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File: 92 KB, 638x608, fatPOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52679849 No.52679849 [Reply] [Original]

uhh linkies??


>> No.52679867
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>> No.52679959

Wasn't there a larper once upon a time who said when you see Sergey on CNBC it's a sign

>> No.52679974

Holy fuck hes put even more weight on the stress must be killing him. Someone please reach out to him and tell him to look after his health first and foremost.

>> No.52679983

Oh shit. It's happening

>> No.52679999

This comes across as a little anti-semitic imo.

>> No.52680010

All I can find is this from Warosu from 2018
May 22 05:20:08 2018 No.9554191
>as his eyes slowly shut, he could hear CNBC on thr television from the other room
>sergey's voice floats through the air
>SWIFT confirmed
>Microsoft confirmed
>he had almost made it but the FUD had cost him his life

>> No.52680066


4 years ago.

>> No.52680088


>> No.52680130

>Wasn't there a larper once upon a time who said when you see Sergey on CNBC it's a sign

Yes I remember that thread but cant find it in the archives.

>> No.52680368

Made it 11 seconds in. Buzzwords, same slides, etc. Zoned right out. Check Sergey’s latest twitter post for him admitting no one wants to adopt Link. In true snake fashion he had to disguise it as an inspirational post.

>> No.52680405

Why can't he sit up straight and have a non-faggy posture? He looks fat (more than before) and his shirt is gimmicky

>> No.52680414


>> No.52680441

Its pretty uncanny how all these interviewers on major stations sound like absolute unabashed shills for chainlink.. I assume its either massively paid for marketing or .....?

>> No.52680482
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wtf which one is sergey??

>> No.52680491

>I assume its either massively paid for marketing or .....?

Could you show me a CNBC interview where a CEO shits on his own company?

>> No.52680497

Based Sergey, look at all the seethe he’s causing

>> No.52680551
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He stole all the bigmacs at the conference and ran away, AGAIN, fucking betraying piece of shit

>> No.52680564
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>> No.52680575

No but I cant show you a cnbc interview where the interviewer has clearly never heard of a blockchain never mind an oracle network but is still singing the praises as if its the savior of all markets

>> No.52680670

He’s here to save us

>> No.52681025


>> No.52681045

That's just what they do anon. People who work in broadcasting are the most retarded subhuman creatures on the planet. You could go on their show singing the praises of foreskin creams and praising moloch and they would nod along and smile.

>> No.52681048

Is this a shoop? He looks massive ans distorted. Is reality meming us?

>> No.52681096

>her face as sir gay tells her about how his linkies are not stinky

>> No.52681152

>savior of all markets
You must be new here sweety

>> No.52681294

>They were not launching with ChainLink already in triple figures

>> No.52681321

Remember that insider that said CNBC = go time. also, a week after Jim Cramer mentioned LINK for the first time, and it was to call it a scam. Timing, coincidental?

>> No.52681370
File: 2.09 MB, 4000x2400, 1607548573219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Top Ten Classic Signs You Are In A Cult:

1. The leader is the ultimate authority
>Sergey depicted in memes as a king, a god, Jesus on the cross
>followers hang on his every word, mesmerized by his presentations even though he's been using the same slides for 3.5 years

2. The group suppresses skepticism
>all critical thought about LINK is FUD
>questioning LINK will get you called a redditor, newfag, or a salty nolinker

3. The group delegitimizes former members
>memes depict LINK sellers swinging from a rope
>popular figures like Timo, Cryptojuice, and even Dave Portnoy are mocked endlessly despite making a profit by selling LINK

4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
>LINK cultists insist that the "kikes" want your LINK
>the only reason it doesn't pump is "price suppression" by the globalist Great Reset New World Order

5. The group relies on shame cycles
>people who don't have the prescribed "suicide stack" of LINK are mocked and shamed until they irresponsibly spend over $70,000 to acquire 10k LINK

6. The leader is above the law
>linkies hate anyone who sells LINK
>but when Sergey sells 40 million dollars of LINK every Friday for a year, it's a good thing

7. The group uses “thought reform” methods

8. The group is elitist
>the linkie believes he is superior to the nolinker, even if the nolinker has made many times his profit, because one day LINK will moon. he knows this, based on faith.

9. There is no financial transparency
>nobody knows where Sergey's weekly 40 million dollar dumps are going
>one blog post update every 6 months

10. The group performs secret rites
>esoteric saturnism
>eric holder killed paul walker
>rosicrucian numerology
>municipal marmalade
>cult of demeter
>jonny rims horses

>> No.52681389

Uhhh linkniggers? Garlinghouse is there literally every single week. He’s also on fox business all the time.

>> No.52681408

They need to get a grip on his diet FFS. , Do people realise the amount of work it takes to maintain a body like that?

>> No.52681414

appearing on CNBC is bearish considering the whole FTX fiasco.

>> No.52681468

It's a CGI render. You can tell because the light reflecting off his face is too white. Real life objects never reflect light in that way.

>> No.52682066

>a cnbc interview where the interviewer has clearly never heard of a blockchain never mind an oracle network...

Last night I was in a restaurant where an Edward Jones advisor (the local franchise/branch owner) was giving a brief talk to a group of his clients. I guess it was an annuall holiday dinner thing. It was just a general discussion of the recent bear market, etc. Sort of a pep talk.
When he finished he asked if anyone had questions. Only a couple people in the group asked him anything, and he answered intelligently. I was sitting at the bar pretty close to the group so I raised my hand to gesture that I would like to ask a question.
I hadn't formulated my question perfectly, as this was off-the-cuff. But I asked something like "can you tell us what your company is doing to prepare for the changes that blockchain technology, oracles, and smart contracts will soon bring to the financial services industry?"
Granted, he's a financial advisor / broker and not a tech person. But he looked a little stumped for a second and then said "oh, you're talking about crypto currencies like bitcoin and ethereum and such... well, we haven't been investing in those yet for a few reasons, blah blah...."
After he finished my girlfriend turned to me and said "did he even answer your question?" I said "no, baby, and yes. He didn't answer it but he let me know how familiar he is with those concepts, as a professional in the financial services industry."
She said "well? What do you think?" I said "I think we are wayyyy early, and we will probably eventually be very wealthy."

>> No.52682130

>Bizposter speaking up in a social setting
Nice try larpfag

>> No.52682166

Heh, I swear it happened, and my girfriend is real, too ! Thanks for the chuckle.

>> No.52682199

>my girfriend is real
ok now it's guaranteed you're larping

>> No.52682744

Even if the story were fake, it could be real, in that most people have no idea what's coming. The low profile of Link is still being largely maintained. Swift released that paper the other day talking about their recent work on interoperability and no mention of Chainlink, despite matey-boy from Swift speaking at Smartcon on the subject. Someone somewhere has said to not mention the name.
I have a working theory that Chainlink don;t want to be a name linked to CBDCs for fear of repercussions in the near term from those vehemently opposed who will be thirsty for someone to point the finger at. This makes sense when you think about it. Why paint yourself as on the side of the bad guys (which anyone working with CBDCs will be)?
t. Link maxi and worried about CBDCs though I love Link

>> No.52682929

Checked. Obvious there has been a HUGE campaign from SWIFT and the like to not mention/gag order any mention of LINK. Think, CNBC, Bloomberg, Coinbase etc. I guarantee Coinbase is involved in running a LINK node but won't say a peep until v1/v2 staking, or that JPMorgan works directly with Sergey on JPM solutions, etc. All of this shit just drops randomly when NDA is cleared. Take Two Sigma announcing the node they're running, no one mentioned it.

>> No.52682949
File: 84 KB, 1174x669, SergeyLeaksLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's getting ready to Dump

>> No.52682950

Yea, that's cool and all. But XRP isn't needed for ripple to function.

>> No.52683126

Oh, the story was real. When almost nobody in his client group seemed to want to ask him anything, I just wondered if he'd heard anything at all about the way "web3" and "the 4th industrial revolution" will impact his industry. We (regular /biz posters) are so familiar with those concepts that it seems like every educated person should be.
Again, that guy is a financial advisor / broker and well educated in his field. His job is to sell stocks and mutual funds to your meemaw and peepaw. But I bet *some* people somewhere up the chain at Edward Jones are likely putting in some serious work to get ready for the way the industry may change to adopt smart contracts, etc.
Like I told my girl, I think we are just fortunate to be way early in knowing about all this, and investing in it.

>> No.52683129
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>babe were SO early!!

>> No.52683170

> transparency is important
lmao sergey literally becoming bigger and more opaque every day

>> No.52683287

I bet you got a right kick from that. I know I would've. I wonder if they'll remember you asking that stuff when the curtain is pulled back and it's suddenly in their faces..

>> No.52683307
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>> No.52683680


This may or may not be real but it doesn't matter - i'd wager most of us here on biz have had similar experiences. I recently talked to a software developer, pretty smart guy too - asked him about his take on crypto and he dismissed it, he started talking about web3 and NFTs - said little/nothing about smart contracts and how they'll be integrated into TradFi. I've spoken with financial advisors / people who work closely with accountants and shit, they seem to have surface level knowledge but no clue what a "real" project is - just toss money here and there at flavors of the month and treat it like sportsbetting.

Honestly the real lesson is 99% of people are NOT looking for life changing investments and even if you bring them up in front of them they'd rather you talk about cooler shit. I don't even blame them - my mind is irreparably damaged from pontificating on the subject of value so consistently in my everyday life.

>> No.52683717

>likely putting in some serious work to get ready for the way the industry may change to adopt smart contracts
if there are people like this involved wouldn't bet my money on it:

>> No.52683790

the older Sergey gets the more closely he resembles Solshenizyn.

>> No.52683861
File: 191 KB, 590x726, based.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truth machine becomes global samizdat
>chainlink whitepaper 7.77 is titled "5000 years together"

>> No.52683891

Isn't it fair to say that none of it is worth a fuck without Chainlink services, which aren't fully operational yet? I think things will very quickly change. That's what i'm betting on, anyway. When I have doubts, I just think about Eric Schmidt at Smartcon, and they all go away.

>> No.52683960
File: 439 KB, 2852x1626, 03757397593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He failed to talk about privacy in the blockchain industry

>> No.52684001


And theres so much more to come

>> No.52684029

Your 9th point is misdirected. There's nothing wrong with anyone prioritising their privacy rights.

>> No.52684125

>none of it is worth a fuck without Chainlink services
That is true.

So funny to read comments like these:

>"What blockchain does is shift some of the trust in people and institutions to trust in technology. You need to trust the cryptography, the protocols, the software, the computers and the network. And you need to trust them absolutely, because they're often single points of failure."
>As a programmer I certainly do not trust the software, mine own not exempted.

>I thought. Then said “As a lifelong technologist, I’ve always been dubious about technology as a solution to a political problem. It seems a good idea to have a land-registry database but, blockchain or no, I wonder if the large landowners might be able to find another way to fiddle the records and still steal the land? Perhaps this is more about power than boundary markers?”

>Dear Reader: I think that at some point, in a civilization, there has to be trust. I think that’s maybe the main reason we have civilizations. Call me crazy.

I guess it's such a paradigm shift that it will take some time for people to grasp.

Still makes me wonder if MAERSK and AXS are just gonna try again with a new solution or why they decided to quit just now. Why not wait for Chainlink for example.

>> No.52684604

oh no

>> No.52684670

>wrong place
If you want to hear about privacy, go to railgun or monero

>> No.52684707

Crazy rugpull signal for Chainlink

>> No.52684833


>> No.52684981

Unironic fucking masterpiece.

>> No.52685060

Someone on Twitter said youll know its happening when Coinbase force market sells your link for 10x what its current price is, because technically you dont own them, not your keys etc etc then it shoots up 10x past that new price.

How likely is it that something like this happens and Cbase shafts us?

>> No.52685248


>> No.52685282

Link pls my bastard madarchord

>> No.52686595
File: 75 KB, 828x572, 1665219590912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The media could not be played

>> No.52686913

Sirs please to help the media play... India

>> No.52687348

Dude that’s either the least flattering angle of all time or he’s gotten even fatter since SmartCon, holy shit. Also video for people who are geoblocked: https://youtu.be/BBbvMrpexCk

>> No.52687392

thank you sirs goodness gracious me that is oje nice india girl please post bob and vegene babee

>> No.52687397

Based af

>> No.52687404

In the doubt, always pick the fatest one.

>> No.52687500

guess i'll just keep my tokens off exchanges like I have been. problem avoided for me

>> No.52687528

Holy fucking actual shit. This dude is going to have a fucking heart attack before full staking is released. The big macs meme really got to him. It's over

>> No.52687534

Im a Muslim man and i just want to be penetrated by this bearded Russian bull

>> No.52687865

Which one, cramer?

>> No.52687914

They didn't even include chainlink on the "Crypto Check" when the guest CEO is fucking SPEAKING on their show. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.52687930
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Pic related

>> No.52687936

what the fuck is going on with his eyebrows? did he get them done? They're too sharp. Gay as fuck

>> No.52687993

Yet they included SBF's Shit Solana. We know who runs CNBC...

>> No.52688054

sergey needs to fix his green screen or something, he looks very odd here

>> No.52688832

this is odd fud, anyone can just watch the vid and see they do list chainlink

>> No.52688909
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>> No.52688923

large lad

>> No.52688972



>> No.52688984

he looks a bit....wide.

>> No.52689001

hes getting bigger

>> No.52689036
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>> No.52689047

Is he getting fatter or what

>> No.52689153
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>> No.52689354

In the eras where people built great architecture, obesity was seem as a sign of high status.

>> No.52689558

he's triple vaccinated

>> No.52690215

That's not... good.

>> No.52690252

sergey the harbinger

>> No.52690271

they did in the beginning of the video and for some reason removed it near the end. wonder if someone told them to not show the price.

>> No.52690382


>> No.52690393

man i'm beyond depressed with this staking 0.2 bullshit but at least sergey and the threads can make me laugh the pain away.
the financial losses and wasted life are worth it for the memes i guess.
we'll see how it is if we miss another bull run. but i'm sure it will be funny here either way.

>> No.52690404

Swingers win again! Holders get the rope

>> No.52690405

>i'm beyond depressed with this staking 0.2 bullshit

>> No.52690408

>struggling to stay relevant kek

>> No.52690430


>> No.52690441
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>They didn't even include chainlink
Take your meds.

>> No.52691906

>funny either way
lol yeah it will
<laughs and puts gun in mouth