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52681042 No.52681042 [Reply] [Original]

I still don't care about the price action.
I still feel confident and I could even see it going down to like $1.5 if we get a severe recession and/or harsh regulation or something other catastrophic like Tether crash.

These are mine:
>20 000
>$3.8 - 7.2
>About $6

I'm down about 33 %.
Still considering to DCA down to $2.
I'll admit defeat if it goes below $1 - 1.5, there's still 18 000 000 ICP for early investors to unlock until April 2024 so who knows.

>> No.52681111

Size of bag: 0
Buy-in range: N/A
Estimated price: 3 cents

>> No.52681126

I love ICP

>> No.52681136

Check and based.

>> No.52681143

Check the price.

>> No.52681146

1100 icp
average price $19
dca couple hundred $ since day of launch lol

>> No.52681170

$2000 @ $15

>> No.52681172

>0 to infinity dollarinos
need to start averaging down again, I've been accoomulating other stacks and my average pee price is trash

>> No.52681230

I dont believe those who bought at $15 and above and still holding. If you bought at those prices then you must be buying now also then

>> No.52681250

>$3.7 - $21
I buy $30 worth every day.
No, you will not FUD me out of my position.

>> No.52681345
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>375 stacklet here
>half at $3.81 and the rest in the $15- $45 range
>About $13
I would be glad to DCA at $1.5
Give me at least one more year
I'm a poorfag

>> No.52681386

I bought at $450. I bought at $3.70. I’ve bought at every price in between. And I will continue to buy.
Just be happy there’s finally a real project in crypto apart from Bitcoin.

>> No.52681444
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>> No.52681508

>I could even see it going down to like $1.5

you got that right thanks to the inflationary supply

not touching icp until Dominic fixes the supply issue, instead of going shilling on Bitboy

>> No.52681549

650 pees
3.35 gbp
3.35 gbp

>> No.52681690

kek, based 3c fudder

>> No.52681964

You also risk at fomo:ing in at $100 when people realize that the tech is way superior than any other projects.
That's why I am DCA:ing, it's hard to know where the bottom will be. But once we had the LUNA/3AC crash in May/June I knew that the hype were gone and that the bottom probably were pretty close.
I'm still ready for a 80 - 60 % drawdown, but that's fine.

>> No.52682036

>the tech is way su pee rior

>> No.52682047

I understand your thinking, but I think the bottom is not in yet

I'm waiting to see a buy signal on the weekly and the price around $2.5 at least

>> No.52682140
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Am I gonna make it?

>> No.52682202

>1,000 on the dot
>avg buy in a $15, started at $45
>total spent around $15k

Not worried. Comfy frozen piss will redeem.
>captcha 2PP

>> No.52682238

Daily reminder VCs bought at 3 cents which is all it's worth.

>> No.52682325


>> No.52682770

300 icp is all I can afford, staked and never dissolving to hopefully reach a point where I can live off the daily maturity

>> No.52682852
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Imagine investing in this

>> No.52682940

low iq

>> No.52683008
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ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.52683431

>there's still 18 000 000 ICP for early investors to unlock until April 2024 so who knows.

73,381,185 ICP left to unlock until June 2025. You're only 18 months into 49 months of 2,367,135 ICP dumpings.

What's really hilarious is that none of you even know the unlock schedule of the thing you bought. None of you have done any due diligence at all.

>> No.52683487

Yes you must be really low IQ to buy this shitcoin.

>> No.52683509

The 18 million is for early investors everything else are the unlocks post launched investors. Like how fucking stupid are you people

>> No.52683590

the low iq baggies like you already sold for a loss

>> No.52683869

No they are just a lying curry nigger, and other people get mislead about the sheer amount of ICP left to unlock. Fuck you. No amounts left to unlock end on April 2024, nor do they total 18 million.

The two amounts
>Seed Round: 24.72%, 73,381,185 ICP remaining, average price of 0.0362, ending June 2025
>Strategic Round: 6.85%, 16,963,542 ICP remaining, average price of US$1.8978, ending June 2024

>> No.52684031

Holy shit you’re a fucking retard. You can’t even lie about this shit. Each neuron has a hash signifying if it’s a vc or seed investor. There will be no existing neurons for seed and VCs after 2024. You can go check this for yourself on icscan you retarded faggot. I swear you fudding faggots have to literally lie than come up with real fud.

>> No.52684383

bought 1000
cost average is 3.88

>> No.52684390
File: 18 KB, 1208x445, unlocking neurons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will weigh in here.

Seed round participants received their ICP in the form of 49 neurons. Each neuron had a different dissolve delay counting from 0 to 49 months. So on genesis the seed round participants would have had some liquid ICP and presumably 49 months after genesis, seed neurons will still be dissolving.

> https://wiki.internetcomputer.org/wiki/Total_supply,_circulating_supply,_and_staked_ICP#Historical_factors_affecting_circulating_supply

However we are not told HOW MUCH ICP each neuron had from that source, but all genesis neurons are known neurons. You can check picrel to see that known neuron unlocks become orders of magnitude smaller after April 2024 and especially after May 2024.

I don't know where >>52683869 is getting the figure that there are still 73 Million ICP left to unlock for seed round participants (a laughable 60% of the total amount allocated to seed round) but I think it's safe to assume based on the picrel that most of the seed round has been dispersed at this point.

When I add the tallest unlocks from picrel between now and May 2024 I come to 25.6 Million ICP remaining to be unlocked. This is a mere 9% of the current circulating supply over the course of 18 months. Maybe there is a better way to count all the unlocks between now and then.

>> No.52684409

So I can buy safely?

>> No.52684525

Just DCA.

>> No.52684925

513 @ 4.09
Used midwit logic to get this bag. "If it was $750 it has to go up to at least $100"

>> No.52684970

You are wise and knowledgeable on the subject of piss.

Bestow upon us meager pee drinkers a fair bit of internet computer upcomings. And perhaps a reason why we should continue to clutch our droplets of piss with all of our might, kind sir.

-posted from my internet computer

>> No.52685252

if that is midwit logic, then you can call me a midwit (i unironically am)

>> No.52685267

5k average $4.74
still buying every week

>> No.52685478

You can look up some random ones and see their 49 neurons, 49 for seed investors, last date is also june 2025.



>> No.52685551

Non Pissers will rope when ICP hits triple digits

>> No.52685554
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It's over.

>> No.52685555
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And that’s if they all sell, which they don’t, something 86% is restaked. VC’s believe.

>> No.52685573
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>> No.52685672

Jesus this thread is depressing
No wonder there are so many schizo icp shills here

>> No.52685799

SNS releases for these dapps:
spnr.cash (spnr.app?)

Bitcoin integration (dogecoin and other bitcoin spinoffs integration), threshold ECDSA signing, Ethereum integration.

People parties, infinity swap (real dex built by non-chinese devs), world-first decentralized CA and DNS (including custom domain names), internet identity attributes, canister migration, E2E security (fully decentralized party boundary nodes), and Automatic node rotation.

There will be new things added to this list by the time the list is completed. Most of the value for ICP will come from the people building on the Internet Computer rather than from the internet computer or dfinity themselves. The Internet Computer is just an open platform for anyone to use.

>> No.52685817

Just bought my first bag literally right now. What's make it stack/sui? My only other bag is hbar

>> No.52685843

>something something I'm a low iq nigger

You guys really don't know?

>> No.52685913
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heil dom heil manmoon heil hitler heil iseepee

>> No.52685964

100 sui, 1000k make it

>> No.52685981

1000* obv

>> No.52686147

Its closer to 500/5000

>> No.52686413

I hope this stays low for a long time so I can accumulate a massive bag.

>> No.52686735
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>> No.52686919

even more of a poorfag

a smart man once said you can tell how poor someone is based on their definitions of an icp sui and make it stack
it's always been 1k/10k
if you cant afford 4k usd for a fucking suicide stack you have bigger things to worry about

>> No.52687111

What’s do you think ICP price will be next bull run/long term?

>> No.52687121

5000 per ICP

>> No.52687181

Why is nobody talking about the fact that insiders bought this coin at 3 cents?

>> No.52687182
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>> No.52687197

Trillions of assets tokenized on the IC 2k is FUD

>> No.52687216



>> No.52687286

i think if you're a regular person and hold more than like 5-10k you absolutely suck at risk management
t. 1k started buying at 50

>> No.52687297

I was a private marketer for ICP, what the shills don't tell you is that they often don't come through with agreed upon payments. (cheap billionaires kek). That's just crypto though so I can't squander then for that alone, although its still fucked up. What I can tell you though is that I got access to a very early round of tokens, and have to agree with this anon >>52687121 . Not sure how sell pressure will fade when I literally know myself and loads of coworkers got ICP for dirt cheap. (and it turns out we're the small fish because there's rich fags that dumped millions of $ in at the same cheap price I bought it for.) So yeah as a manager and marketer I admire ICP's drive to keep shilling but not sure where it can really go with the current shitty tokenomics and distribution, also just be aware about getting paid, please ask for it up front every time or come to some sort of stable agreement.

>> No.52687318

>>52687181 * meant to link this anon in mid text lol

>> No.52687328

Post piss stack or larp

>> No.52687371

Shittiest fucking larp

>> No.52687598

Source: just trust me bro

>> No.52687619

we know it's you, you fucking GIANT FAGGOT
you always put 'kek' right in the middle of the stupid shit you're saying
you dirty fucking roach piece of shit, absolutely fucking retarded, kill yourself

>> No.52687632

Hey buddy, we aren't all computer geniuses. I was a dumb jock who partied too much. My kids are learning coding though. And I just didn't start looking into how ICP works until the sbf thing happened and I think I got lucky investing.

>> No.52688926

thanks for shilling finterest my ser

>> No.52689006

Is a finterest NFT card worth?

>> No.52689016

i plead the fifth