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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 286 KB, 772x729, bottom-signal-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52682162 No.52682162 [Reply] [Original]

Let it live in infamy.

>> No.52682225

>he thinks this is the bottom
someone post the bmw one.

>> No.52682252

OP is like 80% down it has to be the bottom for him because he bought the top and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.52682332

>"Surely THIS is the bottom!" says increasingly nervous anon for 11 months now

>> No.52682405
File: 17 KB, 342x70, Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 21.39.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 made me reply

>> No.52682575

I saved it. I still can't tell if the author was baiting with that last sentence. Reminds me of when it was "over" because China had "banned" it in 2018 (for the 20th time)

>retailers had their worst Black Friday in decades

Lol at this too. Amazon had all time record numbers Black Friday/cyber Monday.

>> No.52682717

>everyone finally realizes that business pretend to give discounts on black friday when its actually the same price

>see how bad everything is

>> No.52682820
File: 408 KB, 600x327, 6a0168ea36d6b2970c01b8d28a6907970c-600wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is how you will know.
There will be no crypto related threads on /biz/ at all. none. If crypto is mentioned, it will be
>"haha. that's so nostalgic and cringe."
There will be threads asking actual business questions that have 100+ replies, such as:
>"What permits or licenses do I need for X?"
>"What is the best way to market my idea?"
>"Should I be a sole proprietor, or LLC? and what is an S corp?"
These threads will stay in the unarchived catalog for over a week.

>> No.52682855

>t. missed the bottom

>> No.52682861

This thread is bearish itself

>> No.52682864

>comment as “nigger”
Kek if real.

>> No.52682967

>Comment as nigger
Kek'd audibly

>> No.52682979

> 17 hours ago

>> No.52683042
File: 275 KB, 920x1062, d45a780295b571ee07d2b4b5ffc93018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for you guys, to make your days a little brighter.

>> No.52683060
File: 108 KB, 1027x733, bullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this a bottom signal, shiggidy diggidy

>> No.52683128

They're right though

>> No.52683150

Reddit a totally lets you have that as a username?

>> No.52683247

>the EU Central Bank
Does not compute. The American dollar will slaughter them if Powell stays on course, the hated, ever derided DOLLAR, ffs. Bitcoin will tick along.

>> No.52683407

blockfi went under yesterday didn't move the market down either. DCG / greyscale could though and Id say its time to buy with whatever money you got at that point. the market wont be phased by much after FTX. it will need to be something else big like binance or tether but those are constantly on fud mode for the last couple bear markets

>> No.52683519

I have the same thoughts. What year did you start crypto?

>> No.52683905


>> No.52683978

I noticed this too. The only benefit of black friday is buying shit, having it delivered to my doorstep then contacting amazon support and saying I never got it.
Fuck that bald headed juiced up manlet and his tranny GF

>> No.52685266

everytime this same absolutely retarded argument comes back that if there is even one bullish sentiment left we must dump to kill it
now tell me how that isnt bobo euphoria
also protip in 2018 it wasnt like that half the board called the bottom and said they were going in with everything right there

>> No.52685275

Based and fren pilled

>> No.52685298

OK Nocoiner. We all know you'd never buy regardless

>> No.52685306

>Bought 2 ledgers this year
>$119 in March
>$149 in November but it came with a $30 Bitcoin gift card for Black Friday

>> No.52685402

>the bmw one
??? archives return nothing relevant, sorry

>> No.52685493

>p-please stop trying to make money because I lost money

>> No.52685665
File: 73 KB, 781x606, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>business content
>on /biz/

>> No.52685707

>as nigger

>> No.52687143


>> No.52687407
File: 64 KB, 680x510, 1384522134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I read "europa" I knew its trash. Just because a couple of Frederiks, Mohameds, Jurgens, Stefans and Martas lost money doesn't mean its dead. And best of all they all want regulation, making it even harder to double their 200 euro portfolios.

>> No.52687451

Check this one out
>roasties marked the top
>roasties marked the bottom

>> No.52687486

Checked and this.
Also this. That guy >>52682820 is a gigaretard who will stay poor and eat bugs.

>> No.52687507

Wrong idiot.

The bottom signal will be a woman declaring crypto a dead meme, because women are always wrong.

>> No.52687575

>"I'm not capitulating"
Okay, cunt. Why does she look and talk like a total bitch? Cute.

>> No.52687673
File: 54 KB, 1113x221, FQEb_NbXIAE62s7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we hit $3k in Dec '18 there were bobos saying >oh no are you unironically buying rn? we're going to $1k retards

>> No.52687862
File: 138 KB, 1486x385, sharting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also found a post in 2015 asking if he should day trade btc with 250k capital available. The rate of btc crypto related threads has only increased over time even during bear market.

>> No.52687902
File: 128 KB, 1263x866, mar12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52687906

How long have you been here? If everything is going x100 every cycle you should all be rich by now I would imagine.

>> No.52687950

Are you a newfag? Wait until you are in a winning position. You will learn. Most retards can't handle holding on for more than a 2x or 3x. They cash out and miss the bigger movements. It takes great big balls to hold through an entire bull run.

>> No.52688025

So why bother? I can double my money through stocks with high yield dividends after about 5 years or so with much less risk involved. Not to mentioned less than 1,000 wallets own nearly half the supply, that makes fiat look good in comparison.

>> No.52688033

Because you can do a 100x in crypto if you have the fortitude to hold. And the wisdom to cash out near the top.

>> No.52688047

>empower women (and men) in whatever choices they make
>whatever choices they make

...so, voting Hitler II. ? No, of course not, just some roastie shit.

>> No.52688049

I am saying most people don't possess the those traits. It takes multiple bull runs to understand and become that person.

>> No.52688095

>near the top
9/10 people fail at this

>> No.52688187

>There will be no crypto related threads on /biz/ at all. none.
This has never happened. You have no idea what you are talking about and you most likely started using this board in 2021.

>> No.52688212

> Buying gifts for family
Fuck that I'm buying crypto
I'll cook for family

>> No.52688240

Money for buying crypto will come from where? Everyone is living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.52688274

>Laughs in discretionary income

>> No.52688278

I think you mean audi

>> No.52688300


>> No.52688316

You must be new. Let me formally welcome you. Fuck niggers. Fuck jews. Fuck trannys.

>> No.52688473
File: 25 KB, 722x524, bottom is in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, looks like the bottom is in alright...

>> No.52688509

According to you the bottom is only seen once we are all the way back up to $25k. Then you will buy? LOL good luck with that, boat-misser.

>> No.52688700

>also protip in 2018 it wasnt like that half the board called the bottom and said they were going in with everything right there
Not half, but about 1/4 the board correctly called the bottom and they were relentlessly mocked for it every time they posted. I was one of the people mocking them.

>> No.52688801

I make more money than I need, and live well within my means. It's called being responsible anon

>> No.52688871


>> No.52689019


>> No.52689764
File: 45 KB, 439x363, 1633747265370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52689875

how many bottoms do you count during that 70% decline?
the intrinsic value is zero, so identifying a bottom based on daily price action is impossible

>> No.52690172

>his "Bitcoin is OVER" eulogy was in 2018
Ohhhh, eternal summerfags, when we all die and are in heaven with infinite time, have we got stories for you. Eulogizing Bitcoin in the mainstream press, and on r*ddit, has been a bottom signal for over a decade.
>tfw still remember saying Bitcoin was DEAD after it failed to breach $100USD, thinking it was over for good, rather than throwing everything at it
>tfw old enough to remember a completely independent chain called "Stable-coin", before "Stablecoin" was a phrase
>is was a PoW coin we thought would stabilize on some USD value by magic and track inflation
There has to be an OG anon from when /biz/ was created who remembers "SBC". This was when you bought Bitcoin on fucking paypal. Before Tether, USDC, or anything.

>> No.52690193

I've been on here since the start. This was true for the first cycle. Since then, not really. We're STARTING to see a healthy dilution. I think we've hit bottom, or are approaching bottom, but, based on past /biz/ patterns, are going to spend a good year or so crabbing here with no excitement, while threads like you talk about seize the board. Until it happens.

>> No.52690200

He'yarrrrrrrnk yaaaaaaaaarnk!

>> No.52690220
File: 465 KB, 675x508, 1499989987380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also protip in 2018 it wasnt like that half the board called the bottom

t. 6 years on /biz/
picrel is proof

>> No.52690230

>moon bags
>buying the dip
>sell quite a bit of my moon bags
There is a certain class of people who talk about crypto, and this fucking hole is of this certain class, that is a cringe whore you can use as a counter-signal to trade on.
She's not even hot. How the fuck do these retarded whores get a following? I wish I was more autistic. I want to go and deep-dive her videos, tracking every single buy and sell signal, to see what her retarded net position would be.

>> No.52690238

>It takes great big balls to hold through an entire bull run.
Especially when it crashes back down.

>> No.52690244

I suspect he's correct about the current economic situation thing. In the sense that this is currently "the great resettening" which seems to basically involve rinsing the public and getting them into lots of debt so it can be harvested in with interest over the coming decades; the glorious "rinse em boys" debt era.

That's why I wouldn't be surprised if it actually crashes down quite a bit more. But as we all know, any advice on 4chan is certainly not worth following.

>> No.52690256

>How the fuck do these retarded whores get a following?

single moms raising sons.

>> No.52690277
File: 685 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20221201-075619_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The American dollar will slaughter them if Powell stays on course, the hated, ever derided DOLLAR, ffs.
I made 6k in interest just holding tether during the crashening because the USD has been rising against the bong and euro slut. I converted the tether to bong around 92 cents. It was fairly obvious it wasn't going any higher. They can now start printing more dollereenos to increase the pool size. Exhange rate wise, it'll drop against the others for a while now; I.e. years / decade.

>but no... dollar stay powaful
It's the rate multiplied by the pool size...

>> No.52690315

>when you bought Bitcoin on fucking paypal.
Tfw I saw it appearing and figured I should stop doing gay shit like computers and focus on getting laid at uni so didn't pay it much attention.

But... at least I ain't incel.

>> No.52690665

>I suspect he's correct about the current economic situation thing. In the sense that this is currently "the great resettening" which seems to basically involve rinsing the public and getting them into lots of debt so it can be harvested in with interest over the coming decades; the glorious "rinse em boys" debt era.
What do you mean?

>> No.52690751


I can assure you we didn't this year.

We barely hit 50% of the numbers we forecasted.