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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 851x998, 1F360865-6CB9-45D3-AEFF-F277AC6F97F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52636358 No.52636358 [Reply] [Original]

>Why dont young people want to work anymore

>> No.52636374
File: 2.90 MB, 406x720, 1667748812047170.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean it up wagie

>> No.52636376

just don't come in those 2 days and come in after
they can't fire you, these shitty places are desperate for workers

>> No.52636391

Based. I always go to work when i am sick and try to infect all other wagies.

>> No.52636430
File: 291 KB, 1452x2452, bdc9ad5cf2e7afbf749ef8a9beb98052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never worked a day in my life and I never will, all in crypto the day I turned 18 in 2017 and I never looked back. NEET life has never been more comfy.

>> No.52636448

and what exactly does borderline illiterate Jenny's 'million dollar co' do, jfi? Its either retail or gastro, no cunt wants to work weekends.

>> No.52636465

They're okay with working at absolute minimum capacity. Haven't you noticed places just open hours later and close hours earlier now?

>> No.52636472

I'm 28 and have worked everyday of my 20s this is strange physop china/Russia is pushing

>> No.52636592
File: 220 KB, 1080x2220, 20221127_123659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would tell them go suck my dick.

>> No.52636600

Oh Jesus Christ a fucking neocon

>> No.52636621
File: 197 KB, 643x480, 1656776521094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your sick

>> No.52636645


>> No.52636652

>80 hours
i get 30 days off per year

>> No.52636666

>We are a million dollar company, lets act like one
>Your sick
Too bad a random pick of boomers probably have at least a million in assets so to think your company has done something valuable by being a "million dollar company" is the biggest hot air hubris I've seen in a while.
>webm of TikTok sluts talking about their companies in front of the fireplace
I'm relatively conservative but holy shit we need unions and shit. The biggest scam ever is CEO salaries going up over 1000% over the last few decades and min wage staying around $7-8.
Our government does not represent us, just corporate interests. So tired of muh American dream. People constantly live in fear. It's neo-feudalism.

>> No.52636691
File: 140 KB, 935x1109, BA5CA535-917E-4C4E-88E2-107A7EA4BC3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52636696

It's by year the longer your with company the more pto you get

>> No.52636720

Uhm, sweatie, this is a wagie hate thread. We are all laughing at you.

>> No.52636725

that's just sad

>> No.52636726

million dollar company? Isn't any company with more than 1 employee? Lol

>> No.52636737

Yep if I saw this I would donate

>> No.52636745

Why are white small business owners like this?

>> No.52636746

I caught that too

>> No.52636747

>-Your sick, buy some medicine

I'm guessing some stupid wagie redditor made this for reddit karma

>> No.52636760

>lets act like one

>> No.52637195
File: 83 KB, 960x580, Archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your sick.
Americans, we pay for this education system.

>> No.52637211

classic webm

>> No.52637212
File: 589 KB, 1050x1587, 2019 mass shooters..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont care, fag.
You're ugly and illiterate.
I laugh at mutts, hope you guys get invaded.

>> No.52637237

Boomers, anon. You're talking about boomers.

>> No.52637240

Whoa!!!! A whole two days you can’t call out! What is this auschwitz?

>> No.52637315

Despite making up 55 % of the population...
I count 23 of 177

>> No.52637528

> we are a million dollar company

>> No.52637550

>your sick
my sick what bitch?

>> No.52637705
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, 1596493781296m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boss is a fag and so are my coworkers.
I get paid like shit so he can kick back and relax.
I should start cooking meth.

>> No.52637792

Keep up the good work, anon.

>> No.52637796

a what now

>> No.52638976

they're all retard. but that's not enough so earn I stick with passively on Maiar dex.

>> No.52639004

>Imagine living in burger goy land

>> No.52639071

i have been browsing anti work and all of their problems are because they dont have the balls to stand up for themselves.ultimately they are mistreated, low skill, low wage workers because they choose to be. and thats a hard fact to swallow. yes things are way worse than they were 30 years ago, yes boomers are the most abhorrent generation, but the challenges young people are facing now comes from systematic sabotage and they have the ability to unfuck themselves if they choose to

>> No.52639103

Yes, yesssss, let us put a few million of these in all their cities... yesssssssss

>> No.52639134

How about you shitty wagies pay some of your min wages to give this schlub some holidays? We don’t feel like dipping into profits for it

>> No.52639156

couldn't even bother using coloured ink

>> No.52639176

>buy some medicine
kek where was Jenny when everyone was forced to stay locked in because of some made up bs virus

>> No.52639185

Crypto has given a lot of chad the dream life with countless ways to earn passive income, and I'm taking advantage of the yields for Zpay and Ride on Maiar Dex

>> No.52639218

>Mr. Shekelstein pockets 95%
>Marcus has to pay IRS
Good good, please more

>> No.52639248


>> No.52639272
File: 64 KB, 832x690, 7E249AD6-7B6F-45B5-92B1-78C45F532711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most accurate take on that sub Reddit. I’d also add that they have to temper their expectations, unlike countries in Europe you can’t take a cross country vacation while working as a fucking cashier. Most of them live in giant cities and scoff at the idea of even considering a mid size city that’s more affordable. At the same time though wages have no way in hell kept up with inflation so you do have to put in more work than the boomers did.

>> No.52639291

If I had to work 80 hour weeks I'd off myself, unless I truly thought it was something worth doing and there's basically nothing like that.
Seriously it would make me suicidal. I guess you all think I'm weak but I'm just being honest, that's how it would make me feel.

>> No.52639311

I don’t feed Niggers.

>> No.52639506

>They're okay with working at absolute minimum capacity. Haven't you noticed places just open hours later and close hours earlier now?

this is literally one thing that gives me fear, things still aren't back to normal pre-covid hours yet. Wal-Marts aren't 24 hours anymore. Most cities barely have any 24 hour grocery stores anymore. There's only one I can think of in my 500k/2 million metro area city. Before covid probably like 50% of grocery stores around here were 24 hours. Fast food places in the suburbs were open til 3 or 4am on weekends, 2am on weeknights. Now it's 2am on weekends, and 11pm or 12am on weeknights.

I refuse to believe we live in an economically healthy society until those business hours go back to normal. There are night shift people, stores shifter to 24hrs and late nights years ago because it was profitable. But now they've realized they can be just as profitable with less workers, running on a shoestring budget. Plus they were getting shit stolen at night even in nice suburbs. Our civilization is currently declining, here's hoping we can turn it around soon

>> No.52640157

Sounds like a larp. Even if you got in at the beginning of 2017, Bitcoin was like $1k so you'd be up 15x if you stayed in that. Probably worse if you were holding other coins. If you've never worked, it would be unlikely you had more than 10k then, so that would be at most 150k now. That's not really enough to fund a life for years.

>> No.52640252

>asshole company
>shit head female manager
>fucking draconian wage slave policy
>justified because the Jews running it are worth millions
>literal “man up” tier bullshit
>we’ll fire you if you have an emergency
>fuck you and fuck your children
I’d be job hunting that very moment just to fucking ghost them by the 23rd

>> No.52640271


A million dollar company these days is 2 crackwhores and a pimp

>> No.52640296

Maybe if he didn't eat so much he could spare a few bucks for time off. $1500? 700 is goind straight to food.

>> No.52640614

Lol or else what?

>> No.52640639

Too bad they’re doing that before the call out :^)

>> No.52640667

This but then try starting your own business. Government rapes you too. Only way to make it is becoming a c suite corpie. The money isn’t worth your soul.

>> No.52640701
File: 151 KB, 775x745, 1669045827462819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wagie, with this enough loyalty, maybe Walmart could put their logo on your tombstone as a token of gratitude?

It's got to be with cheap paint though, nothing expensive, your CEO needs to be able to afford his 10th yacht. Okay?

>> No.52640744
File: 815 KB, 1170x1374, 1668099730203438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it really been 20 years? I remember it like it was yesterday, you've just graduated high school and were so hopeful for the future...

Well as a celebration of this, you are going to do some dances for our tik tok social media page, don't forget to smile! Here's to another 20 years!

>> No.52640749
File: 261 KB, 618x637, 1667305134386636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not funny anon. that's just mean.

>> No.52640788

Boomers and kikes

>> No.52640800
File: 1.25 MB, 1598x825, Peg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 30th anniversary Peg! Why does your certificate say Margaret? Oh well you see, Margaret died decades ago and we figured we could repurpose this certificate for you! Saves the CEO and his shareholders money!

Keep up the friendly atmosphere Peg!

>> No.52640849

This screams “4 employee start up retailer who is paying herself with all profits”

>> No.52640930

Damn that is sad and pathetic. My company tiers our bereavement leave based on family member type which I thought was bad, but seeing this is just pathetic kek.

>> No.52640950

a million dollar company is not that much
theres soloprenuers who make that much

>> No.52640952


>> No.52640977

24 hour stores aren't normal and never were

>> No.52641103
File: 13 KB, 418x359, 1661717750571759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went in to work on my day off today for 4 hours to get caught up on some shit I have been procrastinating on. My boss doesn't know, I may or may not tell him. I will not get paid extra, I am on salary. I normally work monday through friday but had thursday and friday off for thanksgiving. Didn't really want to start my work weeek early, but happy that work is not hanging over me now.

>> No.52641133

Yeah I was going to say that. I ran a business alone for a few years and it brought in a million a year before expenses. I work for a multi billion dollar company now and they actually treat us better kek

>> No.52641211

> let’s start acting like a miillion dollar company
What does that even mean? FTX was a billion dollar company and they were having orgies, sleeping in beanbag chairs, and scamming investors.