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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52669001 No.52669001 [Reply] [Original]

>made a scam coin
>paid redit bots to spam it
>posted about it on 4chin and twatter
>made ~ 75k out of it
>mfw i've become the jeet

I shouldn't feel anything but I feel a modicum of guilt somehow.

>> No.52669059

neck yourself scammer scum DO NOT REDEEM

>> No.52669080

What redit bots are we talking about? i am in debt and need a few k

>> No.52669091

Think of it as a service: they wanted to throw away money, you obliged.

>> No.52669115

kek, good one anon

>> No.52669581
File: 2.13 MB, 1502x1199, Highway_Nights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Be helpful you faggot. Where do you buy bots at?

>> No.52669604

>scamming reddit and twitter
>scamming /biz
wtf bro

>> No.52669782

I guess he's just humblebragging. Anyways, i don't think it's that difficult. Either find dev or copy paste contract code with minor adjustments, find reddit advertising bots on forums maybe or website? then shill shill shill, i dunno what else he did on r*ddit/twitter.

>> No.52669787

It's alright if you scammed reddit and twatter, but spamming this shit here is unforgivable.

>> No.52669803

Cringe go back

>> No.52669830

I mean anyone who fell for it deserved to be scammed.

But preying on desperate people is really, morally, low.

You’re everything wrong with the world.

Hope that 75k made you really happy.
(I know it didn’t)

>> No.52669866

>(I know it didn’t)
You're right it didn't.
I need a x10 on that 75k to be out of the shitter.
Literally fucking google "bot to spam on redit"

>> No.52669954 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 300x310, chao hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending me cash will absolve you of all guilt. 0x1F5b13d56072434f3Ff9Ee59f645ED2362eE2FD5

>> No.52669975

I don't respect the jeets that do it, but that's not the same for those at the top. Have your cake and eat it anon, good job; seriously.

>> No.52669992

What did the tokenomics look like? Did you just include a rug feature in the code?

>> No.52670012

Fuck off begging faggot
I just put my last 100 into link go get a job we all have to start at the bottom.
Unironically worse than OP.

>> No.52670026

If it is a means to end, thus pay it forward, when it is the most opportune, against all your wishes/ego, that'll be the justice.

>> No.52670155
File: 84 KB, 338x417, 1585756741491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

called it
also I've given enough handouts in my time here that I don't feel too bad for just asking

>> No.52670166

Based OP, you are the ego in its entirety
Scammed pajeets are a spook

>> No.52670186

at least tell us the project name anon, if it's a done deal and fully rugged

i like to search it on twitter when things rug, and look at all the seethe and cope

>> No.52670307

>scalled it
No you're a fucking begging faggot who is begging someone who stole money why on earth would you think this
>Pay your karmic debt to some gorilla
Is gonna work
One OP is likely a larper, two if he wasn't he isn't going to give it to you, three you're begging which is one of the only rules here that's strictly and universally enforced and acknowledged by everyone.
So much so I won't even do it even though I need money more than 99% of you.

>> No.52670344

unbased jeet
if you feel guilty about making money you will never fully transition

>> No.52671329

So is scamming still viable right now during the bear market?

>> No.52671369

Constantly see new scam coins on biz so there must be something here.

>> No.52671378

What steps would you have to take to not get caught? A VPN to start I'm assuming?

>> No.52671381

you go girl!