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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5269475 No.5269475 [Reply] [Original]

Been watching BTC and lurking /biz/ for a few months, and am becoming less convinced there's going to be a massive crash.

That said, I'm looking to invest a $100 to play around with, and need some recommendations on the best coin wallets, currencies to buy, cash-out methods, etc. If successful I've got a lot more to invest, this initial investment is mainly for experimentation purposes.

Thanks in advance friends.

>> No.5269534

use bitstamp to buy eth/btc

binance to trade/buy shitcoins

>> No.5269576

Buy btc while it is on sale.

>> No.5269618

what he said, btc down atm, will go up soon, besides that, don't ask newcomer questions on here cause people are generally unfriendly when you ask stuff you can easily google, good luck man

>> No.5269660

100$ huh, buy yourself some bitbean and wait for a moon

>> No.5269744
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Duly noted, thanks for the input friends

I get what you mean, I'm a /pol/ oldfag. I've done a bit of my own research, but it's hard to form a consensus from that alone and I literally don't have anyone else to provide context.

>> No.5269983

just keep lurking, and take people shilling shitcoins with a grain of salt. If you want to see if the coin they're talking about will actually blow up, bookmark it and check its trend. Sometimes /biz/ is actually right, sometimes /biz/ is completely wrong

>> No.5270178

Hahahahahahahah 100 dollars. Don't even bother..

>> No.5270409

Like I said, this is as much about experimenting and learning as anything else. Only gamble with money you can afford to lose.

>> No.5270528

Don't listen to him, starting small means you just have to grind, take a big risk and go all in until you reach 5k.

Just follow the pump and dump and you'll be fine.

>> No.5271515

What services would you recommend to track alerts about market fluctuations?

>> No.5271721



>> No.5271725
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>tfw speculative investors are killing decentralized apps with high fees
>tfw it costs $20 to run a contract transaction

>> No.5272106

wait for BTC to dip around 13k