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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52659123 No.52659123 [Reply] [Original]

Shalom shabbat! Israel just announced a CBDC and bond market using none other than Hedera Hashgraph
$50 eoy is fud.

>> No.52659141

Digital shekels. Literally sounds like a rugpull scam.

>> No.52659164

Hello to you Saturn worshipper
Congratulations on your money achievement
The rug pull is literally written into the code

>> No.52659192

They're carbon negative liabilities

Think about that, the bank is issuing a debt of negative carbon.
It's literally free energy what the golden bull run is all about and /biz/ will be left behind because they're a bunch of racist retards.

>> No.52659217

now that you dumbasses have accepted the trojan horse gift of crypto you get what was planned the whole time.. the point of crypto was to get you to accept what's coming and this is it. I'd like to have sympathy for you but I don't.

>> No.52659232

What do they mean here?

>> No.52659286

Is that real? My bags feel rather heavy

>> No.52659307

Could you give us the link? Can't find the article on the site

>> No.52659321

Link? Can't find this on their site

>> No.52659332

Look at recent articles on TradingView under HBARUSDT. It doesn't generate a unique URL

>> No.52659339

You don’t have to take every crypto when you buy one of them
No one said because we love bitcoin now we need to love fed coin.
The govts can issue their crypto too, let the market decide what they want to use
The key is not to restrict other cryptos, people need to remember the fed is copying other people’s tech
The consumer benefits from increased competition, it’s the regulations that could fuck us

>> No.52659469

Fake and homosexual

>> No.52659492

Got any proof?

Only companies mentioned are Fireblocks and VMware. https://www.globalgovernmentfintech.com/israel-to-pilot-issuance-of-digital-government-bonds-on-blockchain/

>> No.52659514

if anything this would make me sell my bags if i had any
With jews you lose

>> No.52659522
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It's fake... Hbros... Not like this

>> No.52659540

Hebrew Cashgrab

>> No.52659584

Your pic of the "news" is shopped. The original news is "Israel's chief economist lays out recommendations for crypto regulation".
The second half is the same with what is in that article but the first half isn't.

>> No.52659623 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1125x234, CBBEAF72-A927-469F-8E95-A15B5E5B1DB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attention redditors. do a google exact string search on a chain of words from the title next time.
for example i did picrel from my cellphone.

>> No.52659633

Jews are fucking GOD TIER

>> No.52659639

>109 page report
Let’s make it 110

>> No.52659685

It’s fake?

>> No.52659750

Don't trust anything with Israelis attached to it.

>> No.52659755


>> No.52659782
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>The govts can issue their crypto too, let the market decide what they want to use
That's very antisemitic of you anon.

>> No.52659866 [DELETED] 

j*ws smell like ass

>> No.52659882

It was always HBAR and link. Everything else is just noise, testing and proving concepts and getting junkies and idiots to pay for it and work on it for free

>> No.52659910

Here's the original news

>> No.52659929

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve added support for HBAR (ℏ), Hedera Hashgraph’s cryptocurrency. With over 1.6 million HBAR transactions happening per day, we’re excited to give our users access to this new and innovative ledger.

How Fireblocks Supports HBAR (ℏ)
Fireblocks users can now securely store and transfer HBAR between counterparties and exchanges on the Fireblocks Network for instant settlement. To learn more about why MPC is designed to support new tokens and blockchains, check out 7 reasons why MPC is the next generation of private key security.https://www.fireblocks.com/blog/announcing-support-for-hedera-hashgraph-hbar-%E2%84%8F/

>> No.52659935

It’s sad that people post fake stuff just to try and get their bags pumped nothing but rogue thieves in crypto

>> No.52661333

>Jews jewing other jews
nothing of value is lost

>> No.52661531

It's the only reason why I got into crypto. If my privacy is taken from me, I want something in return.

>> No.52661868

> buy the self-collapsing ponzi racist!

>> No.52661936


>> No.52661947

Caught and checked
Definitely some underlying symbolism here kek

>> No.52661964
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>> No.52661997

Prepare your anus, bend over, and prepare to be double penetrated goy

>> No.52662011
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>> No.52662019

Yeah I'm sure Israel will use your tokens instead of setting up their own network and nodes. I'm not surprised though. Only technologically illiterate people fall for those scams.