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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52677110 No.52677110 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52677117

I need at least 10 million to live comfortably

>> No.52677147

It's genuinely frustrating how it would take a regular person probably decades to accumulate $1,000,000 but you need probably ten times that just to start a successful small business.

>> No.52677175


>Buy a nice home in a rural area for $300k. Cash.

>Buy a nice car for $30k. Cash.

>Have no car payment.

>Have no mortgage.

>You can now live comfortably, working a regular 7am-3pm job with decent Healthcare benefits.

>You also have $670k leftover for investments, and a couple of vacations every year.

>Buy a 1-yr Treasury with the $670k. Get $31k back at maturity (literally the median income in most rural midwest towns).

Ya bro, 1 million is nothing... retard

>> No.52677189

It's not a lot of money. Like >>52677117 says 10 million is really the minimum, IMO. And that's just the minimum. At least for me, being under 40 and thinking of what I need to retire. Thankfully, I already have that, but I still worry I don't have enough. There are always contingencies and scenarios I play out in my head thinking "what if x, what if y". And property taxes just keep getting higher and higher each year too, which for me are frankly quite an expense and I only own one property.

I unironically wish I lived in a communist country with no property taxes. I'm cool with not being anyone's landlord. I don't wanna do that. Just leave me with my house for 70 years and not let anyone touch it, like the Chinese do

>> No.52677201

Impressive that you use greentexts in your post, but still somehow completely don't understand how they work.
There's even qoutes and a chud meme you low IQ faggot

>> No.52677206

you can only get like 12 used 2007 lamborghini gallardo spyder (the cheapest lamborghini according to google) for a million dollars.

imagine thinking thats a lot of money or enough

>> No.52677217

>$10m to start a small business

>> No.52677236

>no taxes

>> No.52677253

>he still wants to wage slave

>> No.52677259

Here we go again. A bunch on 18 yo who don't know the value of money. Ever heard of the 4% rule? You can invest $10m and withdraw $400k every year and still appreciate on the principle. Why do you need $400k every year? What the fuck are you buying?

>> No.52677272

this but unironically

>> No.52677278

With $5 million, I don't want to start any business or work anymore, it's enough to live comfortably with 5% APY interest in my country.

>> No.52677283

>the 4% rule
Established under different financial circumstances. It gets filed in the obsolete folder right next to "your age should be the percentage of bonds in your portfolio".

>> No.52677292

You fucking psuedointellectual pretentious retard.

1st of all I said 10M is the minimum.
2nd of all you pull out 400K each year, then you're not adding to the 10M, so in 30 years that 400K a year is much less due to inflation.


On top of other eventualities, unforeseen black swans and events in life.

Fuck you, you self-righteous retard who comes on the internet and is like "hurrrrr ur 18" while spewing retarded 4chan internet platitudes that are just fucking wrong.

Go post on pol because I know you're a rightwing retard, too. Go post on pol about how capitalism is good and rightwingers are good and promote political policies that turn you into my slave. Fucking moron.

>> No.52677340

keep grasping
>1st of all I said 10M is the minimum.
Exactly. Why would a $400k salary be a minimum?
>2nd of all you pull out 400K each year, then you're not adding to the 10M, so in 30 years that 400K a year is much less due to inflation.
So you admit you haven't heard of the 4% rule. I said you still appreciate on the principle. which means you withdraw more than $400k every year after the first, and always withdraw $400k of today's dollars, you absolute redditard.

>> No.52677349
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>You fucking psuedointellectual pretentious retard.
>1st of all I said 10M is the minimum.
>2nd of all you pull out 400K each year, then you're not adding to the 10M, so in 30 years that 400K a year is much less due to inflation.
>On top of other eventualities, unforeseen black swans and events in life.
>Fuck you, you self-righteous retard who comes on the internet and is like "hurrrrr ur 18" while spewing retarded 4chan internet platitudes that are just fucking wrong.
>Go post on pol because I know you're a rightwing retard, too. Go post on pol about how capitalism is good and rightwingers are good and promote political policies that turn you into my slave. Fucking moron.
And PS also I said "under 40". So if you're under 40 that means you need to think 60 years ahead. 60 years of inflation, increases in property taxes, all sorts of eventualities. Please fuck off. Your fucking retarded self-righteous zero education poor-persons rightwing boomer attitude just drives me the fuck nuts.

You people are so full of yourselves and so confident in yourselves, YET PERPETUALLY WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING.

>> No.52677354


>I don't have to follow your gay 4chan rules, bitchboy.

>IQ is a meme.


$2k property taxes per year... if you can't manage that after having $1 Million, than you're just bad with money.


>Wants to

no retard. Op proposed that $1 million isn't a lot of money. Yet, it clearly is. If you could pay off your mortgage and car payment right now, so your only bills are taxes, insurance, food and basic utilities, you would understand how massive that would change your life.

>I don't expect you morons on here to understand this though.

>> No.52677365

You're wrong. You are wrong. Factually incorrect. Period. For a million different reasons. But nobody is ever going to be able to explain it to you because you're precisely the sort of poor ignorant methed out hillbilly that posts on /pol/ so why would I bother.

>> No.52677370

Its not a "rule" you esl, Im saying you're a fucking retard that understand how greentext works while simultaneously using it.

>> No.52677373

read and comprehend this
or this
I've twice now repeated the explanation against your screaming

>> No.52677380

>You're wrong. You are wrong. Factually incorrect. Period. For a million different reasons. But nobody is ever going to be able to explain it to you because you're precisely the sort of poor ignorant methed out hillbilly that posts on /pol/ so why would I bother.
For example. JUST FUCKING FOR EXAMPLE. Where the fuck are you going to get 4% government bonds, the only thing that's true no risk, outside of just presently in our present situation in America, which is highly atypical. Just one example of many why everything you're saying is just fucking retarded.

But you come in with your pithy little rightwing "I'm smarter than u" attitude while you say shit that is just pathetically factually wrong AS ALWAYS

>> No.52677383


>do something about it.

>> No.52677387
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Hello again vatnick, you are still not white that is all.

>> No.52677390

If I want to stay for a week in Miami beach front with ocean view it's $40k. So yes, $1m is poorfag tier.

>> No.52677395

He talking about real business not selling trinkets to Stacy on etsy

>> No.52677397

Tell me where you can get a risk free 5% returns without your principal absolutely getting obliterated and Ill concede it is a decent amount of money.
The goalpost has moved from 1 to 10 after the recent money printing bullrun.

>> No.52677399

Do something about your obnoxious stupidity? Give me an address and maybe I will

>> No.52677401

No. You are the one that is wrong. The end. No matter what retarded mental gymnastics you do. You're the stupid fuck. Go post on pol and be a nazi and post retarded the world laughs at you for. And convince yourself that you're smarter and better than everyone else. In the real world, you're wrong and you're stupid and you're poor.

>> No.52677405

Lol I didn't realize you were trolling, my bad.

For anyone that is genuinely curious, have a read

>> No.52677424

imagine having a meltdown like this on an anime forum and still being wrong

>> No.52677440


>maybe I will

>You even lack conviction. How pathetic...

>> No.52677444

Doubling down after getting called out for being a retard is 10x more pathetic

>> No.52677445


>> No.52677446
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>Bro 1 Million is like sooo much money, imagine all the Weed and McDonalds I could buy from it
>I could even afford an own house bro
>What do you mean a house needs regular reapairs?
>haha no I dont want kids, also inheritance is unfair for others bro
>Inflation? Whats that?
>Microplastics in cheap clothing and furniture? Cmon bro, you are talking conspiracy theories again, plastic is fine for you
>nah bro, we wont have any crisis in the next 100 years

Kys scum

>> No.52677447
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>> No.52677501


>on what?