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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52695359 No.52695359 [Reply] [Original]

*breathes in*

>> No.52695386


>> No.52695415

What are the financial implications for cryptodrones?

>> No.52695431
File: 27 KB, 680x634, trhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can i make a girl attracted to me ?

>> No.52695438

is this real? holy fuck if true

>> No.52695461
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Decentralized in name only nigger coins on proprietary app, by a regulated company, on a centralized app store, on pocket botnet device. Holy fucking shit Terry was right, you're all nigger cattle.

>> No.52695497
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>> No.52695529

look like useful idiot

>> No.52695533

Stop using apps. Stop using CEXs. Use a wallet or fuck off. Crypto is giving you control over your money. If you don't want that buy stocks.

>> No.52695608

Apple is so fucking greedy. More companies need to raise hell about the 30 percent app store fees. That's why every in game app or in game purchase is so damn expensive. The developers have to give 30 cents of every dollar to Apple. Fucking kikes.

>> No.52695617

> stop using apps
Right Anon, you first.

>> No.52695660
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real answer please

>> No.52695692

that is the real answer
girls see you as object, look exploitable

>> No.52695694

jewpple is cornering themself, did the same with brave rewards and I am sure with a bunch of other things too.

>> No.52695745
File: 727 KB, 1286x1362, gfqe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i should appear like they can abuse me ?

>> No.52695794

appear like easy prey
like you should spend money then
don't spend money on them, only bait money and just have sex

>> No.52695814

How much in crypto is that worth to you?

>> No.52695831

please tell me this is a joke

>> No.52695836

Nobody buys nfts lol

>> No.52695906

Is the wallet you’re using not an app?

>> No.52695915

Oh that you explain it to me?
Hmmmm 20 dollar?

>> No.52695917

Is that legal?

>> No.52695918
File: 136 KB, 599x619, Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 14-53-33 (2) Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit this is real.

>> No.52695925

>control over your money
By being dependent on whoever runs the projects and exchanges not to dump all over you?

>> No.52695940

To participate in the discussion how the fuck do they think that works? How does ther wallet get the gas fees even?

>> No.52695946

Apple acting like the mafia and demanding a slice heheh.

>> No.52695974

not including a link should be a bannable offense

>> No.52695997

didnt they ask the same for fortnite/epic games and they (eg) won?

>> No.52696002

30%? lol bruh... All of these other companies getting raped by Apple should just come together and create their own phone.

>> No.52696018

ok, how do I cash out with a wallet?

>> No.52696051

Its called android. You only need an iphone for your little dick syndrome or very specific things.

>> No.52696070


>> No.52696090

Google has the same fees, they just aren't as desperate as Apple.

>> No.52696130

yeah, honestly I hate Apple products, no idea why people like them so much. Once I made the mistake to let the Apple cult convince me to buy a MacBook Pro, couldn't wait to get rid of that thing.

>> No.52696147

oh, I didnt know that, I am only using free(+trusted) stuff or torrenting and doing self custody and the most trustless stuff what I can.
For example finance stuff on any mobile device is taboo for me. It is kind of overly paranoid for most folks, but I dont like to lose any money for SBF or any other entities.

>> No.52696211
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ask people on 4chan for special strategy to apply to these strange creatures, do not treat them like real people, thats gay and anyone who says it works is a lying stacy

>> No.52696233

My question is basically how to get out of friend zone

>> No.52696254

start talking about vaginas and or other bodily fictions/parts

>> No.52696288

scully is the most beautiful woman

>> No.52696306

you have to option to ask users to side load the app on android

>> No.52696406

you don't.

So will that be cash, check, bitcoin?

>> No.52696496

Thats the Meme answer but i want to the real answer every thing is possible
It will be in Pregnantbutt of course

>> No.52696535
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checked I want scully to berate me about my schitzo conspiracies
girls can smell that you only want to have sex with them, stop obsessing over specific girls and become a more healthy interesting person. workout, get hobbies, learn to cook. Its not fucking rocket science but most likely youll just keep obsessing over 1 girl who at best puts up with you and postin on 4chins asking for help
also checked

>> No.52696561
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just do what's written in there. You are welcome

>> No.52696569
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Maybe you should try getting a job.

>> No.52696574

Apple is the real final boss.

>> No.52696593

it's coinbase WALLET retard

>> No.52696611

>a more healthy interesting person. workout, get hobbies, learn to cook
I basically am that
>keep obsessing over one girl
Exactly and i can not stop so i need the answer. She happily hangs out with me, also alone. So how do i do it im hopelessly obsessed, she rejected a kiss.

>> No.52696622

Why not use a fucking computer. All my transactions I only use a laptop. It's not like I'm swiping my phone in some supermarket so as to pay my groceries with crypto.

>> No.52696623

That doesn't even make any sense, TX fees are burned on the blockchain

>> No.52696649

Play store is not mandatory.
There are FOSS stores and you can install without a store.

>> No.52696660

its ok steve jobs lives in the blockchain he will make you pay for it

>> No.52696680

Not what I mean. App in the sense of kiked apple store fuckery
Imagine being this retarded
>How do I sell my crypto for fiat without using coinbase?
Are you serious?
You are the one seething I'm just giving advice and laughing at zoomies getting robbed. Very comfy you should try it
>But it is a wallet!!
And yet someone else seems to have gained control of it. Hmmm interesting.

>> No.52696686

>no u

>> No.52696692

That case won't be solved for another 10 years.

>> No.52696715

Bee yourself. Women love achitzo rants about well explained strategies in Europa Universalis 4.

>> No.52696733
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>I don't care. Pay up or fuck off.

>> No.52696776
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you don't retard
you tried
and you couldn't
one last tidbit of good advice for you to ignore, tell her you need to step back form the friendship because of your feelings for her, that you want to remain friends but you need some time to stop viewing her romantically. Then do the hobby cook and excercise more because u are definately not in your best shape, probably got hobbys as stupid and boring as your posts, and I doubt you can cook anything anyone would care about.

>> No.52696865
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It was 3 months ago already
I cant move on i just try it again i guess

>> No.52696882
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banks are next

>> No.52696892
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ignore all those trolls and listen to my advice here: >>52696561.
No matter what she currently thinks or what her feelings are for you, once you summon one of the Goetic demons that are specialized in love, you will achieve your goal

>> No.52696947

If you are an applefag you deserve it, anyway Apple fanboys enjoy being anal fucked by Apple daily, so they are probably celebrating this news

>> No.52696952

I feel this is a wrong way, do i have to read all that ?

>> No.52696989

Half my apps on my android are pirated (mostly games)

>> No.52697062
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pathetic and destined for failure, lmk your portpholio so i can avoid everything in it
your parents wish they could summon a Goetic demon specializing in killing disappointments

>> No.52697095

>I feel this is a wrong way
dont fall for the Christian psyop of "le demons bad". Also there wont be any "karmic retribution" for working with demons or using magic for love
>do i have to read all that ?
if you dont know anything about magic it would be a good idea. But since you are too lazy to read any books here is a short guide: https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html
keep in mind that this is only decent and not optimal like if you learned magic seriously

>> No.52697141
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iToddlers BTFO

>> No.52697142

>lmk your portpholio so i can avoid everything in it
In order:
Eth Link Xmr Cake

>> No.52697143

This can’t be true. Do they want 30% of the price when I buy stocks with the Fidelity app too? What about robinhood?

>> No.52697214

They are nto forcing anyone to list their app in their store.
Apple provides you with platform where you can meet millions of potential clients and sell your products to them. it's up to you to decide if it's worth 30% cut.

>> No.52697269

can someone please send me like 50 cents of smart chain BNB

losing my mind trying to make a fuckiong smart... FOR SMART CHAIN BNB

>> No.52697354


>> No.52697738
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When do we get open source jailbroken phones mein negers?

>> No.52697952

dude fix yourself. stop chasing and dreaming about pussy, and instead chase and dream about excellence. truly. be the man you dream of becoming. then the pussy and money will come to you.

>> No.52697967
File: 107 KB, 356x414, juicejuuuuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy would rather entertain summoning demons then working on himself
the absolute state of anons

>> No.52697981

its sad and funny. low IQ and desperation lead to strange and dark alleys.

>> No.52697989

But i tried that and it didnt work so i need to do it otherway

>> No.52698002

lmao summon your demons then, gl and stuff. post updates for us mkmk.

>> No.52698003

Hey when did i say i would rather go the demonway

>> No.52698056

...he said, vigilantly typing aggressive responses on his absolutely decentralized Android brilliancephone.

>> No.52698064

by even entertaining the idea in the first place. forget about it. literally just pick up and put down weights, and get a physical and financial goal. and then say fuck off to everything and everyone else that is a hinderance to those goals.

>> No.52698075

Based apple taxing crypto trannies.

>> No.52698089
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just bought moar apple

>> No.52698119

>owning an Apple product

>> No.52698183

Apple must be getting desperate to make some money if they're just throwing in 30% fees out the wazoo

>> No.52698276

>lead tech giant pinching for cash
it's over

>> No.52698307
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but that doing something work? Tell how have sex with girl who said no to me now?!

>> No.52698332

Based organic supporter of major governments

>> No.52698334

You thought it was just a coincidence that Apple sits on the largest pile of cash in the world.

>> No.52698346

This only means faggots can't access coinbase.

>> No.52698385

jesus christ, are you retarted? either english isnt your first language or ur like 13. or maybe mongolian or something.

>> No.52698392

How about may be a Musk attacking them on Twitter. I mean, Coinbase one would be real, but #BankOfAmerica one? Please...

>> No.52698496


>> No.52698568

What a smelly ass you've got anon, after Cristiano Ronaldo partnership with Binance you've still got something to say about NFT. Bitches been talking trash about metaverse too but now, with the frictionless payment processing for the metaverse by the web3payment plaform, fucking strippers gets more easier.

>> No.52698589

Imagine being such a cuck that you pay for apple products.

>> No.52698607

Flash some cash on them, fuck them for free

>> No.52698633

What a crazy world for idiots

>> No.52698651
File: 41 KB, 680x560, 1657672133365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto is LE fake and LE ponzi
>oy goy if you want your crypto app in my store you have to give me 30% of everything you make off it which is something that has never been done with any other app

>> No.52698682

its unironically over. no longer profitable to operate on apple devices and since normies basically only use apple devices that drastically reduces potential marks for crypto scammers / rugpullers / pump and dumpers

>> No.52698685

When are they going to demand 30% of every transaction made by banking apps?

>> No.52698710


>> No.52698718

Now I see why the web3payment platform is the new fucking way of life, bitches been fucking dildos to break through to the metaverse with MetaversX

>> No.52698726

surprisingly based move

>> No.52698737
File: 406 KB, 800x609, 36E8BB4C-B441-4C27-B99E-D6B3F65998C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> year 2025
> apple requires 30 percent of all your bank transfers

>> No.52698740

You can use whatever you want. Just dont bitch about conditions and rug pulls when they happen. Anon was offering a solution.

>> No.52698748

They are bunch of selfish idiots

>> No.52698801
File: 189 KB, 1106x837, D4D2F0D5-8A88-409E-A04A-79540D59AD2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not even the first time Apple blocked coinbase. The first time they found a way around it by removing the buy/sell feature ONLY in Palo Alto. It was available everywhere else in the us. Since apple didn’t allow the purchase or trade of crypto at that time (2016 I think) they removed the feature at the place where apple employees would check the app. Genius move thinking about it. But yeah fuck apple big time now lol

>> No.52698874
File: 92 KB, 410x445, 1669927821824786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya laughing like a trash can, y'all will wake up to Apple getting 30 person of your daily life while dickheads are getting huge
pussy benefits tirelessly through the revolutionized innovative payment industry through the web3payment platform.

>> No.52698989

Musk is gonna fuck apple in the ass

>> No.52699185

You're the same type of faggot who would be OK with drying up an areas local water supply then bottling it up and selling it to the for 10 ties the mark up

>> No.52699826

Bullish for RVP

>> No.52700197

Didn't Nestle do this?