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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52670810 No.52670810 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52671241

I love calling out the old boomer on his shit as much as the next guy, but he doesn't even say that. His advice has always been to buy with a 15 year mortgage and make sure payments are less than 30-40%(i think) of take home pay.

>> No.52671312

I would rather just rent my whole life I can invest in better performing assets myself and you need the ability to move in todays world
>inb4 some trad larper clutches a sinking ship

>> No.52671340

I completely agree and I hate that so many people fall for the “renting is throwing away money” meme

>> No.52671344

i make 120k and if i followed this advice i'd have to somehow find a $70,000 house

>> No.52671363
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>I would rather just rent my whole life

>> No.52671391

> I don't need to buy a house - I'm just going all in on 5x leveraged REITs instead!
You could, but you never do. Instead you lose all your money on dumb gambles. Oh, I know you.

>> No.52671404

>not literally being homeless to save money

I am not fucking joking

>> No.52671544

Unless you live with niggers or in the sticks, find me a home that someone can in a reasonable time frame doing that. Oh all the while paying rent.

>> No.52671758
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>> No.52671798

15 year mortgage on a $70k house is $400 a month. You do take home more than $1,200 a month right Tyrone?

>> No.52671811
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>$70k house

>> No.52671820
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>cash it out d00d, if you even can

>> No.52671834

You can buy a house for that much if you scout for the right area. There's this place called Detroit where you could get a house a several thousand for that money.

>> No.52671838

>$400 monthly payment
>You do take home more than $1,200 a month right Tyrone?
>Implying this is at all a reasonable number
Kek we can all do math retard the point is that houses like that don't exist (that aren't being squatted in by crackhead niggers)

>> No.52671840

Fuck that. 30-year mortgage at low interest all the way. I would do a 40-year mortgage if that was possible and heavily invest the rest each month if that was possible.

>> No.52671849

>There's this place called Detroit
Is this some kind of elaborate samefag or are there multiple retarded niggers on this board at the same time

>> No.52671855

If your neighbors don't rob and shoot you, the city government will rob you with back taxes owed.

>> No.52671860

>investing while rates are low and the stock market is pumped

>> No.52671864

>15 year mortgage
>payments less than 30-40% of take home pay
Fucking WHERE? Detroit? I live in the DC area and I already lament every home here costing $700k-1m. If I moved back to my cheap home state I'd still not be remotely able to do what you're describing, and I make six figures after taxes.

>> No.52671881
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>ever living in Detroit

>> No.52671884

The stock market and crypto are gonna bounce back higher than ever within the next 3 to 5 years

>> No.52671980

He does. To save for a house. Move out of your parents and pay 900+ to rent and save for a house.

>> No.52671999

Next time use SPXLs for the lulz
Cope harder

>> No.52672052

Terrible especially when mobile homes and that people don't live just in new york and cali. Houses seem to be 200-400. For 3-5 bed. Some 550 new. Rent will still increase. Wish everyone the best regardless of what they choose.

>> No.52672082

not today, boomers

>> No.52672107

Come to Woodbridge brother. I was living in Arlington and housing there is completely fucked

>> No.52672110

Buying a house is only good because they let you leverage retarded fucking amounts. If you could take out a 500k loan in SPY for 30 years you would absolutely do better.

>> No.52672118

it is tho. I will never leave my mothers basement

>> No.52672362

just flip ens names chud >>52672102

>> No.52672467


>> No.52672657

Brodie got the motherfuckin’ anklet thoooo now they know where he at where he go.

>> No.52672706

Put more money down

>> No.52672819

1) $500k is a shit ton for a house unless you live in libitard states (CA, NY) or you want 5000+ sqft, both ridiculous propositions if your intent is to "make as much wealth as possible".
2) The vast majority of homeowners got their mortgage rates at 4% or less. Only idiots would buy houses right now before the inevitable Fed pivot (they have to, because US debt is unsustainable without ultra-low interest)
3) This assumes S&P will go up forever (hint: it doesn't). It took 29 years to BREAK EVEN when the Great Depression hit.
4) No woman will marry you or have sex with you if you are an eternal rentcuck. Enjoy being alone in the nursing home with niggers abusing you after age 70.

Forever seethe, rentcucks