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52676206 No.52676206 [Reply] [Original]

Is either paid for or intentionally done so people can accumulate. How fucked am I?

t. 150k xrp bagholder

>> No.52676238

It’s not. It’s a glorified excel sheet. Show me the math behind the consensus algorithm. And I’m not talking about that joke of a white paper that details nothing. Xrp is nothing but a marketing scam to fleece retail.

>> No.52676264

This anon is right. I mean you have 150k. Let that sink in. It’s not getting to these schizo level predictions

>> No.52676278

You only need 500 XRP to make it so just buy 500

>> No.52676302

Then I am truly fucked. God speed anon, go on without me, after my kind are gone the world will need to know the level of retardation we felt to prevent this from happening again.

>> No.52676330

I've been schizo since early 2017 anon, there is no turning back for me. I've been accumulating for 5 years based on this belief.

>> No.52676387

It might get to 3 dollars after the lawsuit. Look I don’t want it to be vaporware Bc I have 3,100 of the stuff.

>> No.52676529

don’t give in. You’re going to make it.

>> No.52677481
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TFW only 8k XRPees, its not gonna be enough is it?

>> No.52677499
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XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.52677532
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you're going to make it staff sergeant

>> No.52677569

Wait did you seriously spend 30k plus to buy RippleLabs charity coin?

>> No.52677601

the aestetics of xrp alone are off putting. But lets go a little deeper, if you have any technical understanding of cryptocurrency you will know xrp is this >>52676238
there is no solid basis for consensus. it is a database who's state is not maintained across nodes

>> No.52678769

Yes...yes I did anon

>> No.52678797

me too... me too

>> No.52679971
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Nice OP. Its a cozy hold to be honest.

>> No.52680132

Well I hope you do make it then, but it won’t be with xrp. Thought you were more of these type of schizos who absolutely will not make it:

>> No.52680815

Most of my bags were bought in early 2017 and I did sell some at the end of 2017 so the 150k I have now has already been covered from those gains. I've had it for this long that even if these new schizos are 1/10 right then it will be worth it. I just know if I dumped it all now and that 1/10 scenario did happen I would probably rope.

>> No.52681084

not unreasonable to think
90% of the fud is fundamentally flawed anyway which begs the question how many are retarded vs. shills with purpose

>> No.52681108

It's not just a different cryptocurrency. It's a centralized and illegal scam that has been an IQ test for years. It's the same as Theranos (the only difference is that Theranos kept its fraud behind close doors while Ripple had the audacity to pull this off in front of everyone).
The Ripple community is comprised of imbeciles who worship a bunch of criminals who run the company and enrich themselves. These braindead bots will never question whether their bags are actually worth more than zero.
Schwartz, Garlinghouse belong BEHIND BARS. They've been telling us with straight face that XRP is more decentralized than "Chinese" Bitcoin for years despite controlling XRPL's UNL.

They are corrupt, they are shameless, they are dangerous.
The SEC lawsuit is even more bullish for Bitcoin than all institutional investors combined because there's finally a good chance that Ripple and XRP will be finished off for good.

I wish nothing but pain, misery, and suffering for every single member of the XRP community.

>> No.52681120
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Its not paid for anymore, its just NPC shills repeating what they heard from others.

>Its a shitcoin. Its a scamcoin

>> No.52681372

So my honest question would be, isn't all of crypto basically just a ponzi? So does it really matter which coin? no one is really here for decentralization or the tech, everyone wanted adoption through fiat on ramped banks so they can sell back to dollars. Also the rich may already have a stranglehold monopoly on both btc and eth (based on what I randomly hear)

Really being genuine here cause I never saw a reason for all these my coins better than yours because of x when in the end everyone just wants a pump to dump their bags to fiat.

My personal opinion is anything outside of CBDC is a pipe dream to believe it would actually genuinely replace the current monetary system. Utility coins of course will have to prove their utility but once again dies it really matter if it is just going to be dumped for dollars in the end?

>> No.52681454

Like who really cares if a platform is decentralized or faster or insert ______ when In the end it is all just going to be traded back to fiat. Ripple may be a scam what everyone says it is but isn't everything else too?

>> No.52681810

CBDC's will be the bridge between crypto and Fiat. They will use a protocol like XRP to run off of.

You wont need to use paper fiat when the Central Bank of your country issues a Digital Currency.

>> No.52681833


>> No.52681865

What blows my mind is this was all well known back when Ripple first came out. Everyone knew it was a centralized scam that wasn't even a cryptocurrency. Yet they still lured people in over the years.

>> No.52681866

You really do have 150k…
I hope it works out for you but remember that (((Schwartz))) is in charge of it. With (((them))) you lose.

>> No.52681882


>> No.52681993

This is true, my weak defense is when I bought the other guy was CTO, forget his name, money Shelley was sleeping on his couch for a time.

>> No.52683558
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Just the way non-ORE hodlers will be on suicide watch at the next bull run.

>> No.52683597

They will bank on interoperability protocols and as far as I know, XRP isn't one

>> No.52684063

Yea it is.

CBDC's are like Stablecoins they need a protocol to run off of. Like for example when you use USDT you pay an ETH fee for the transaction because its running off the ETH protocol right now.

But CBDC's wont use ETH because its too slow and the fees are too high.

Everyone in this thread knows XRP an interoperability go hand in hand.

>> No.52684152

At the risk of more yous to old fud...

This was always my favorite fud because at its heart it is true.
But at the heart of things, excel changed the entire world and the value of excel is immeasurable.
People all over the world make $300k just knowing how to use excel really well.
You can unironically do anything with excel.
It is the duct tape of all computer business tools.
Imagine owning part of the most popular duct tape.

>> No.52684473

Personally, I'm looking forward to see how privacy rights will be maintained if CBDCs become a thing

>> No.52684490
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Probably this is the best time to pay attention to them. Multi-chain is the future

>> No.52685008

I work for RIPPLE AMA.

>> No.52685051

Hows the case going? Any idea of when it will be resolved?

>> No.52685104

>How fucked am I?
Take your meds

>> No.52685293

Its a political issue.

If they want to lock people out of their money they are going to make alot of Angry people.

So they will use it for special occasions.

>> No.52685524

Xrp is the neutral bridge currency between cbdc's

>> No.52686268

>special occasions
So, any time they can accuse a person of being an extremist/supporting extremists, like the donors to the trucker protest, the boomers of Jan 6th like the Oathkeepers, the parents at those school boards the DoJ monitored, and more. Don't forget other wrongthink, limits or even bans on buying things like guns and ammo, and whatever else they can fuck around with.
It'll be a bludgeon.

>> No.52686530

Yes anon, the original XRP fud was paid for with 5 btc per post way back in the day, with the same old stories, centralised ect... I recently decided to give xrp an honest look bc I love schizo coins having made it from LINK... anyway I have 500k xerps, XRP is a true litmus test 10x more potent than the vaccine campaign literally just hold and you will triumph over the biggest crypto psyop of our time
i've said it before and i'll say it again: the astronomical success of this coin will cause cognitive dissonance induced mass suicide on this board - and I for one look forward to it

>> No.52686562

Waiting for EU and ASIA.

>> No.52688580
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Explain now how this excel sheet is able to work without internet. I'll wait.

>> No.52688595

Disinfo faggot.

>> No.52688866

Interdasting, which areas in particular if you can share? And why those regions?