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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52641086 No.52641086 [Reply] [Original]

During the previous bear market we were blessed with the wisdom of various /biz/raelis
be it tripfags like assblaster or just anons with deep insights and experience.
Link was shilled heavily, dogcoin mania was manufactured by /biz/ originally, I recall Hoge was shilled here first, as well as Shib, amongst a variety of others. 2 cycles ago even fucking doge was shilled
What are we left with now ? Fucking ICP, XRP, LUNC generals, plagued catalog with dogshit threads lasting over 3 days with most autists posting absolute nonsense in a completely disassociated state
Insightful (white) anons, ples cum back

>> No.52641116

New gems will be born here again market just needs to bleed some more so jeets can create a new ponzi

>> No.52641131

They're all rich and have no need to come back.
Why don't you instead become the new wise sage, shilling coins that will moon the next bull market?
Be the anon that you want to meet.

>> No.52641161
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yeah perhaps we need some more time
i'm retarded lol
the only low cap that looks good to me is prq because it resembles link, reverse oracles
most of everythng is dogshit tho

>> No.52641169
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>link was shilled heavily
how's that working out for ya?

>> No.52641203
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tried reformatting thrice, stupid fucking bot detection gook moot needs to be nuked
it was shilled at ICO lmao, anons even pooled together to get in
most OGs are still up 40x , so pretty comfy

>> No.52641234

>get rich or die

>> No.52641366

it retired half the board
went from 0.15 to $20 in a bear

>> No.52641380

its not time for any of that yet anon. you are looking for blessed wisdom? the bottom isnt in and the bear will crab on for a lot longer than anyone here wants it to. eventually it will be time to discuss new gems, but not yet.

>> No.52641400

I will throw out a gem but you shouldn't buy it yet. its not time to accumulate anything yet imo. so far I am thinking pilot looks good though for early alt season once things settle down.

>> No.52641424

Will there be a bear market performer though? Could Link regain this title?

>> No.52641435

It’s gonna be kaspa

>> No.52641447
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I'm going back to the cagey in January so I can accumulate all of 2023. I think around Q4 2023 is when we'll get our first glimpse of alt-season / the bullrun but I really am just estimating
Thankfully I managed to sell about 15% of my folio at $42k as I was having difficulty sleeping properly which has been keeping me afloat and rode the rest since down because i'm autistic
I was a latefag and only got into crypto in 2019 before the scamdemic happenered, put my entire life savings into link wen it was $1 lol but it wasn't much since I was a neet since highschool

>> No.52641459

I bought at 33¢ and sold at $50 and made 800k. How new are you man?

>> No.52641505
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Legit projects are just chugging along with development. There is no point in marketing or promotion because people don't want to take risks in this market.
Stick with projects that have active github and add new features regularly. Those are the projects that have a chance to pop off next cycle.

>> No.52641611
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the previous bear market concluded the moment link went parabolic and we were bombarded with an influx of institutional investors
90% of investors are currently solely in stablecoins and BTC, the moment there is the faintest glimmer of hope that bobo has been slain is when all these people in stables will begin to siphon their stable shekels into their favorite alt choices which will spark alt season
i dont think link will be the indicator a second time, I have no idea really
yea but even so, we have never had a true fundamentals run in cryptos history
doge, xrp, matic, ada is in the top fucking 10 still
the most retarded dogshitcoins always out-perform fundamdentals fags... (until they dont)
yea we're still in an immature market that is being played like a damn fiddle
also there's only like two other coins I would buy that isn't btc or link and thats xmr and qnt, perhaps even cosmos

>> No.52641715

We’ve been here all along it has just become a zero sum game for us to continue to voice our opinions, sorry anon. Maybe times are changing and the bear market is bringing back the vibe of old /biz/ but it became very tiring trying to help other anons out only to be met with being called faggots and scammers. The best tip I can give you is look into cVault finance. Most with short term memory will forget the innovations they’ve made in the space and that they’re currently developing the next stage of a massive project but it is what it is. Dig deeper than the charts and the shitposting chats if you have the capability to do so. Also look forward to anons launching legitimate projects during this bear. Many of us that have made it are turning from investors into developers and plan on paying it back to /biz/ by bringing them here before anywhere else. Be diligent, be smart. A gem of an opportunity won’t appear every day but if you can filter out the garbage this place can be a goldmine.

>> No.52641739

>Fucking ICP, XRP, LUNC generals,
2 of these 3 are make it coins. You'd be an idiot not to see the pattern.

>> No.52641745

>he fell for the reverse oracle meme

>> No.52641784
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We’re here anon. We’re shilling icp. don’t be a retarded faggot and get fudded out of major coins.

>> No.52641871
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the biggest retards always speak the loudest and it doesn't help either that the jannies work (for free) in unison to silence the real gem threads and leave up analfister1488 coin general
Regardless of how much potential gains there is to be had, I generally don't invest in stuff I don't believe in which is probably why normies investing in doge will always be better investimors than I
Eth is fundamentally broken and investing in their DeFi doesn't make sense to me the same reason Sol didn't make sense to me at $4, it's vaporware although it could have astronomical gains, i'll keep it noted
n-no bulli

>> No.52641919

>stupid fucking bot detection
it's because of dog w/ bat token on bsc that you're flagging the bot detection.

>> No.52642121

the following have 100-500x potential
but so many sit and laugh
hell GNS was $0.50 like a few months ago

>> No.52642244

There is nothing like LINK and it finally broke the 2 year LINK/BTC trend line on the close last week.
Now that this place is under heavy attention and total control of the satanist banking cabal there is nothing new left to create here.

Maybe after Nexo finally goes bankrupt things can improve a bit.

>> No.52642350

/biz/ is hyper-retarded now, I figured the bear market would clear out the retards but now it's just bobo retard pebbit refugees who lost all their savings when they sold all their funkos for SOL or LUNA at the top. fuckin brain drain

>> No.52642781

Start looking at ones that have a team actively working during this market wide downtrend. For all the pajeet memes MATIC gets, they’ve been busy as fuck securing partnerships and working towards actually sustaining an active platform after this is over. I’m not saying go all in, but at least grab a few thousand in case it does become a $20 coin. Even ROSE is worth a small gamble with their partnerships given its price. XMR as well since it’s basically what bitcoin was supposed to be.

>> No.52642833

>he doesn't play bing bing wahoo
>he isn't R1b
>he doesn't know

>> No.52642884

if you just randomly pick a coin in the top 100 and put $100 in, you'll get back 10x in 1 year. The only debt is time.

>> No.52642911
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5 rupees deposited into your account sirs

>> No.52642961

u all think Saito blockchain rebroadcasting has a chance of 1000x or is it really just retarded uselessness?

>> No.52643052
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back to 10k shitposts/day

>> No.52643724
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>Stick with projects that have active github and add new features regularly.
some retards wont still get this
its one of the reasons I keep stacking cvp, Rfox and sylo, especially the latter that has a functional product for sending and receiving crypto assets.

>> No.52643775

You’re not fooling anyone with that sylo shit dumb shill