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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5262106 No.5262106 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5262111

No. The fuck?

>> No.5262122

i love this coin.

>> No.5262124


>> No.5262136

No, it's on coinbase. Literally impossible

>> No.5262146
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Yes, Lee no longer has any incentive to work on the coin. Do you think he honestly sold because people were bothering him on fucking twitter? Do you actually think any of that money is going to "charity"?

>> No.5262147


>> No.5262172

Imagine if satoshi dumped all his clins and public said he’s out.
That is the state of litecoin

>> No.5262193

its crazy that charlie made this announcement right as BCH gets added to coinbase......fishy

>> No.5262206

Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.

>> No.5262209

Lol everyone fudding to get cheap coins

>> No.5262260


>> No.5262279


i'm not kidding, sell it bro even the founder knows its a scam

>> No.5262337

Always remember buy the FUD on /biz/ and ignore the FOMO. This place is over run with pajeet shills.

>> No.5262371

It will pump above $400 before Christmas, volume is increasing.

>> No.5262467

why use ltc when you can use bitchcash which has aggressive backers like ver and jihan

>> No.5262507

can you explain the consequences of him selling his coins?

it will dip because he has alot? people will stop working on it?

>> No.5262663

Charlie Lee already sold his LTC holdings over a period of time without fucking up the market. He's allegedly donated it all to charity. According to him he thinks of it as a conflict of interest to have holdings in a coin that he has tremendous influence over. He said he will still be working as a dev and has faith in the coin long term. For some reason people don't trust him and think he's just lost faith in LTC and is securing profits before the price tanks.

>> No.5262802
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Litecoin to 1500 by the end of next week.

>> No.5262811
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>> No.5262830
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>be ceo of fortune 500 company
>no please don't pay me a salary or bonuses
>I don't people to think I have a personal interest in making this company do well
>I'm totally going to put all this effort in but not partake in the success

>> No.5262876

Pretty sad, wanted to daytrade it, bought at 330. It drops to 317.

Wheres the fucking rebound to $350. Today is a bad day in cryptoland.

That /biz/ tard had it right, monday was unprecedent in everything was green. I had FOMO because I had all my fiat out for cashing people out on localeth.

And now I'm panicking and loosing money left and right.

Need to do more drugs

>> No.5262938
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>need to do more drugs
You're gonna make it anon

>> No.5262963

Exactly. If Lee sees a conflict of interests here, what about all the CEOs with their bonuses and stock-options?
Chelie Lee is exiting. That's all.

Get out of LTC while you still can

>> No.5263059

>be CEO of fortune 500
>get 7 figure bonus payouts based QE
>buy back your company's stock with company's money to meet quota
>nobody bats an eye, yet somalian cryptocurrency has strict ethical standards

>> No.5263093

Fuck me.

The absolute state of this joke of a market.

LTC is a value exchange.

We've got those already. In fact we've got ones that have contracts. We've got them that are purely private. We've even got private smart contracts.

But nah, LTC is totally a valuble hold. One day people will use LTC to buy coffee and shit and you'll have stacks and stacks. LOL

>> No.5263119
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Been stuck at 353

>> No.5263201

If you guys don't see him taking an exit at all time high you need glasses.

This happened right as BCH went up. LTC has no reason to exist if BCH exists and Charlie knows this. I would sell all LTC I owned immediately.

Humans are selfish and he did this because it benefits him, don't believe any other BS.

>> No.5263217


oh you poor clueless retard.

>> No.5263233


Right, Lee has dumped his coins. This is a good thing, means there's never an impending doom lurking over holder now, Lee ain't going to dump his bags on you when this shit inevitably reaches $500. Also you'd want to be retarded if you think holding coins it the only way he'll generate money from LTC, the company itself will pay his wages for the rest of his days. You would all want to chill the fuck out. What if Sashoti re-emerged and dumped his btc bags? It'd fucking crash the market. It is a good thing that Lee is out of the coin pool. Fucking fudster morons.

>> No.5263239

It makes sense, Fuck. I read about the article and the BCH trash and looked at the numbers and didn't realize the implications.

I think it'd rebound, just, fuck everything is going down.

Normally I'm great at guessing entry price.

My radar is fucking off.

>> No.5263263
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>> No.5263301
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It's over. Please let me take all your LTC.

>> No.5263321

Did nobody else notice that this just pumped to $436 USD on Bitthumb like an hour ago? Why are the Korean's still buying this like crazy if it's kill?

>> No.5263342

>Lee ain't going to dump his bags on you when this shit inevitably reaches $500.
Yeah, because he already did at 330

>> No.5263360

Dahh why was pets.com worth billions?

Fucking kids.

>> No.5263401


News getting there in about 2 hours.
Earth´s curvature is a bitch

>> No.5263417

The fuck. I hate this coin now.

>> No.5263443
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>> No.5263577
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>Litefags coping
This one even typed update some sweet pasta

>> No.5263651
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No please no

>> No.5263688
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Before you newfags came, we used to shit on LTC all day. But being the poorfags you are you pumped up the price and every whale or experienced person know this shitcoin is overpriced

>> No.5263723

lol he barely even had any bags dude. He had bags in from 2012 until he sold most of them at like 40 cents. Then he bought back with his dads money at some point.

>> No.5263739
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Honestly once this tanks to $40 how the fuck does Lee stay alive?

>> No.5263773



>> No.5263797
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That was when it was like $200ish

>> No.5263840

>it's going down to 20 dollars boys!
>wow 2018 is going to be a great year!

>> No.5263855



>> No.5263891
File: 7 KB, 1360x103, lazycoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie Lee sold all his coins because the project is already dead. It has no purpose if Bitcoin Cash exists. 8MB blocks > 4MB LTC + 1MB BTC and no need to mess around with 2 wallets and exchanging coins

>> No.5263940

Ltc is better than bch in every way, as Charlie said..

>> No.5263963

Well it has a different encryption algorithm but I doubt that a bitcoin clone with a different encryption can justify a 20 billion market cap.

>> No.5264001

If you think this I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.5264026

Bch is a Jew controlled copy coin. Anyone is a fool to trust these faggots for the long term.

>> No.5264115

Bitcoin Cash is satoshi blockchain.
Bitcoin Core is segwit blockchain.

>> No.5264124

If you have the credentials and the price is good i might cop It:).. I fully trust Charlie, i don't trust roger ver at all.. time Will tell

>> No.5264199

hi Roger

>> No.5264247

>”I expect us to have a multi year bear market like the one we just had where LTC dropped 90% in value” - Charlie Lee, Dec 11, 2017

So do you trust Charlie or not?

>> No.5264257

Look at your litecoin wallet, then tell yourself in the mirror with a straight face that 1litecoin is really worth 300$... it is literally used for nothing in the real world.
Some hippy accepting litecoins on his little webshop doesn't count, obv.

>> No.5264303

Why did he do it guys?

>> No.5264355


so then why are you here, none of this is used for anything in the real world

>> No.5264388

Yes for sure, he speaks his mind, he might bè wrong or right but he is not tryng to trick you

>> No.5264422

Getting in at low prices in undervalued coins ofc...
And laughing at bagholders trying to shill their grossly overpriced coins.

>> No.5264603

if you got 10s of millions from retards you wouldn't care either

>> No.5264712
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People like this?

>> No.5264766

frog posters are always wrong

>> No.5264767

not to be /pol/ but he seems like an autistic chink, not a shifty chink

i read through his writing and he doesn't seem dishonest ... just on the spectrum

either way, i shifted away from my alts to acquire a larger position in LTC recently... if it dips then fine but i'm hodling either way

>> No.5265022
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>> No.5265097

Keep telling that yourself corecuck

>> No.5265614

Satoshi will never dump his bags his PC was stolen by a nigger and pawned, HDD wiped and used in a cheap build. Satoshi has probably necked himself.

>> No.5265970

what are you guys buying while everything is on fire? I'm just rolling the humps on bcash right now.

>> No.5266009

LTC on Amazon in 2018. Put me in the screencap