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File: 119 KB, 634x696, 6833F170-CF92-4A17-A2F3-5292ADA1FED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52672604 No.52672604 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, how badly did Millennials get fucked over by the system?

>> No.52672666

The millennials I know (kids of friends mostly) play playstation, order food twice a day, and hardly ever leave the house voluntarily. And they want to keep living like that until they are old and grey. They are fucking themselves over. System not needed.

>> No.52672672
File: 62 KB, 500x500, Good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty bad, but you were supposed to be saving up money the last 10 years for this bubble burst.

>> No.52672677

People are hoisted by their own retard.

>> No.52672678

Brodie got the motherfuckin anklet thoooooooo. Now they know where he at where he go.

>> No.52672716
File: 181 KB, 800x1005, Balzac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to buck the system you can't play by their rules. Debt is the money of slaves, working more than 40 hours a week for someone else is servitude, avoid "help" from jewish people like your life depends on it.

>> No.52672795

well let's see

>Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019) is considered a Millennial

if the average millennial was born in 1989, that means they graduated high school in 2007 and college in 2011. If they got a job making 40k at this time, they could have purchased a home and began contributing to a 401k at the absolute bottom of the housing crash.

If they did this, they could have pulled their equity out of the home and paid off the house in full (and then some). And the value of their 401k would have tripled.

So by today, they should have a networth of at least $1mil, if they just got a 40k job in 2011.

but instead they smoked pot and drank 4loko

>> No.52672850

>implying everyone can afford college
>implying you can get a job after college
>implying the house you bought in the neighborhood doesn't get infested with niggers and foreigners flooding the country
>implying someone who graduated in 2007 would trust the housing market

here's your (you) kike

In the last 20 years your money has devalued 60%, that is not the fault the individual for working hard, it is the fault of the individual for not cutting bankers throats during Occupy Wallstreet.

>> No.52672859

>someone born at the beginning of a 15 year range represents the next 14 years
the rest of your message is too retarded to respond to

>> No.52672873

wah wah wah lazy hippie stoner millennials blaming everything but themselves

you couldve worked a job at mcdonalds and bought a house for 50k in 2007-2012

>> No.52672882

Based based based and once again, based.

>> No.52672886

i'm a millennial and i graduated highschool in 2013 and university in 2019.

>> No.52672911

you're a zoomer. you're probably making 6 figures from your bedroom to jerk off to hentai all day and somehow complaining about how bad you have it

>> No.52672916

>they could have pulled their equity out of the home and paid off the house in full (and then some).
If you pull equity out of your home that increases your debt amount you dumbass. It's like trying to fly by pulling upwards on your shoes. baka

> And the value of their 401k would have tripled
Since they started with $0 in their 401k at the time, it's not hard to triple it now is it? baka

>> No.52672948

I was born in 1995 you mental case, within the very date range you quoted
I make 85k, and houses here have a median cost of 1.6m$

>> No.52673002

85k fresh outta college and hes complaining. maybe move somewhere more realistic. how self important are you to think you deserve a $1.6M home? where do you live fucking malibu? you've been working for 2 years

>> No.52673013

I do 'WFH' all day for that 85k (i'm working right n ow) and I do know that I have it easy, now.

When I was going through engineering at Uni I had an assigned 90 hours of at home week per week, 30 hours at Uni, and a part time 30-40 hour per week job. I should be able to afford to buy a house in the city I'm born in with that investment.

I've been working since I was 14, 13 years of wageslaving.

I live in Australia, and I would rather rentcuck forever than live in the USA

>> No.52673036

This is just goods and services. The housing market is worse. Loan rates are worse. You are a kike or a boomer that has sat on their fat ass and got a free ride from a relatively kike free world. Kill yourself.

>> No.52673041
File: 12 KB, 823x288, Kike btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to include my image, suck my foresk

>> No.52673053

Boomers fucked the economy so that the next three generations onward will have 2% chance to afford house and land

>> No.52673059

50,000 in 1995 is a shit ton of money

>> No.52673063

who do you think is to blame?

>> No.52673069

Not as bad as zoomers. At least you faggots had the chance to buy BTC and ETH under $1

>> No.52673141

I realize you're just baiting with retarded and tangential statements, but should someone making above median salary be able to afford a median house/lifestyle? I doubt anon could afford the median house in any australian city, it's gonna be at least 10x his income despite a well above-median salary.
property prices are up 50% in a few years, they have tripled in 25 years, and wages haven't come close to moving with that.
the standard of living is getting worse over time even for those that are ahead of the median - that is the point.
should the same standard of living get increasingly unattainable over time? ((central banks)) are really fucking with us lately.

>> No.52674091

they are the same people that keep consuming starbucks, we will most likely go through economic hell
that or cryptocurrencies become the new credit cards, hopefully by then my dext bags will give me something for the future

>> No.52674845

Shaking boomer hands typed this

>> No.52674857

No it wasn't you larping tranny

>> No.52674922

i got a 70k job after college, couldn't qualify for any house near my job because it was a big city. im a bit younger than this example. i spent almost nothing for 10 years, saving everything i could and putting into stock. none of the companies i worked for offered a 401k except one that got aquired and then stopped offering it. still i ended up saving a lot by the time i was 30. still, i could only qualify for a starter home and at the last minute a cash offer 100k over asking came in. it was actually a good thing bc the house was wayy too small for how many kids i want and it pissed me off so much i ended up moving to portugal with a remote job. now i have a fully paid off house here, the food is better and i make 10x the average income with my remote job. so i guess it turned out okay as long as you leave the american dumpster fire

>> No.52674953

Millenials are pushing mid 40's for fucks sake now. They keep dragging back the first birth years for millenials. Used to be something like 1990 and now it's closer to 1978.

>> No.52674957
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Sure why not
>born in 1984
>started working at 16 minimum wage
>at 20 had two jobs 1 minimum wage, other $10 an hour
>fall for student loan meme cause can't afford education out of pocket
>100k in loans bachelor's and masters , IT so no meme degree
>move out and get apartment during this time, move back to parents after 2 years can't afford rent and student loans
>get entry level IT job starting at 40k by 25
>get promoted 5 times with salary still HALF that of boomers in same job
>multiple interviews and offers none getting close to boomer pay
>during all that 2008 recession happens, layoffs constantly and no raises
>corporate America plays recession card for close to 7-8 years for reason of wages not going up
>lived with parents until 35, all debt gone, bought house, 20% down, make a bit over 100k in comfy job now

I dont know many millennials that did well. The combo of high education costs and the recession card took away alot of strong earning years. I know many people that relocated to CA or DC throughout all this and all of them got chucked only getting like 20% total additional income coming from NC,VA, or SC.

>> No.52674988

Everyone makes mistakes, but if you were millennial that got a useless degree you are probably still fucked to this day. I member that wherever I applied or whenever I tried negotiating for higher income it was always met with...anon you should just be grateful to have a job. Literally close to a decade of that alongside constant layoffs.

>> No.52674995

Financially speaking its over.

Our only hope is dystopian eat the bugs future where linkies rule the world

>> No.52675054
File: 93 KB, 1200x675, goldeneye-n64-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in 95
You're a snot nosed zoomer. You were born little before 007 goldeneye was released on n64. You didn't even play goldeneye deathmatches with your friends...snotty

>> No.52675089

>linkies ruling anything

>> No.52675114

I was born in 1993 Ohio.
What am I? I don't just mean technically, but spiritually

I played brood war, but UMS and not ladder
I experienced dial up
I didn't get a smartphone until 2011
I did discover porn super early via a Joogle search for "x-men"
I DO make $250k/year remote from southeast asia

>> No.52675150

Pretty much this. Imagine graduating college between 2008 and 2011, it was a shit show. I’m confident that I got my job only by the grace of God.

>> No.52675580

2008-2016 can be summed up with
>be grateful you have a job anon
>we are still recovering from the recession so no pay raises this year (literally close to a decade of this)
>you are young you still have plenty of time.
>Same breathe, Waaahhh muh 401k is down 50% how will I ever retire on my 250k salary and 2 houses
>Company needs to trim some fat down to the bone, quarterly layoffs for the next 7 years
>We will need you to pick up the slack of everyone that got laid off. Be grateful you still have a job, dodged a bullet this quarter!!!

I feel ya anon, I got my first meaningful promotion in 2007, was still in college. If I didn't land that promotion I would of been fucked for life.

>> No.52675587

Millennials are 86 to 95

>> No.52675598


>> No.52675627

nigger lovers and libshits don't deserve anything. hope they all die

>> No.52676403

Nice attempt at divide and conquer kites, no (you),s for your kind

>> No.52676428

um getting a job that pays 40k was not hard not even at the time

>> No.52676441

If it weren't for crypto I'd be absolutely ASS BLASTED right now
But thankfully I have some stacks and I'm comfy.
I still don't own my own house but that's coming soon

>> No.52677012

dude just buy the bottom on everything and sell the top everytime lol
life is ez

>> No.52678664
File: 36 KB, 394x458, 976705B4-B73F-4F11-BEC6-FB66B68071B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread makes it obvious why jews find goyim so easy to exploit. You faggots can't even agree which years make up the age cohort you're talking about let alone what happened in the economy ~15 years ago.
If only you had an elite class of priests that could settle these matters for you and rectify the unfair aspects of life you've experienced - call them 'rabbis' or some shit like that...

>> No.52678709

Bad and what’s worse is the Jewish elite are gas lighting them that they live in the best time in human history

>> No.52678988

just needed a 2nd holocaust 2008.

>> No.52679235

This. Also, baby boomers used to be 1946 to 1955 and then they changed it to 1964 so they could hide.

>> No.52679255

it's not just millennials, it's also zoomers and everyone after them that is priced out of the housing market FOREVER, there will be few landlords like BlackCock and other funds renting out to their slaves

the jews have let people be homeowners for too long,

>> No.52679315

He has rich parents. Don't waste your time on these trust fund faggots.

>> No.52679344

I was born in 95 and played goldeneye

>> No.52679362

But I was 14 years old in 2008

>> No.52679385

i unironically was coding when i was 14 doing gigs online and i saved everything and still couldnt buy a house in america so dont worry about it. i often regret not being a lazy fuck like you

>> No.52679429


Same, first game i ever played

>> No.52679580
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>Imagine graduating college between 2008 and 2011

>> No.52680138

> be me, born end of 85
> do well in highschool and go strait into uni
> some family shit happened and it took longer to finish my degree
> graduate in mid 2008, saw the job market for my degree evaporate, only jobs were min wage requiring 5 years experience.
> worked 2 shitty service jobs instead while studying website development
> finally get job doing website shit in 2010, run out of shit to do after 6 months there, leave to start own website business
> first year went well
> half way through 2nd year close friend committed suicide, become depressed
> keep working but charged too little to save anything up.
> leave home in 2014, living expenses rape my earnings but manage to do this for 5 years
> covid hits and fucked everything up.

so since graduation I've had 6 years where I earned okay money. Shits fucked, so glad i found bitcoin early in 2012

>> No.52680646

This right here, if history isn't rewritten millennials will be known as the first generation that signaled the collapse/fall of west. Huge disparity between parents who could live without college education and still get a decent job, afford a decent house and raise a family while also being able to quickly recover from fuck ups.

Zoomers have it bad too, most are straight retarded because their millennial parent can't properly parent with all the other bullshit crises they been dealing with over the years. I will say this though, atleast they grew up with the internet already being well refined where knowledge is free and capability to learn something is there if they have the motivation. Double edged sword though cause most have fried their brain doing other shit in the internet.

>> No.52680791
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>if you got a job during a recession when no one was hiring because recessions are when people are laid off rather than hired, you could buy the dip and get rich
Zoomers really are boomers huh? Amazing.

>> No.52680817

Something I realized looking at this board is that 22yo zoomers unironically think you can get rich in the current economy, because the economy was strong 4 years ago when orange hitler was in power. Except the economy is being deliberately dismantled now. All these zoomgolians are just going to be another lost generation and what's even funnier is that they mistakenly believe that brief period of strong growth is typical, rather than the exception.

>> No.52680836

Zoomers are going to have it worse. Do you think they will be able to afford housing? in 5 to 10 years they will be living with their parents.

>> No.52680846

>at least you had a chance to buy -shitcoins-
But that means a 20yo zoomer could theoretically have yolo'd his college loans into BTC in march 2020 and gotten rich.

Except I don't expect that because that would be fucking retarded to gamble with your loan money on.

Zoomers literally can only think in "if everything went perfect I'd be a billionaire" terms. You are literally going to get raped over and over again by real life with this attitude.

>> No.52680892

>getting a job in 2007
>keeping a job in 2008
Pretty bold assumptions right there.

>> No.52680918

Exactly just like the days of the internets first beginning, most people were saying it was a fad that will pass no one in their right mind yolo'd in at that time same as no one yolo'd when btc first started. And if they did you are talking about a very miniscule pecrentile.

>> No.52680994

The hallmark of millennial issues comes from predatory student loans for overinflated degrees. No generation prior had this additional tax levied on them with the promise of a lucrative position at the end of the road. There's blame to be held by those who chose dramatically unwisely with liberal art degrees in fields with no ROI. But even us STEM majors got shafted by below projected growth in the hard sciences. So you have this generation competing with cheap offshore labor while inflation runs far beyond income and you end up with a generation that cannot provide the living standards they grew up with.


It's a policy of genocide. I love it that as soon as a PARTIAL debt relief gets pushed in government, all the worthless boomers and useless eaters come out to bitch about it.


that money is far more useful in our hands than the useless eaters bitching about the other crabs suffering a bit less

>> No.52681077

>22 yo zoomers think the 2015-2020 bull market is the norm
Man, imagine how demoralized they are all about to be. Sorry kids, the world is often cruel. I remember thinking the good times in the 90s were going to keep on rolling. We all know what happened after 2000.

>> No.52681102

One of the biggest financial mistakes of millenials is that many fall into one of two categories
>Category 2:
Didn't go to college because their boomer parents convinced them they could live a fine life without it because they did
Lived paycheck to paycheck for the same reasons
>Category 2:
Went to college because their boomer parents said they had to
Went for a retarded degree because boomer parents said "you can be whatever you want" and all popular movies growing up were about restrictive parents stifling creativity of the aspiring writer/artist/dancer/musician blah blah blah (The Proposal for example)

The millenials that had the most success either are in category 1 and went into trades or are in category 2 and didn't go into some fantasy profession (went into STEM). I'm thankful that I wasn't retarded when I was young and chose a degree that would be in high demand. And now everyone thinks I'm larping when I say how much I make doing SE.
Did millenials get fucked over? Under blind obedience, yes. Under proper self direction, no.

>> No.52681241

>that money is far more useful in our hands than the useless eaters bitching about the other crabs suffering a bit less
90% of the people who are still in debt 10 years out are 'useless eaters' though, most of the money goes to people with pell grants. 90% of those people would be women and minorities, 10% or less are white men.

>> No.52681252

>STEM got the shaft
Yeah we did. Let's run down the list shall we?
Need PhD, end up being a pretty literal indentured servant to the University. No job market, slim chance of repaying loans.
Was actually quite good, at least up until recently. Now it's just okay. The problem is everyone figured out it was a cash cow and now every Pajeet is competing for your job.
Gets raped worse even than science, in my opinion. It's supposed to be a licensed profession, like law or medicine, yet somehow makes 1/4 of the money. What's with that?
A literal clown show where you have to both work yourself to the bone for no money, just to have a chance at a job where you make decent cash. But even if you do, you will be paying back medical school loans until you're 55 at least. Enjoy not retiring.
I genuinely don't understand where people got the notion that pushing STEM was a good idea. Like, why did the (((charities))) spend so much money marketing for STEM, when it is actually a worse deal than becoming a welder?

>> No.52681307

>Man, imagine how demoralized they are all about to be. Sorry kids, the world is often cruel. I remember thinking the good times in the 90s were going to keep on rolling. We all know what happened after 2000.
Hard to feel sorry for people who have gone full boomer at 20 years old and constantly post stupid shit about how millennials (and by extension, gen x) are 'losers' because they grew up and got fucked by 3 (now 4) recessions. Zoomers had all the info and still chose to boomer out, but they have none of the money boomers did. I'd call it insane but I've learned to just assume people are totally retarded and gotta get fucked up to learn anything.

>> No.52681320

The economy hasn't been strong since 2007 wtf are you talking about? Do you mean the stock market? Kek the stock market isn't the job market nigger.

>> No.52681327

Fuck stupid millennials they could bought bitcoin fucking retard niggers

>> No.52681374

>I genuinely don't understand where people got the notion that pushing STEM was a good idea. Like, why did the (((charities))) spend so much money marketing for STEM, when it is actually a worse deal than becoming a welder?
Boomers and jews all function under the notion you can drive down the value of skilled labor through flooding it with workers and automization.

The actual result is doctor jamal feeding his kid bleach to cure colds and engineer rajesh causing airplanes to fall out of the sky.

So it turns out that was a bad idea but as long as they can save a few pennies there are no boomer ceos who care.

>> No.52681406
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I got fucked by bad timing. Born 1982, graduated high school in 2001. That was a fun summer (look up the 311 Amber music video to understand the look/feel/vibe of summer 2001). All of that ended on 9/11. It was truly the end of my childhood. My plans to go to college were thrown out the window, my dad said there was going to be a war and I better March down to air force recruiting before I get forced into the marines.

So I joined the air force for 2 years. Ah fuck, the Iraq war extended that another 2 years. I ended up marching in a desert for a while. Came back to the USA with fucked up hearing from all the explosions n shit, but otherwise intact.

I went to college and graduated in 2008. In the summer of 2008 I got my dream job working as a drug rep for Pfizer. Holy shit, I'm making 70k/year bros! Time to get a nice apartment and new couch, TV, and bed, I can afford it! Girlfriend moves in, things are looking good. I took out a 15k loan to buy an engagement ring. I was planning to propose Nov 2008.

The day after Halloween, my district manager calls me and says that everyone hired in the last 6 months is going to be laid off. I've only worked for the company for 4 months at that point. Oh shit, the entire economy is collapsing. Girlfriend calls me a loser and moves out almost immediately. I cant return the ring, but I need the money, end up selling it for 2k (for 13k loss). I sold all the new furniture at a loss. I had no way to pay the rent, so I just moved out and the property management company said to expect a lawsuit for breaking the lease.

I had gotten a taste of heaven for about 4 months before it was ripped away. I tried desperately, but I never was able to get a job as a drug rep ever again.

So I moved into my mom's house, but her boyfriend hates me. I get a job for $10/hour at home depot in the lumber department. I saved enough for a $2000 minivan, then I moved out and lived in it for a year.

>> No.52681528

>getting a job
>during the Obama presidency

Imagine if the top of a kek had a ladder leading into an attic. That's where this post is, at the very top of kek.

>> No.52681532

I saved up enough to get a shitty apartment with room mates. My grades were pretty good, so I applied to pharmacy school and got in and graduated in 2019.

The pharmacy I worked in was robbed twice during my first year there. It was a stressful job, but at least I was getting paid well for the first time since 2008. Then covid hit and made everything more difficult at my job. Luckily, I listened to you guys in Feb 2020 and bought SPY puts. I made about 200k from that, SO I was finally able to afford to buy a house at the age of 40.

>> No.52681543

No it was always the 80 to 82 as the start year. I was in 1st grade, circia 1992, when my teacher said my generation was called millenials because we would come of age in the early 2000s

What has changed is there are a ton of millenials that dont want to be associated with millenials, because we are sacks of shit like the Boomera, so they pretend there was a generation after Xers but before Millenials.

>> No.52681606

Oh, and my ex GF died of an opioid overdose in 2018. She never did drugs at all when I knew her. She got hooked on oxycontin after a car wreck in 2011, then switched to pressed pills bought on the street and got one with fentanyl in it.

>> No.52681607
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>If only they had gotten a job when no one was hiring and bought a house at the generational bottom of the market!
Nice niche circumstances you got there, be a shame if someone shoved them up your asshole you fucking retard did you even read your own drivel

>> No.52681624

bro you hooked me, what happened next?

>> No.52681708

You made it, bro. Good job. Condolences on the dead gf. My wife died too and I'm only 44. Being single in 40s is pretty gay. I think she wouldn't have died if doctors weren't sperging out about COVID. My dog watches me fap.

>> No.52681726

>a ton of millenials that dont want to be associated with millenials
i was born in 85. I just don't get pokeman and henry potter. post 1990 millennials just speak a different language.

>> No.52681774


>> No.52682004

I agree with you. Anyone born in the 80s seem even more different from me than gen Xers.

>> No.52682102

You didn't do enough to save her. You have to live with that for the rest of your life. How do you sleep at night knowing that it's all your fault? Huh, you fucking fag?

>> No.52682228

>keep consuming starbucks
a 10 dollar coffee per day is 3500 dollars a year
if thats why they cant get a home, perhaps buying avocado toast is why birth rates are so low as well

>> No.52682249

imagine writing this post unironically
seek help

>> No.52682299

As a millennial born December 1990, I agree. I relate a lot more to older zoomers than early millennials. Reading the Fourth Turning made me think that the authors got the millennial window wrong in their effort to keep things to a 20ish year cycle period. Instead I think the millennial generation really began closer to 1990.

>> No.52682306

AEVA stock poompa

>> No.52682353

How much of a little bitch do you need to be in order to get addicted to pain pills? Holy shit is your life that empty and pathetic? Go do some fucking pushups or something.

>> No.52682362

>I DO make $250k/year remote from southeast asia

What do you do, coding? I work remotely from eastern Europe, for absolutely shit pay. I'd strongly consider killing someone for this sort of money.

>> No.52682393

One less junkie whore in the world kek.

>> No.52682407

Millennial here, our generation got fucked pretty bad by student loans, they set us up for it through movies and media, like you had to go to college or you were ngmi, it was a setup from the start.

>> No.52682577

this is a viable way to live. in fact socializing irl is outdated. why have friends/go outside when i can get the 99th-percentile experts opinion online in seconds? the real world is filled with jews and scammers who are experts at face-to-face manipulation. its much harder to trick me online.

the trouble since mid-2010s is filtering out the influx of retards/phoneposters like >>52672678
but twitter and smaller anonymous communities still have lots of good signal:noise

>> No.52682668

Jesus fuck dude. Good job surviving.

My story is much less dramatic though it includes building a STEM career, making a company profitable enough to sell, followed by losing a STEM career, getting addicted to drugs, having a psychotic break, and finding crypto, saying fuck you to producing, and becoming a finance leech. Finance is pretty good to STEMbros FYI, it's all numbers anyways.

Take the finance pill, stop giving to society and start taking. They'll reward you for it

>> No.52682727

>the real world is filled with jews and scammers who are experts at face-to-face manipulation.
Bro soft skills are so fucking underrated. Instead of refusing to participate, try learning it. It will make your life dramatically better

>> No.52682751
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Millennial here FPBP
not even reading the rest

Also SHAME to all the above posters for not pointing out trips

>> No.52682965

how are you finance-pilled and recommending soft skills? over the last few years i wish i had never had a single in-person discussion involving finance. every result of those interactions has been negative. maybe for starting a company you need soft skills.

>> No.52682971
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You aren't going to get a good answer because most of them are nowhere close to coming to terms with how badly they've been fucked. Older millennials started their careers during or after the 2008 recession, after which most "growth" in the US economy was vaporware and derivatives. Very little real productivity happened. Younger millennials go screwed out of several prime years of their lives by boomers that were scared of the scamdemic and intentionally inflated asset prices so they could live it up on fat stacks.
The harsh reality is that the boomers and gen x generations in the US were already financially secure, with stable jobs and retirement funds, by the time they hit the 25-45 age bracket that millennials are in now. Everyone thinks they still have lots of time to save for retirement but you really don't. Truly financially stable people have a career, savings, and significant assets by this age. Meanwhile, 58% of young people still live with their parents:


This is a slow motion disaster for one society, which can be seen in the cratering money velocity. We have an economy based on consumption, but no one to consume. The end result will be a bifurcation into a propertied class that holds most of the wealth, and everyone else. People will try to upskill their way out of this mess but it simply won't be possible for most. It is unironically too late for a huge portion of millennials and the tards will continue to be distracted by vapid identity politics issues rather than realize they are collectively being screwed over.

>> No.52683092

I'm client facing, more of an analyst. But because of the position, persuasion skills are necessary. Tbh would be necessary as an analyst as well, cause ultimately you're selling the story for an asset, even if data driven.

Read these:
>Never Split the Difference
>Influence: the Science of Persuasion

They're soft psychology books. Invaluable for selling or negotiating. I dunno what you think finance guys do, but if you want to make money, there's a relationship building component. OTC markets have relationships with traders, hedge funds have investors, advisors have clients, Mergers & Acquisitions are deal brokers, underwriters have investors, analysts tell stories; in finance, you're always selling something