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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52647009 No.52647009 [Reply] [Original]

But they should, because they're not just green and anti-jɵwish. They're also a personal statement about the board itself.

>> No.52647067

I never understood how financiers/capitalists also larp as nazis. Even if we assume there is this secret alien jewish cabal...what did they actually DO?? Play your fucking game? You literally invented capitalism you braindead parasite. Lying, cheating, greed, selfishness, conflict, competition, exploitation, slavery and war are LITERALLY the NAME of your game you fucking putrid braindead vile vitriolic parasite. You will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve having led an equally miserable sad and pathetic life, putrid parasite

>> No.52647094
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kys retard

> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.52647102
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I love the frog.

>> No.52647118
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>Lying, cheating, greed, selfishness, conflict, competition, exploitation, slavery and war are LITERALLY the NAME of your game
You're describing international jewry.

>> No.52647134
File: 16 KB, 236x300, D489A557-90E8-489E-A48B-A3D39F98D2B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can’t be a nazi and buy crypto

>> No.52647350

No what i am saying is that it is impossible to be a financier and call anyone else a parasite or subhuman. You are literally the filthiest of filth. To be honest tho lying is just second nature to financiers so i guess it does make sense being hypocrites

>> No.52647446

Didn’t read. You sound like a fag desu

>> No.52647488

The rabbi working overtime today.

>> No.52647584
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kill yourself kike
Yes, I am getting rich off crypto and not contributing to your nigger loving diseased shithole of a society.
Can't wait until it falls apart and I start hunting you like subhuman animals you are

>> No.52648105

There is a slight, but significant difference between financiers and jewish financiers. While all lie and manipulate to arrive at their goals first, its always only the jewish minority that monopolizes its game and pushes everybody else out through racism, puts only their religious brothers in favour while destroying all structures that benefit other minorities. its the purest evil because they dont believe in the rule of aristocracy, as hitler said. they only believe in their forms of altruism, which makes the world worse and conditions on earth more and more unliveable