been because I'm making efforts and using advice much like is prescribed by OP. If you want to drown in failure, please enjoy; the moments of thrill and emotion offered by wallowing in negativity are a real phenomenon, but recognize that the lens through which you're viewing life is smudged, and everything looks dirty to you.
It's ridiculous to compare yourself to the most successful 1% of whatever and to then ascribe failure to yourself. 26 is young and filled with prospects, but your problem is that you're a 26 year old fool, so shed that foolishness with discipline and humility and effort and you'll be fine. Nobody succeed by looking for excuses to fail.

>> No.52709449

You need to compare like to like anon.
Are you a better person, a more fulfilled healthier person today then you were yesterday?
This is the only comparison to yourself you should ever be making. And if you look at it this way, you'll always make progress.

>> No.52709467

Don't do any of those things and JUST enjoy life you schizo. The more you try, the less you enjoy it

>> No.52709473

I accumulated 120k of debt this year by fucking off. I'm not gonna be able to pay

>> No.52709501
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BTW just want to say good thread OP.
There used to be /SIG/ generals on /pol/ but can't find them now. I'd make one on their or /fit/ but for some reason I can only respond to threads, not make them. If you have any ideas on what board to host threads like this in future let us know.

>> No.52709504

I guess you're just a pussy then. Enjoy your mediocre existence where you accomplish nothing.

>> No.52709514

All life leads to nothing. Growing up is the process of accepting that you're not special and that your life will be as pointless as that of 99.9% of mankind. If you don't accept that you won't be happy. You'll keep struggling and it'll never be enough and then you'll just sort of die

>> No.52709533

I have quit porn for the most part (I'd say reduced it like 95%), but it probably takes longer than 30 days for a reset.

We're talking years of porn watching here so I'm thinking it could probably take just as long to gradually get that all back. But I do feel better

>> No.52709541
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Posting in inspirational thread.
Positivity is infectious frens

>> No.52709588
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The point of life is the life you live. You should aim to get the most out of life. I know people in my life who have accomplished great things, and they are the most happiest and satisfied with their lives because they put in the effort and got the most out of them.

What you describe isn't life, it's a kind of death, it's settling. It's how adults cope with mediocrity. It's how you cope with being mediocre.
>not special
How dare you think you're special? that there's a little light in you that makes you unique?

I once had a teacher tell me that I was special, and I'll take his judgement over yours. The thing is, everyone else is special, including you. The only thing is that most people don't cultivate what's special about them.

What's special about you anon?

>> No.52709589

The general principle is true, if you wanted to get in shape for example you will never make progress if you keep giving up. If you want to increase your health it takes months of focused effort, correct eating, regular exercise, etc.

But it WILL happen if you continue putting in the effort.

>> No.52709626


>3. Escape wage slavery

>Affiliate marketing
>Content creation
>Learn a trade
>Multiple remote jobs

t. 21 year old student

>> No.52709719

Ginger is a disease?
I should’ve known

>> No.52709760

The irony in bitching about a post that just hopes to encourage people

>> No.52709829


False hope can be more harmful than realistic despair sometimes. It can keep you going down a futile path rather than abandoning it and reevaluating.

>> No.52709881
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>> No.52709928
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>> No.52709977
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Thanks for this thread anons. I’m 33, just got laid off from a job I started two months ago, and learned I might need heart surgery all in the course of the past two days. I’m keeping positive though.
Being brave doesn’t mean you’re not afraid, it means you go anyway.

>> No.52710017

If they ice their balls and buy your supplements will their face be more attractive? Will that make them worthy of love?

How about you tell them that they are not evil or responsible because they were born men or will never inherit anything? Can you do that?

>> No.52710048
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That's rough man, all I can say is good luck with it. Is it lifestyle related are something that's just in the family?

>> No.52710104
File: 300 KB, 800x649, 919543BA-6540-4FE8-9943-234A4C8F0E6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetic, Marfan’s Syndrome. Didn’t know until I read a post about it on 4chan, of all places. Problem is I’ve also been on meds that stress my heart the last five years or so, which may have done some damage. Won’t know until I get it fully checked out.
Healthcare runs out at the end of the month, so I’m kind of scrambling to find a job just in case I gotta go under the knife. No time to grieve or get mad. Just gotta power through.

>> No.52710106
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>Being brave doesn’t mean you’re not afraid, it means you go anyway.
Well put

>> No.52710111

we WILL end the fed
we WILL save our children from debt slavery

>> No.52710127

and what good does that do anyone? idiot

>> No.52710128
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I used to think that way in my late teens/early 20s, you feel so smart feeding your ego by being nihilistic and edgy, then you realize no one cares and being a constant downer was fucking annoying. It's not false hope, it's just hope, OP is saying to take action, not sit around and wallow in despair. Being "realistic" and playing it safe leads to a life of misery, you got it backwards anon. Life will kick you in the balls and then things will make a lot more sense. You don't need any life advice, no one here does. If you don't know how to live your life, you shouldn't have been born. Just do things, experience things, make mistakes, have a story to tell. Try and try again until you succeed. Getting caught up in life advice bubbles, taking up proxy e-dads and taking shit personally doesn't do anything for you. Nothing that is said will "flip a switch", you simply have to take action. Everyone here just lacks a spine.

>> No.52710179

>You don't need any life advice
I have had the privilige of wise male role models who have helped me form the character I have today. Role models who helped me become who I am. I'm also not a big fan of the selfhelp/entertainment industry, whatever it is. But You should definitely like to people who are wiser than you about life if you never had those models. You don't find them in self youtube channels, you find them in books no-one reads, you find them in the words of great men. The virtue that begets them is rare, but if your sincerely looking to apply yourself so are you.

>> No.52710243

Yeah I dont watch porn but I also dont blindly listen to internet daddy replacers but by all means have fun grinding out jeet tier jobs selling shit on Amazon and performing masochistic rituals involving cold water. But Im the fag kek.

>> No.52710268

I did that anon, 99% of shit on the internet is trash, books are genuinely a waste of time and just help to reset your dopamine receptors. It's for people who front as intellectuals. I stopped trying and just did things. I traveled the world, I created cool shit, I make 400k+/year and don't even work full time, no boss. People need to figure it out on their own. You can't push a loser into something, they need to learn or die in a frozen state.

>> No.52710295

People have been saying this stuff for centuries, and shoehorning being a fucking man and taking personal responsibility for your life into an online community of grifters doesn't exonerate you

>> No.52710323

Exonerate me from what? People have been telling retards to ice their balls for centuries lmao what?

>> No.52710329

Finally asked for what I want up front and got it rather then work hard and hope people notice and offer it to me. It's a beautiful snowy day. Working from home eating Sushi and planning on spending Saturday cooking and playing DnD and board games with family and friends. Have long term goals and enjoy the present.

>> No.52710332

>Nothing that is said will "flip a switch", you simply have to take action. Everyone here just lacks a spine.

This bit I definitely agree with. The only advice I have to give these fegwts is "seek adventure", period. Your assumptions about my background are wrong btw, but it doesn't matter.
But basically, you're up for whatever reason and you're projecting. You can say you're in control and that you'll always be up, but that's what everyone thinks on their "up" days.
Me, I'd advise the blackpilled position. Not exactly to wallow in, but as a vantage point.
The blackpilled will experience upturns and surprises, and the whitepilled will experience downturns and disappointments. I think the blackpilled state of mind is more intelligent of the two.

>> No.52710339

Out of curiosity, what books did you read?

>> No.52710366

Direct experiwmce does seem to teach better than any of them. Information and books are like a practice gym for real life

>> No.52710371
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>Cold turkey blocker.
Does anyone have the porn blocker script copypasta that's been usually posted in sig generals? After struggling with this issue for years I finally got over the hump and just had my first three week streak in probably my entire adult life. Still I would like to go all out and block everything on my phone (demon idol portal) but all the third party add-ons and apps are trash.

>> No.52710380

Also your trading analogy is flawed. Very rarely in life are there major up and down swings of +/-70%, much more common are small ups and downs which compound over time. For example, you might think that the guy who got into Stanford or MIT is set for life with that +70% move, but the fact is if they slack and have 4 years of compounding daily -1%'s, they won't be very far ahead at all by the end. Now extend this over your whole young life. Sure, there are lucky breaks hear and there, but the daily +1%'s are what make the difference. Problem is people don't see this so they fall into daily -1%'s instead.

>> No.52710384


If you think that, then why encourage, or discourage?

>> No.52710434


His trading analogy is flawed, but failure does compound itself, and your life does consist of time windows for various key things, that's a biological/endocrinological reality.

>> No.52710466

Well, I can't really explain what the affect having such role models had on me. All I'll say is that I distinctly remember once when I was in an ethics class and people were discussing how Aristotle believed that a person mastered a skill with the combination of practical and theoretical knowledge, and that this lead to a deep satisfaction that we would call mastery (part of Eudaimonia). That's commonsense if you know people who have mastered an art form like piano or martial arts or classical singing. Most people in the class disagreed with the idea because and I quote "I've never met anyone like that in my life" .
They all then said that pleasure and experiences were what was important in life.

But wisdom of learned people and information from books is useless to you so I guess this isn't applicable. Just feel your way out and figure it out for yourself.


>> No.52710468

I am not demoralized but I won't do any of that cuck shit you listed to give you some false sense of control.

Really fucking cringe if you ask me. I wouldn't do half of those things if you paid me

>> No.52710504

imo that best attitude is realism. But most people are pessimistic by nature, so you should counteract your inherent pessimism by trying to be optimistic, that way it should balance out and then you have a realistic way of looking at things.

>> No.52710517

>>vitamin d (5000 is)
>>ice your BALLS (it increases testosterone)
Just eat a multivitamin and mineral every other day or few and try not to be a fat fuck that only ever talks about tank tracks anon. This reads like a viral marketing funnel blog(s) you've fallen for. Along with various other sections.

>> No.52710577

How old are you

>> No.52710612

Older than you. And with more life experience to boot.

>> No.52710651
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For those arguing in favor of cynicism, being optimistic and having a utopian vision is important for self motivation, as well as to motivate others. You can accomplish much, if you first believe it to be possible.
Ergo, it is pragmatic to be optimistic, because that is part of the necessary calculus for success. Optimistic does not necessarily mean “blind to failure points” or “ignorant of potential pitfalls” - it means knowing how to focus on and sell your successes to yourself and others.
I used to be a hardcore cynic, but I boomeranged back after realizing that we evolved the ability to be positive and to believe in things for a reason: that those who did had a greater chance of carrying on their genes than the pessimists.

>> No.52710684

So why don'y you answer how old you are, you 24 year old fag who thinks he'll totally gmi?

>> No.52710691

Not only that, but the risks you face for failure are not the same as 50,000 years ago. Back then if you tried to fight the sabre tooth and failed you died. Now most of the time you end up with social embarrassment or a temporary setback.

>> No.52710692

Checked. Based.

>> No.52710713

Thank you O wise zoomer student, your mentor has taught you well

>> No.52710718

Nailed it. I worked for 4 or 5 years before Uni so I actually have life experience.
>who thinks he'll totally gmi?
Also correct I am going to make it.

>> No.52710753


>> No.52710760

It's interesting how I nailed it and yet the other stuff I say is all bs, eh.

>> No.52710763

>It's how you cope with being mediocre
Well I am mediocre so coping with that seems like a good strategy
>How dare you think you're special?
You're not even special enough to be able to comprehend a post on 4channel.org, that's a pretty low bar

>> No.52710789

no gay though
>don't read books
yeah nah.
>Point about experience>reading about peoples experiences

OK fair point.

>> No.52710812

not hard to comprehend nihilistic edgelords. Besides why would I think there's anything more to your post anon? your not Camus, your mediocre.

>> No.52710819
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Based OP. I was a sickly kid, bullied in school, high school dropout from the gifted and talented class. God gave me a good brain. Cops picked on me and bullied me. Wrongfully arrested 3 times. Beat to shit by cops for no reason. God gave me a purpose. Worked hard in community college, worked out, lived in slums. Almost died from toxic mold. Became lawyer. Left big city. Started my own practice. First 10k I made, renting a room in a trailer, I bought BTC with it ~$500 price. Never invested since. Multimillionaire now. Just got a 1 mil settlement. I just buy toys with my earnings now. 2 houses in Colorado ski town. Women crave my semen. I fucked 3 last week. Flying business class to Mexico right now. Probably going to fuck a 17 yr old cutie who was always friendly but too young when I get there. 39 yo now. Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me. Keep the faith bros.

>> No.52710820

>Try and try again until you succeed.
I do, but Sergey keeps dumping on me whenever I buy more

>> No.52710823

Every time I read this screen cap it makes me audibly kek. Redditors are truly arrogant, deluded fools with a knack for pretending to be intelligent

>> No.52710833

I recommend reading books, but for then most part 4chan is better than books, as stupid as that sounds. Few books are worth reading in full, ut needs to Dostoyevsky-tier, or the Bible, to merit reading, re-reading and studying. It's super-condensed. And yet, if you endlessly absorb wisdom here and from books, you will somehow learn less than through exploration of reality.

>> No.52710839

Failure is not a big deal if you learn from it. I never had great role models so I would deconstruct their failures to learn as well. Little wins are how you start to build back self confidence and that's why you see things related to lifting or setting small goals. It's all about building a personal track record where you trust you can see something through instead of talk yourself out of it.

I have shitty periods of self doubt but I lean on memories of the times I successfully taught myself something complicated or landed a better job after being fired and a better partner after breaking up. Having experience of failing and working trough it is how you train your brain to not fear it in the future or even if you do just do it anyway for the experience. The ones aggressively arguing against even trying are either in the middle of depression or don't have enough small wins to use as a foundation.

>> No.52710854

Back the blue

>> No.52710871

Good post

>> No.52710935

Any day trading bros here? Can i actually make a living trading with a good strategy that minimizes risk? I started part-time trading but always end up getting liq on greedy moves. I start out good trading smaller amounts and sticking to my strategy not letting the greed or fear get to me too much but after a few days get impatient with the slow growth, and end up taking risks and getting liq. Has anyone else gone thru this? I know it's a gamblers paradigm and greed causing it. Any tips how to control my monkey brain from being too greedy?

>> No.52710961

imo there are two aspects of reality. The should and the is. The problem most young people is they have a very opinionated view of the should and no interest in the is.

Now the are emprical, factual ways of looking at what is. To give well known example the public transport timetables, even somewhat more theoretical frameworks like propaganda networks are the dissemination of color preferences through algorithms. This something that is reflected concretely in reality and can be looked at.

Then there are ways of looking at the is where you put on a perceptual lens to see relevent aspects. So for instance I often see Honda Jazz's everywhere because I used to own one and I miss it. But that's like a heroin runner seeing police at the airport. The purpose of reading various perspectives in my opinion, is not to find the single correct one, but rather to build up a comperehensive conceptual framework of the empirical aspects of what is the better informs your structuralism of reality, whilst also having a wide variety of perceptual lenses to cycle through to focus on differnt aspects of reality.

But you can only get that by having different, quality perspectives, which are only found in books because it's the only medium where people explain their perspective at length and reduce their positions to into a loud unsusbstanitated exclamation to win an argument online.

When It comes to practical shit, like learning how to get /fit/ /fa/ or how to learn about /tea in /ck/ for example, yeah I just go to the sticky as well. But I also value reading for the explanation given above.

>> No.52710976

No shit, I implied such. It's not an excuse to tolerate more failure and not to work towards compounding success instead.

>> No.52710990


Maybe, but mostly there are liars who pretend that what they WANT to have is what they already have.

>> No.52710993

* and don't reduce their positions to into a loud unsusbstanitated exclamation to win an argument online.

Sorry for all the typos. I'm doing a rolling 48 and it's like 7:00am in the morning where I am.

>> No.52711063

You can compound success all you want but you won't have your timely first kiss as the incels say no matter what you do. It's not hard concept to understand, feget.

Success and failure both have a compounding quality to them as well as immutable aspects, but they are not a mirror image of each other.
Is that straighforward enough for you? Do you want me to use shorter words or something?

>> No.52711142

Projection: the post.

>> No.52711178

I'm just in an awful mood bro, my apologies

>> No.52711217

Yeah nah me too mate I was being a bit of a cunt as well.

All good man.

>> No.52711223
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You reddit fags are so easy to spot you might as well have a sign on your head.
>Verification not required.

>> No.52711293

thanks for posting
same applies to most in this thread. have been reading through and I'm going to give another genuine go at stopping alcohol and porn. I exercise regularly and study and make decent money, but im not happy. no friends or family or relations, very socially autistic and a heavy alcoholic. Things feel bad often but meditation has helped me return to the present moment. Or at least I'm learning how to do that, over time. It's dark when you're deep in the hole but I'm starting to see the light at the top.

>> No.52711350
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Anyway I'm probably not going to be on this thread tomorrow because i've alread spent the last week browsing the net on 4chan and got to get back to studying. But for anyone looking improooove I suggest the following:

Go to sigup.net follow the advice there
go read Tony Robbins
>but he's a scam artist
Yeah but his book tells you how to write long term goals

Work towards cutting out 4chan and other social media

get these things done for max productivity:

1.Meal prep (mass cook 1-2weeks worth of meals)
2.Daily Schedule the night before
3.Short-long term goal planning
4.To do list that feeds into schedule
5. Morning and Night time routine
6. Budget with Balance sheet
7. meal plan for weight loss (if applicable)

see you on the other side bros WAGMI

>> No.52711366

>It's dark when you're deep in the hole but I'm starting to see the light at the top.

Keep going anon. Strength is the ability to find the light in the darkness.

>> No.52711378

fucking based

>> No.52711464

>you won't have your timely first kiss as the incels say no matter what you do
You overvalue such things. You can be incel in high school and absolutely slay in your late 20s or older, for example. Yes there are some things that are time sensitive, like if you want to be an elite athlete or some such, but as far as I'm concerned that's a corner case and not being an elite athlete is not failure. What certain key events do you have in mind that are unrecoverable?
>Success and failure both have a compounding quality to them as well as immutable aspects, but they are not a mirror image of each other.
Is that straighforward enough for you? Do you want me to use shorter words or something?
Eat shit.

>> No.52711667

I'm trying but I'm not gonna lie to myself and say it'll work out or even has anything but a low probability. I'm actually in a pretty optimistic mood right now, I don't think the lens is dirty.

Yeah but other people wont be comparing the you of yesterday to the you of today. They'll be comparing you to other people. This is all you need if you want to be a hermit, but I'm talking about the social aspect of life. You'll be comparing you to other people too, when you are actually around them. Just getting a job you have to get compared to and go up against everyone else. That is life. The only way out of comparison and validation is to be a self sustaining hermit. If you live in a society, than your livelhood, your entire life hinges on being compared and favorably validated. You HAVE to catch up. Even if you do "well enough" you'll always feel inferior unless your past meant something. You have to make up for your past and it can only be done by being exceptional.

>For example, you might think that the guy who got into Stanford or MIT is set for life with that +70% move, but the fact is if they slack and have 4 years of compounding daily -1%'s
thats kinda what I said, you have to hope the other guy fails and fucks up
replace my entire scenario with a series of 1% and it still ends up being the same in the long run. You lose 1% and he gains 1% and youre still behind and now need even more than him to catch up. The numbers wasn't really the point. Like the other anon said, success breeds success and failure breeds failure. The guy that gets into MIT isn't gonna just start slacking off the next 4 years. Generally speaking, once ahead always ahead. Of course there are rare exceptions but like I said, its possible but not likely.

But all that said you have to try anyway because, you never know. You might be one of the lucky few that actually manage to make it out. It's what I'm hoping for.

>> No.52711730

>Yeah but other people wont be comparing the you of yesterday to the you of today. They'll be comparing you to other people.
So? If you're always improving yourself little by little and just focusing on yourself you should be meeting their expectations by grace. And if you don't thats not your problem either.
>You HAVE to catch up. Even if you do "well enough" you'll always feel inferior unless your past meant something
Let go and stop defining yourself externally.

>> No.52712118

>thats kinda what I said, you have to hope the other guy fails and fucks up
>replace my entire scenario with a series of 1% and it still ends up being the same in the long run. You lose 1% and he gains 1% and youre still behind and now need even more than him to catch up. The numbers wasn't really the point. Like the other anon said, success breeds success and failure breeds failure. The guy that gets into MIT isn't gonna just start slacking off the next 4 years. Generally speaking, once ahead always ahead. Of course there are rare exceptions but like I said, its possible but not likely.
>But all that said you have to try anyway because, you never know. You might be one of the lucky few that actually manage to make it out. It's what I'm hoping for.
Granted, if there is a theoretical individual who only ever wins, you aren't going to catch up, but very few of those people exist and it's not worth comparing yourself to them. However it happens all the time that people with early success get inflated egos, which ultimately leads to them getting rekt because they think they're too good to try. I've known so many people like this, it's crazy. My point being that apparent "unique" +70% events might end up not mattering depending on where you go in life, but also I argue that such events are not necessarily unique, like if you don't get into MIT for undergrad, you could get into it for grad school. Yes, you have to work for it. Overall I understand your perspective but find it overly pessimistic.

>> No.52712955

>Let go and stop defining yourself externally.
I don't see how I can when you are so tied to the external world whether you like it or not. Especially in the social context. But even apart from that, even on the most basic level, you need food, you need water. These are external, you don't have those then you failed. Even the self sustaining hermit gets his fulfillment from has external measures that he has to judge himself by, to let alone someone who has to participate in society. Social circles, likeability, friends, networks, career success, academic success... even if you don't care about these things, by necessity because they're precursors to more basic things, you have to care at least a bit as long as you're a part of things.
And that's considering the rare person that doesn't care, humans are generally social and unfortunely I'm not an exception. Almost as much as we desire success in obtaining food and water, we desire success socially as well for it's own sake.
Don't get me wrong, your internal world does define yourself somewhat but it only goes so far, and once you interact with anyone at all it is kinda out the window. Your internal definition of yourself doesn't mean shit once you take in feedback from the environment.

>> No.52712976

>Ice your balls
I fucking love that random /fit/ meme actually took off.
Is there a single board more delusional that /fit/ on 4chan?

>> No.52712997

Its literally just conditioning for better blood circulation. Cold temperatures/showers do the same for the rest of your body and is done regularly in sports and physical therapy. All because its your sack don't mean its magically different anon. Works the same as the rest of (You).

>> No.52713070

Checking in.
I quit porn last week. Still going strong. Benched 100kg for the first time in my life. Will quit this bullshit, soul draining corporate IT-analyst position and land something more cushy. Godspeed to everyone in this thread that genuinely wants to better themselves.