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File: 2.56 MB, 545x875, homelessqt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52668630 No.52668630 [Reply] [Original]

Do you envision most young people today will be able to afford a house in the next 5-10 years? Where will they live if housing remains unaffordable? How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?

>> No.52668660

>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?

It won't
You can import as many spics and niggers as you want, the underlying infrastructure is on it's last legs

>> No.52668668

Housing prices are starting a long term bear trend and it's going to wreck the economy.
You'll wish they'd be back at todays levels in 10 years from now

>> No.52668700

I just want my own permanent shelter without having to hand over heaps of money, that's that simple.

>> No.52668705

I'll just live with my parents for good

>> No.52668709
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She's literally my dream.

>> No.52668714

i've lived in my car for over a year and i would marry that batdhit crazy bitch right the fuck now

>> No.52668726

It's simp like you that give her clout, anon kys.

>> No.52668740

I just want to be happy

>> No.52668789

>lived in my car for over a year
got any tips for someone who hasn't lived in a vehicle before? i'm in a pretty bad financial situation and my company is going to be laying off my entire department and i'll probably have to live in my car for a while.

i have a few questions:
>what kinds of places can you park overnight that's both safe and also inconspicuous enough to not get hassled by cops?
>where do you go to shower and use the bathroom?
>how do you cook food? i'm already going to get a 12V hot plate but is there any way to run a toaster oven off an alternator in a car?
>how do you make sleeping in a car comfy? i have an older camry and can't really put the seat all the way back

>> No.52668802

I had a friend that lived in a car for years and when he could finally afford to get his own place he couldn't even fall asleep in a normal bed anymore. He had to sleep sitting in a LA-Z-BOY chair. Probably til this day.

>> No.52668812

her boyfriend is a muscular black man, hahaha search her on tiktok

>> No.52668837

I can save her
a poor one. prove it faggot

>> No.52668840

Some of you will be astoundingly wealthy. Mostly, this will set generation zoomer back like 15 years.

>> No.52668888
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Never lose hope anon. Someone like her is totally achievable for a normal 5/10 man.

Lift, read books, spend time in nature, practice your social skills, have good hygiene. If you do these things, you can go from a 2/10 male to a 6-7/10 male.

You can do it anon, but you have to devote yourself to the path of struggle

>> No.52668913

I know anon, but don't search for happiness in other people. I guess you'll just have to learn this on your own.

>> No.52668919

And you have to move outside of the US kek

>> No.52668931

>wearing full makeup and showered while pretending to wake up

>> No.52668947

so that's why she has to live in her car. got it. how many tricks does she turn per night?

>> No.52668958

Sell the car for a cheap work van, preferably one with no side windows. You can fully lay down and won't have crazy fucks peering in to look at you as you sleep

>> No.52668959

Yeah once the market finishes with the correction in three or four years. Extremely optimistic forecast a conservative further drop in home prices by 20%. It will almost certainly drop much more than that.

>> No.52668960

My Aryan American wife and our offspring would disagree.

You may really have to look outside of cities for a wife though desu

>> No.52668962

>I went camping in my car
Great bitch now do it without the car

>> No.52668973

How is she homeless and has perfect dental hygiene? I've taken care of my teeth since I was a teenager and still have have some imperfections and staining.

>> No.52668978

>give her clout

Any woman who looks like this will inevitably have clout. Touch grass. I don't know who that is.

>> No.52668986



>> No.52669126

Prophetic quads checked and kek'd

>> No.52669148

>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?


>> No.52669164

dont live in a car unless it's a hatchback that you can lay flat in. use a van or truck if you have no hatchback. i prefer trucks because they are more useful in general.

>where to park
depends on your location.
rural and outskirts suburbia are great because most national forest land and blm land is open to park and sleep for free. most neighborhoods in small towns are quiet and dark enough that you can stay a night or two without rustling jimmies. you can also make friends stay at tinder sluts' overnight etc.

in cities it's all up to neighborhood. i've never been accosted parking in mall parking lots, walmart, hotel lots, decent neighborhoods but i usually show up to my sleeping spot at night, keep the lights low, and leave as soon as i wake up.
>shower and shit
location depending. in cities, i shower at the gym. in rural and coastal access areas, i bathe in the ocean, lakes and streams every few days and use low ph wipes on balls/asshole/pits to stay fresh
for toilet in cities i just use the gym, coffee shops, libraries, museums, public parks if it's a town without niggers. if i'm in a pinch, i have a shit bucket with bags, and a piss bottle. rural areas you just go outside.
i use a $10 single burner butane stove i got off of alibaba and buy gas cans at camping stores. i cook in a cast iron dutch oven, usually a couple pounds of meat which i set aside and then a mix of starch and veggies. it all keeps a few days in ~700 F temps.

you need something that you can completely lay down in. i use a thick inflatable camping mattress and sleep like a champ.

>> No.52669188

Why are young attractive women wasting their prime years living in their cars like crackheads instead of being homemakers and raising children?
What kind of society are we living in?

>> No.52669315

This is my dream. Hopeless girls warming up to me.

>> No.52669335

I hope she gets raped

>> No.52669390

You can rent from me OP. I’ll give you a good price as long as you aren’t a nigger or act in a Niggerish manner.

>> No.52669420
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most informational post on /biz/ today

>> No.52669443

Millennials and Zoomers have to live in their cars because their lazy and don't want to work.

>> No.52669447

I live in a 3rd world country with hyperinflation and no mortages at all, young people rent if well off or build a room in the back of the parents lot, So it could be the future for the USA

>> No.52669475
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>> No.52669546

Imagine busting into her car and raping her alone in whatever parking garage she's in. Imagine her screams, unable to escape my cock.

>> No.52669545

sauce, plz

>> No.52669560


>> No.52669587

She is a YouTube actress. She doesnt actually sleep in her car, she is a larper

>> No.52669607

>posting nazi frogs
>posting about social skills

>> No.52669611

It's basically happening in Vancouver in real-time. Underclass whites either have help from their parents or shack up 5-6 in 1 house. Underclass pajeets/filipinos/browns put as many as possible into apartments or condos. Quality among service jobs has dropped significantly and no one really gives a fuck to do their job properly. The middle class that can afford to live on their own are usually in relationships in tiny spaces. Most restaurants are understaffed.

>> No.52669619

She gets used exclusively by her black bf and his homies

>> No.52669649

This kind of person is not in danger of being homeless, at all. They can move back in with their parents whenever, and living in a car is a privilege--a luxury for social media. Nonetheless, It's a decent way to understand firsthand how the world functions for the underprivileged. If any of you are thinking of adopting this lifestyle to save money, I urge you to reconsider. It's pure ass.

>t. lived in a van for 1.5y

>> No.52669665

How many times are they going to pump and dump the economy on us? We all know what's really valuable is the land and material resources.

>> No.52669735

Very rude. I can't believe you actually posted this.

>> No.52669738

SF bay is very similar

>> No.52669767

She is not homeless nor will ever feel a single second of actual loneliness.

>> No.52669801

Thats based. The healthy first reaction of a man when seeing a woman is rough brutal sex where you take their dignity, you should have to talk yourself out of it before you approach them.

>> No.52669872

this is the truth

>> No.52669895

Her window would be frosted over by the condensation of breathing through the night. Big larp what a cunt deserves it up the ass raw

>> No.52669905

thanks anon, this is very useful info. how long have you been doing this for?

unfortunately the car market is fucked rn and i won't get any kind of hatchback for a reasonable price. i could probably remove the back seats of my camry and open the hatch to the trunk. so my upper body would be where the back seats are right now, and my legs would be in the trunk

>> No.52669908

im unironically considering buying a luxury suv to live in – there is no living situation available right now that isn't utter hell unless you're making 200k+

>> No.52669943

to add onto this you can sleep in your car overnight at walmart they wont kick you out

>> No.52669999

This doesn't work anymore. Most Walmart's are not 24 hour now so they don't allow it

>> No.52670031
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Imagine the smell
Also, that’s a man.

>> No.52670038

People used to live in houses made of fucking sod with worms and grubs living in the walls without running water or electricity, or roads, and youre bitching about not being able to afford a house. Lmao, lol. The reason we're in this mess is pussies like you became the majority and allowed it to happen. Grow up, puer.

>> No.52670071
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>> No.52670099
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Are you me?

>> No.52670100

>struggling for a woman
I dont think "Mein Kampf" mentioned anything about dating women once. Because they arent even worth your time improving for. Improve for your people, and yourself.

>> No.52670119

the problem isn't the conditions, it's the fact that they throw you in prison for not meeting certain conditions.

>> No.52670403

Thats always been a problem you fucking ingrate, you think the government throwing people in prison arbitrarily just started happening? Thats no reason to not have a shelter that is your own. I would rather die than give up my free agency to not be able to buy a shelter and land.

>> No.52670470

do you really believe in that crap? how new are you

>> No.52670817
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>> No.52670892


>> No.52671005

>29 degrees
Why the fuck does she need that big ass sleeping bag then lmao. How the fuck is she not sweating in that?

>> No.52671022

close to two years. it's very comfy if you can stay organized and make a few friends in your area.
i know someone who lives the way you've described in a passat. folds the wide side of the back seat down and sleeps fully laid out with his legs in the trunk. seemed cozy. give it a shot, go car camping for a weekend. it takes a few short trips to figure out what you need and what you can do without anyway

>> No.52671142
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>> No.52671162

wtf is her tiktok

>> No.52671245

How to get gabbyed irl

>> No.52671265

Nudist resorts allow you to live in your car, shower, sun your ass hole, swim, and hotbtub. Take the nudist pill.

>> No.52671281

Literally, getting a job and sharing space with roommates is easier than this shit you fucking retard

>> No.52671287

>just live in a mudhut bro

>> No.52671668

based, I'll just live at home til it crashes, and then I'll rent nice downtown apartments for $600 a month again in a couple years. Here's hoping the niggers do a lot of crime and suppress housing prices even further

>> No.52671669

ease and unemployment is not the point of living in your car. regardless, it's not a hard way to live if you can plan more than 15 minutes into the future.

>> No.52671748
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>can't see breath

>> No.52671787


Stupid bitch.

Live in a van (Ford Transit), not a car. Vans provide way more room, and you can put a couch in the back.

>> No.52671843

she is probably very mentally unstable

>> No.52672074
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>> No.52672220

>buy land in the middle of nowhere
>build sod/cob/timber cabin
>county fines you, orders you to demolish it, if you don't they'll imprison you, demolish it themselves, and bill you
Great plan faggot, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps has been illegal for decades

>> No.52672276

Moisture is your enemy. Silica gel beads are your friend. The big packs. Get a few, and it will be decidedly less miserable.

>> No.52672279

There also used to be no (((zoning laws))) that told you what you could build and where, regardless of whether you owned the land or not. You can’t legally live in or build a even a fuckin mud hut anymore thanks to a certain group of people with funny little hats

>> No.52672430

Thank you based frog

I followed this advice and I am now an 8888/10 man

>> No.52672458

Hell nah

>> No.52672463

I like the tinder idea. I tried to do that once on a 24hr car drive I had to get some sleep (and poon) but I always matched with girls behind me sadly. if you got the looks and can smell good enough go for it.

>> No.52672464

>You'll wish they'd be back at todays levels in 10 years from now
Fuck you and your generational ponzu boomer scum/lapdog

>> No.52672478

why not both? but if women can get you bettering yourself, go for it for when you are on that mountain, perhaps you will see the bigger one to work for your people or maybe not and the end goal will be that you are still better than what you were which does help your people. Ends justify the means, always

>> No.52672504

24 hour stores was one of the most comfy things in America and they rugged that during COVID. Walmart closes before local fucking stores here now.

Also checked

>> No.52672511

>that feel when you own a 4 bedroom 2 bath house on 10 acres and live by yourself.
comfy as fuck.
lots of room for activities.
would let her stay with me for sex.

>> No.52672674
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>passive-aggressive bitching about "nazi frogs"
>pretends anyone else knows less than them about social skills

>> No.52672723

im homeless and sleep in a pickup truck that i move often throughout sequoia national forest in CA. This lifestyle is very comfy and very easy to do. I have a remote job and have a starlink RV antenna attached to my truck on the roof rack which allows me to receive an internet signal, even in the parts of the park with no celluar connectivity.

>> No.52672759

Kek, humans are exclusively social creatures it’s hardwired in our brains.
DO search for happiness in other people, that’s where it is. You give terrible, terrible advice

>> No.52672763
File: 874 KB, 1066x1539, 705DCCC3-333E-4B83-B0C7-8BC202F8D2AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unbanned to post in this epic get thread

>> No.52672770

Salary? How much you stacking a year?

>> No.52672776

>posting about social skills
You do know who the Nazis were, right?
Rhetorical question, of course you don't.

>> No.52672810

I will not get credit for a depreciating asset,
higher sustained prices might make buying a house easier
Example, Japan

>> No.52672827

you and i will cross paths one day

>> No.52672834

i think she is referring to the dogshit non-celsius degrees

>> No.52672874
File: 92 KB, 796x588, 1590730337552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I already do all of that and I'm a 33 year old khv.
I've basicallyy given up on women and I don't even a used up roastie either. I'd rather die alone than marry a woman who's been sullied by other men.

but those digits give me hope that I'll get a young virgin wife

>> No.52672924

Suggesting young people used to have their own houses everywhere yesterdays? Young = poor. It'S always been like that. Either inherit or be brilliant, or work your ass off to get there. Always been like that.

>> No.52672978

tf is wrong with you
get help

>> No.52673042

you're delusional fren

>> No.52673065

Society is just going to degrade, it's already been degrading for decades, but the problems are becoming more apparent. Young people will live with less than their parents, this will not change in our lifetimes, and their children will live with even less.

>> No.52673244


no I'm not. I know I'm going to die alone. But I'll die knowing I lived true to my morals.

>> No.52673276

What's the difference how you die? You're dead after.

>> No.52673284

Honestly kinda envious of this girl. It may not be comfortable but she is having a meaningful experience living out of her car, doing something she will likely remember into her old years. Meanwhile, I am wasting away doing the same shit every day not encountering any kind of struggles, just going to work and buying shit I dont need
If you disagree with me you are low IQ

>> No.52673382
File: 83 KB, 720x556, noble truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you sound young. Probably an atheist.

you wouldn't understand, fren.

>> No.52673388

have any of you heterosexual people (men and women over 18) on this board and overall site noticed that women are training themselves every single day for like quirky, twitchy, memorable, aesthethic facial movements and ques? It's weird. Like, some glownigger pederast yesterday tried to get us to look at a popular tik-tokker and it just seems so predictable that these facial animations are canned. I feel such a loathing and uncanniness from these movements, it's like they're planned so perfectly. It has to stop. I think people who post on tiktok are bad people maybe.

>> No.52673399

stop telling yourself these gay stories about how everyone else is living your life, go fucking sleep in a car for a night see what happens

>> No.52673412

>stop telling yourself these gay stories about how everyone else is living your life, go fucking sleep in a car for a night see what happens
I have and I'm about to again. I'm hopping on the Pacific Crest Trail for 6 months and when I get off I'll be jobless and homeless, living out of my van.
When you've made it, the idea of throwing it away and doing it again is exciting

>> No.52673417
File: 62 KB, 800x450, 25DD7C6A-FB9D-4E9D-B471-025C91B37CD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52673431

weird, I slept on a tiny couch for like 6 years and recently got a bed and it's fucking awesome

>> No.52673439

yeah, see, this is what I'm talking about. These facial twitches and expressions are gleaned from depraved hentai, so much of this stuff is because japs are really weird and perverted and rapey. The whole contoured bronzer on the nose and exxagerated eye lashes and liner, it's just really obscene. It's like Neil Stephenson's Diamond Age novel is coming to life, sad.

>> No.52673454

yeah I find their expressions intriguing which makes my dick hard for some reason

>> No.52673465

but it's probably demonic possession man, not actual attraction. your desire to violate these approximations in your head of women is made more and more lurid by this content. I don't think humans raped all that much before the internet.

>> No.52673488

>I don't think humans raped all that much before the internet.
nah its completely rational actually. I want to please a womans vagina so much she does the belle delphi face instead of the dead fish my gf does

>> No.52673526

Niggers and wiggers would steal shit at night for crack and heroin

>> No.52673527

i can save her

>> No.52673551

A man can dream

>> No.52673561

>i'm already going to get a 12V hot plate but is there any way to run a toaster oven off an alternator in a car?
You don't want to have your car on just to cook. It's a big waste of gas and anyone who lives in their car can't waste money. Get all propane stuff. Tons of old camping stoves you can get used for cheap or even free. I guess an electric hotplate would be useful if you don't want to leave your car at night or something.

>> No.52673581

You're much better off with a van.

>> No.52673602

Very based

>> No.52673612

>I don't think humans raped all that much before the internet.
You're a delusional 5-year-old fucking retard, then.

>> No.52673658

i've lived in a car and i'm not short and it wasn't that bad, showered in gym, had a small storage unit for clothes and shit. if i was short and weigh'd nothing like this whore there would be virtually 0 diff between that and the nicest bed known to man. women's only value is derived from their ass so they don't need to own anything either

>> No.52673730
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I think my IP changed but I make around 230k. I save about 70% of my income after taxes, 401k, and Roth and all expenses. California has good public utilities so I don’t have to worry about going to a gym to shower, etc. I have a camp shower for my truck or if I really feel like it I can shower at one of the campgrounds or lodges in the national park. Sequoia is fucking based and has everything you’d ever want in terms of biomes. Pic related

>> No.52673788

>actual bed
>virtually 0 diff
I think that's a stretch anon....

>> No.52673806

>I don't think humans raped all that much before the internet
is this bait

>> No.52673817

mfw I'm inheriting multiple houses both in LA and also far away enough to survive the inevitable collapse
I'll be taking 10/10 women home and live like a mormon chad with multiple wives all barely legal (some not) while you fags seethe in your cardboard box sized pods

>> No.52673834

You make uncle smile. You sir are very based.

>> No.52673945

Quads of retardation, I bet you follow hypermasculinity Twitter accounts

>> No.52673962

Someone needs to rape her.

Somebody has to do the raping.

>> No.52673970

>10 year real estate crash
Literally has never happened in the US before

>> No.52673982

Yeah and you know what?
You never got kicked out of the worm hut if you got fired from your shitty job down at the radish fields.
You always had a place to go.
Fuck it give me the worm hut at least I can make it nicer or build a new one next to it. Fuck it. Don't even give me a hut just give me a field I'll build the bullshit myself I've done construction work

>> No.52674032

She's absolutely rapeable. Would rape 10/10 (well not really because I'd server 30 years for it. Whitey bad)

>> No.52674107



>> No.52674108

Modern anthropologist and historians think we are descendants of rapists
The Vikings, the mongols, Aztecs, and most royalty and wealthy bankers were notorious for raping

It’s important to understand that this behavior has been going on here for a long time and we have to work at breaking these cycles

>> No.52674113

Mazda 3 hatchback. New ones are cheap.

I get 34 MPG combined in my sedan m3

>> No.52674175

>Where will they live if housing remains unaffordable?
No one cares.
>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?
Import more students that also can't afford to live in the city they're trying to study in.

>> No.52674182
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>> No.52674197

uuuuuuhhh c h e c k e d
> 8H88VW

>> No.52674247

Machines will take care of many tasks and work in the suddenly not so distant future. The population growth on planet earth is unsustainable anyways.

>> No.52674267

you're 33. youre double the age of normie virgins. tear down the wall you cower behind and take a peak. there are still good girls out there. go to a concert, poetry slam, pub quiz, whatever. allow yourself to look at woman older than 19 fren, you'll be surprised.

but if you really have that small of a dick just be comfy fren

>> No.52674288

Kek poltards are so out of touch with reality. Much less responsibility and work, much more freedom. Why aren’t you playing home? Same reason.

>> No.52674312

>Do you envision most young people today will be able to afford a house in the next 5-10 years?
Not a fucking chance

>Where will they live if housing remains unaffordable?
Pods in the suburbs, further and further out as time goes on

>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?
Bus them in like Qatar buses in subhumans from the sewage pond slums

>> No.52674350

Funny how these environmental and green approaches are completely ignored. Living with nature is based

>> No.52674370

Have less children.
Birth rate is down.
Import bulk Indians.

>> No.52674371

Notes on your setup anon? I’m a biologist and could save a lot of money on consulting jobs by living out of a truck. What do you do for heat in the winter? Cooking, foraging, security, etc

>> No.52674376

this bitch could get almost any single man she wants. they do this out of sheer narcissism and a false sense of independence. islam solves this.

>> No.52674382

Double checkerino!

>> No.52674403

She still wouldn’t be with your delusional incel ass.

>> No.52674411

i'm not even an incel, i don't get how incel is a valid insult even. like you're calling someone out for being something "involuntarily" a thing. how dumb are you trannies really. i bet you're also an incel unironically.

>> No.52674429

Sure thing man. Stop being depressed and let people have fun.

>> No.52674437

yeah, winning mindset right there.

>> No.52674438

That vid looks fake to me. If she had spent the night in that car with no heating on and the windows shut;
a) The condensation would be crazy, windows steamed up completely and water running off them, everything damp
b) She would not look nearly so good. She has well applied makeup and her hair is perfectly 'pre-tousled', not slept in.
Everything is just too clean. It's fake.

>> No.52674439

Not possible under capitalism.

>> No.52674460

>It's warm as 29 degrees in where she lives.
I wouldn't be able to sleep in such a hot weater.

>> No.52674475

Neal is a glowie rapey cunt. His latest novel is all about how great being trans is. Our masters have their servants write the future, then go about making it happen.

>> No.52674478


>> No.52674503
File: 89 KB, 736x795, Eulad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.52674547



>> No.52674589

i understand what must be done

>> No.52674613

>import immig rats
>keep housing artificially high
>hey look everyone our gdp grew!
we just need to keep importing immig rats to baghold all our real estate for us rather than actual innovating or building in our economy anymore
>politicians who are the biggest culprits of owning all the property are the biggest proponents of this type of policy
we. are. fucked.

>> No.52674642


Says the mudslime lover

>> No.52674657

Preaching brother. Checked

>> No.52674669

This guy gets it

>> No.52674680

I actually feel a bit sorry for zoom zooms. They didn't have a chance.

>> No.52674681

its off putting in the same way as a man who has read a book about picking up women then forces himself to hold constant eye contact and hold your elbow for exactly 2 seconds at random intervals while complimenting your hair in a detached, robotic fashion

>> No.52674695

>You WILL be attracted to me

>> No.52674698


>> No.52674746
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>> No.52674863

Feigning ignorance is boomer humor.

>> No.52674874

>mentally unstable
>unhygenic, probably smells of shit and sweat
Good choice anon

>> No.52674907
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>> No.52674930

>newspaper story: man murdered in home by homeless prostitute.

>> No.52674935
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>Where will they live if housing remains unaffordable?

Pod/capsule living aka massive communal living is how they're going to address that problem. Although the nicer ones are still going to be somewhat expensive so in reality poor people will be living in something more closer to cage homes you find in Hong Kong.

>> No.52674952

go stay at your parents' house

>> No.52675019

no one will be able to afford anything in 5-10 years. Are you even paying attention? The world IS moving to china style cbdcs and the economy is collapsing

>> No.52675148

could be filters
but realistically i agree with you

>> No.52675880
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88 mein negger

>> No.52675946

I'd give my entire salary to open up that car door take a big whiff of the inside

>> No.52675970

Most poltards are unironic baby boomers that came here from the 2016 elections so it makes sense.

>> No.52676062

Yup, this board IQ hit a new low with all the twitter nigger normie raids.

>> No.52676063

What exactly do you think happens when apartments sit empty from being overpriced?

>> No.52676079

>canada about to implode from the welfare system
classic fucking canada lmaooooooooooo

>> No.52676096

I'd nut on that so quick tho

>> No.52676121

So perfect wife material

>> No.52676187

It can't be helped I guess

>> No.52676295

>no link
yeah I'm thinking this is definitely real

>> No.52676348

not gonna happen senpai, gonna pay those taxes, gonna get fucked by inflation, such is life

>> No.52676485

>perfect dental hygiene?
it's not complicated: avoid sugar as much as possible, drink a lot of water to rinse teeth, brush 2x/day, floss every night. dental cleaning 1x/year (optional if homeless).
t. never had a decayed tooth.
>imperfections and staining
needing perfectly white teeth is an american thing, your teeth are naturally not supposed to be white. teeth whitening products are just a cultural thing.

>> No.52676549

Fuck can't stop clicking on this thread everytime I scroll the catalog.
Her eyes are witch tier charming, fuck that bitch.

>> No.52676627

I refuse to believe a qt like this can’t find a rich man in 10 min on tinder and leech off his house and material wealth for life

>> No.52676647

she can but she has the martyr complex of all white women, the more she can appear like a victim/martyr, the more she thinks people on tiktok will love her
have you learnt nothing from The Handmaids Tale? that show perfectly describes how white women think
the more oppressed they feel, the more superior they feel

>> No.52676656

When I jerk off it's pretty much the same, but she at least has a vagina (I hope).

>> No.52676660

>men will literally settle for a homeless woman in current year
society is so fucked bros

>> No.52676677

It’s because “normal” sjw libro feminist women are not worth the trouble these days so the alternatives seem enticing

>> No.52676836


>> No.52676849

>classic fucking canada lmaooooooooooo
Why are Americans so upset over Canadians? Did we fuck your gf?

>> No.52676857

Fucking cuck

>> No.52676929
File: 290 KB, 450x325, justgotothegymbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does guy on right go to a 6/10?

>> No.52676955

They will live in ze pod, we've been over this already, pay attention you dumb fuck

>> No.52677031

>gain 50-100lbs of muscle
>jaw and neck building exercises
>facial hair
>decent haircut
It's possible, but he would have to commit to a totally new way of life.

>> No.52677043

>not overweight
>decent looking
if she's also kind/respectful then sure, why not. don't care if she's homeless. I have house. most single women I know don't take care of themselves

>> No.52677096

>How can a city function if---
Most cities don't function.
They're unlivable hellholes made possible by the cycle of poverty that prevents people from leaving. Crab, meet bucket.

>> No.52677112

No. They'll rent, live with family and friends, receive government housing in exchange for government service, or they'll be homeless.

>> No.52677139

Dude has a fucked bone structure from years of malnutrition and wide fish-eyes.
The only thing that really matters is face, no one cares about your muscles.

>> No.52677214

>facial hair
looks like he cant grow any
>decent haircut
this is only tip that'd obviously help, but he aint going from 2/10 to 6/10

maybe 4/10 tops, life is cruel

>> No.52678004

You sound actually gay. I have gay friends who talk just like you. Not even kidding.

>> No.52678012

>fucked bone structure from years of malnutrition
can be corrected through exercise and proper nutrition
>wide fish-eyes
Undeniable. My thoughts are that he could potentially make his jaw muscles and neck large enough that an onlooker would be distracted by his eyes.

He appears to have some stubble around his mouth. Could probably pull off a short gotee

The superior man can overcome the cruelness of life through force of will. This guy obviously has problems that have led him to look the way he does, but these problems can be corrected if he focuses his attention in the right areas and remains dedicated. If the guy is blackpilled and doesn't believe he can become a better man, he is doomed

>> No.52678039
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>I have gay friends

>> No.52678057

>Do you envision most young people today will be able to afford a house in the next 5-10 years? Where will they live if housing remains unaffordable? How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?
housing market will crash in the next 3 years, houses are going on sale, people will be able to buy an house with 5 years of normie wages.. houses in america are just timber, they are cheap as fuck to build, no reason for an house to cost 500k it's outright theft, the federal reserve will bring the economy back to reasonable levels, an average timber house shouldn't cost more than 150k

>> No.52678092
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>Dude has a fucked bone structure from years of malnutrition and wide fish-eyes.

>> No.52678130
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>> No.52678271

>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?
robots will take care of that.

>> No.52678503
File: 390 KB, 750x1183, E9A167DE-DFBD-4B27-B1EE-43EE91904032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because theyre lazy and dont want to work

>> No.52678525

The windows are defrosted
She clearly has the car running

>> No.52678539

Queue is also a word that means line of people

>> No.52678681

how do they do it?

>> No.52678683

>an be corrected through exercise and proper nutrition
No, it can't. Lack of proper nutrition in early stages of someone's life can have irreversible effects on their bone structrue and height.

This has been scientifically prove you retarded faggot. Stop believing everything you hear from motivational youtubers that have zero medical background.

>> No.52678705

is this your attempt at a counter argument by posting a guy normal looking guy with/without a beard

>> No.52678711

growing a beard and taking pictures at different angles?
Literal fucking children on this board i swear.

>> No.52678795

dont be silly they're way more attractive in second pics, looks like they got healthier skin, maybe just tan?

>> No.52678983

>how do they do it?
your facial structure adapts to your mental state and muscle composition

>> No.52678998

Oh, you're one of those.
You probably think Nofap makes you into a chad as well

>> No.52679035

>lived in houses made of sod
>uses latin "puer"

>> No.52679165

two brown IDs dreaming about rape. not surprising.

>> No.52679256

Not going to lie; a gal who is willing to spend a few nights in a car to save money or learn about hardship is more interesting than 99.98% of the current population.

>> No.52679275
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>Oh, you're one of those.

yeah man don't exercise or build muscle or keep good posture which physically affects your facial muscle tensions and expressions. You're right humans evolved for 100 thousand years to faces and determine other people's mental states and trustworthiness, but your own physical and mental wellbeing actually has no impact on the way you look and are perceived by others

>> No.52679485

Depends on what you're talking about, nigger. Weak bones can be strengthened with a proper diet and exercise, but it sounds like you're referring to a more serious condition like osteomalacia or rickets.

>> No.52679585
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so now you went from your mental state changes your bone structure to claiming i said don't exercise.

>> No.52679589

>Depends on what you're talking about, nigger
That's not how biology works, double nigger.

>> No.52679876

>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?
I have thought about this some.
Short-term young people will move in with each other. Share an apartment or rent a house together. But we are getting to the point where that is not possible too. SF and Ontario min-wage won't even get you a bedroom.
I live in Phoenix and rent a bedroom for $600 a month but make good money.
But if I was making min-wage I would be fucked.
>50 weeks a year times a 40-hour workweek
>2000 hours a year
>2000 hours times $12.80 (AZ min-wage)
>gross income $25,600
>$6,150 in taxes including SS & other bullshit
>yearly rent $7200
>$12,250 net income after rent for a whole year.
That is shit
Who is going to make your McShit's burgers?

How does this playout? Landlords and investors are currently exempted from a lot of taxes. We could see these taxes removed and fuck over landlords.
>Home flipper are exempt from capital gains
Buy a house for 100k put 30k of work into it and resells it for 70k of profit with no capital gains taxes.
There are some talks requiring a homeowner to own the house for 2 years to be exempt from capital gains.
>Property Depreciation
The IRS says that a building only has 27 years of use. So every year a landlord can mark 1/27th of the house as a loss. This has funny consequences of making landlords look as if they are losing money. On paper, the landlord is losing money or is low-income and qualifies for free Obamacare plans and other welfare.
>HOAs are banning rentals and Airbnb
Finally, a reason an HOA should exist.

>> No.52679936


>> No.52680073

I had to live in my car for 20 days because the justice system had a big boner for harassing me on account of my stance against rape and calling them out for being habitual drunk drivers

>> No.52680230

Which books did they burn newfag? Why was every 'death camp' on the Soviet side of the Berlin Wall? Why did Germany invade Poland in the first place?

>> No.52680238

rolling for Paris real estate crash with no survivors.
make it Detroit-tier I don't care, as long as I can rent an appartment on Front de Seine for under 1K/mo

>> No.52680305
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>> No.52680410

>How will a city function without a workforce that can live there?
They will simply commute from further and further away, and they will do so no matter what. I used to live in the suburbs of NYC I know how those cattle are. They consider it absolutely normal to spend 3 or 4 hours of your day commuting 5 days a week. If that becomes 5 or 6 hours they will continue to do it. If you mention that you want to move away they look at you like your insane, the thought does not even compute in their cattle brains. When I told my family and friends I was moving two states over their reaction was as though I was about to walk into the Alaskan bush with nothing but a pocket knife.
Another thing, cities don't need to "function" in any meaningful way, they already don't. These people will step over shit filled streets, get stabbed, wait for broken down trains, whatever it takes. Because to them you have to be near "the city" there is simply no other option

>> No.52680466
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At 24 I have finally saved up 150k. I should be able to buy a damn house that isn’t a shitbox. No I don’t care if it’s in the middle of nowhere, all I need is starlink and a grocery store and gas station within ten miles

>> No.52680548

Won't you be lonely? At least in the city you can go to a bar and meet girls.

>> No.52680602

I don’t think so. I work as an officer for a cruise line, it’s very easy for me to get laid and I think I could convince one of the waitresses who makes shit below minimum wage pay to husband me up, especially since everyone expects me to keep on getting promotions. When I make $900 a day I have no doubt I’ll be able to turn one of these overworked and underpaid 19 year old girls into a traddie.

>> No.52680610

the idea is you find a good gal in the city and bring her to the country where you pump many children into her.
It rarely works out that way...

>> No.52680617

Forgot to add. I am a schizoid

>> No.52680750

>gets laid easily
you don't know what being a diagnosed schizoid is like friend. good for you but also fuck you

>> No.52680914

living in a school bus I use a hammock and now cant sleep on a bed without getting sore

>> No.52682169

imagine being waken up by a bunch of kids every morning trying to get to school.

>> No.52683334

>matched with girls behind me

Of course. The app reads your messages and knows your telemetry and your schedule, so it will constantly keep you running around unfulfilled if it can. The key is to do a circuit. Come back to the place where you now have matches.

>> No.52683570

>house for 150k
have fun living in a trailer park!

>> No.52683627

There are homes in the middle of fuck nowhere that are okay around 150k.
I would use 100k as a down payment on a 250k or 300k home in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.52683637

holy fuck nice quads anon

>> No.52683660
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We all are, we're all bots.

>> No.52683718


>> No.52683832

No they will not. 18 year olds will have to become stay at home girlfriends for 30-35 year olds.

>> No.52683856

he needs to rewire his brain, stop doing drugs if thats present. theres like at least a 10-15 year age gab between them. teenagers look like this

>> No.52683874 [DELETED] 

We'll just have tent cities everywhere, and eventually those will turn into favellas like in Brazil

>> No.52683881

Damn, Im gonna start lifting tomorrow, thanks.

>> No.52683895

Vince McMahon fired Piper for making this movie.

>> No.52684360

Did you niggers forget about tpm 2.0? enjoy getting your credit card details stolen and ready to be blackmailed in ways you didn't think possible.

>> No.52684499

Checked. 2023 will be my gf year.

>> No.52686024
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Yeah sure, I have the following:
- Leer camper shell
Inside I have a foldable mattress through amazon that is on top of a few carpets/pads on the camper bed. The camper bed as well as the shell are sprayed with liner. For bedding I have a -20 sleeping bag as well as a sleeping pad + sleeping bag heater. If I need some additional heat, I crack one of the windows in the camper shell and turn on one of my jet boil heaters for a few minutes (boil some warm liquid to make tea).

Cooking: Cast iron + jet boil heaters + mug/pot. The pan mug and pot heat up super quick. I stored all of my groceries in a standard Igloo cooler.

Foraging: There is nothing to forage in the Sequoias to my knowledge. That being said there are country stores in the national park and plenty of other places for me to buy food and groceries.

Security: It's a national park, but I do own an unknown amount of weapons. I've never had any issues in the national park, there are families camping all times of the year. I look like another tourist to them. I'm also 6'2, muscular and not white so no one would even think to bother me anyway.. I've had sex a couple of times while out in the woods as well..fucking in a camper shell is a bit difficult due to my height but i manage to make it work.. Women really love wilderness chads.. pic related

>> No.52686214

Anywhere truckers stop for the night, you also can in relative safety.

>> No.52687188

>not white
ya I'd bother you fag
nice random image from the internet

>> No.52687671
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All I know is I hope every fucking boomer loses everything and goes fucking underwater on their mortgage.

I went to college, graduated early with a good degree, have a decent job. $15k liquid, 800 credit score, drive a 16 year old Jap shitbox, drink bottom-barrel liquor. Can't even afford a fucking shit ass condo in the shittest methed out part of the city I grew up in. I have more than +90% of my age group. Meanwhile my weed addicted high school dropout parents living paycheck to paycheck managed to buy a big mobile home and 8 acres of land back in the 90s just a 30 minute drive out of town. Its worth a combined $1.2 million now. I'll never have that.

>> No.52687719

jealousy is a sin and its clearly destroyed your perspective. So sad you be jealous of family members too nigga

>> No.52687783

Entirely based and nature pilled
/biz/ seething because they can't fathom escape from the GRID and taxjew

>> No.52687835

>rent if well off
I hope not, would rather kms if it got that bad.
>build a room in the back of the parents lot
This seems more or less like the way we'll be going. There are a couple tiny home and backyard house projects being tried in more expensive places like california.