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52628032 No.52628032 [Reply] [Original]

going to a party later and I'm pretty autistic and have no idea what to talk about

jannies relax this is biz related cause networking is a huge part of being successful in business.

I know normies don't even consider what they're going to talk about before meeting people, but as someone with no hobbies and never does anything, I never have anything to talk about.

"hey how you doing?"
"anything new?"
"nope, same old. just working"
"how's work?"
"good, not that stressful anymore"
"you do anything fun last weekend? or plans for this weekend?"
"nope, just chill"


fuck bros. how do you do it.
I'm an adult now and sometimes it still feels like I'm in school where I can't talk to the popular kids

>> No.52628048

I'd fuck that girl so hard she'd forget her name

>> No.52628050

just drink some alcohol before going

>> No.52628057

Would have sex with her no doubt. What's her instagram?

>> No.52628065


>> No.52628080

Don't be age-ist and discriminate based on physical attributes.
Why are you assuming she's young?

>> No.52628088

rapport is more important, networking is synergy but synergy isn't networking. just b urself bro kek
i'd start though with deleting your jailbait, or bunkering it at least

>> No.52628092
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Take xanax +. a stimulant (addy/ritalin) if you can afford it otherwise just drink alcohol but not too much otherwise you're gonna become dumb and start acting weird.

She's 12 you degenerate freaks

>> No.52628111

Is the guy next to her a pedo?

>> No.52628114

>just obtain some highly scheduled drugs in the next couple of hours

>> No.52628124

>have no idea what to talk about
Read interesting books, have interesting hobbies, try interesting experiences, have friends and listen to their interesting stories, etc.
And just before you go the wrong path, no, informatics and video games are not interesting, no matter how interesting they can be for the autists.

>> No.52628127

no, because she's actually a 1000 year old vampire so it's ok

>> No.52628128

If you talk about them they like you more. People love talking about themselves and when you show interest they like you more.

You could try to spin your interest in biz shit into conversation when they ask about your hobbies.

>> No.52628135
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bro people on xan are like robots. no thanks. I'm autisitic cause I'm on 4chan but shit like xan would only make it worse.
Yea I'll drink some alcohol for confidence but it doesn't solve the problem of not having anything to talk about

also idk how old she is but she could easily be 16. which is legal in most countries

>> No.52628181

Did I get a shit batch of xanax? I would take 10mg (10 tablets) and it would take ages to kick in and not give the same high nor anti anxiety diazpam would at a lower dose (5 tablets, 50mg) People same 1mg xan is same as 10mg diaz.

>> No.52628216

The trick is to combine it with a stimulant. By itself yeah you just become spaced out.

>> No.52628223
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I asked OpenAI to help you out, OP

>> No.52628247

just repeat the last word your opponent said and add some words that makes sense to it.

>> No.52628259

also if you are the one asking qustions, you wont be questioned.

>> No.52628269
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Either get drunk before talking to people or only talk to people who are drunk
I'm an autist too and I found I didn't even need to drink to be social, if other people are drunk they are really easy to talk to
Also talking to druk girls in college was how I got laid but I'm a /fit/ autist, so it helped
Also semi related I was at a party in october and I was talking to this solana dev trying to convince him that solana sucks and sbf is a scamming kike but he didnt believe me
That nigger probably lost everything in ftx kek

>> No.52628272


what are some good questions I can ask?

>> No.52628348
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this, the only way to rapport good enough is talking about them and their interest + some advice you learn from dozens books you have read.

>> No.52628352

ask then the questions you are annoied of.
Also aks questions of current context (like you just did)

>> No.52628362

say this. ask what they do then try to come up with a project with her. sounds gay but watch a chick light up when you make her work meaningful.

>> No.52628392

have this same issue. being 1-on-1 is the worst so i'd try to avoid that. its better to be in a group situation, then others will talk about something and you can chime in but otherwise just listen.

>> No.52628394
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I wish I wasn't self-aware.
And I don't mean that good side of being self-aware, but literally crippling, and I mean crippling levels of self-awareness of every little miniscule detail. When I interact with someone I over analyze that interaction to the smallest possible detail afterwards, small talk is almost impossible to me because of it. I am aware of the speed I am talking, the posture I am holding, the tone I am expressing, the eye contact I am holding, the body language I am expressing, my brain is literally working on overdrive 110% every single time and as soon as I do something "wrong" in any of these things I feel like I did something terribly wrong. Every single second feels like an hour and I am constantly in fight or flight mode. And later I deconstruct that same interaction for weeks and months to no end.
Every social interaction is like Q&A conversation in a RPG game, but instead of 3 possible questions/answers and endless time to pick the correct response there's like 3 million possible questions/answers to choose from and a deadly awkwardness timer going on, where if you don't quickly pick a response in milliseconds and not picking the right response results in me dying right there on the spot.

I want to erase that, to just be able not to think about any of that and not act manually. To be able to just talk about the weather or something dumb like that without thinking much about it.

>> No.52628427
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it makes me so happy to see a brother get a beautiful girl by his side, it raises my hopes....

by brother I mean a guy who looks like an incel.

>> No.52628438

Take control of the conversation. Ask questions people usually ask you and then pretend to be interested. Sometimes you can be genuinely interested. Good luck.

>> No.52628445

Suicide inducing videos.
Business and Finance related.

>> No.52628456

One thing that helped me was to just say what I was thinking. All the time I would have a thought go through my head about what i should reply with, but id stop myself because i thought no one would care or find it interesting, or theyd think im a weirdo, or whatever. Once i stopped caring and just started saying what that thought was, im suddenly vibing with strangers and getting into deep conversations. It also helps to shift the focus onto the other person. Think what you genuinly want to know about the other person, ask them questions that you might think are too personal and they will most likely tell you. Ask what they did today, about their family, if they're having a good time at the party, how do they know the host etc. It doesnt matter if you think your question is too mundane or boring or a non-sequiter, they will most likely respond with something interesting that will naturally spark your curiosity and get the convo flowing. Just turn down that anxious filter that stops you from saying what is on your mind, thats what people mean by be yourself. Once you do this you will realise how fun and fulfilling it is to chat to strangers. Itll take some practice to stop feeling so anxious, but you'll probably feel absolutly fine after like an hour of doing this.

>> No.52628459

Wilson from "House M.D." has some good advice on this about making friends.

Find a subject you both enjoy. Keep asking questions until you find it. Conversation then requires less effort.

>> No.52628478

Guy looks like a mulatto AVGN.

>> No.52628512
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Look kid believe it or not but I'm actually pretty cool. Get a little drunk beforehand, bring a cooler full of beer. Start listening to van Halen, maybe start smoking weed. You can talk to normies about the tron movies and trailer park boys which are both pretty based. Other than that just get real drunk and go on an antisemitic rant and you should be okay

>> No.52628516

Watch this OP and try doing a lot more listening than talking, relax and enjoy also.

>> No.52628580

I'm just like you and I'm on the road to recovery with mindfulness meditation, I also do passive meditation at all times where I only focus on my breath. Thinking is a scam, caring is a scam, only doing things is not a scam. Working out also helps. And eating right. And stretching
The more you care about something or the more you think the worse life gets. Only care through your actions, thinking is the devil itself. Focus and a clear mind is godly. The only kind of thinking that is good is deliberate thinking when solving a problem. Otherwise it's mostly a waste of time. Meditation will clear your mind of junk it's helping me so much.

>> No.52628634

sauce/moar for this cringe cutie? Also sauce for OP pls

>> No.52628726
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Daily reminder that if you didn't luck out during early class years to have a qt gf you never will because she will realize she can date Chads quickly.

>> No.52628772

Well anon, if you actually have nothing to talk about then you're basically fucked. The best you can do is try to steer the conversation into whatever you think the other person likes to talk about and just hope that they blabber on about that and then you can just nod your head like an idiot.

You must have something you're interested in and are obsessed with. Move the conversation in that direction and the other person will follow (most people are just as shy as you and will feel relived if you take over).

good luck.

>> No.52628784

>getting manhandled like that
certified bitch boy.

>> No.52628791


>> No.52628849

Communication Studies - they'd love you if you can write some 3 page bullshit. it stems from the social sciences (psychological sciences) as an early, new-world field but you can apply the general concepts everywhere from interviewing within human resources, negotiation and settling of disagreements, mass media marketing to psychological analysis and more.
i read people well too, and it's a causal of my own self awareness. the field is crawling with bitches too, easily manipulated and quick to compromise. you should look into it dude.
>or systems engineering if you like the math

>> No.52628874


>> No.52628898

ask open ended questions, talk about what they're passionate about

>> No.52628921

no he is 15 years 365 days old so it’s ok

>> No.52628959

They look like freshmen in high school incel.

>> No.52628971
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>> No.52628979
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what a waste
I will help collapse the economy because of OP's webm so those 2 can starve to death in the future

>> No.52629020
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>12 years old
>already a coalburner

>> No.52629061
