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File: 852 KB, 1125x609, EA1A3C57-8138-4CE6-AF1B-016FAA17A9C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52647831 No.52647831 [Reply] [Original]

I will be unironically aping my life savings in a shitcoin and it’s come down between these two. This is a set and forget scenario and I’m entrusting you, Anon, with my financial freedom. I have no idea what these two does nor do I give a shit. I just wanna be rich when I check my portfolio in 2024. Which one do I choose?

>> No.52647863

One is an eth fork the other one has a 20 year roadmap and aims to reinvent the internet and has zero gas fees because developers rather than users pay for it.
I don’t know about you but if a new business does something that in hindsight seems extremely obvious then you should buy it.

>> No.52647876
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nuff said

>> No.52647901
File: 451 KB, 1284x2681, B07F8585-BFE1-43C7-B87B-A0784C89CA10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s AVAX real tps it’s about half way down if that helps finding it

>> No.52647961

avax will btfo by tezos

>> No.52648007
File: 87 KB, 1152x614, roaches can't stop losing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52648008

>ICP is a literal scam.
> AVAX is a legitimate project

Nuff said

>> No.52648017

ICP is a pumped and dumped VC scam, while Avalanche is the only legit L1 besides Ethereum. The choice is yours.

>> No.52648027
File: 25 KB, 1091x541, Zero burn rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one uses that Roach chain

>> No.52648032

Tell me, which has more development?

>> No.52648035
File: 191 KB, 574x795, Goon Le Roach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52648037

dom is the biggest ICP holder rn HAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.52648042
File: 118 KB, 624x624, F9D24416-E61C-472C-B547-19343153368C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the Loli trading cringe ass AVAX baggies.

>> No.52648054
File: 27 KB, 1259x659, 121232442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transaction count is consistently on the rise. Avalanche is much more than just the C-chain.

>> No.52648058
File: 24 KB, 285x507, So slow it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snail technologies

>> No.52648075

So? What does this have to do with the fact that Icypeepee is a scam? The other 2 articles are also nutjob low IQ articles about a non-existant conspiracy against Icypeepee by the way, fucking cringe.

>> No.52648085
File: 48 KB, 450x385, Trust me anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch again. SBF also moved tokens around.

>> No.52648114
File: 25 KB, 539x148, SandNigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sense first.

>> No.52648125

Ones a double spend coin, the other is the most promising project in all of crypto.

>> No.52648128

The ICP project is dead in the water and has paid shills bombard other threads with the same 1 FUD every single day. It's absolutely pathetic.

>> No.52648135
File: 11 KB, 415x215, ITS EVEN WORSE KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVG 22 TPS FUCKIN KEK. Are we still in 2016?

>> No.52648140

>the fact that ICP is a scam.

Could you define scam to me? Does scam just mean price goes down to you? I've looked into ICP pretty heavily and can't see anything that suggests it's a scam. There were some seriously weird things happening with FTX futures prior to launch which caused a crazy pump and dump but that doesn't seem to be the dfinity team as FTX did that to a few tokens. Would love some legitimate information about this being a scam because all I see is people posting the chart and saying people bought for 3c. People got in super low in every layer one.

>> No.52648152

I think they're desperate bagholders doing it for free. They're in full schizo despair mode after the brutal -99.6% run Icypeepee had since public release lel

>> No.52648166

Talking about scams, what would you call this? A totally legit project? It has NO USERS! If you don't hold A VAX why are you shilling it?

>> No.52648167
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>> No.52648198
File: 10 KB, 268x127, Nigger of the sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful head and shoulders! Ive seen this before, all eth killers end up dead and A VAX won't survive this bear market

>> No.52648219

It's a generic "blockchain" running completely on AWS - centralized. It's also censorable as fuck, see the Mario 64 incident last year. A blockchain that gets DMCA'd lmao

>> No.52648281

See lies again. It doesn’t run on AWS. Yes censorship is possible but only with a consensus. Mario 64 is up right now. I swear you faggots literally either state lies or just say check the price.
If you think it’s a good idea that a company funded billions of dollars should turn into the next dark web you’re a fucking retard

>> No.52648306

>Yes censorship is possible but only with a consensus
Yeah bro, consensus. Dfinity has the vast majority of stake you goddamn lying nigger, they'll automagically win any vote anyway.

>> No.52648313
File: 85 KB, 192x170, Sand negro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't fud the tech so it has to strait up lie

>> No.52648319

What do you gain from blatantly lying? I told you I've looked into ICP and it is not running on AWS. The current node facilities are listed on one of the main pages of their website.

The guy who hosted Mario 64 brought it back up yesterday for the anniversary and even explained how he brought it down because he thought dfinity would vote to bring it down but they ended up voting to leave it up. Was still more exposure than he wanted.

Again, I'll ask you to explain why it is a scam without overtly lying to me. I'm getting a little flustered because I've tried to get real information in multiple threads over the weeks and all the people calling it a scam just keep lying or have a total misunderstanding of what ICP does. I'm not by any means well versed on ICP but it's like you guys don't know anything at all.

>> No.52648396

How come I See Pee literally only goes down in price?

>> No.52648401
File: 37 KB, 647x379, i hold 5% kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Jewish boy called Le Roach (the irony) holds 5% of the A VAX tokens!

>> No.52648422

Bought the top again?

>> No.52648428

>the other is the most promising project in all of crypto.
>also had paid shills and bots to fud avalanche.

yeah yeah faggot, sure.

>> No.52648435

Considering that at least Avalanche is developing actually useful tech, the answe is pretty simple anon

>> No.52648436
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 9CD5F72C-86C9-4A1E-9369-3A69700335FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this photo

>> No.52648473
File: 47 KB, 691x349, its afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If A VAX has no users see:
Why are we experiencing a huge shill campaign? Really makes you think right?

>> No.52648521
File: 114 KB, 625x782, BLACK EYES OF DEATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avalanche is developing actually useful tech
Please elaborate Anon i beg you. We would love to hear more about that amazing tech that's being built by those genius brown hands!

>> No.52648528

I ask a legitimate question and all that happens is these rapid fire responses that are the same exact replies I've seen in every other thread funding ICP make me think the paid fudder claims hold some water. I'm gonna have to start saving file names.

>> No.52648530

They don’t have vast majority of the stake. They have less than 50%. The majority of stakers are from post launch which is about 52% they showed this in a r&d meeting. You’d know this if you actually did research on the project rather than talking out of your ass

>> No.52648556
File: 892 KB, 736x905, aCUF6x3kj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wanna be rich when I check my portfolio in 2024
>Believes ICP is an option.
Just hold AVAX for the long-term anon.

>> No.52648558

ICP is pushing out constant updates, usually every day. I have more confidence in them for it

>> No.52648561

lmao are u serious? im dying loool

>> No.52648592

I think it's far more likely to be 4/5 bagholding jeets

>> No.52648605

Just with that doubt you can see that you are not very intelligent. avalanche obviously

>> No.52648623
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, (YOU).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will be unironically aping my life savings in a shitcoin and it’s come down between these two.
Are you going to unironically spend your life savings into a shitcoin that was pumped and dumped by VCs? It's an obvious scam, also, it's dead. Fucking retard kek

>> No.52648624

You need to see this gain:

>> No.52648637


>> No.52648642

This. You have under a week to accumulate before the roll out of btc integration.

>> No.52648649

Also a possibility. It's seriously depressing when you want to have a legitimate discussion but these guys show up everywhere and AGGRESSIVELY try and derail the conversation. Fucking useless jannies.

>> No.52648655
File: 847 KB, 1351x1080, 1615665348584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the other is the most promising project in all of crypto.

>> No.52648661

There are still people talking about icp? that project died a long time ago. Forget about it jeet

>> No.52648664
File: 17 KB, 202x314, good guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah kinda stupid to even think about putting a single dollar in to A VAX

>> No.52648666

So you're telling me you looked at the money in your savings account, looked at something called "internet computer" and thought "yeah, I'm gonna get me some internet computers" lmao

>> No.52648673


>> No.52648682

>So you're telling me you looked at the money in your savings account, looked at something called "A VAX" and thought "yeah, I'm gonna get me some boosters" lmao
You're a funny guy!

>> No.52648685

Nobody is gonna reply to my thing eh, just the same copy pasta responses. ICP really is looking like the way to go.

>> No.52648715

Don't waste your time, you are replying to an ICP holder funding his own bags, trust me price action does this to a holder. (I been holding ICP for a year now)

>> No.52648757

Thanks. Also hello fellow phone poster. Gotta love the autocorrect of fudding lol

>> No.52648767
File: 44 KB, 324x405, retardd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, kinda stupid to even think about putting a single dollar into ICP considering it's going down each day it passes while it tries to gather attention like a whore with the website filled with 'cases'

It's unironically dead, I'm getting impressed by the bunch of pajeets trying to shill ICP in this thread.

>> No.52648779

AVAX is probably as retarded

>> No.52648815

Everyone knows that ICP was bullshit and I say it was because I don't think it even exists anymore. There you have the answer.

>> No.52648844

ICP token has depreciated to levels unthinkable months ago. I'm not investing in a single token of that piece of garbage

>> No.52648847

>t's unironically dead
This is what i call dead:

>> No.52648850

Avalanche's subnet system is one of the most efficient developments seen the last few years.

I don't understand why there are retards here who are saying ICP is better when it is literally dogshit. better at what? I challenge you to show me a single PROVEN quality or advantage of ICP over Avalanche.

>> No.52648875

>Avalanche's subnet system is one of the most efficient developments seen the last few years.
Nice efficiency you've got there!

>> No.52648876

i own 1000 ICP at a cost average below 4 dollars.

>> No.52648913

there is no reason to ever trust ICP again.

>> No.52648936
File: 54 KB, 907x596, IMG_20221128_121820_583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking moronic idiot. Can't believe you are still asking if you should buy AVAX.
You know what, pls go a buy that internet of shit computer coin

>> No.52648952

Are you a waggie who put all his life savings on icp or what? I don't even care if you like Avalanche or not, but you have to admit that it doesn't even worth the time to defend the shitty dead project icp already is.

>> No.52648969
File: 82 KB, 987x585, Roach Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even..

>> No.52648985

Make sense first then you'll get a quality reply.

>> No.52648990


>Any single dapp is limited to ~500 writes as a consequence of how the consensus protocol works, and it gets worse as more nodes are added to a given subnet. You could consider writes a traditional "transaction" comparing to other L1s. ICP can also perform queries which it can support a larger number of. The fact is this is just simply insufficient for anything resembling a remotely popular dApp. Other major L1s like SOL, Cosmos, AVAX etc. easily surpass this throughput albeit are more specialized for financial dApps. 500 writes/sec is also insufficient for any sort of popular social media platform or game though. It simply is not capable of doing what Dfinity is trying to sell you on it doing.
>The consensus protocol is permissioned and therefore so are node admissions
>There's approximately 8 actual operators of ICP nodes, even if they're geographically distributed.
>Node requirements are massive and there's just simply no way for someone to partake in the network and verify that other nodes are correct.
>Class action lawsuit regarding insider's dumping ICP at genesis: https://decrypt.co/76614/dfinity-hit-with-lawsuit-claiming-icp-unregistered-security

Long story short, ICP is centralized, permissioned, and fairly limited in throughput compared to other chains. Not to mention the iffy tokenomics.

Ok and people just delegate to dfinity and they easily surpass the simple majority threshold. Dfinity effectively controls the network. If they changed the NNS threshold to 66% or something like that then maybe you could talk.

>> No.52649016

Strait up lying again Rakesh? Karma will get you, Lord Ganesh is watching!

>> No.52649029

You forgot to explain how he's lying

>> No.52649081

>any single dapp is limited to 500 writes.

That's canisters, not dapps. And dapp coded to rely on a single cannister to handle all of its transactions was coded poorly. Theres a thread discussing how to avoid running into this somewhere on the dfinity developer forum and only appears to cause problems when the dev doesn't know shit about fuck.

>> No.52649118

good point anon, hope it's the last one

>> No.52649138
File: 178 KB, 1077x939, icpthroughput.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, that's the limit for any given subnet. What you're talking about was essentially a queueing issue.

>> No.52649166

Also another thing to note in his misunderstanding of canister vs dapp is that there are plenty of dapps deployed easily handling well in excess of 500 operations per second. I'm pretty sure this number is made up and a misunderstanding of canister STORAGE vs canister transactions on a dapp.

I'm a fucking mechanical engineer who's failed to get hello world working properly on C++ on multiple attempts yet I still seem to have a better understanding of ICP than all these people funding it. And I consider myself to know fuck all. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.52649168

>One is a lazy fork of Ethereum

>And the other one is as well, but it's brainlet CEO uses even more buzzwords

Pick wisely anon

>> No.52649204

Look at the edit at the bottom please. It's explaining exactly what I'm trying to reference. You aren't hard limited here, otherwise none of the apps currently deployed on ICP would function at all.

>> No.52649241
File: 40 KB, 657x612, 12343214321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche is the unic coin that can help you to don't arrive in 2024 with a poor portfolio

>> No.52649249
File: 14 KB, 198x252, brownie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ICP is centralized, permissioned, and fairly limited in throughput compared to other chains
He forgot to explain how is it centralized when it doesn't even need cloud services unlike A VAX. Permissioned? Does he even know the meaning of that? Any one can use it without permission from the administration wtf are you even talking about. And limited compared to other chains? Please give me just 1 name of a superior tech, just 1.

>> No.52649273

Is that from Leddit? gtfo

>> No.52649298


why u shitty brown pajeets always post the same screenshot with the same link?

try harder Rajesh

>> No.52649306

uh, you do realize that on ICP a subnet = one blockchain right? and that all the reads/writes from the canisters on a given subnet are posting their writes/reads into blocks which are ordered by the nodes of that subnet through the consensus protocol.

>> No.52649325

ESL turk

>> No.52649362

ICP core functionality is that you can string subnets (other blockchains as you put it) into cohesive dapps. You're not limited by any single one unless you code yourself into a corner. I dont believe it's in any way as limiting as you are trying to make it out to be.

I will say that this conversation has convinced me to learn Motoko though. Thanks!

>> No.52649373

Because that has all the info you need that confirms that A VAX is a scam. We simply post the link and save time. There are always 2 or 3 A VAX scam threads open ready to trick Anons. It's the easiest way to save lives.

>> No.52649584

It's a total scam since it's useless, lacks investors interest, and has zero innovation behind
How much are you getting paid for saying such nonsense shit on this board?

>> No.52649637

Zero innovation? Jesus Christ you guys just love to lie. It literally straight up, lack of understanding, or just saying check the price. That’s why it is every time with you guys.
Your shitcoins can barely do a fraction of what icp can do

>> No.52649653

Self hosting is not innovative? There's plenty of dapps and the people working on it are some of the top developers in the industry. Take a look at the developments from the last hackathon.

It feels weird replying to half the posts here with any sort of genuine interest. I feel like I'm trying to have a good faith argument but it's one sided.

>> No.52649666

This is just the most bullish stuff ever. People need to learn from organic numbers

>> No.52649671

Subnets can talk to each other sure. Since it's permissioned dfinity abstracted away the associated complexity with establishing that the outputs of the other chains are correct, nodes just implicitly trust that the message a node is receiving is valid. Personally I do not think that's a very robust security model but that's neither here nor there. Building a dApp aross subnets will result in terrible UX though. The devs have stated that the round trip for a cross subnet request is like 5 or 6 seconds in the ideal case. That's fucking awful kek. It'll make the dApp feel like you're back on dial up, if you ever experienced that that is. Not to mention for the insufficiency for financial use cases or time sensitive use cases.

>> No.52649690

Are you that lazy to research a scam yourself? Icp havent done anything remarkable or meaningful since launch

>> No.52649745
File: 24 KB, 460x351, those eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52649748

Why aren't we experiencing any of these issues with things deployed already? Do you guys just ignore that you can go and use a lot of these dapps right now?

>> No.52649764

bitDAO's L1 is literally going to annihilate both.

>> No.52649791

Self hosting already existed way before ICP had anything to do with it, so yes, it's ZERO innovation when someone is already doing it way before
You need to get out of that echo chamber and realize that ICP isn't the only chain with developers behind. Avalanche also has an extensive repertoire of development and dApps.
You’re just another braindead faggot from this board that refuses to take off the ICP fanboy hat.

>> No.52649807

Because nothing on ICP is seeing anywhere close to 500TPS load kek. There are no users of any ICP dApp in any significant quantity

>> No.52649862

Avax literally spent all their funding on marketing and suing competitors.
There is no blockchain that can do anything remotely close that icp can do. HTTPS requests, btc integration(none of that wrapped bs), eth integration, and so much more. They’re literally the leading reject right now innovation and have been building features that have never been done before.

>> No.52649908

Using the icp dashboard I've found multiple subnets (not many but they exist) running higher than 500tps. I've determined you're not arguing in good faith so get fucked and I'll be buying more icp and learning to code Motoko, cheers bud.

>> No.52649938

If you notice I'm trying to avoid shit flinging and just have legitimate conversations regarding each blockchain. I'm of the opinion that AVAX has its merits I just believe ICP can perform functions AVAX cannot which is why I am only replying to people claiming ICP is a scam and not getting into it about AVAX.

>> No.52649941

>HTTPS requests
Not needed
>btc integration
not needed
>eth integration
not needed
>and so much more
not needed

Enjoy holding your worthless -99.6% bags to -100%.

>> No.52649953

ICP is the one I'm throwing my money into, a lot of people still don't understand the innovation here, they're completely middle curving it.

ICP is capable of reinventing the internet by allowing you to launch a website which is held in a canister, what this means is that your website or app is now held in a datacentre. Compare this to the current internet where you can host a website or app and it's....wait hold on, it's exactly the fucking same. OK, no problem that part isn't the exciting part anyway, the most important part is that this is completely uncensorable, for example, somebody launched Mario 64 on ICP and it worked great, although it received a cease and desist and could easily have been enforced due to the data existing in an ICP designated datacentre so....wait a second this isn't any different either?

I don't get it? What am I missing? How did this brilliant technology simply fall into total redundancy without me even having to spend two minutes thinking about it?

Surely the ICP fags MUST have thought about this right?


The same people that thought Nano and Cardano were genius tech? They won't be wrong a third time surely?

>> No.52649970

Please explain to me why bringing smart contracts to Bitcoin in a trustless manner is not needed

>> No.52650006

Go deploy a website/app on AWS and then do it on icp and you’ll see the difference. Dfinity basically built a whole new webstack that shits on the current standard

>> No.52650049

>but but you can have a website on ICP that nobody uses!

top kek, post some of these loser websites, I want to laugh

>> No.52650059

>Go deploy a website/app on AWS and then do it on icp and you’ll see the difference. Dfinity basically built a whole new webstack that shits on the current standard
No one needs it.

>> No.52650107


>> No.52650164

Post some ICP loser websites, I want to laugh

>> No.52650173


Yep, we did one that was the word "NIGGERS" written over and over again and it got taken down.

Uncensorable Internet 3.5

>> No.52650220

avax has a batter historical performance than icp. but icp is full globohomo (you need an id to use their website) and if i learned something is that if you want financial success you can bet with globohomo things because they can work but the biggest flaw icp has is that the roadmap is ambitous and it jeeds pretty good luck to work

>> No.52650248

ICP is centralized and doesnt actually work, especially not at scale.
So far Avalanche is the only Blockchain platform that can scale.

>> No.52650264

post the subnet ids

>> No.52650332

ICP has only 40 nodes, its centralized so nothing they do is in any way impressive, actually kinda pathetic.
Also where is the ICP websites links? I want to laugh about this poorly made Loser shit.

>> No.52650354

Based anon

>> No.52650361

Phone posting because gay so can't post ID'S but if you view all subnets and sort by most canisters...

3,680 canisters running 3,294 tps
2,233 canisters running 594 tps

There were a few others but I didn't write them down. I'm actually surprised by how active some of these canisters are. Either way it shows that there is not a 500 tps limit on canisters if you code smart.

>> No.52650368

Literally go look them up yourselves. Hell just go the showcase on their website or search kinic

>> No.52650385

>subnets that do nothing
>bunch of made up numbers

Top kek, this shit has zero Users.

>> No.52650398

idk why but i really like icp but the price action has ruined it and it is pretty guaranteed to hit 0. Why nit buy Casper? Why does no one talk about this awesome chain? AVAX is one of the shittiest chains btw lol

>> No.52650406
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 78E1F513-8B77-43C7-B6DB-33271427435D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://74iy7-xqaaa-aaaaf-qagra-cai.raw.ic0.app/
>that Link
>leads to a blank page

Top kek, its worse than I thought

>> No.52650419

avax is a shitty chain used by faggots. icp is a cool chain also used by faggots. OP is learning motoko so he is based but he is doing it on a fag chain.

>> No.52650423

I literally posted how to go see them. With further digging I'm sure you could determine which dapp these subnets are running. Jesus fuck I started out in this thread with at least a little faith I could talk to people with some brains but nah all icp fudders are just fucking idiots.

>> No.52650424

>AVAX is one of the shittiest chains btw lol
At least it works and is doing what a blockchain is supposed to do. This ICP trash isnt doing anything at all besides turning faggots into bagholders.

Post some more ICP loser websites, I mean blank pages! Top kek

>> No.52650430

web2 links work fine for ICP retard
type in oc.app and you'll have a telegram-like chat, hosted completely on ICP, with zero external dependencies
can you link me to something similar on your roach chain?

>> No.52650432
File: 41 KB, 1820x784, 1641981818260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Icypeepee is literally shilled as cheap AWS alternative by the founder himself
So it's not a blockchain but just some kind of webhost with a scam token? Lel

>> No.52650444

>which dapp these subnets are running
Probably nothing at all since you cant even tell me.
Post some ICP loser websites and dapps now, I want to see what zero TVL and zero Users looks like.

>> No.52650451

Its both you cum guzzling retarded jeet.

Where's the guy who always threatens to rape you fuckwits I think he's got the right idea.

>> No.52650452
File: 75 KB, 936x936, 1664482459929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official shill material again. They're unironically comparing blockchains that weren't made for webhosting to their webhosting platform.

>> No.52650458

>wanna see what 0 users looks like
check pangolinswap then

>> No.52650459

>type in oc.app
Leads to another blank page, does anything work at all on ICPiss?

Post some more Loser websites on ICP, so far we discovered 2 blank pages.

>> No.52650470

>Leads to another blank page
lmao this dumb fuck can't even load webpages

>> No.52650482

But I‘m looking at ICP, it has no users, the loser websites dont work (this wants to compete with AWS TOP KEK) and there is no DeFi.
What ICP losers even do on ICP?

>> No.52650485

>Decentralized chat app
>runs through only 40 validators

>> No.52650489

No, I'm done spoon feeding you because you're not interested in learning and will perform whatever mental gymnastics you can to get out of being proven wrong over and over. The dashboard on the internet computer website has a good showcase of the more used dapps. You won't bother looking at it anyway. Fuck you and fuck your trips.

>> No.52650495

>bro you should add a bunch more nodes for absolutely no reason at all when the current scale doesn't require it yet

>> No.52650496

ICP doesnt work, not my problem.
Now post more ICP loser websites, we have discovered 2 so far, is there any more non functional stuff you want to show me?
Very decentralized sirs buy now sirs ICP to moon benchod bastird!

>> No.52650516

i can tell by the way you type you aren't white
i'm glad you aren't buying ICP, that's one less non white that will make it.

>> No.52650517

>still cant post any links to any ICP loser websites
So there is only 2? WOW

>> No.52650526

icp is just a circlejerk of devs wanting to be cool and edgy, no one is gonna use that shit and there's no need.
>"hey have you seen the new blockchain? it's gonna replace normal websites and it's all decentralized!"
>where is it? Sounds cool send me a link
>oh....ok click the links
>blank page
>icp logo loading for 2 minutes "loading decentralized data"
>blank page

what the fuck is this retarded shit . at least when bitcoin had its fudders bitcoin fucking worked

>> No.52650533

I‘m white and I dont buy ICP because I dont buy centralized nonfunctional garbage.
Thats for stupid retards such as yourself, now post some more ICP loser websites.
Lmao there isnt even more than 2 ICP websites and this wants to compete with AWS LMAO

>> No.52650534


Why do i fucking keep replying ugh.

>> No.52650536
File: 88 KB, 1152x614, Roach chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52650537

https://t.. me/+-IcEuHKNGw8zMGU0

For a real ICP discussion.

>> No.52650539


>> No.52650548

>endless loading page leading to nowhere

WOW great, more nonfunctional garbage.
Anything that actually works?

>> No.52650553

isn't that double spend narrative a bit old?

>> No.52650575

I'm sorry your shitty jeet internet can't load a basic website but everyone with a brain knows you're a lying faggot who's bound to get raped to death by that one guy.

>> No.52650592

Every other site is loading, looks like ICP is dead and non functional.
Now post some more loser websites hosted on the centralized ICP server.

>> No.52650652

They claim their competitors all run on AWS, so for consistency they should be using AWS to calculate their storage costs.

>> No.52650689

you see pee?

>> No.52650719

I may be unaware, but you can't actually find out what specifically is running on these subnets. The explorer doesn't tell you enough information to conclude that it's actually processing those requests from users though is the thing, seeing "1000 TPS" on the explorer doesn't imean the 300 from-user-writes limit has been exceeded (also keep in mind the explorer combines queries and writes into TPS which is a bit dishonest). Per the dfinity dev in >>52649138 , theoretically if it's one canister telling another to update in 100 byte instructions it could do 20k writes/sec and you would still see that reflect in the explorer "TPS". That's not really the problem though it's the ingress message limit that's the problem, which is a consequence of the consensus protocol's O(n^2) messaging complexity.

>> No.52651051

>ask for ICP loser websites
>there is only 2 which dont even work
>ask for functional stuff


>> No.52651092
File: 460 KB, 1440x1244, 1666882323876956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 posts by this id

here's a search you can find some more


>> No.52651113

Sweet, another blank page.
Why isnt this garbage working?
And this really wants to compete with AWS?

>> No.52651128

He’s fucking with y’all he’s going to say everything doesn’t load for him or someshit.

>> No.52651139
File: 489 KB, 750x1624, 96080C25-D3A4-4860-8841-E352292E340A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m fucking phone posting you lying piece of shit

>> No.52651164

Doesnt work and I tried on 2 different phones.
Also looks like absolute garbage.
Post more Loser ICP websites that do nothing.

>> No.52651183

You’ve got some shitty internet and phones then. Sorry that you’re a poor faggot.
Kinic is literally just a search engine

>> No.52651225

>Kinic is literally just a search engine
So why doesnt it work?
Post some Links to more ICP loser website blank pages.

>> No.52651266

oh wow a search engine. That's some groundbreaking shit

>> No.52651286

It doesnt even work and THIS wants to compete with Google lmao
I googled a bit and couldnt find any more ICP loser websites so I guess there is only 3 of these blank pages and thats it.
Hilarious they are pretending this trash is functional.

>> No.52651317

i searched ass and searched titties on there but only got results for "web 3 developer" sites. Yeah cuz kim and stacy and billy from high school wanna spend their eveneing reading about DAO governnance proposals and learning how to code in obscure languages kek

>> No.52651344

show me your chainlink search engine

>> No.52651364

It doesnt even work, why would they learn about it?
Some normie will open the page, see its blank and leading nowhere and then just leave kek.
And this shit wants to compete with google and amazon lmao
What a joke

>> No.52651404

Dude you’re the only person that gets a blank page you fucking retard. Honestly post a fucking screenshot I want to see what you see with the kinic link in the shot

>> No.52651434

This thread has convinced me some people truly just deserve death. What an insufferable faggot.

>> No.52651436

It’s literally just a search engine for the canisters on the chain. How is that so hard to understand? It’s not trying to be google, it’s just showing the sites based on what terms you searched that are on chain

>> No.52651457

Its a blank page, it doesnt work.
Actually none of these ICP pages work.
How do you think this will ever be able to compete with google or amazon?

>> No.52651481

>it’s just showing the sites
Post some Links to these nonfunctional blank pages.
I havent encountered anything so far that actually works.
Thats how ICP is, it doesnt work, its slow and it will never be able to compete with google or amazon or telegram.
Even Nintendo doesnt want them to upload Mario to it.
Its over.

>> No.52651496

Hey man, i’m reaching out from a small biz discussion group on icp. We want you specifically in it, because we have good convos about icp.
Follow/copy link. https://t(dot)me/+-IcEuHKNGw8zMGU0

>> No.52651511

Screenshot it then you fucking retard post the proof. The link must be shown as well similar to what I posted earlier

>> No.52651518

Thanks I may check it out. I try to avoid echo chambers but this place has just become unusable

>> No.52651577

why have no Piss Legionairres touched on this. Piss marines acting like no one wants a discussion but refutes none of the true criticism

>> No.52651584

Its a Blank page retard

>> No.52651588

you can compere ID to metamask wallet that you already connect to websites and don't have a problem with "leaking" your identity of random characters

>> No.52651644

Same argument about any cryptocurrency. If centralized control of the internet doesn't bother you than you are not the intended userbase. It's not really criticism, just an observation that it functions similarly to the existing internet just using different node providers rather than AWS. Over time the idea is to further and further increase the number of nodes so that its spread out significantly, currently there are not that many because the userbase isn't there yet. That's criticism I can accept. The main difference is that the userbase has a say in how the entire thing is operated due to voting. Again it's not currently fully decentralized as dfinity can swing votes but they generally abstain and have plans to reduce their voting power as time goes on. We'll see how that all goes.

>> No.52651667

If you’re using a fucking browser on a phone the should a link shown at the top and a blank page below. Can you not fucking do this retard. It literally would take you no more than 5 seconds. This just shows me you’re a lying piece of shit

>> No.52651684
File: 230 KB, 1536x2048, 1605222615611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so can any Avalanche shill explain away the fact that their coin is made by mudkike roaches? No sane anon would invest in turks.
Also the blank page nigger. Jesus christ dude get a grip.
>not even hosted on your blockchain

>> No.52651723

No prob, just saw you screaming into the void and figured you might be interested in a small group discussion where other bizrealis dissect the nuanced stuff in ICP. The unrelenting retarded fud here gets really old.
Gotta remember; BIZ is malicious and psychopathic. They will aggressively fud anons out of their positions, while also holding those same positions.

>> No.52651735

tl;dr ICP has no users, no demand and isnt growing.
>and a blank page below.
so why should anyone use these blank page websites?
whats the point of having nonfunctional websites?

>> No.52651739

>they dont know the HELLO FELLOW NAZIS BUY AVAX SIRS singaporean shills are the same as the HELLO FELLOW NAZIS BUY ICP SIRS shills
couldn’t be more obvious and i’m not buying your scamcoins baggies

>> No.52651761

Can you not take a screenshot with link and the blank page in the same frame?
You’re a lying piece of shit

>> No.52652057

that pic got my dick fucking ready to buy some ICP

>> No.52652061

25 posts by this id

>> No.52652087

holy shit they are desperate

>> No.52652247
File: 206 KB, 1124x1118, 79A2E6C5-8165-487B-A5DB-9301A6527D9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when BitDAO launches its own L1, it’ll shit on both these dead chains
you can tell from the non still shilling that they barely have any liquidity left, and it just so happens that BitDAO has a lot of that

>> No.52652377

your mum has lot of liquidity in bed ahahahahahahahah

>> No.52652586

>Can you not take a screenshot with link and the blank page in the same frame?
why? its blank, do you know what a blank page is?
why doesnt this ICP trash work?
how stupid do you have to be to think this can compete with Google or Amazon?

>> No.52652756

See you’re a lying faggot

>> No.52652821

Holy shit this guy is losing it. Doesn't know how to navigate a link and gets ass mad. LMAO

>> No.52652855
File: 73 KB, 512x576, 1669103172376530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 posts by this id

>> No.52653646

post some more blank page websites hosted on ICP and used by absolutely NOBODY.

>> No.52653737

ou must have serious erection problems lmao

>> No.52653748

You can’t even prove they’re blank why should anybody trust you. I provided a screenshot showing kinic.io works. You haven’t provided anything other than your anecdotal evidence.
Provide a screenshot of your browser with the link and blank page in the same frame.

>> No.52653917

it doesnt work, why doesnt it work?
can you post some more blank webpages from the piss computer?
can you explain why anyone would want to use this shit?

>> No.52653922

Can you prove that it’s blank?

>> No.52653944

just go and check for yourself.
post some more Blank ICP webpages, lets see what other blank pages they host.

>> No.52653955

The truth is that I think it is very silly to bet on something like ICP at this point in the game when its value has fallen to the lowest point and it is plummeting, if you want to bet on the future better bet on any other ICP token now is dead.

>> No.52653981
File: 1.31 MB, 750x1624, E97FBD31-453D-48AD-9D89-B1C3C0781D5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52653987

dead project, no DeFi, hosting empty blank wegpages that nobody uses, shitty flash games from 30 years ago, token that goes to 0.
this trash cant die fast enough.

>> No.52653996

IC what?
Aren't those the math nigger hands?

>> No.52654001
File: 859 KB, 750x1624, A44EDC89-A576-421D-A626-36919A8065D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52654003

what can you do on that shitty website?
nothing LOL

>> No.52654018

31 posts by this id

>what can you do on that shitty website?
what can you do on boards.4channel.org?

>> No.52654024
File: 658 KB, 750x1624, E1EA2069-2D69-4EE7-8765-A3AF85CA74A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52654048

whats this garbage supposed to be?

>> No.52654047
File: 775 KB, 750x1624, 1ED46F43-4F02-4C51-9DB5-0E8AE08E53CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52654066

>what can you do on boards.4channel.org?
way more than you can do on blank ICP webpages that nobody uses.

some poorfag variant of telegram but with only 5 users.
not very impressive.
a dead chan that nobody uses, also not very impressive.

>> No.52654078

>way more than you can do on blank ICP webpages that nobody uses.
like? explain what you can do on 4chan

>> No.52654081
File: 1.76 MB, 750x1624, D18E5346-F573-4B0B-85F6-69326A4A8F7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52654098

>explain what you can do on 4chan
4chan has users you can interact with, that dead chan has no users.
also looks like absolute dogshit, like it was made by a retarded pajeet streetshitter.
whats this garbage supposed to be?

>> No.52654102
File: 2.15 MB, 750x1624, 5E617629-38FA-42FE-BCFA-BD454FB41D45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52654133


>> No.52654144
File: 714 KB, 750x1624, B14A1011-4B02-4392-88D3-EBDD9133AA17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52654149
File: 482 KB, 3801x1730, dead shitboard for ICP subhumans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead shitboard nobody uses
>page broken (as everything is on the piss computer)
>nobody posting there
>dead community

no wonder ICP retards are here on 4chans /biz/ and not on the Piss /biz/

>> No.52654153

>4chan has users you can interact with, that dead chan has no users.
>also looks like absolute dogshit, like it was made by a retarded pajeet streetshitter.

this website is literally dead and hasn't been updated in 20 years, and yet here you are spending 4 hours arguing about a crypto project you think is dead

>> No.52654161
File: 373 KB, 750x1624, C87E6CD8-0DB9-43FA-8376-FF2504E54B1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where are the blank pages faggot

>> No.52654174

>shittiest NFT marketplace anyone has ever seen
shit dex with no liquidity and zero volume and nothing to trade on it.
not very impressive.

Piss retards think this can compete with anything LMAO

>this website is literally dead and hasn't been updated in 20 years
thats what the Piss imageboard on the Loser computer looks like.
no wonder nobody posts there, thats why you are here and not there.
why dont you fuck off retard?

>> No.52654183
File: 20 KB, 455x508, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats what the Piss imageboard on the Loser computer looks like.
>no wonder nobody posts there, thats why you are here and not there.
>why dont you fuck off retard?

>> No.52654192

I got it to work on my desktop.
but none of it works on my phones.
you can tell the entire thing is made by amateurs and that the infrastructure behind it is really slow.

its not surprising that this will never gain any adoption.
also how is any of these shitty websites good for the ICP token? why should ICP pump because of some shitty looking webpages that nobody uses?
care to explain?

>> No.52654206

Why are you even entertaining this faggot

>> No.52654222

looks like I hit a nerve there.
so why arent you posting on the dead piss chan?
if its so good, why are you here?
care to explain?

>> No.52654223

>Fuck your mother benchod
What coins you bagholding that makes you so angry.

>> No.52654239
File: 2.27 MB, 2940x1546, bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre literally a shitskin that claimed everything was broken on this chain now are moving goal posts. Kill yourself shitskin
Your shitty avax chain can't even do a fraction of what icp is capable of

>> No.52654251

I'm laughing my ass off about how fucking garbage the internet "computer" is, nothing works, everything looks outdated and shit and like it was made by poojeets, there is a dead imageboard nobody uses and other trash thats completely irrelevant to crypto.

>> No.52654258
File: 107 KB, 915x744, 1664675125393535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be Avax
>Double spends
>It's not a problem cause it happened a while back
>Scams people
>Don't worry, it happened a few weeks ago, everything's fine now. Trust us with more money please?
>Best tech
>White developers
>More crytographers working on it then any other project
>So heavily feared by competitors that they have to manipulate the price action to make it appear to be a "pump and dump"

>> No.52654268

trash doesnt even work properly on all browsers.
truly garbage that will never see mass adoption.

>Your shitty avax chain can't even do a fraction of what icp is capable of
Avalanche has DeFi, has ICP DeFi? so far I have seen 1 dead DEX that nobody uses and that has no Liquidity and nothing to trade on it.
care to explain why there is no DeFi on the piss computer? whats the holdup?

>> No.52654314

>not censorship resistant
>no users
>no DeFi
>no TVL
>hosts useless webpages that dont even work properly
>everything looks dated and like absolute shit
>hosts shitty flashgames from 30+ years ago (gets taken down by Nintendo anyway)
>developers are useless retards

sorry man the piss computer is not impressive and actually very shitty.

>> No.52654342

There’s like 5 dexes on icp but whatever you’re basically in denial. Have fun with your little roach chain thinking that 1 defi project will save you. At least icp is developing ground breaking tech all the other dream only can dream of dping

>> No.52654401
File: 2.98 MB, 480x270, RA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX has like 35 transactions occurring a day kek
Look at all that TVL that 1inch, Bancor, Solana, and all other shit projects and dexes had. Oh wait, it was all bubbled up inflated wash trading fakery.
>Takes a shit in a basket
>Buys one piece of shit from myself for $500
>I have a billion pieces of shit
>I put my pieces of shit into an even shittier project
>Muhh I have $500 billion TVL
ICP has more commits than any other project, nothing is being built at the same speed.
ICP is hitting around 9000 TPS whereas AVAX is at what 3? 4?
I played Mario 64 the other day on the Internet Computer and it ran flawlessly, and that's just the beginning. Mario 64 wasn't taken by Nintendo it was taken by the host.

>> No.52654404

>so why arent you posting on the dead piss chan?
because the more (you)s i get here from you guys is more exposure to outsiders how shallow and superficial your FUD is

>> No.52654408

>There’s like 5 dexes
no volume, no liquidity and nothing to trade on them.
not very impressive.
>thinking that 1 defi project will save you
Avalanche has HUNDREDS of DeFi products on the C-Chain.
>At least icp is developing ground breaking tech
havent seen any of this on the piss computer, so far only saw blank pages, a shitty imageboard that doesnt work and crappy flashgames.
whats ground breaking about any of this?

>> No.52654428

>nothing is being built
yes, nothing is being on ICP. crappy webpages that dont even work with every browser is somehow ground breaking top kek.

what FUD?
I'm just pointing out that ICP is anon functional mess.
thats why you post here on /biz/ and not on their shitty version of /biz/ that has no users, is slow and basically completely dead.
Like why should anyone go to the ICP /biz/?
compared to this board here its complete shit.

>> No.52654557

Does avax have a /biz/

>> No.52654563
File: 42 KB, 966x470, 588E680E-270F-4AD2-A731-43E17B936709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing you need to look at
Literally never once in history has supposed tech (ICP has no tech but let’s pretend it’s as gigabrained as the midwits claim) translated to price action and when your price action is worse than literally any pump and dump rugpull like ICPs is you need to take note. I’m not telling you to buy Avax but for fuck’s sake do not waste your money bagholding this piece of shit.

>> No.52654765

>hindsight seems extremely obvious then you should buy it.
we all saw it a year ago
glad the jew rat is out of the game
"thanks for crashing the obvious future project" for us to buy. o/

>> No.52654797

>43 posts
go back to your avax thread and post loli shit you freak

>> No.52654881

How hard did this roach jeet get raped by dom? My sides.

>> No.52655466

Enough with the muh 9000 TPS BS kek. No other L1 chain runs general purpose frivolous code. ICP "tps" simply isn't the same thing as any other L1 which you would compare it to. There's no defi on ICP and it has a TVL of $284k on the entire network kek.

>> No.52655524

why would anyone waste ressources on that?
its funny how all the ICP shilling has never amounted to anything, it just goes down. not very surprising since its really shitty tech that nobody really uses for any real world value.
you sound upset.
what have I said thats not true?
ICP is garbage, its fact.

>> No.52655638

ICP is fake and gay

>> No.52655995

100% Avax. Will be top 3, $1000+

>> No.52656068

To summarize this entire thread:
dKXaC9cZ is basing his entire argument on the fact that ICP links do not work (goes to a white blank screen). This was easily disproven when I clicked the link myself.

Maybe ICP is actually good.

>> No.52656424

The size of this thread alone and what I know about avax being aligned with and is enough to tell me ICP will go to $100 next year and higher in 5. Buy buy buy.

>> No.52656439


>> No.52656902

Man you are so fucking retarded that you make me bullish on ICP fucking faggot

>> No.52657247

2024 maybe. when unlocking stops.
not next year.

>> No.52657358

>I've looked into ICP pretty heavily and can't see anything that suggests it's a scam
There is zero possiblity that you've looked into this heavily and haven't concluded that it was a scam.
Unless you can't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.52657422

with all those icp baggies? fuck no i would never touch that shit, avax is the way to go.
imagine all those idiots who bought icp even at 20$, they're waiting just to get out lmao. you'll never see gains on this, not big ones.

>> No.52657494
File: 460 KB, 1284x1746, DDCC6264-9A29-47AD-B43A-876072C76AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHHA! Fucking faggot. You support a shitty chain propped up by bull shit VC money. AVAX is absolute garbage. Your shit gets kicked in daily by Icp chads- pick a metric, any tech metric and let’s compare. Reject, loser

>> No.52657794


ok go

>Nakamoto Coefficient
>Time to finality
>Number of permissionless nodes involved in consensus decisions for a given subnet
>Maximum user submitted transactions per second for a single blockchain (assume a simple "Alice pays Bob" scenario)

>> No.52657909

Icp is a newer, technically superior protocol that is newer than SCAMVAX for the time being AVAX has retarded investors scammed- so market cap is yours.
Nakamoto coefficient is literally an AVAX baggie buzzword tier scam term, but sure. The majority of your validators can be switched off like a light by the cloud services AVAX uses, this JUST happened to Sol. Sol just lost 40% of its validators instantaneously because they were stored on ‘data centers’ centralized. All of AVAX validators are in cloud- I ask you honestly- if you have 1,000 validators on one centralized cloud service do you have 1,000 validators (or nodes) or one!? The answer is one. You cannot, I repeat, cannot have decentralized protocol running on centralized server farms.
Time to finality…Icp is finalizing 36blocks a SECOND right this instance.
>Number of permissionless nodes involved in consensus decisions for a given subnet
The entire internet computer is controlled by a permissionless dao- that updates itself- so rather than someone voting for something and a dev doing it- the nns updates itself depending on the dao vote

>Maximum user submitted transactions per second for a single blockchain (assume a simple "Alice pays Bob" scenario)
The internet computer is unbounded in tps capacity, currently doing 7000tps this second! ( running social media dapps completely on chain)

>> No.52657983

>Maximum user submitted transactions per second for a single blockchain (assume a simple "Alice pays Bob" scenario)
Why does Alice have to pay Bob? Why do we have to talk in terms of tokens?
Why doesn’t Alice send Bob a message or video? Completely on chain- let’s start talking about the limitations AVAX has and what we can do with the internet computer, you people are being absolutely silly

>> No.52658029

Would be great either way, I can buy more.

>> No.52658115

>Technically superior protocol
Kek, please tell me more about your the superiority of your permissioned 30 year old classical consensus protocol and O(N^2) messaging complexity
>Nakamoto Coefficient
Only ~23% of the roughly 1200+ avalanche nodes are run on AWS. Even if Bezos hit the kill switch though avalanche nodes can join and leave the network permissionlessly and can be run from modest consumer grade hardware at home. A node operator can spin their node back up on their laptop and be back online in minutes. The same cannot be said should something happen to ICP nodes whether via unfriendly government regulation or issues with node operator conglomerates or what have you.
No no, no misleading aggregate figures, I'm talking a single blockchain. I'll answer this one for you though
2s for ICP and 0.75s for AVAX
https://avascan.info/ (click more stats)
>Permissionless Nodes
You didn't seem to technically grasp the question so I'll help you out; the answer is 0 for ICP because all nodes are KYC'd and permissioned at the consensus level. In Avalanche it's every validator in a given subnet, for the primary subnet that's 1200+
Again that's misleading aggregate figure puffed up with queries. See what your own dev has to say in picrel >>52649138. Spoiler it's 300-500TPS. Avalanche can do 4500TPS on X-chain, several times VISA.

>> No.52658127

yeah, a full 2023 of ICP DCA would be great for me.

>> No.52658177

If that were valuable, nothing is stopping someone from building an avalanche subnet like that. There's even SpacesVM built by the devs for on-chain data storage. Avalanche's primary goal though is to tokenize the world's assets so that's what avalabs is focused on, because it's something that actually has quite a bit of monetary value and an area with room for world changing improvement.
The funny thing is someone could build a permissionless version of ICP that doesn't have terrible throughput limits right now and they can even do it in rust with the new RustSDK. Dom technically would actually be better served by building on avalanche as the base layer and just focusing on the VM side of things. The catch is that it's not in his personal financial interests to do so.

>> No.52658200

Also you totally dodged the question kek. Alice pays bob is the simplest thing you can do, surely your technically superior chain would best avalanche at the simplest of writes?

>> No.52658209

I'm buying daily, even if it's a coin. 5%-10% of everytime I get money as well.

>> No.52658219

Why is the messaging complexity O(n^2)? And I assume n is number of nodes here?

>> No.52658225

What a fucking midwit faggot take, I guess I’m back to calling you all loli trading pedos.
You’re not understanding what permissionless means- you literally think it means like a parent giving a kid permission to do something kek.
You’re just a midwit AVAX baggie faggot full of propaganda- go launch a website on your shit chain and support it on chain front end and back. I can’t be nice to you retards.

>> No.52658433

icp is a shit chain made for faggots who wanna feel edgy and cool. Facts are facts and let's not delude ourselves. That said, it's the most likely moonshot for the next cycle no doubt. Millionaires will be made from this project.

>> No.52658446

Why did you stop fudding?

>> No.52658479

I never was fudding. Icp is a cool idea and I like it, it does have potential. But baggies acting like it's the second coming of christ is beyond retarded and this chain so far feautures nothing exciting but retarded shit that only the biggest faggots would care about. Hopefully the btc integration works as intended and this could be a little better. That said, icp is way better that scamvax idk why retards keep buying that copy and paste retarded ass ghost chain.

>> No.52658549
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From the article you literally posted. Are AVAX baggies this fucking disingenuous? That you would post an article that says the exact opposite of what you say- were you hoping that no one would click on it and read it? What the fuck is wrong with you?
The Internet Computer is the world’s fastest public blockchain at 250,000 queries per second and 11,500 transactions per second, which is over 11 times faster than Solana,” said Mike Schwartz, co-founder of ORIGYN Foundation, a digital certification and authentication platform on the Internet Computer that was recently valued at $300 million. <~ why are you making my point for me? Is this a troll? Why would you post an article that’s completely favorable to Icp and shits on AVAX? Are you retarded or secretly a p. Chad? This is literally a mind fuck

>> No.52658570

It's a mathematical property of classical consensus protocols and has to do with how nodes messages each other to come to consensus on blocks. Avalanche is a major breakthrough in tech in this regard and has O(log(N)) which basically means that you can have millions of nodes in the network and you don't hit bottlenecks, performance is relatively unaffected.

Permissionless is actually a specific technical term, go read your whitepaper.

>> No.52658588

11,500TPS/35 subnets = what?
oh oops there's that pesky 300-500tps limit again. Canisters live on one subnet and there's complexity and poor latency in trying to build a dapp cross subnet.

>> No.52658603

>can support millions of nodes
as if that chain will ever have that many nodes kek

>> No.52658613
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>> No.52658689

Oh no! Complexity! Thankfully Icp has an enormous cryptography team that is literally producing the science for every other blockchain including AVAX’s
Idea of subnet. BLS signatures? Ben lynn- the L in bls signatures is a Dfinity engineer. The creator of web assembly? A Dfinity engineer- its embarrassing and pathetic talking to shitchain shills where the shitchain doesn’t even employ any cryptographers and AVAX doesn’t because it’s hosted on cloud- nothing is ‘built’ on AVAX- it’s built on Amazon web services and tokens are validated on chain- that’s it- even nfts point to a Amazon web service address. It’s such a joke it’s incredibly hard to take you seriously

>> No.52658742

have sex you seem triggered

>> No.52658796

I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the homosex lying about his chosen shitchain. Why would I want to talk with you? Have sex, quit getting into convos no one invited you into faggot

>> No.52658799

The make it stack for icp is still 1000, right?

>> No.52658820

>created wasm
overweight clunky piece of junk.
>signatures and cryptography
SHA256 was made by the NSA, maybe you should go suck then off some too faggot

>> No.52658910

You seem excessively triggered. Also you had no technical responses (or really anything other than expletive laden deflections) to my points so I think Ill take the W in our little comparison debate.
As an aside, avalanche doesn't need tons of cryptography to outperform ICP as I demonstrated (although it also uses BLS signatures for cross subnet communication). I can tell you're not an engineer though, complexity is the number one enemy of good product engineering and design.
>But bro it's called CRYPTO, the chain with the most cryptographers is obviously the best!!!1
Thoroughly midwit take, as expected from an ICP shill.
Also if you're realllly concerned about AWS taking down your jpg you can stick it in filecoin, ipfs, arweave, etc.

>> No.52659030

AVAX doesn’t need a cryptography team to run a cryptography project because it’s not a cryptography project- it does nothing novel, interesting or new- it pushes Tokens around a centralized server at a slow rate- you’re a complete faggot and will take the W in nothing. You’ve obfuscated this convo, using pseudo intellectual nonsense while posting articles that make the opposite of your post. You’re just a smug retard. Simple as-

>> No.52659109

> nothing novel
Coming from a closed source, permissioned, centralized network that's running on 40 nodes, where you need to kyc and get approval to run a node. Top kek. Meanwhile avax has a novel consensus and you can run your own node on a laptop, regardless of ISP. Keep bagholding, new atl's everyday.

>> No.52659119

>Icypeepees are still spamming replies
Fucking cringe

>> No.52659230

You can run a node on a laptop because all the heavy lifting is done on a cloud server- every AVAX faggot says she’s running a ‘node’ none of you are, and when all your validators are shut off at the flick of a switch, your fucking laptop isn’t going to run anything- it’s not magic for Christ sakes you fucking retard.

>> No.52659265

Nuclear grade cope. Try and run an icp node right now and come back with the results. And holy kek saying that all validators are shut off at the flick of a switch, what do you think will happen with your "blockchain" when dom pushes 1 button? Peak midwit, keep dcaing in icp

>> No.52659276

you should really see a doctor, your bipolar disorder is getting loose

>> No.52659284

why are avax baggies so defensive of their retarded subnets? They do realize those have already be achieved by polkadot right? Why are avax fags more annoying than every other chain out there?

>> No.52659295

and your mom should really see me, her daily cum servings have not been reached

>> No.52659304

Oh, good point - I never thought about the big red button and the chief technical officer/ creator of the protocol with his big oppressive finger on the button.
I think you should kill yourself

>> No.52659305

ikr, polygon also has subnets, bnb has subnets too, klaytn too.

who cares about avax.

>> No.52659331

You first buddy, and your funny deflection doesn't change the fact that icp is donezo whenever your boss feels like it. Btw, do try and run your own node and come back with the results, I want to laugh at you even more

>> No.52659340

>They do realize those have already be achieved by polkadot right?
You can't have infinite validator count and infinite count of subnets on Pedodot dumdum

>> No.52659349

>he thinks avalanche will ever have more than a few hundred nodes and more than 1000 users

>> No.52659361

I think I’ve legitimately found a complete retard. Of all the AVAX fudding I’ve been doing I think you’re the dumbest person I’ve run into in all of the chins- all fudding aside- I’m absolutely amazed that you function in this world with the level of understanding you seem to have. I’m so interested: what does someone like you do for a living? How do you feed yourself?
>due try
This is my favorite little quip of yours- if I knew you in real life I would bully you into suicide. No joke. I can feel it.

>> No.52659392 [DELETED] 

If I met you in real life I'd crush your little streetshitter skull, you gorilla nigger. I think you've been buck broken by the price action of your shitcoin because you're projecting extremely hard.
>due try
Nice esl btw ranjeet, go take a swim in the gangee

>> No.52659405
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>> No.52659409


>> No.52659441

this board is barely usable because of butthurt faggots like you. Try not sounding like an utter cumguzzler when you make your points and maybe...just maybe...you might make it one day

>> No.52660601

I will go for AVAX, it's a better option compare to ICP

>> No.52660675
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Have you considered not buying a shitcoin that won't rug?

>> No.52660724

ICP vs Avax is an interesting duel, each with a unique approach to ultimate robustness. ICP is the only blockchain that would remain running after a nuclear holocaust, but Avax is the only chain that would still have any developers.

>> No.52660775

take avalanche for the cool final fantasy vii reference

>> No.52660818

can someone create some hate-speech nazi group on icp and see how long it takes before it's censored

>> No.52660826

What makes avax different from icp fagot?

>> No.52660841

how could icp survive a nuclear holocaust?

>> No.52661032

I notice you didn’t have to ask how the Avax devs could survive

>> No.52661040

Tell us that you dont know anything about IT without telling you dont know anything about IT

>> No.52661057

There will be price action when google starts to inject icp 3.0 into their cannister. Wait and see. Google services 3.0 are in the making if you dont know yet. Release next-gen smartphone = icp 1400$. screencap this mofo.

>> No.52661098


>> No.52661141

I think avax are more of a solid project than icp, with more gaming projects like Gamestarplus planning to launch in the chain, I'm certain it may attract more investors soon

>> No.52661292

now Avax loli freaks are hoping Icp will use their “subnets”

>> No.52661845
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>> No.52661909

Imagine not knowing this already that guy doesn’t even have the tech anyways to be a node provider

>> No.52662083

What type of games are launching here, I know we have numerous games on avalanche already

>> No.52662342
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>had paid shills and bots to fud avalanche.
Even their employers are based. Maybe dreaming the blockchains adopting Avax in 2022 alone and as one of the major chains for the AllianceDex. I'm sure this was hidden from Icpbros.

>> No.52662626

They have enough for their survival anon

>> No.52662671

GamingonAvax has contributed massively to the growth of GameFi so far, I mostly play IME & FITFI on this chain, and it's been amazing
Is gamestar nft game?

>> No.52662816

Mostly board games, family games and other contents

>> No.52662892

very organic discussion by brown hands

>> No.52662937
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>on this chain.
Nothing about AVAX is ‘on chain’ you fucking retard is all ‘on cloud’ in an Amazon warehouse somewhere- AVAX just moved the tokens around, that’s why your tps is absolute dogshit>>52647901

>> No.52663257

A brown hand indeed, but isn't this different folks discussing?