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52634142 No.52634142 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder Roosh the faggot manlet french creep and his merry band of fuckwits - sifi, lafa, are launching a scam on eth main net soon that is going to be relentlessly shilled. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.52634338

Are you the based retard cancer-nigger? If so, it is , your friend.

I came here to tell you I made a twitter account finally so I could troll that bald race-traitor faggot Roosh relentlessly to demand your 40k back. I also asked him about the 5 million Deus and Lafa still owe to Scream (really, it is 8 million though). I want Roosh prosecuted for what he did in SOlidly v1. Same goes for the original fantom unchained crew, especially Bebis and 24 who directly were involved in the OXDAO/VEDAO "vamp wars" (buncha fags if you ask me). Nothing these "fantom" devs did was legit. Everything was a ploy to steal millions and to enrich their own protocols. Did NOBODY notice Bebis' new digs in the blockbytes podcasts? He used to live in a yellow-stained hovel in San Francisco and now he's in a fucking wooden mansion somewhere in Portland? How the fuck..

>> No.52634469

okay you must not be the same nigger from yesterday's bantz because that nigger had nothing but time.

>> No.52634737

They got several partners already. They have the money. Don't fight it.

>> No.52635744

>..Anonymous (ID: K6EJA/5m)
>SolidlyEth SCAM ALERT
>11/27/22(Sun)14:37:52 No.52634142
>119 KB PNG
>Daily reminder Roosh the faggot manlet french creep and his merry band of fuckwits - sifi, lafa, are launching a scam on eth main net soon that is going to be relentlessly shilled. Avoid at all costs.
>...Anonymous (ID: TJvSmv4M)
>11/27/22(Sun)14:59:10 No.52634338
>>>52634142 (OP) #
>Are you the based retard cancer-nigger? If so, it is , your friend.
>I came here to tell you I made a twitter account finally so I could troll that bald race-traitor faggot Roosh relentlessly to demand your 40k back. I also asked him about the 5 million Deus and Lafa still owe to Scream (really, it is 8 million though). I want Roosh prosecuted for what he did in SOlidly v1. Same goes for the original fantom unchained crew, especially Bebis and 24 who directly were involved in the OXDAO/VEDAO "vamp wars" (buncha fags if you ask me). Nothing these "fantom" devs did was legit. Everything was a ploy to steal millions and to enrich their own protocols. Did NOBODY notice Bebis' new digs in the blockbytes podcasts? He used to live in a yellow-stained hovel in San Francisco and now he's in a fucking wooden mansion somewhere in Portland? How the fuck..
>...Anonymous (ID: TJvSmv4M)
>11/27/22(Sun)15:13:47 No.52634469
>>>52634142 (OP) #
>okay you must not be the same nigger from yesterday's bantz because that nigger had nothing but time.
>...Anonymous (ID: 5RDEzsMt)
>11/27/22(Sun)15:46:04 No.52634737
>>>52634142 (OP) #
>They got several partners already. They have the money. Don't fight it.

>> No.52635764
File: 14 KB, 399x300, 5d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na it's not me
But I'm still here my fren.

>> No.52635774

Based you might just be able to make my money remanifest through sheer will.
If you somehow do fren you get 10k for your effort and for being based.

>> No.52635849

Bebis is the only innocent guy on fantom, you are full of shit

>> No.52636077

Nobody is innocent.

>> No.52636109

I was the guy who came in late and said a bunch of nonsense then I said I'd out NEET him but immediately went and did something else lmao

>> No.52636140

kek I remember you thinking this guy was based then you disappeared.
Technically you still outneeted him.

>> No.52636163
File: 14 KB, 434x245, 3235326436346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudding a literal who project from a dead chain
>for free

>> No.52637533

I will manifest your money and my money and the money of all of us in OXDAO who got raked over the coals. I'm an OXDAO baggie who burned my v1 to v2 then, like a total chump, I burned my v2 to Solidly.eth now I'm here fudding my own bags because I recognize I was duped all along and this is the final exit scam. They even got Nick to come back and paid that greek fat fuck to make a tiktok. It's all so tiresome. Look up Monolith related to OXD. That's the crucial final piece.

>> No.52637547

Based someone give that cancerfaggot back his money my god are we really resorting to stealing money from dying men.

>> No.52637599

It's so fucking tiresome. Why does fantom and solidly have the highest concentration of scammy nigs out of anywhere in crypto? If I saw roosh irl I would burst out laughing at how ugly that fucking squat little faggot looks like. Lafa looks like an extra from Buffy the vampire slayer crossed with a Nordstrom catalogue gone wrong. just end it please

>> No.52637653
File: 467 KB, 581x411, Sarah_Michelle_gellar_rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your description of Lafa is literally too fucking funny and accurate. You made me laugh, good one :)

Someone needs to do a shop of Giles and Lafa together, I have Krita but I don't have those skills. SO have this one instead.

>> No.52637947

I mean, you're a fed so stealing from the dead and dying is kinda like exactly in your wheelhouse?

>> No.52638079
File: 120 KB, 392x577, 1650383374070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roosh where are you

>> No.52638217

Very weak not to take accountability for your own investment decision and hiding behind anonymous post

>> No.52638232

That's cute
>Steals 40k from a dying man
>Damn guess you shouldn't have tried with us because we will rob you

>> No.52638538

you blocked me on twitter roosh, you are clearly the bad actor in all this. you can't even handle MILD, twitter-safe criticism. You instantly blocked me after ONE tweet, you resolute giga-nigger faggot kike. You deserve everything you get.

>> No.52638886

bumping yet again because Roosh still owes a lot of people a lot of money and Solidly.eth will be launching in the coming two weeks. I think the shilling starts next week.

>> No.52638912

Give your Twitter handle faggot and stop hiding

>> No.52638941

canoe your head Roosh, just do it. I'm not giving you my twitter faggot. You deserve everything.

>> No.52638942

Story is fake to begin. All typical velodrome shill. Find me one proof of Roosh wallet owning solid snake or shilling solid snake. Doesn’t exist since it is a made up story.

>> No.52638948

Roosh has like a billion ftm he does not scam for 40k lmao

>> No.52638963

Pathetic. Blow your head and fuck your mum so. Fake story. Take acid and kill yourself

>> No.52638968

Post the addy's you have, this is his main one.

No Fantom. Only Deus and USDT. You're a nigger. The dumbest, most retarded gorilla nigger on this board.


>> No.52638974

Story is fake to begin. All typical velodrome shill. Find me one proof of Roosh wallet owning solid snake or shilling solid snake. Doesn’t exist since it is a made up story.

>> No.52638979

wow, I didn't know glowniggers got this mad on biz. guess I hit a nerve and my tweet cost you money oops. Wonder what the head of Tarot thinks of you? Have you talked to the Liquity team? Things don't look so hot for you.

>> No.52639002

Roosh living free in your head. Roosh having 9 figures when you continue to jerk off tonight and fuck your mum. Take acid and blow your head. Your lying fat goat fucker ;)

>> No.52639016

lol I don't give a fuck about Solid Snake faggot, I care about what he did to Solidly and OXD by extension. He intentionally bricked the protocol and then worked with Lafa to steal the last of the liquidity to push out rumors of a Solidly+ 6 months ago. After that, they conspired to launch SOlidly.eth and the scam continues anew.

Roosh's entire life depends on the success of Deus, he owns over 10 percent of the tokens and has them locked until 2026. He's absolutely forked if Solidly.eth bombs (which it will) and he'll not be able to get a 50 million dollar bailout this time from the Foundation. Indians don't take kindlly to being rugged that many times.

>> No.52639032

I'm not lying. Go to Deus discord and search for "scam" lol. Dumb faggot Spick.

>> No.52639036

Nice you recognise your were a lying goat fucker since the beginning.
Continue to suck Alex cock since you do it so well. Roosh living free in your head. Still Roosh having 9 figures and you being an eternal loser. Post anonymous since you don’t have any balls. Take acid and die

>> No.52639053

this was made for you

>> No.52639075

You don’t have any balls. Post anonymous post and kill yourself faggot.
You are a disgusting worms who can’t handle any competitions and who is too cowardly and need to hide. Jerk Alex and suck his cock

>> No.52639099

Bro, you don't get it, do you? I have NOTHING on Optimism. Governance tokens all go to zero eventually. I LOST money on OXD and Solid because of Roosh. That is my problem. I want to see everything he does in the future fail because he robbed me and lots of other people with his Batman/Spiderman, Sonic/Pikachu bullshit. He was a bad actor and only does things in his self-interest while larping as a man of the people. You and he are teh real faggots, not I.

>> No.52639116

You lost money because you aped into one of Andres coin on launch you absolut retard. Roosh is actually trying to save your bags with the relaunch you mongoloid

>> No.52639129

Solidly was faulty and can’t be updated.
Take accountability for your own investment instead of being an coward and a fag on internet. You are definitely the biggest faggot here hiding and acting like a children. Grow a pair of balls and start taking responsibility for your own decisions. If anything Roosh is making people whole after solidly on ftm was an absolute disaster by Andre. Go on discord and see other people being happy than their tokens will finally get value. It is not Roosh fault that you are a disgusting coward and a faggot. Kill yourself

>> No.52639146

NO, I didn't ape into anyting you faggot. I had bags of OXD and Solid that I got towards the end when they were at .20 cents and .87 cenets respectively. I was deep in the oxd discord and talked every day with the devs, I had a gay burn role and everything. Roosh repeatedly said to us and in the Deus discord that he was a fan of oxd and solid but I didn't have his addy then to know he was lying. He didn't have any solid and any he had locked he was converting on Paintswap for more usdt. He and Lafa used us in OXD to pump their bags. Roosh isn't trying to save my bags with the solidly.eth launch, he's trying to get more exit liquidity because he owes a fuckton of money. Look at the addy I sent you and find all his other addies. That nigger has nothing but Deus and USDT and he's waiting to use the USDT to buy some bullshit he will inevitably dump on his followers because Lafa is giving him inside info. it's amazing you dumb faggots think you know everything.

>> No.52639170

>thinks upgradable dex contracts is a great thing
>thinks Andre was the bad actor when he was the only one creating capital flow to Fantom
>fell for the Pepes and the "degen" freak flags flown so boldly on CT
>Thinks that a small group of anon insiders are most trustworthy compared to fully-doxxed Yearn and Andre team
>tells another anon to kill themselves

yeah, typical biz post.

>> No.52639187

Find me the proof Roosh sold any solid nft on paintswap. You can’t because you are a lying faggot who take acid and should kill himself.
Stop taking drugs and make up stories.
Take responsabilities for fucking sake. You are truly pathetic.

>> No.52639232

I'll give you a hint kikecunt, go to page 80-100 of Roosh's txns in fantomscan https://debank.com/profile/0xddf169bf228e6d6e701180e2e6f290739663a784/nft?chain=ftm

It's plain as day. But you're a dickriding mexican so you won't.

>> No.52639250

Post the proof of your lie or kill yourself.
I don’t have to make your homework.
You are a loser and a lier. Or you don’t know how to read ftmscan. Anyway please for everyone kill yourself and OD

>> No.52639919
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x700, 1669146853180034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you write up your business plan.

>> No.52639978
File: 394 KB, 583x301, flavor_nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you talking to lol?

>> No.52640091

I am waiting moron, prove me wrong about Roosh selling an solidly nft on paintswap..
Find me the proof Roosh sold any solid nft on paintswap. You can’t because you are a lying faggot. kill yourself and your whole family

>> No.52640109

11 posts by this ID absolutely fuming.
Give me my 40k you son of a bitch I proved it multiple times in the other threads you can keep pounding this drum but until you give me my entire 40k fucking back in USDC or ETH then I'll never stop neither will
Because he's based, give us our money faggot.

>> No.52640140

Story is fake to begin. All typical velodrome shill. Find me one proof of Roosh wallet owning solid snake or shilling solid snake. Doesn’t exist since it is a made up story.
Kill yourself after you suck the cum of the other fag. Lying bitch

>> No.52640182

Oh and also i hope you die tonight. Lying scum
Take responsibility for your own imaginary fuckup instead of rejecting the fault on someone. You are an evolutionary dead end

>> No.52641123

actually bullish, going to invest 10k now
thank you

>> No.52641154

there's no coin nigger. so what exactly are you investing in.

>> No.52641274

Nice stealing from a dying man using his problems to get suckers to buy in then wishing him to die.

God damn roosh might be the most evil faggot ever to visit biz

>> No.52642551


>> No.52643045

you havent provne that anyone took 40k from you, it's a pretty good larp tho, ngl.
I'll send you 40k right now if you compile:
- all the txs
- screenshots where you have been shilled by roosh to buy any assets and guarantees from him that he would cover your losses of said shitcoin
- shoe on head + date + your medical bill with your id

if you cannot do this your gig is up
40k is waiting to be transferred to you, I'll be waiting.

>> No.52643091


>> No.52643714

It's jig not gig moron and I already did all this for you once.

>> No.52643765

If I see roosh irl ever, I will avenge you cancernigger. His jaw will be hanging off his ugly bald skull

>> No.52644343

Roosh here.

>> No.52644354

Hi roosh where's my money?
Here's your chance anon!

>> No.52645664

Bald bitch

>> No.52645687

He cant do it because he is obviously a LARP.

Some people are just plain stupid based on drugs habits and OP is a good exemple of it. he should kill himself since he demonstrated being a lying faggot nigger

>> No.52645776
File: 38 KB, 960x1035, 1669378663460148 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this little dick rider. He HAD 9 figs and lost it all cause he's a brainlet. Also couldn't even pull a 6/10 ethot with 9 figs cause he looks like Winston Churchill had sex with a bean burrito. Fucking cope

>> No.52646192

wtf that black guy is a scammer too? i liked him :(

>> No.52646251

he got you there nigga, nice cope

>> No.52646637

Why does Andre Cronje dislike you and why does he still refuse to acknowledge Solidly.eth? Is it because it's all a scam and he doesn't want his name sullied?