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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52687668 No.52687668 [Reply] [Original]

Now only 9-12 months. Thats encouraging. They just announced 15 mins ago here: https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1598149471644356614?cxt=HHwWjMC4tcSe4q0sAAAA

>> No.52687716

These chainlink devs are efficient, managed to do 12 months of work in 2 weeks

anyway yeah fudders BTFO

>> No.52687747
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God I wish they had waited until the day after staking to announce that. The seething from nostakers would have been legendary.

>> No.52688122

Kek fud once again btfo by legendary chess move from Link team. Ever so sweet, these moments. You can hear the gnashing of teeth and panicked whispers as the fudders writhe in pain. Always good.

>> No.52688167

This is all happening too fast!


v.02 needs time for testing before implementation!

Slow it down Ser Gay, things are getting out of hand!

>> No.52688199

Ser Gay,



we need to slow this train down

And take this relationship slow!

Five years is too soon for this kind of commitment!

I'm sorry,


I know


I'm just not gonna commit to staking!

>> No.52688201

I've checked my eligibility but still don't know how to steak. Am I going to have to learn on the fly when the day comes? Will Chainlink make it simple for retards like me?

>> No.52688215

Nice. All is well then.

>> No.52688243

Anon did you read the erc 667 smart contract?

>All LINK will be deducted from your cold wallet automatically by the Chainlink Automation Feature™ regardless of whether or not you intend to stake. All LINk remain property of Chainlinklabs (Formerly SmartContract.com) and cannot be withheld from the Chainlink Automation Feature™.
>All LINK will be deducted from your cold wallet automatically by the Chainlink Automation Feature™ regardless of whether or not you intend to stake

>> No.52688281
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>> No.52688288

this, missed opportunity

>> No.52688319

Im still not staking

>> No.52688332

Because you didn't make the cut.

>> No.52688401

This. People act like they have a choice. All LINK belong to the Smart Contract. All LINK will be put into Stake Mode™ regardless of your feelings about Stake Mode™. I swear Chainlinkgod has spent hours writing about this but you fudfags just focus on muh flannel hamburgerler

>> No.52688451
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>You vill lock ze erc666 tokens und ve vill zhenerate our profits from your suffering

>> No.52688467
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I was keeping my LINK staked permanently so this news means little to me. Good for baby stack newfags and twitterfag linklets to unstake and sell early though.

>> No.52688734

FUD game strong

>> No.52688811

for all the locked up fud ethereum is going to take until 2024
so many salty as they were locked during last year's bull
so will be a good way to attack
only downside is that lpl is slightly less attractive now but still we have access to the node operator allotments so still great deal

>> No.52688816

it means you can cash your rewards out after 9-12 months tho which is better than 2 years

>> No.52689146

>just tell them 12 months, we can always change it later like eth did

>> No.52689632

Take nine months out of your head. It’s going to be a year for sure

>> No.52689653

Sergay, please! Stop using 9-12, we all know it’s be end of dec