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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52694277 No.52694277 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the fact that you will never be this guy biz?

>> No.52694293
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>> No.52694301
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I have no fucking clue how he has "officially" 300 million dollars...I honestly thought he was worth 10-15 million maximum

>> No.52694304

>you will never be a glowie
oh darn, might as well neck

>> No.52694307

I mean, if he considers 355 millions to be broke, what would doubling it do?

>> No.52694447

He's not worth that, not even close.
>Claims he's worth $350,000,000 US
>Still lives in Romania
>Doesn't live in Monaco
The crazy thing is that approximately 10,000 complete MORONS are paying $50/month to be a part of "Hustler's University".
So who knows, if he invests everything and keeps suckering people, he might actually get there some day.

>> No.52694470

he's a glow op, bud. his dad was even CIA

>> No.52694476

who cares

>> No.52694510

how tall is this hairlet?

>> No.52694519

How did he make that much from kickboxing?

>> No.52694531

>How do you cope with the fact that you will never be this guy biz?
i cry a lot and feel bad about myself
how do you?

>> No.52694545

he's a glowie.

>> No.52694574


Didn't he once say that Logan Paul was richer than him and I doubt both Paul brothers have 350 million between them

>> No.52694632

I'm kinda done with him, got bored I guess. Keeps claiming he's not part of the matrix yet he's fully integrated in the banking system and like the typical nigger, is obsessed with bling.

>> No.52694751

If cocaine was a guy kek

>> No.52694954

He mostly lives in Dubai, we're actually kind of neighbours on the eastern fronds of the palm, kek

>> No.52695072


>> No.52695214

kim kardashian for incels

>> No.52695362

I'm white and I have a chin.

>> No.52695484


>> No.52695609

He goes on and on about being a man and how vanity is pathetic, yet he tweets constantly and constantly puts his stupid face on social media 24/7.

He’s an attention whore, and that’s the most pathetic thing a man can be.

>> No.52695650

Lmao he's a bald beanlet HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.52695673



>> No.52695744

Top G is top god, chuds can't cope

>> No.52695766

nobody with that money, not even with 10% of that money lives in fucking bulgaria
certainly not in this winter
you can tell he is just signaling to his very low iq audience

>> No.52695791

>not natty
>poses with hookers
>no game

>> No.52695852

Dude is basically a rapper who cant rap. No one wants to be like that faggot voiced mulatto.

>> No.52695877


>be internet celeb that cultivates a larger than life persona
>you can just make shit up and your dumbass fanbase will believe it

I bet you all believed Tommy Tallarico was on MTV cribz too, because after all, why would someone lie about that

>> No.52696080
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Tate is based af. Racist chuds Btfo.
>durrr being a mulatto mutt is worse then being pure white or black!!
Deboonked, turns out the mutt is the perfect blend between the white mans intelligence and the black mans supreme confidence and charisma.

How could this goblino be a such a successful giga chad while you "pure" aryans are sexless beta incels who work for minimum wage at an amazon warehouse?

>> No.52696108

It's Romania.

>> No.52696308

If there were ever someone that invoked my ire, it'd be this tasteless halfchat slaphead.
His webcam business was dissolved, so no cash was generated when he disposed of it. I'd imagine a man of such tastes ripped through the cashflow from this enterprise fairly quickly, too.
His casino franchises in Romania are in no way, shape or form worth 300M. They're ratty rooms with rigged gambling machines, that's it. Hardly the Venetian.
His house, meanwhile, is a dogshit fly infested cheaply constructed shed on a plot of wasteland in a Romanian village. I'd pay not a dime more than $250K for the place.
The cars, although pretty, are financed. You can just tell by the frequency he's buying them. The more suckers he gets into his university, the higher his debt to income ration, and the more cars he can leverage himself to the tits in.
If he had any sense he'd start a marketing agency, because he's clearly very adept at it.

>> No.52696330 [DELETED] 

Your post triggered me to find this fantastic couple.

>> No.52696341


he's lying stupid

>> No.52696343

im just glad im not a nigger

>> No.52696363


>You can just tell by the frequency he's buying them

he gets cars to advertise from the car companies themselves because he's got a very large audience

>> No.52696415

6'3" (5'11")

>> No.52696448

as if that matters in the slightest
its not like i can be bother to double check this shit

>> No.52696462

I doubt the likes of Ferrari are handing out free vehicles to anyone at all. Ferrari have turned down oil sheikhs' money before out of principle.

I'd agree that the Astons and Bugattis of the world may market this way, though.

>> No.52696467

I had to find the story of this fantastic couple.after your post.

>> No.52696503
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>> No.52696512

>barelly taller than jake paul who is like 5'10
Yeah sure

>> No.52696566

SBF said he was worth $16b and now $26b but we all know he's a fatass and a liar so he was probably only worth whatever amount he stole from his customers, plus whatever blubber is worth these days.
Guys who want to sell you something will always lie about their net worth. Baldfag McSmoothbrain in picrel is no different.

>> No.52696577

> Romania
…a gypsy? The latest hero that all the zoom zooms watch is a…gypsy??

>> No.52696605

how uneducated you must be to use the term gypsie next to a Romanian ? lmao must be a welfare NA faggot

>> No.52696610

Worse. He's a half nigger mutt LARPing as a gyppo

>> No.52696880

>nobody with that money, not even with 10% of that money lives in fucking bulgaria
Bulgaria has better cars on the street than whatever western hellhole you're living in.
I left the country after my fifth million, but Russian criminals love it as much as Dubai

>> No.52697086
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>> No.52697179

>Russian criminals
you are not making your case there
also you said you left after attaining a fraction of tates proposed nw

>> No.52697206

That's coo

>> No.52697314

Romania is a shithole so I have doubts he’s worth more than 35.

>> No.52697364

The guy is probably a cry baby faggot that no one likes short of his money and if not for you cucks, I'd not know who his bald manlet is.

>> No.52697379

>The crazy thing is that approximately 10,000 complete MORONS are paying $50/month to be a part of "Hustler's University".
Bro, I've been hustling and bartering since I was young, I started bootlegging and smuggling when I was younger up north in Canada.
These fucking kids, paying money to learn what I learn WHILE making money.

>> No.52697392

Over $100M is believable just because of how insanely stupid business valuations are, but over $500M, even $300M is flat-out not believable. He said his Hustler's University is worth $300M, but anyone who has ever worked around business valuation will tell you there's simply no way.

>> No.52697397
File: 139 KB, 1200x900, queen-elizabeth-ii-gettyimages-904669426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical nigger, is obsessed with bling.
Did a nigger bang out your women or something?
Anyway here's the Queen of England and her bling bling.
You feel me?

>> No.52697425

I've found mixed guys are better than pure breeds but I blame their fathers being cucky.

>> No.52697436

He use to run Cam Girl websites. He was pretty much a pimp he's talked about this on his show. He didn't make anything kick boxing.

>> No.52697441

Oh I’m so sorry, gypsy king! I mean Romani, the proud emperor blood of Romania!

>> No.52697463

>also you said you left after attaining a fraction of tates proposed nw
It's safer than any western country if yuo're a poorfag.
When you start making serious money you leave.
The only people that are allowed to have money there have mafia connections. Not worth.
And what case am I supposed to be making, I'm not advertising the country. But you're completely clueless about that part of EE and spewing bullshit, so I had to correct it.
Bulgaria/Romania are the absolute best places in the EU to get to $5m, I wouldn't have made it in any western shithole.

>> No.52697504

The camgirl business definitely made him some money, but I'd be willing to bet that most of his net worth now is tied up in his online university business. The business model is to become an alpha celebrity, get free PR from people who hate you, and sell courses, and the value isn't even tied so much to what he sells as much as how much it's growing. Almost none of his money came from kickboxing and I'd bet a small portion from the cam business.

>> No.52697505

you are just confirming my point
which was anyone with real money leaves
never said it was a bad place for getting your initial stack
nd its def not safer from gov corruption or local police overreach which is a far greater problem for people with moderate wealth then street side issues

>> No.52697546

I agree on everything.
Except for the fact that no richfags live there.
The place is packed full of rich criminals.
Tate doesn't strike me as the least innocent man in the world, either. Imagine being a casino owner in a mafia-ridden country, kek

>> No.52697668

Excuse me sir but you don't know a shit about Romania. A great nation.

>> No.52698155

Yeah business valuations are mostly bullshit so I guess not surprised there
I mean I have a full head of hair, so theres that. I do need to hit the gym though, thanks for the reminder