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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 817x698, I am so glad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52671922 No.52671922 [Reply] [Original]

I am so glad I learned to code.
Look at all these jobs.
This is fantastic!

>> No.52671930

not a single junior engineering job available

>> No.52671946
File: 16 KB, 191x255, 465dc69743b4f8db237083d98256ea0476d6295d772811cef5165bf194e8654d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based BVLLivians coders

>> No.52671947

>He didn't just create scam cryptos with Solidarity.

>> No.52671962
File: 15 KB, 531x351, game engineer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if biz is smart enough to get this question right.

>> No.52671987
File: 525 KB, 1012x788, 1669413989626272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a shit place to find jobs instead of networking with the right people
Is this what /biz/ meant when they said there are NO coding jobs available?

>> No.52672001

too lazy to explain that but it evals to false. compsci 101 level question.

>> No.52672004

He's to socially awkward to network, as with the majority of /biz/.

>> No.52672021

false? because apples is not greater than 5???

>> No.52672037

wait... what the fuck?

>> No.52672091
File: 664 KB, 948x672, ghrfthdrthdrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I don't know what boogaloo elevator even is.

>> No.52672113

&& is evaluated using a logical gate method that requires all statements be correct, in this instance apple is not greater then 5 and therefore invalidates the and statement. Short circuit and explaining the actual processor architecture is in the real of computer engineering.

>> No.52672138

This seems to be recursively calling itself. IDK if this is something that can be solved. isSmiling = !isSmiling seems pretty impossible to me.

>> No.52672148

get learning Punjabi, anon

>> No.52672155
File: 1.78 MB, 1084x1376, freelance recruiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get those kneepads out

>> No.52672159

things have default evaluations, its a retarded code monkey problem and nobody should write statements like this

>> No.52672164

I'll say this as someone who isn't socially awkward; approaching companies and higher ups and "shaking hands" is retarded as fuck
If you don't network thru college or a program sponsored by companies you're boned.
Self-taught coders have a much harder time. You could literally have no idea how to code and get a job just because you went to the right school. Kek.

>> No.52672169


There's probably some nuts shit going on where "senior" is the new "junior", somehow. HR is nuts.

>> No.52672181
File: 406 KB, 666x666, mfwmf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro you just had to join the alpha kappa alpha frat haha didn't you know
You are why everything is getting worse.

>> No.52672230

It's meant to weed out non pajeets. They tend to not lie too much on their resume while the pajeet will lie his ass off and have a cereal box degree from bombay to back it up.

>> No.52672237

the ! operator negates or reverses

x = true;
x = !x; would just flip x to false

the question resolves to false btw

>> No.52672263

Honestly I don't even understand the market anymore. It's all a weird game of keepaways and fuck yous.

>> No.52672321

Let's evaluate the RIGHT side of the conditional first. Apples are not greater than 5, thus it does not matter if bananas are in fact greater than or equal to 6, nor does it matter if the negation of isSmiling is true.

We are left with
isSmiling || (FALSE)

It was stated isSmiling is false. False OR False evaluates to false.

The answer is false.

>> No.52672323

Your value is in your geographically local relevance. Any job that could potentially be done cheaper somewhere else is at risk of being outsourced. Proximity and its relevance is important. If on-site is important then job security is higher. Remote work just goes to show that anyone can do it in the world if they have the same skill set, and if the quality skill set is in ample supply then it becomes a game of cost and eventually the work becomes commoditised. Coding outside of niche languages or applications has been commoditised.

>> No.52672332

Bolivia xD

>> No.52672387

The last isSmiling never gets checked because the first apple condition fails.

>> No.52673449


Is smiling is already false and apples is not greater than 5 all the ands don't matter after that.

>> No.52673481

Not (!) just flips it

>> No.52673486


>> No.52673719
File: 197 KB, 1304x600, image_2022-11-30_005506239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the question is just trying to get you to demonstrate your understanding of OOP operations. kind of overly technical exercise with arcane words and rituals like nullish coalescing operator. not overly impressive.

speaking of not overly impressive: picrel is the only game one of your potential co-engineers has done. checking the portfolios of the staff gamedevs is worth a smuckle(smug+chuckle)

>> No.52674687

I can't believe I did fucking EE.
I got like 8 offers coming out of college and they were all the same, $70K a year. It's almost like they are colluding.
Meanwhile CS grads are easily over 6 figs in their pajamas in the bed.
I massively fucked up.
Now I'm doubling down and getting a masters in a specialized area of physics that isn't going to help me but idk what else to do with my life, not like there is a gf or kids in the future.

>> No.52674717

This is one of those questions that is so easy and elementary level that I might just fuck it up if I try to solve right now this late in the night.

>> No.52675017

>basic highschool computer class question
>software engineering job
You're not a software engineer until you get asked 4 leetcode mediums and 4 hards in your interview.
apples>5: False
not isSmiling: not False: True
False and False and True : False
isSmiling OR False: false or false: false

>> No.52675025

faggot x++ in java or x+=1 in python are just x=x+1 so it also works for books and x = not x is a valid expressions

>> No.52675094
File: 95 KB, 1024x620, purehell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up interview
>greeted with this
>do a 360 and close the window
>pull up discord and start complaining
>here noises from the HR people
>>>>"anon we can still hear you why are you crying?"

>> No.52675312

>this supposedly filters pajeets
just how fucking dumb are they

>> No.52675338

It's a 50/50 question that is impossible to figure out.
Luck bullshit.
It's either TRUE or FALSE.

>> No.52675345

>nobody answered it right yet
holy shit
false.issmiling evaluates to false
apples > 5 evaluates to false and shortcircuits the expression because of the &&'s and returns false

>> No.52675364

you can conclude its false from just evaluating the first condition in each statement
and im not even CS inclined kek

>> No.52675370
File: 25 KB, 505x256, befda1c88c6f6fe010111fbbf9209791524b691d0d825a864b55d574e6c6a224_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to conclude anything.
My luck will save me.

>> No.52675376

Plenty of other anons have figured out it's false.

Also the full stop between the false and isSmilling is meant as a newline.

Do the world a favour and kys, you waste of oxygen

>> No.52675407

it's false, but what the fuck is a short circuit?

>> No.52675435

>Let's evaluate the RIGHT side of the conditional first.
that's not how short circuit evaluation works

>> No.52675793

The HR femnoid I talked to isn't reaching out to me after she said she will do so within the week. Now one and a half week have passed. Is this is test if I will call them so they feel out if I am desperate and offer lower pay or am I just being ghosted now?

>> No.52676465

it's a great question to weed out people who watched a "5 hour coding course" on youtube

>> No.52676545

i still got the right answer so idk

>> No.52676606

Please stop explaining to people who are literally out there to steal your job. Sometimes you have to shut the fuck up and let others fail.

>> No.52676630

Get out of we now unless you want to work forever with boomers making 6figs a junior software engineer at Farman makes.

>> No.52676637

If anyone else can elaborate on why my process was incorrect I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm an undergrad CS student and would love the feedback.

>> No.52676639
File: 410 KB, 351x658, 1666295079780232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to always ask who will be interviewing you, if its somebody from a non technical positions just ghost them

>> No.52677014

I write python for data science but I look at this and have no fucking idea what's going on

>> No.52677069

it depresses wages that aren't given out to family and friends, working as intended. People see hiring as a means of helping their friends and family while offloading all the work onto some idiot.

>> No.52677131

It's a rejection. Clearly you're undesirable given you used the word femoid LMAO

>> No.52677225

Hello employee #5223, you have been selected for a 1-1 with the HR team to discuss your recent comment in the teams channel: "I'm doing alright", when responding to the question: "How is your day?", we at ZogTech TM respond with "I'm doing great!", or "Great, how was yours?". Please change this behavior immediately, or you will be terminated. Have a great day!

>> No.52677235

I only had 7 months of Mech Engi recent graduate experience when I realized how much of a scam the work industry is and I just pitched completely into IT, best decision of my life

>> No.52677291


>> No.52677400

make a linkedin profile, and put effort into making a nice one with your real picture, etc

if you dont have job experience as a programmer, have a github ready with good personal projects because recruiters ask for it

i keep getting offers that i have to turn down because i already have a job

>> No.52678863

pick 1 to defend you from sexual assault accusations, the rest baselessly accuse you