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52672239 No.52672239 [Reply] [Original]

I am getting insane job offers all the time as a dermatologist.

>> No.52672253

I'm not jewish

>> No.52672261

lmao low effort but high yield bait

>> No.52672307

>$850k (((compensation)))
They forgot to tell you paid time off and company stock are calculated into your overall compensation. You will be a wagie with a medical license.

>> No.52672371

so how much do you think this guy could earn at the end after taxes?

>> No.52672391


Bout tree fiddy

>> No.52672635

About $350k tops in most cases. Depends on state and experience. Again, depending on the state, he will probably clear $200-250k. However, most MDs can't into biz and usually end up waging for a hospital or large medical network.

t. owner of a tattoo removal operation.

>> No.52672733

>bro just go into one of the most competitive and least interesting specialties bro please just go to school for 50 years it'll only cost you $500k PLEASE
No I'm good

>> No.52672771

MOHS surgery is really interesting. Read about it. I don’t feel like posting it all here.

>> No.52673090
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4 day work weeks, but on call!
Medicine is a fucking scam and especially after the Floyd riots you have to take a series of extracurriculars and volunteer at prisons on top of the core classes and clinicals.
Besides fuck the AAMC, you need all boosters and vaccines to even work in the hospital.

>> No.52673105

Because I don't want to go to college for 8 years just to have a job where I work myself to the bone and have zero free time.

>> No.52673119

I'm not taking your vax, fuck off

>> No.52673134

no wonder. some other docs are almost dying of hunger, though

>> No.52673233


Here's why:

> getting into medschool, hard as fuck
> medschool itself, hard as fuck
> residency, 2 years of being treated like garbage for no money

Then FINALLY you are making great money by 28 but oh guess what you have $300k-$400k in loans at 7% that you need to pay off.

Meanwhile the trade chad picks up HVAC repair at age 18. By 22 he has started his own business and is making almost $100k a year. By 30 he has $300k saved and is able to make nearly $200k a year. He might even have more saved than that.

I'm 35 and do a trade and wish I had done so at 18. I WOULD NOT go back in time and have gone to med school.

>> No.52673307
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>tradie having money saved

>> No.52673314


I do a trade and save about $50k per year

>> No.52673396

I have a trade and would go back and do med school desu.

>> No.52673435

>he fell for the medicine jew

>> No.52673494

>Getting accused of malpractices from one of your patients
>Getting accused of mistreatment from one of your patients
>Uh oh, one of the emergency case died in my care. Getting accused and sued by the relatives.
And don't make me start on the "flexible" shifts.

>> No.52673545
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Because I took the early Bitcoin pill.
I make that in a single swing every month.

>> No.52673555

Post you GIGAwallet, sir

>> No.52673569

I faint at the mere thought of blood and was unable to even be in the room during dissections. It's a shame because I think that I otherwise would have loved medicine.

>> No.52673766
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It’s unironically all true. My cousin is a derm in the Midwest.

>550k base salary.
>150k signing bonus that he keeps if he stays 3 years
>small percentage if he brings in a revenue over a certain amount
>6 weeks paid time off
>6% 401k match (which is like 30 grand in this case lmfao)
>4 day work week

It’s literally unbelievable how much money doctors make, and the insane part is retards who downplay it or think it takes some obscene effort or amount of time or debt. Derm is 4 years of med school plus 3 years of residency, so basically 7 years after you finish undergrad you get this obscene, CEO level compensation.

Now think of the average worker 7 years after finishing a graduate degree. They’ve been making what, 60, 70k each year since then, MAYBE some of them will have hit 6 figures? Meanwhile my cousin is clearing their TOTAL earnings, across all 7 years, in a single year, and his compensation will continue to skyrocket if he gets his own practice. It’s unbelievable what a scam medicine is, I think people FUD it because they don’t want competition, there’s absolutely no equivalent.

>> No.52673796

>rugged if you leave within 3 years

>> No.52673840

He made over a million dollars in 2021 because of the revenue sharing thing based on the number of patients he saw, the bonus is a trivial amount at this point. The guy will probably have 100 million by the time he retires.

I really think if people knew a huge reason their health care was so expensive was because of how much healthcare employees make (and it’s an obscene amount) they’d revolt, but they have no idea. Look at all the retards in this thread that have no clue what’s going on >>52673233

Doctors are the most well compensated scammers on the planet, my cousin is a retard too.

>> No.52673863

yea it does sound pretty based albeit hard as fuck to get into derm and expensive to own/belong to a small practice. I went health data science route and make as much as most specialists do at my health system although sucks to talk medshit with physicians all day but never get to treat a patient myself

>> No.52673868


Idk im happy being a real estate developer but those numbers are comfy as fuck, with all my buildings leased at 100% occupancy I make a little less than that

>> No.52674828

> Mohsfags

I hate those with a passion. 5 hours to take rid of a single skin lesion

>> No.52674921

Euro medfag here, basically third worlder compared to US physcian income. If I work well I will end up at 60 with 3-4 houses for rentoids, a mansion and one at the beach + a basic Porsche.
If I was american I would probably be able to own a yacht, a ranch and three whole buildings + a ferrari.

>> No.52674923

Message here. Certified plastic surgeon so no small fry.
It varies.
Some people get on medicine because they want money. Very bad choice, you will end up very unhappy even if you are rich. I've seen it too many times .
Some people get on medicine because their parents forced them to and they gave in. Some of those can't even make it through med school and give up halfway. Those are the lucky ones. The others that can actually make it end up in a limbo where they are doing what they are supposed to but somehow feel miserable. In the end some of those end up actually liking the profession and everything is fine, but the ones that can't are miserable and turn the people around them miserable. The ones with zero love for the profession. By the books types.worst people to work with, no question. Whenever someone speaks of the horrible workplace conditions of medfags is because of these assholes.They are miserable and can't stand anyone around them that is actually enjoying what they do. God forbid you are from the ones below .
Finally, the true medfags, the ones that actually joined medschool because they truly enjoy helping people. Idiots that get trampled by the people above because patients come first and they don't have the time for political shenanigans in order to rise up the ranks. Thing is ,that because they actually love what they do, they end up outperforming them with half the effort and that makes them seethe so much that if you get caught in the crossfire you get rekt. Sadly a lot of interns and residents, nurses and young doctors do get rekt because of that. So , you have to make the choice very early, do i tap out? I'm gonna be the asshole? Or I'm gonna be the goody two-shoes?

end of blogpost

>> No.52676229

the type of people that post on this board always astounds me. i am a literal neet talking to a plastic surgeon i will never have this conversation anywhere else other than here. thanks

>> No.52676261

because it consumes your life. being a doctor is your identity. your entire life revolves around getting into medical school, completing med school (and getting top tier step scores if you want derm), slaving through residency, and then staying up to date with continuing education requirements and the demands of practice for the rest of your life.

t. dropped out of a US MD school after 1 semester.

>> No.52676303
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This really is a crazy place post any obscure media and it’s very likely some anon will be able to relate

>> No.52676329

dermatologists will literally be replaced by a smartphone app in less then 15 years. cameras will diagnose all skin conditions.

>> No.52676331

I suppose it would be really crazy if some super-rich ceo's were scrolling on here as well

>> No.52677968

None of this actually happens in the real world. I’d say take your meds but you probably don’t have free health insurance because you fell for the trade meme

Kek this cumskin really thinks a 20 year old has the emotional stability and knowledge to run his own business

>> No.52678019
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>> No.52678972

yeah okay and who is gunna do the actual disgusting work on those skin conditions? takes a certain amount of skill to remove a mole or some gross growth even if a computer tells you what it is.

>> No.52679045

>Mild seasons
Lol fags

>> No.52680121

What do you think of new tattoo removal tech like clearit

>> No.52682152

Dude, I'm an anon , through and through. The " all anons are unlovable disgusting neets" is a meme/demoralization psyop by you know who in order to make you believe that if you don't participate in this sick show we call modern society somehow it's your fault.
I accomplished a lot of stuff in my life . Normalfag stuff. But the three things that really keep me going and proud of myself is being a good person, being an anon and the stubbornness of not giving the zog a single inch. Fuck them . That's what bind us. And to every single neet out there i can tell you that your circumstances made you one, it doesn't mean you are one. What is happening right now is that the zog is doubting itself.
Do i try to shame the neets into growing up so they can become golems ?
Or do i let them be because If i try to convert them and fail they might quit Vidya and their onaholes and actually start fighting back?
My guess is they got too greedy and now even the most gullible of the goyim are refusing to be slaves. That's what they are pushing the quiet quitting agenda, the sigma male grindset and so on.
What I mean is. Don't look down upon yourself if what i say rings true. Being a doctor, a neet, a plumber or the house cleaning lady is the same.
I'm glad you exist anon.
Society is like women. You must never give them what they want, you must give them what they need. They will kick and scream but in the end they end realizing you were right.
And what they need is a No.
End of blogpost

>> No.52682310

Med bros I need your perspective. My gf is trying to get into med school right now. No acceptances yet, 1 waitlist. She’s 28. If she doesn’t get in she will probably do a post Bach and try again next year. She wants to do some sort of surgery, probably pediatric ortho. So I’m thinking she might be done with med school and residency in ~10 years. Idk if I want to stick that out and hear about med school shit for that long as well as having to uproot my life so she can go to school. Is it worth sticking around?

>> No.52682468

Actually, it's plastic surgeons that do the excision of most skin lesions that involve sensitive areas or grow beyond a certain point.
It gets very annoying when derms think they got it covered, bite more than they can chew and you end up fixing up their disasters.
The only thing they got going Is Mohs micrografic surgery which is the best way to remove skin cancer because it makes sure you remove only the cancer preserving healthy tissue which would be excised the regular way .
The problem is that they want to make the hole and then make plastic surgeon deal with it.
And in my case i refused to do that. You make the mess, you fix it. It's easier for me to learn the technique than fixing problems of a surgery other people did ( and were paid for) .

>> No.52682515

Dude, idk what to tell you. There's a reason most medfags end up hooking up with other medfags. It's hard to keep up if you aren't in the field. If you truly love her of course stay. But if you are doubting gtfo because it will get worse. FAR worse

>> No.52682538

>derm job
>not skin job
do you even blade runner?

>> No.52682543

I get offers for 600k as an anesthesiologist; i did get an offer for 825, but it was for bumfuck middle of no where in Florida so I said now. Anesthesia market is insane right now soo it's a new thing for us to be getting all these offers. Currently make 500k for working about 45 hours but at a prestigious university hospital where I can pursue other interests like machine learning research etc, so not planning on moving to the more lucrative ones anytime soon desu

Derm is always the golden egg, are you guys worried at all about all the NPs opening up "derm" clinics and fucking up actual derm patients?

>> No.52682589

he will clear well above 500 post tax wtf are you guys talking about lol. MOHs pays very well

there is no such thing as "on call" for dermatology dipshit, thats why it's one of the most competitive specialties to get into, the hours are so good.

it's 12 years minimum, usually much longer before you get salaries like this. I would kill if it only took 8

residency is 4 years not 2, and mohs are fellowship trained people so add another year or two after residency

>> No.52682594

less than 1% of HAVC'ers are clearing 200k.

Starting your own business sucks complete ass. You work 120 hours/week until you get big enough (or most likely, fail) to hire out the work.

>> No.52682617

Doctors are one of the few people I'm fine with making obsene salaries, especially DERM's who literally catch cancer before you even know about it.

Any profession that holds people's lives in their hands, I'm fine with making bank.

>> No.52682629

How does it feel to be rich? 500k is like 30k/month after taxes right? At that level, you can afford a 2 million dollar home (10-14k/month mortgage), a 5k/month yacht and multiple dope cars totaling 3-5k/month and still have 10k/month left over for what the fuck ever.

>> No.52682664


yeah but no one gives a fuck about you or what you do at any social gathering, your social credit is 0.

>> No.52682719

anesthesiologist at an ivy league hospital here (but paid better much better than the harvard hospitals)

None of those are things dermatology has to ever worry about, ever.

also you dont start making attending money until your mid 30s or later. I am 32 and am not doing a fellowship and still have a year before I see attending money

derm is 4 years of residency not 3 and only the top 1% of med students can even bother appyling to derm. It is the most competitive specialty in medicine, harder than neurosurgery orthopedic surgery or plastic surgery to get into for obvious reasons

>> No.52682743

med school is 4 years, ortho is 5 years and then add fellowship after residency if she wants to do peds ortho. but spoiler is if she isnt getting into med school now she will not be getting into ortho. ortho bros have some of the highest scores in med school and pump out insane research, aka extremely competitive. And by that point ten years from now she will be disillusioned and do something like hand ortho or spine ortho to make more moeny anyways, very few keep their golden heart intact through training without becoming embittered. It's up to you if you want to stick around, her life will become insnaley hard and you will never be able to understand what she is going through and you will feel she is not available and distant, but sometimes couples grow stronger through all that, my wife and I did. Wife is a cybersecurity engineer and made good money while I was in school and training for ten years and she is frugal af, now we are bankrolling and just stacking obscene cash while still living cheaply

>> No.52682844


MD fag here, in my country medicine is the hardest course to get into because it is the most well payed from the get go.

My plan is to retire early so i need capital early.

I don't mind working my ass off because hourly wage is top tier.

I graduated 26 YO, earning 10x more than if i chose another line of work and started working 6 years earlier.

Now i have enough to make monthtly significant investments on crypto, hoping for a 10-100x, all of that while working 40 hours/week

>> No.52682871

I reached a networth of 3 million dollars as a peon resident during this last bull cycle from holding a shitload of Chainlink and Ethereum from 2017; so psychologically it's no different than it was for me just a year or two ago when i was earning peanuts as a resident to now as an attending when I make 500k, it's just a number, although anesthesia salaries jumped a lot in the last two years because so many retired or quit during the pandemic so the US is in dire need and will pay anything to keep things going. I live in an apartment that costs 2k a month and am just saving a shit load until I find a place I really want to live in. I play vidya, watch anime, shitpost here, travel (using credit card points) read books etc. none of that shit is expensive and its the stuff that is most fun.

>> No.52682919
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>in my country

>> No.52682944


nah, it's brazil, monkey country not streetshitter country

>> No.52682998

There is on-call if the contract calls for it retard. Medicine is a scam and total dogshit if you're doing school in the AAMC system. Do it in jeet land and transfer over.

>> No.52683058

I havre been removing a half sleeve tattoo on my arm for over a year now. $1000 per session I have been five times. I can see how lucrative your business is. Do you have any pointers for me to accelerate the process besides getting the laser zap?

>> No.52683192

Thanks for the insight bros. She is on the goody two shoes side of the scale so I’m not sure how that plays into this. I don’t see her getting jaded either, she genuinely likes medicine and helping people. I think she’s gonna have to do a post Bach to get in so itll easily be a decade until she’s making any money, probably more. She very pretty and sweet, but i just struggle to feel connected to her. She’s not necessarily dumb but I don’t think she goes very see on things. She’s being a bit naive/unrealistic about how much free time she’ll have in med school - claims she will have time for trips and living a life. I think otherwise. Kind of ironic since she works at a hospital with some of the best pediatric orthos in the country. Her parents are decently wealthy but she doesn’t completely understand the value of a dollar since her life has been subsidized by her parents and I do not want to be footing more than my share.

>> No.52683319

Dermatologists get called in to the hospital an average of 0 times per year. There is no true call for dermatology bro, that's why it's so competitive, the hours are great and predictable compared to most other specialties.

no one thinks they will get jaded by the process starts second year of med school and most people get so burned out and embittered by the time they are finishing residency and fellowship it's insane. It's a meat grinder. Everyone enjoys helping people and the medical side of things when they start but that usually gets crushed pretty quickly when struggling to survive the training process.

People do make it out with golden heart in tact but those are the rare ones. Usually anyone working in a pediatric field of any sort has a golden heart still; they get paid dramatically less despite working the same and often training longer

>> No.52683365

Idk if I’m sold on the lifestyle that will be imposed on me during medschool and after. I work remote and enjoy living where I want. She will be beholden to hospitals and a school most likely in a shit place if she even gets in. How do the significant others do it?

>> No.52683381

Yeah hours are good, but I have seen dermatologists get called in. I just have a severe aversion to the AAMC after 2020.

>> No.52683455

my girlfriend show is now my wife is in cybersecurity but we lived long distance for like 2 years of it, was hard, she is able to work remote now so it's no big difference for her. She was busy with her career and we got a long really well before i went to med school so wasn't too hard. But most people break up to be perfectly honest. It's very tough on significant others. WHen someone first gets into med school their ego tends to balloon for a little but they get quickly humbled by the second day of lectures usually. If she handles stressful situations well now she will probably be fine, if she gets dramatic now it will be 100x worse in med school and then 100x worse than that in residency

Although having made it through the process with her is pretty cool, it's like having a war buddy with you that made it through some very tough times, makes anything else that would normally cause relationship woes seem trivial.

>> No.52683537

>chainlink shill writes 1000 gorillion lines and larps as a surgeon
kek kys

>> No.52683809

>3 million NW

What exactly is your savings goal then? 10 million?

>> No.52683817

What >>52682743 said. If she is struggling now she is probably ngmi. Idk. It's a very hard choice. And not-medfags can't even imagine what it's like. They see the big salaries and don't see what you have to do to actually get there.
I was top 1% of my generation and it was tough. Most people don't even qualify to try.
Thing is if she is dead set in Ortho and doesn't make it it would be very hard to remain with a good heart. And if she becomes an asshole she will make your life miserable. It sucks but it is what it is.
You need to get this clear. She is doing this because she wants to regardless of what you think and that's all right. But if somehow you let her know that some part of you doesn't want her to go this way she will resent you, even worse if she doesn't make it because then she will blame you. It's easier that way. I've seen a lot of colleagues that say, yeah, i could have done X residency if I wanted to but my gf/wife/kids/parents got in the way. Etc.
No you couldn't.
No you didn't.
The best advice i can give you is to say you are going to support her no matter what she does, whether she makes it in or not. And then give her some time . A year, year and half at most. Gauge her reactions and mood in that period, if she is gonna break she will give you signs right away. If not you are dandy

>> No.52683823
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Medfag from finland here, thank god i like helping people and i’m not anti social. Thanks to nordic taxes i’ll never become rich from working but i can live comfortably by working a little thanks to the high pay and being able to choose my hours. So as good as it can get to an eurofag without doing something risky like starting an own business. The biggest gripe with me is how fast paced the work is and how much stuff about different subjects you need to know in it. I’m just getting my license and it’ll take years before i’ll learn everything to be able to do the job well and easily. Oh well, at least my pay will be high relative to my country’s average pay so in the confines of my own country i have high social status and easy women. Also there’s no competition so i’ll never have to worry about getting fired lol

>> No.52683867

Heh, one of the nurses i used to work with always told me i was the perfect catch for gold diggers, a heart of gold and a wallet full of cash.
Stay away from those thots doc, they don't deserve you!
I miss her

>> No.52684043

Before covid and forced vaxx this was the way:
>Enlist in military at 18 for 4 years with trade specialty MOS/rate
>1600/month min. base pay with no food, housing, or training expenses and 5% matched 401k
>Veteran at 22 with mid-to-high 5 fig savings
>Civilian world pays 5x military base pay for same exact job but easier and more time off
>Free school (+college credit from military training), huge network looking specifically to hire vets/enroll them in higher education
>By 25 have 7+ years of field experience and college degree, qt3.14's literally throwing themselves at you begging for your seed

Really is that simple.

>> No.52684064

Millionaire anon here. I've always said and I always will say, tons of very smart very rich very successful people are here just pretending to be retarded

>> No.52684140

yes actually. My networth has crashed back to 6 figure hell since last May. It's just a number the crash in Feb 2018 destroyed any emotional lability that comes with that sort of thing for me even though it was much smaller numbers at the time. But I will never retire either way, just work part time and probably soon. Despite all the shit we talk on it, medicine is actually a lot of fun and still very satisfying work. I love what I do

>> No.52684181
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you guys are just pretending to be retarded?


>> No.52684186

It's not about diagnosis, it's about liability. Medicine is worthless if law doesn't protect it.

>> No.52684216

>they end up outperforming them with half the effort
how do you "outperform" other colleagues in medicine?

>> No.52684244

Are you planning on having kids?

>> No.52684343

Wouldn't have worked for me.
t.Gay and injured easily and naturally suspicious of authority. Somehow I ended up spending half my 20s on a military base anyway. Now I'm blackpilled on the military. Make me King of the US and I'm disbanding everything and replacing it with an extensive network of highly-trained diplomats and intelligence officers. Less dakka but more effective.

>> No.52684365

Faster diagnosis and being able to give the right treatment faster mostly.

>> No.52684373

Crypto or otherwise? What is the most expensive thing you own aside from a home?

>> No.52684408

Fellow medfags, is there a place where medfag anons hang out?

>> No.52685255

I dropped out of a top medical school in the US to make scam NFTs and bagged 7 figures, I feel regret a lot for not having stuck with a more professional route but my life is pretty based

>> No.52685713

who gives a fuck about tht

>> No.52685744
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>t. dropped out of a US MD school after 1 semester.

>> No.52685872

That and $100 small trash cans and trying to charge people $10 cough drop. It's a racket, and the idea that some have that gubment money alone will fix it is retarded

>> No.52685905

Tfw you studied engineering instead of med. Truly life is suffering.

>> No.52685999
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How the fuck do I cope with the fact that if you fuck up your HS/College years, you're pretty much dead to rights? Basically 6-8 years during a time where you aren't even a fully developed adult are crucial to setting your trajectory for the next 5-6 decades. It isn't feasible for most young adults to just go "yea I didn't do well in school before, but now I'm ready to go back again and really try!" unless they're lucky to have people who can financially support them. I see so many of my friends becoming doctors or getting law degrees and I'm sitting here at 25 with two meme humanities degrees and a job that I hate (pays well, but it's focused on softskills and I feel like a useless eater).

>> No.52686065

Wait, is engineering not good or something???? Care to elaborate? I'm curious.

>> No.52686077
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>a job that I hate (pays well
maybe a job was never something you wanted or just find a less gay job. Plenty of docs and lawyers that hate their jobs too. Expecting fulfilment from your job is gay. Go read some picrel. Your surrogate activities will not save you from this feeling.

>> No.52686163

don't forget always competing with dr jones about who has the best vacations, the biggest mansions, the latest cars. I know convenience store owners who cash more money than they do. being a doctor is a real mental illness. it's like being a karen with fake fame and money but killing people.

>> No.52686175


I spent 8 years of my life studying to earn 200k working fifo. I work in 40 degree heat as well. Should be grateful for what you have I guess.

>> No.52686199

I'm a UK doc and am currently just outright neeting because of how awful it is.

Maybe it doesn't apply to US medics, for multiple reasons, but here it's just miserable and doing it was probably a life defining mistake frankly. I literally made more money per hour at 18 in a call centre lmao.

>> No.52686229

I'm frankly hoping that the markets come back and I have enough to not work again. In such an event I will write emails to the hospital and GMC telling them to unequivocally suck my cock and be done with it forever.

>> No.52686320

Checked. It's not a bug, it's a feature. The point is to take the determination out of the hands of individuals and put it in the hands of families and the state. Your parents, your teachers, your elected officials and the bureaucrats they hire, they decide how well you do based on what's good for them and the community and the nation. They're not going to let some little fuck-up chucklefuck ruin it for everyone by realizing that it's all a sham AND having the power to break the masquerade. Anyone who makes it has to be vetted as willing to play the game.

>> No.52686351


lots of big firms are going under, in just about every industry. A lot are trying to sell their shit business and clientele. I know of two people who are trying to sell their businesses to the next sucker. They know that in 1 year they are insolvent.

>> No.52686438
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If you don't go med school there's aways the options of nursing to still get decent pay (relative to the rest of the US) with a good amount of different job opportunities

>t. operating room nurse who would never be caught dead working most nursing jobs but found my niche

>> No.52686598

What specialty?

>> No.52687773


be warned though it's cringe as fuck

>> No.52688108

bad day at work eh wagie?

>> No.52688468

PA is also a good option in US.

>> No.52688486

isnt vax mandatory for you? no money is worth cutting your life short

>> No.52688572

this job pays so much because black skin makes Derm diagnosis much harder and rednecks have all type of sun-related cancers

>> No.52688652

Lol, rofl even.

>> No.52688675

im in dental school
i will be around $550k in debt when its all over (failed first year to alcoholism and depression)
i honestly fucking hate it. going to school gives me a feeling of deep dread knowing that this is what my life will be
my entire upbringing was me being groomed into becoming a dentist by my parents
i dont even know what i truly want anymore
ill probably work at most 10 years as a dentist and see where that takes me
i see dentistry as a scaffolding for reaching a greater purpose
wish me luck on my practical exam tomorrow

>> No.52688720
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Can any medbros here help me with my eczema? A few months ago I broke out all over my body for seemingly no reason. Went to a derm and they just gave me a tub of triamcinolone, I put it on every day and 2 weeks later was seemingly fine at the follow up. Derm barely gave me the time of the the first time and didnt even show up to talk to me at the follow up. I started breaking out again a few weeks later and after a month or so of fighting it with steroid cream I got scare of becoming dependent so I stopped using it. I've been able to get the general inflammation under control with some weird organic body wash but my entire body is still covered in eczema that won't go away.

>> No.52688805
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I feel like I fucked up becoming a SWE, I only make 300k at 28. Bros…

>> No.52688876

Hell no. Fuck doctors. Absolute retards who just follow a script.

What do dermatologists do? You have acne? Use this cream to poison your skin. Take these anti-biotics to destroy your gut. Oh it's still not working? Take this pill that makes you impotent and suicidal. Only narcissistic retards could live with themselves being this clueless and harmful.

Hey doc this mole's looking a bit dodgy lately. Oh yeah I guess it is, let me refer you to a plastic surgeon to cut it out that'll be $5000 thank you. That's them actually being helpful. Fuck doctors I hope they all get 10x vaxxed. Taste of their own medicine fucking idiots.

>> No.52688879

this. they are poison.

>> No.52688899
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>Any profession that holds people's lives in their hands, I'm fine with making bank.

>> No.52688925

also to add we do procedures on fellow students in the clinic and looking through their medical histories you see that EVERYONE is on many pharmaceuticals
it shocked me how rampant it is
everyone in my class is on ssri's, adderal xr, dextroamphetamine, vyvanse etc
what is it about dentistry that attracts people like this? dentistry has had the highest suicide rate among professions for many years

>> No.52688953

>Can any medbros here help me with my eczema?
No, they can't. Anything they can tell you, you can look up for yourself. The special thing about doctors is they can confidently repeat these bullshit recommendations infinite times despite it usually backfiring (for the patient).

>> No.52688968

Because medical industry isn't worth doing for money. Any mcdonalds wagie can outperform a high end white collar job by buying at bear market lows

>> No.52689054

Not a derm so take this with a grain of salt. Some people i know with really severe eczema got better with antihistaminics even though they are more related to allergies. Also if it's full body eczema throw everything you got in your bathroom, soap shampoo everything anything that has any contact with your skin. Replace all soap with baby soap ( Johnson & Johnson works best) same for shampoo. Buy all higiene products in the baby section. It also triggers with stress , sometimes muscle relaxants help when you are stressed but don't realize it.
Some derms even recommend weed for bad cases of psoriasis and eczema and a few i know and trust told me they had good results but they struggle to get people to comply because believe it or not a lot of people don't like pot at all and won't smoke it even under medical prescription.

>> No.52689125

I've replaced my shampoo and body wash with head and shoulders and some organic aloe based shit that seems to be working better. I also started putting on lotion after the shower. I've tried zyrtec but it literally doesn't seem to do anything at all. I used to smoke weed a lot in high school and college but haven't in the past couple of years. I guess I could try it again, but I stopped in the first place because every time I smoked it I would feel paranoid and on edge.

>> No.52689479

identifying what is causing problems is incredibly difficult
look into metagenomics

>> No.52690177

Kek the depressed /pol/tards have found thenthread.

>> No.52690204

Hating on dentistry is illogical if you don’t even know what ypu want. You want a ”greater purpose” but can’t even define it, as if helping the health of other people isn’t a purpose good enough.

Weird that they pay doctors so little in UK countries. Doctors are almost the best paid profession in my country.

>> No.52690372

majority of patients really do not want to be in the dentists office and will never be happy with your work even if it is very 'good'
on the other side i feel like a therapist somedays where lonely old people talk their head off or somebody wants to vent their emotional problems
also majority of patients dont listen to my oral hygiene instructions
i would consider the majority of my patients to be NPCs
i guess that is a major contributing factor to why dentistry is all so tiresome

>> No.52690375


>> No.52690427

>majority of patients really do not want to be in the dentists office and will never be happy with your work even if it is very 'good'

What year are you in? Have you actually had your own patients yet? The majority of patients come there because they have a problem they want taken care of and most of the time you can help them, which makes them actually thankful, something that is rare in this world. Trust me, you will see it when you start working for the first time. All this "i think majority of people are npcs" talk just makes me think you are very young and depressed. Do you follow all health instructions given to you? You're just bitching about things right now without offering any better alternative.

>> No.52690612

>tfw graduated premed with a degree in neuroscience

>decided to take a gap year and ended up stumbling into cofounding a startup

>managed to raise funds, currently making decent revenue

>have a nice stack of cash (finally)

>decided to do a year of post bacc for grade enhancement

>currently applying for dual SMPs since I didn’t feel like a strong enough candidate (avg MCAT ~505), 1000 hours of clinical volunteering/shadowing, but no research

>am I doing it right med bros? I kinda want to get an MBA or MPH and just go into admin but also want to practice on the side.

>any advice medbros

>> No.52690652

i am 27 and a senior
i know what im talking about thank you very much. i actually do this every day unlike you
i am bitching because i never intended on becoming a dentist and i dragged myself through 10 years of glass just to be sad and half a million in debt

the cognitive dissonance has caught up to me

>> No.52690727

What made you think i don't do it every day? I do. At least in general medicine the patients are mostly grateful, weird if that isn't the case in dentistry. Funny thing, i actually worked as psychiatrist in a schizo ward as my first job as a med student (possible in finland) and even there it felt really good to be able to help the patients even tho none of them wanted to be there and all thought they were fine. Of course if you don't like helping people in general, it's another case. Otherwise i can't see what is so bad about dentistry. Still, if you fall for a false dichotomy like ”majority of people are npcs” i think you have bigger problems to work on.

>> No.52690774

>not competitive enough to be confident in her application chances
>considering a post-bac at 28
>lol i wanna be a pediatric orthopedic surgeon!
your girlfriend is having a severe identity crisis. she will leave your ass as soon as her delusions are laid bare. even in the MINISCULE chance she makes it to that ideal life, you will have been left along the way.
suffice it to say, but you are not the one sticking around in this scenario, you would merely be hanging on to a sinking ship.

>> No.52691018

If you have children they will be infertile, that's what the injection does. Enjoy!

>> No.52691297
File: 296 KB, 1056x1600, finlanddoctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit doctors in finland actually earn insane well considering it's paid by taxes. who even in the competitive sector stays at finland to pay these insane salaries to state-funded employees?

>> No.52691371


>> No.52691380

youre from finland
the entire health care social dynamic is different than here in the usa
everything is about money and insurance

next time you go to your dentist tell him that you appreciate him. it will make his day

>> No.52691511

It’s the only reason I come here. 4chan is one of the few remaining places on the internet where I can find intelligent people to shitpost with. I work in tech and am in the top 1% of earners and still, I almost never meet people in RL whom I find intellectually superior or even on the same level as me. Yet I can tell there are several in this thread alone. I hope anons don’t get demoralized. Autists and anons basically run the world now and will even more so in the future. I want all anons to make it. Except shills and jannies they can get fucked and ngmi.

>> No.52691514

If she can’t get into a T10 you can’t expect her to make it into ortho and you should probably get out of her life asap if she’s not willing to give up on medicine. Sorry but true. Especially if she’s going to drop another $30k on a postbacc. I haven’t checked the stats but I would expect that the match has become wayyy less meritocratic since they made the step 1 pass/fail. The ranking of your medical school is the only quantifiable metric they have to go by now.

>> No.52691562

Is it possible to move to the US and get licensed? I have a family member who was a doctor in Iraq and his medical degree + license are useless here. He owns a gas station now and I think he would have to start all over from med school to be a doctor here. Seems kind of fucked up to me. MDs in the US really seem to love gatekeeping their profession. However I would think it is completely different coming from the UK where you have respectable universities and comparable training?

>> No.52691721

God bless goody-two shoes, hope you're among them anon

>> No.52692487

Because I am lazy, and I wouldn't trust myself to treat others.

>> No.52692605
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Damn that's grim. Why would anyone agree to be a doctor in UK? But yeah when it comes to Finland, literally the only thing keeping me here is how good the pay and demand happens to be for doctors (compared to the amount of competition) lol. No idea why so many people just continue to work and pay these super high taxes.

>> No.52692616

Yeah true. I always say a genuine thank you to my dentist, just as i hear from my patients if everything goes well.

>> No.52692937
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I’m so depressed bros. I got too complacent in HS/college and “went with the flow”
I have a job in the business sector and am in the top 2% of salaries for age range in my country (roughly equivalent of 100k usd) but I get so fucking depressed because I hate being in soulless business and I feel like I threw away my potential. I wish I had a job helping people. I wish I could pull 300k+/year. I had top marks in class and could have done anything but I took the safe route and fucking cemented my life to mediocrity. Now I’m 30 and it’s too late to change anything (wife and kid) if I went back to school to try and be a medfag it would be minimum 10 years until I’m making any kind of salary where I could support them. Fml. I wish my parents had guided me. I won’t make the same mistake with my kids.

>> No.52693016

I leave the career when COVID hit and medicine in general (with exceptions but not enough) encourage the genocide of world's population, that was my limit. I wish money could have force me to stay but I now can't being near a medic without trying to kill him with the nearest stab object

it was the best for everyone that I leave, otherwise I would have committed murder by now

>> No.52693120

Can confirm.

t. Harvard, multiple patents in multiple engineering disciplines

Your story rings true, fren.
>Some people get on medicine because their parents forced them to and they gave in
That was almost me, but I had no interest in the profession at all. I wanted to play with electronics and read; biological stuff just isn't my thing. Well done making it to the top of your mountain.

If you don't mind, I'd like to hear more about your day-to-days professionally

>> No.52693210

I got the idea to be a doctor from my best friends parents who were doctors when i was 6-7, it just looked cool. It was a lot later when i found out about the virtues of doing le /meaningful work/. So i guess some of it is just up to luck.

>> No.52693225

>Why didn’t you take the medfag pill?
But I did. I wasn't jewish enough to get in to derm so I had to settle for anesthesia/pain medicine. Pretty comfy. I just want to open my own little practice and live a nice, quiet comfy life working a few days a week.

>> No.52693238

>$1000 per session
holy fuck, how long does it take per session and in what part of the world? i have 2 tattoos which take a total of 30 minutes each session and i'm paying $200 per session. this isn't some rinky dink place either but the most reputable tattoo removal place i could find

>> No.52693943

>t. owner of a tattoo removal operation.
how the hell did that happen?

>> No.52695023

Wut? Nah she genuinely likes medicine but med school is difficult to get in and she’s average from an mcat/grades point of view. She does have her MPH but clearly admissions doesn’t give a shit. Idk why you’re saying she will leave me, that’s definitely not the case.

I encourage her to keep pushing but yea it’s getting late for her. We talked about having kids and what that would be like in med school. She says you could have them near the end of med school without missing much but idk.

>> No.52695043

Kids are not an option if she goes anon KEK use your brain

>> No.52695069

I am being realistic, I’m just trying to get opinions from med bros who have been through this. I know she is being naive about some of these things. She’s one of those girls who thinks she can do it all for better or worse.

>> No.52695218

Yeah but are you a competent dermatologist? What's your position on accutane?

you know accutane can fuck people up massively long-term right?

>> No.52695245

king wagie

>> No.52695594

I forgot. Avoid using the same soap you,ve using to wash your clothes because if it's the soap then you have that in contact with the skin all day. One easy way to tell is if the eczema is worse near the neck and where your underwear ends in your waist (or belly if you are obese)
I've seen people with eczema so bad they reacted to the cortisone cream and it made it even worse.
People allergic to their own sweat. Skin immune system is weird.
Also the weed part is to cool down that skin response by reducing stress level. You don't need to get high. Edibles.and cannabis oil works just as fine if not better

>> No.52695623
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Because I failed OChem and working tech is almost as good for a fraction of the work.

>> No.52695839

I'm a SWE making 0 dollars with 4 years of experience. I can't bring myself to seriously search for a job or do fucking leetcode.

There is always someone worse than you

>> No.52695919

Orgo was pretty shit back in college (except naming stuff that was easy), but our lab final where we were given a substance and had to figure out what it was was pretty fun. If the TAs or professor hated you they gave you water

>> No.52696804

Eccentric millionaire here, I actually am retarded

>> No.52697029

>mmmh yeah so i suggest you drink camel milk 1x/day, apply some crude oil on your lesion and pray allah more consistently
nobody would trust a degree from iraq anon.

>> No.52697092

I didn't realize the importance of money. I'm sorry mom you were right.

>> No.52697161

Unfathomably based.
Fuck Jannies

>> No.52697291

from what I understand the only way to get licensed in the US is to do a residency in the US. It may be possible for Canadian doctors to get in without going through that in some situations but I’m not sure

>> No.52697403

Well guys. This has been a great thread. Awesome in fact. But now i realize that if this threads stays for so long, with actual intelligent discourse, professional advice and business advice it can only mean we are very near the bottom.
I don't see a single pajeet in this thread and most of the posts are above 100 IQ points. Biz is dead.
I hope this lasts at least a week so we can have good threads but I wouldn't keep my hopes up. It happened last cycle

>> No.52697475
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>> No.52698176

Pretty much. I really wish i went into medicine instead of regular wagie stem jobs. It's over, 27 and it's too late to change now.

>> No.52698192

My wife is an MD. It suits women well these days.
She does get job offers all the time.

>> No.52698207

Imagine giving a fuck about what wagies think about you lol

>> No.52698229

What really pisses me off are the retards who downplay doctor jobs. Not only is it meaningful work giving you a purpose but pays more than 99% of wagie jobs. It really is the chad of careers i hate my life.

>> No.52698231

MD salaries are a drop in the bucket.
It's markup entirely that is the cause of the prices.
And no, he will not have 100 million.
Most MDs don't even start until 27 or 28 years old.
They don't start at that salary either.
Dermos do make bank relatively though as they are TOTAL SCUM and sell elective garbage all day.
Dermos and Plastic Surgeons. Total scum 100% top to bottom of the field.

Also, there are almost no medfags that can resist spending all their money.

>> No.52698242
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imagine taking the dermatology pill and having to actually touch patients

Radiology is where it's at:
Make $500k - $2m annually
Work remotely from home

>> No.52698327

>that 36 year old junior doctor
This is the fate of all who want to change to medicine after 25+

>> No.52698389

Compensation has declined over the years and it will be made redundant by AI/ML. It’s literally one of the most obvious use cases for computer vision.

>> No.52698405

>Most MDs don't even start until 27 or 28 years old.
More like 30
Residency comes after med school
Average med student graduates @ 26yo

>> No.52698414

Sorry I like working from home for 300k a year.

>> No.52698514

Imaging demand is higher than ever and exceeds overall radiologist capacity ... and practices are paying very well to hire and retain doctors.
We're probably 5+ years away yet from true AI-augmented radiology being mainstream (where radiologists are made more efficient and productive via AI tools), and another 15-20 years away from AI actually making radiologists obsolete (if that ever happens). So I wouldn't be too worried about it.

>> No.52698545

I had bad grades.

>> No.52698584

> start off as pre-med major
> get terrible grades, hate school
> realize i won't even get into a graduate school, let alone stick with it for another 4-8 years
> drop out for a couple of years
> bad grades, 2 yrs wasted
> decide to go back anyway
> "what can I do besides medicine?"
> law? nope, same problem as medicine
> banking
> get econ degree
> become a banker
> hate it
This is a typical trajectory from what I saw.

>> No.52698714

I'll repeat what another anon told me a while back that resonated: Reddit (and a lot of other social media/sites) are where dumb people go to act smart. This place is where smart people go to act dumb. Anonymity is a very enticing thing, as we have no reputation to uphold meaning we can be as dumb (or smart) as we want.

>> No.52698787

Radiology is one of the most rapidly expanding fields and AI taking over is one of those things that will forever be just five years away.

>> No.52700253

what is that? Are you in the USA?

>> No.52700335

>health data science
That's not a med degree? What was your path like?

>> No.52701257

Yes US fag.

Special Master’s Program (basically a one year program to get a guaranteed interview with a linked med school while also having the ability to get a master’s degree, in this case it would be a MS with an option to get a MBA or MPH)

Since I prefer admin work and I believe you can make a bigger impact in that regard by changing policy vs having to be just another doctor waging.

>> No.52701911

Stick with it brah. I’m on zero pharmaceuticals and never have been, am 33, own my own dental practice, and make a million USD per year. Closing on a million+ dollar house tomorrow morning, work 30h per week. Medfags suck my balls cope and seethe

>> No.52702148

medfags brag about how much money they have and that is all you need to know that in reality it is not as good as they are telling you, otherwise they would not tell it to you.
>he doenst know about dentist' suicide rates.

>> No.52702453

Take the higher pay you disgusting faggot.

>> No.52702482

To all the med anons ITT, I unironically see you guys as gods. Thank you for your service.

>> No.52702811

Mihis liäkäri sijoittaa rahojaan?
T työmmies

>> No.52702832

heil hitler

>> No.52703873

Yeah, also make sure you take your jabs and all boosters too

>> No.52703901

>Why didn’t you take the medfag pill?
Because software engineering + some crypto investing got me to high 6 figs net worth by the time I would just a resident.

I'm trying to imagine being $200k+ debtmaxxed as a med resident instead of worth nearly $800k right now.
The career does seem cool and in many cases easier than tech, but at least in USA they put up to many barriers to making it worth my time

I also didn't have parents to support my lifestyle like many medfags.

>> No.52703993


>> No.52705479

>Just become a wageslave

>> No.52705487

>just give up half your life, bro